A Bible-centered church in Baltimore with a mission to share the message of Gods grace and the finished work Gospel of Jesus Christ at home and abroad.
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Man lost the Garden. Christ came to seek us and bring us back our place with Him. Our call is as servants to engage in our Father’s business and we shall gain rewards. Lost people need to freely receive a grace identity. (Luke 19; Philippians 3:8) Speaker(s): Zane Turk. Stan Collins Sermon 12867 Date: 2025-02-02 […]…
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World system is not worthy of our devotion. Being born of God, the world cannot satisfy us. It is darkness. There’s a wisdom, a fashion, and a spirit of this world. The world can catch us through the flesh. Dissonance can plague a person. Choose fellowship with God. Purpose to pursue Him and be fulfilled […]…
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A system is at work about us. The world has its wisdom, its fashion, and its spirit. We don’t need the world. We are salt and light. (1 John 2:15-28) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12865 Date: 2025-02-02 Time: Sun 9:00amAutor: Thomas Schaller
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God has the devil in control, a rat used as He sees fit. Whatever hell tries to do works together for Heaven’s purposes. The Lord brings great gain out of Satan’s attacks. We are refined, awakened, and instructed in these troubles. Paul was imprisoned but he wrote most amazing letters. Hell scores against itself all […]…
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Salvation results in transformation. Our old life goes, and we are all new. Still, our sin nature has its location in our mortal flesh, our body of death. The “law” of sin must be overpowered by the Spirit. A delight then comes to our inner man. The spirit of our mind is changed. (Ephesians 4:21-25; […]…
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Walking in the Light, loved and loving, is our way with Jesus. We start as children and grow into young men and then may become fathers as we come to know God and His Word. We learn the Light more and more and overcome the evil one. We suffer well and are perfected in love. […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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We have someone who speaks for us. An Advocate. He leads us in His Light by His Love. The light shines brighter. Our place is to walk in the Light. Walk in that Word from God and get more Word. Can we suffer well? (1 John 2:1-14) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12861 Date: 2025-01-26 Time: […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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Embrace the blessed hope. We are to be like Him in Resurrection. This is a promise. Modern world mocks the thought of the life to come. We all shall be gathered as the people of God. New songs shall be sung. (Luke 20:34-38; Matthew 17:2-5; Luke 18:38-39; 1 Corinthians 15:14-19, 35-38; Revelation 5:9-10; 7:2-15) Speaker(s): […]…
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How does Christ see us? He sees us in Him. His contentment puts peace in our hearts. He is our supreme judge and He says we are filled with His Spirit. Let not fornication or covetousness or uncleanness be named among you. (Ephesians 5:3-14) Speaker(s): Mat Gehret Sermon 12859 Date: 2025-1-19 Time: Sun 6:30pm…
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The psalmist was overwhelmed. He felt his life was ready to collapse. He then began to remember and meditate on how God has worked and does work. Learn the Word one bit at a time. He found the new and living way. (Isaiah 30:13-14; Psalm 77) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12858 Date: 2025-1-19 Time: Sun […]…
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The seed of the Word provides roots and foundation. We can build our lives on sand and feel the shift and the collapse to come. That’s very real. But we can remember the reality of God that doesn’t fall. It stands and we think on who He is and what He has done. (Psalm 77; […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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Prophecy is history told ahead of time. It is stirring, stunning, and stabilizing. Satan hates prophecy. It is exciting to be the Bride of Christ. We await Him. Believe in His return and let it ground you. (Isaiah 41:21-24; Isaiah 46:5-10; Revelation 20:1-10; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6) Speaker(s): Mikael Toll, Thomas Schaller Sermon 12856 Date: 2025-1-…
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We are designed for Body Life in service of the Creator. God decided to have a Kingdom. This requires a realm and subjects. We exist by His grace and He desires our growth. Human cells must surrender themselves to the whole or they become cancerous. Spiritually this cancer is iniquity or selfish ambition. (Psalm 19:1-3; […]…
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Jesus endured opposition, hostile attacks. Many things can wear on us. God works at the edges of life to bring us nearer to His Person. His discipline helps to mature as sons in His way of life. (Hebrews 12:3-15; Job 26:12) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller, Jesse Feyers Sermon 12854 Date: 2025-1-12 Time: Sun 11:00 am…
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It is important to accept reproof and correction. Christ endured contradictions and opposition. All we face brings us closer to His Person. (Hebrews 12; Job 26:14) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12853 Date: 2025-1-12 Time: Sun 9:00 amAutor: Thomas Schaller
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Paul lived with a reputation stained by his chain. His ministry brought trouble. Some were ashamed of this. Can we follow Christ under such circumstances? Only if we fully follow the doctrine delivered to us. Learn and receive what is heard and seen, this is worship according to Truth in the Body. Don’t be naive […]…
