A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 51 - The Curious Tales of the Harpells
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55:25A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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After a month away and surviving renovations, hurricanes, upgrades to some of our equipment, vacations, and job changes. Daisy, Shake, Maria, Kyle, and Cathryn return to the table to as Pansy, Corneilius, Viridienne, Torbin, and Emma respectively. They continue to attempt to unravel the mysteries of the Giants, while tracking down Harsh-Nag, who ma…
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Episode 49 - Tumbleweeds, Dragons, and a Cat named Pal
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51:40A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 48 - Hungry Hungry Hills
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1:05:40The Party detours towards the Long Road, desperate for more information, or to stumble upon someone who may be of help. But this is Dungeons and Dragons, and nothing is as easy as that!
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Episode 47 - The Lonely Nights
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1:02:04The party makes their way into the Starmetal Hills, in an attempt to find Harsh-Nag. Though the Terrain is not as desolate as the Tundra of the Sword Mountains, they will find its just as unhospitable.
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Someone appearing to be Pansy has rejoined the party, and they continue on their way to find Hash-Nag, feeling a little bit stronger, and a little more sure of their purpose. Come find out what their next step is!
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Pansy is chased down by an old enemy, with intentions to kill her! Can Pansy worm her way out of this one, or is she doomed to fall in the darkest of dances? Come find out now!
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Episode 44 - Dancing in the Dark Pt. 2
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47:07Never has darkness and dark vision played such a pivotal role in the chaotic mess our heroes find themselves in. A Desperate attempt to get to safety may be the downfall of one of our characters. Come find out which one, right now!
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Episode 43 - Dancing in the Dark
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1:02:07Our Adventurers are caught in a deadly game in the dark. Unable to see their foes, desperate tactics are utilized to try and gain the upper hand from both sides. Come join us to see how this dance plays out!
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The Party must once again bid Zephyros farewell, as they head north to chase yet another lead! Hopefully the party can make up for the time, and friends, lost on the mountain!
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Episode 41 - Dragon through the Snow
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1:01:34After watching Zephyros' tower come crashing down, the party races to his aid to try and save a friend. Will they arrive in time or is Zephyros, and his knowledge, doomed? Come find out this week!
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Our Heroes venture further into and up the Sword Coast Mountains, meeting new friends along the way! Has this trip all been for nothing, or will they find the assistance they desperately need at the top? Come find out!
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After the devastating loss of friends and family, the survivors carry on into the unforgiving mountain range. Surely they can find some assistance, answers, or allies to compensate them for all the troubles this route has brought upon them. Surely this hasn't all been for nothing but loss...Right? Come find out on this episode!…
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The party is in a precarious position as they fight for their lives on the side of a cliff. Tensions have never been higher as characters LITERALLY cling to the cliff for dear life. Who has the first misstep, which could cost them their life? Come find out now!!
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The party, while sickened has made it to the base of the mountain, and out of the horrific forest. But does the Hills and Peaks offer safety, or even worse to come? Join us this week to find out!
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The Party is in one deep situation as their number grows thin, disease runs rampant, and tempers flare regularly. The end is in sight, but is it a clear path? Come find out this week!
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The Party is in a perilous situation as the Bulezau creatures press their attack! Can the Heroes of Nightstone push back against the devilish corruption? Find out now!
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Episode 34 - Its about to Goat Down
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1:00:12The Party continues to be haunted by all sorts of creatures, things, and abberations through this forest. However, something is now actively hunting our heroes. The end is in sight, but can they make it through to the end, or does their story end here? Come find out this week!
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Episode 33 - No Kid'ing Allowed
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1:07:15The forest is unrelenting, even as our adventurers take time to ponder the events of the last few weeks. Is the spirit of this dead forest getting to them? Or will they fend off the creatures that go bump in the night? Come join us to find out!
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Blights, Owlbears, and hidden dwarven towers. This forest is FULL of dangers, but can our adventurers survive the biggest challenges of all? Inter-party drama, and FAMILY Trauma! Join us this week to find out!
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Episode 31 - Blights and Bears, oh my!
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1:01:17The Party ventures further into the desecrated and poisoned forest, whispers of oblivion just outside their view at all times. What will our heroes discover in this hellscape?
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Episode 30 - Haunting Trees and Hunting Eyes
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49:37The Party tries to make heads or tails of the Dwarven outpost before venturing out into this desecrated forest. What kind of creatures lurk in a place like this, and how will our heroes make it out of here? Join us to find out!
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Episode 29 - What has your Forest Rot
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1:02:56The Party ventured to the south and encountered a pair of Manticores. They continue to close in on KryptGarden forest, as they make their way to the Sword Mountains. What mysteries lie in wait for them in the depths of the wilderness? Come find out this week!
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Episode 28 - Cats on the Carriage on the Lonely Road
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59:05The Party finally makes their way out of Tri-boar and onto a new, and completely unscripted adventure towards the Sword Mountains. Come join in on the journey!
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The Party stands victorious in defending TriBoar, and are on the cups of receiving a major upgrade in the upcoming struggle against the Dragon. A new face, however, comes to shake things up, for good or for ill. Come find out what happens next!
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Episode 26 - Ferocity killed the Cat
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58:45Rhea's life hangs in the balance after a brash and wreckless decision. Can anyone come to her rescue, or has her fate been sealed? Find out what the Giants were digging for, and how this siege comes to an end!
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Not only are our heroes in mortal danger, but our editor and DM is on thin ice too! This week's episode has been lost for all time due to the brash and reckless decision by our DM to Nyquil and Edit while under the effects of a terrible illness. Due to the loss, we have done a simple fireside to talk about what happened in episode 25 as we couldn't…
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Further chaos erupts amidst the battle of TriBoar, as Emma comes face to face with her father! Can Emma enjoy this moment, or will she be forced to fight her long lost father? The battle for TriBoar continues to rage on this week! Come join the fray!
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An attack on TriBoar has left the party unable to regroup after Rhea and Emma were freed from prison. Out of the frying pan and into the campfire as the old saying goes. Can our adventurers survive this onslaught, Or is TriBoar doomed to the same fate as NightStone? Find out now!
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Episode 22 - Murder and Murder Accessories
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57:52Cailte, Peter (Pansy), and Og must find a way to get Emma and Rhea out of the predicament they find themselves in. Just how much trouble is the party going to be in, and to what lengths will they go to free their allies? Will they find strange bedfellows in the very people Pansy was trained to work for? Come find out what happens next!…
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Our adventurers are in a bit of a situation after Pansy's hasty decision, and are now in the middle of an investigation! The Lord Protector seems particularly interested in Emma, and will Rhea's code of morality be jeopardized in the process? Come find out what happens next!
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Pansy has information to share, after her infiltration of the Zhentarim company. Will reverting to her old skill set bring out a new part of Pansy yet unseen by the party? Find out on this episode!
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 15 - Zephyr with a chance of Trouble
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58:11A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 12 - Morak's Exposition
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1:02:27A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 7 - Mighty Morphin Orc'in Time Pt. 2
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50:23A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 6 - Mighty Morphin Orc'in Time Pt. 1
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54:01A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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Episode 1 - No stone, like Nightstone
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53:47A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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A real play podcast of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Our podcast will be tagging along with our adventurers as they take on the Storm King Adventure Path, published by Wizards of the Coast. Come join us for a fun filled hour of laughs, tears, and all the Nat 1's.
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