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Ephesus was a city in constant flux of government. Paul emphasized the nature of unity in Christ because it countered the city culture. He warned of the dangers of corrupt communication that produces bad fruit. Edification should rule church life, he wrote. Avoid bringing grief to the Spirit. We are live and love much in […]…
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By brokenness, we are made useful for the purpose of God. Light shines only through shattered vessels. Gideon’s army got victory only in the breaking that was done. Setbacks set us up for comebacks. Fallow ground needs disturbance to make way for seed that may grow. (Jeremiah 4:3; Psalm 51; Judges 7) Speaker(s): John Love […]…
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God communicated a reality that is to come. A New Jerusalem, the eternal city of the Lord’s Presence awaits us. By the atonement of the Blood of Christ, the work of our salvation is finished and done. We shall be citizens of this glorious place. The Lord wants all to come to be residents in […]Autor: Chris Arman
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Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller. Kim Shibley Sermon 12848 Date: 2024-12-31 Time: Tues 8:00 pmAutor: Thomas Schaller
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Our focus should be on the Person of Christ and seeking to live as He lived. Matthew left his place and position to go after Jesus. The Name of Jesus is what we carry to people. Lives are changed as we live as He loved. Spirit can lead us as truth tellers and good laborers […]Autor: Mat Gehret
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All around us is God. In humility, He sets honor on us. He allowed us to be found in Him. Life is not moral alone; it is spiritual. Regeneration brings potential for love and for having a heart after God. The foolishness and weakness of the death on the Cross revealed that the Lord is […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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The way to understanding is through humility and regeneration. We cannot know the mind of God without the Spirit. The new birth is necessary. We are like leaves. There’s life in us even when we’re faded. (Philippians 2; 2 Corinthians 4) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller, James Galbo Sermon 12845 Date: 2024-12-29 Time: Sun 9:00 am…
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How humble was God? He gave Himself to our world. Our culture is exhausted because we seek to save our lives. What a gift Christ is to us. Power is upon Him. We are in the presence of His great grace to us. After we are gone, we may be more recognized than we are […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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Jesus came to serve. He took responsibility. The incarnation is shocking to the pagan mindset. The Son dismissed His privilege. He asks us to take up His mind in humility. (Luke 2:25-27; Philippians 2:5-8; Romans 1:3) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller, Steven Scibelli Sermon 12842 Date: 2024-12-22 Time: Sun 11:00 am P. Scibelli – Wow. Joyous […]…
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Made of the seed of David Jesus was and is. The line of the King was buried. The Son humbled Himself and lived along our lines of life. He was lowly and meek so unlike the images of pagan gods. (Philippians 2:5-8; Isaiah 53:1-2; Genesis 12:3; 2 Samuel 7:18; Romans 1:3-4; 8:4; Luke 22:25-27) Speaker(s): […]…
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God wants to have people with heart to fear Him with honor. Once we had a meat nature, a way of living according to the flesh. We were dark, alien, ignorant, blind, unfeeling, lewd, and unclean. King Herod reveals what we are when we do not learn Christ. (Ephesians 4:17-20; Matthew 2:1; Deuteronomy 5:29; Jeremiah […]…
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As people, we have so much to learn. Men are evil at heart, but all things are possible with God. Angels see God and His severity. They wonder how Heaven shall come on earth. Jesus gave wonderful counsel as mighty God, as Father and Prince. Is there a greater gift than peace? (Isaiah 9:6; Deuteronomy […]…
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Men need their confidence challenged. Angels has curiosity and perception and some ignorance. The Messiah comes to answer them. (Matthew 2; Isaiah 9) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12837 Date: 2024-12-15 Time: Sun 9:00 amAutor: Thomas Schaller
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Mary was graced. The Angel fed her the Word. Everything about these things with Mary was touched by the Spirit. Especially as she joined with Elizabeth in celebration of the sons in their wombs. She sings of how God changed the world. (2 Corinthians 4:6; Numbers 6:25-26; Luke 1:26-55; Proverbs 15:17; Luke 2:6-7) Speaker(s): Glen […]…
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Gifts of ministry come by the full measure of grace we have in Christ. What gifts we have are for the anointed ministry to others. Jesus went into lowest rungs of earth in His death to enable His power to release these gifts. These operate by the Spirit in confirmation and maturity and fullness of […]…
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God knows us before we choose to know Him. Jesus saw Zaccheus before this sinner climbed the tree to see the Savior. Paul was seen from Heaven before this man was called into his great ministry. Nathaniel was seen under the fig tree before he saw Christ face to face. (Luke 19, Acts 9, John […]Autor: Mat Gehret
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Let us never lose the theology of Christmas. God came to take on flesh and live with us. Daniel had confidence in this living Savior who knows us as One of us. By Him history goes on and kings are made and undone. (Daniel 2:1-28; 10:11) Speaker(s): Roger Robbins Sermon 12833 Date: 2024-12-8 Time: Sun […]…
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The book of Hebrews reveals Jesus as Messiah and His New Covenant. This letter is about fighting for the reality of salvation in Christ as our High Priest and His offering. The writer exhorted readers with “let us”’ statements. We are to keep going, to fear God, to hold fast, to labor, to come boldly […]…
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Understanding the theology of the Gospel is vital. Seven “ones” are declared in Ephesians 4. These are the elements of the love of God. The unity of the bond of peace is the result of diligence — an earnest full effort of stretching of love. God builds patience in us through things and people He […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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The Son was sent into the world as the Light. He became material. He manifested eternal life. Healing came from God. And some saw this. Do you see Him? His coming brought us in to fellowship as Christ is in us. We are forgiven by His cleansing Blood. There’s nothing for us to pay, but […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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God made the world good. Jesus came and took on material life. The truth of His incarnation is vital to faith. Doctrine must be the core of Christianity and our fellowship. Full joy is in us because Christ is in us. (1 John 1) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12829 Date: 2024-12-1 Time: Sun 9:00amAutor: Thomas Schaller
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God made us. He knows us. Someone must be behind our thanks for everything. Even deaf and blind are from Him in love. All we glory in we have received. Be faithful in and thankful for the little you have from Him. (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Exodus 4:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:6-7; 1 Corinthians 13:4) Speaker(s): Thomas […]…
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Paul makes a shift to communicating the action of our position in Christ in Ephesians 4. Our inner condition as renewed should be worked out. Humility should define our walk. Christ awareness is the key. His yoke is easy. (Ephesians 4:1-2; 1 Peter 1:16; Matthew 11:28-30) Speaker(s): Justin Schaller, Thomas Schaller Sermon 12827 Date: 2024-11-24 […]…
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Jacob and Esau were twins representing two natures. Esau was the natural one. Jacob was not perfect, but he had a substance of faith. He dreamed of a ladder to Heaven. Jacob had connection to the spiritual element. Esau despised his birthright. He discounted his measure of faith. (Genesis 25:28-34; Romans 7:22-8:1, 35) Speaker(s): Thomas […]…
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Two natures are in competition There are many “two” stories in the Bible. These compare the natural and spiritual elements of life. Jacob and Esau show us this. God makes the difference in the two. One gets faith and brings blessing. (Genesis 25:27-33; Hebrews 11) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12825 Date: 2024-11-24 Time: Sun 9:00am…
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The God of all grace delivers us from the condemnation that fills our world. Accusations fly at us. But God by the Holy Spirit leads us to trust in His power to bear fruit. (Ephesians 4:12; Romans 8:1, 22; John 3:18) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller, Renaldo Brown, Jesse Feyers Sermon 12824 Date: 2024-11-20 Time: Wed 7:00pm […]…
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As a pastor, Paul wanted believers to comprehend and live out Truth. Inner working brings progression in life for God. As a New Creation, the inner man we have is Christ. Spirit fills us and Christ dwells in us. The dimensions of love brings fullness to the Church. (Ephesians 3:14-21; James 1:24-25) Speaker(s): Justin Schaller […]…
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The devil has space to knock us down. We must remember how to get up and press on. Conversions are part of our life. We cannot change ourselves. He must draw us. His grace makes us what He desires us to be. We learn to think with Him. (Luke 22:31-32; Romans 7:18; John 1:16) Speaker(s): […]Autor: John Love
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Winds blow into our lives. Things are not always a breeze. We can be driven in darkness. All hope seems gone. Paul was in the shop in the storm. He stood and stayed and had the answers for that season. Others were saved. Be submitted to God’s plan. We need people to help. Do not […]Autor: Thomas Schaller
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By the Spirit, we gain power for the cause presented through the grace of God. He roots us. He builds us. An immeasurable quality enters our hearts. We gain a Family unimaginable in the natural. (Ephesians 3:13-21; Luke 1:80; 2:40; Acts 6:10) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller, Zane Turk Sermon 12820 Date: 2024-11-10 Time: Sun 6:30pm…
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World needs our ministry. A healthy church helps people grow in life. Ministry of Christ is what we all need. Deep problems are healed through the gifts given by the Spirit. Avoid feuds. This is the way of being peaceable. (Romans 12:1-21) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12819 Date: 2024-11-10 Time: Sun 11:00am P. Schaller […]…
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The world needs our ministry. A healthy church helps people grow in life. Ministry of Christ is what we all need. Deep problems are healed through the gifts given by the Spirit. Avoid feuds. This is the way of being peaceable. (Romans 12:1-21) Speaker(s): Thomas Schaller Sermon 12818 Date: 2024-11-10 Time: Sun 9:00am…
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We have been gifted a mind as a powerful tool for focus and priorities. Our thinking can be much affected by the engrafted word, by setting ourselves on the things of God. This makes us so free. We may groan but we come to love with His mind. (James 1:21; 2 Kings 2:3-5; Genesis 22:1-7; […]Autor: Glen Cannon & Thomas Schaller
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The gates of hell cannot contain the work of Jesus’ Church. Paul preached and then set himself to pray for the work of the Spirit to carry the message deep into hearts. The new unified human society of the Church revealed the manifold — many colored — grace to the angelic realm that is at […]Autor: Justin Schaller
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