The Discover Library and Archives Canada podcast is where Canadian history, literature and culture await you. Each month, we will showcase treasures from our vaults, guide you through our many services and introduce you to the people who acquire, safeguard and make known Canada’s documentary heritage.
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Le balado Découvrez Bibliothèque et Archives Canada est l'endroit où l’histoire, la littérature et la culture canadiennes vous attendent. Chaque mois, nous allons vous présenter les trésors de notre collection, vous guider à travers nos nombreux services et vous présenter aux gens qui acquièrent, préservent et font connaître le patrimoine documentaire canadien.
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Confidences de porteurs #2 : Qui étaient les porteurs?
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Découvrez Bibliothèque et Archives Canada présente Confidences de porteurs. Cette minisérie décrit les expériences vécues par des hommes noirs du vingtième siècle qui ont travaillé comme porteurs de voitures-lits pour les chemins de fer Canadien National et Canadien Pacifique. Stanley G. Grizzle a travaillé comme porteur du Chemin de fer Canadien P…
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Porter Talk #2: Who Were the Porters?
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Porter Talk #2: Who Were the Porters?
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Confidences de porteurs : bande-annonce de l'épisode 2
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Découvrez Bibliothèque et Archives Canada présente Confidences de porteurs. Cette minisérie décrit les expériences vécues par des hommes noirs du vingtième siècle qui ont travaillé comme porteurs de voitures-lits pour les chemins de fer Canadien National et Canadien Pacifique. Stanley G. Grizzle a travaillé comme porteur du Chemin de fer Canadien P…
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Confidences de Porteurs #1 : Stanley G. Grizzle - un militantisme toujours d'actualité
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Découvrez Bibliothèque et Archives Canada présente Confidences de porteurs. Cette minisérie décrit les expériences vécues par des hommes noirs du vingtième siècle qui ont travaillé comme porteurs de voitures-lits pour les chemins de fer Canadien National et Canadien Pacifique. Stanley G. Grizzle a travaillé comme porteur du Chemin de fer Canadien P…
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Porter Talk #1: Honouring Stanley G. Grizzle - An Activist For Our Times
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Porter Talk #1: Honouring Stanley G. Grizzle - An Archivist For Our Times
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Confidences de porteurs : bande-annonce de l’episode 1
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Découvrez Bibliothèque et Archives Canada présente Confidences de porteurs. Cette minisérie décrit les expériences vécues par des hommes noirs du vingtième siècle qui ont travaillé comme porteurs de voitures-lits pour les chemins de fer Canadien National et Canadien Pacifique. Stanley G. Grizzle a travaillé comme porteur du Chemin de fer Canadien P…
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Stanley G. Grizzle, a Canadian Pacific Railway porter for twenty years as well as a celebrated activist, civil se…
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Confidences de porteurs : bande-announce
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Découvrez Bibliothèque et Archives Canada présente « Confidences de porteurs ». Cette minisérie relate les expériences d’hommes noirs qui ont travaillé comme porteurs pour le CN et le Chemin de fer Canadien Pacifique au 20e siècle. Les témoignages des porteurs, de leurs épouses et de leurs enfants sont des histoires de préjudices et de résilience. …
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Discover Library and Archives Canada presents “Porter Talk.” This mini-series explores the lived experiences of Black men who laboured as porters for both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways during the twentieth century. Their voices, along with those of their wives and children, relay stories of both hardship and resilience. (Podca…
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L’achèvement du Chemin de fer Canadien Pacifique a considérablement élargi notre accès à la nation, en établissant une liaison tant physique que symbolique entre les deux extrémités du pays. Bien qu’il soit généralement décrit comme une victoire dans le discours populaire sur le Canada, il a également entraîné le déplacement massif des populations …
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The hammering of the last spike into the Canadian Pacific Railway expanded access to the nation immeasurably, physically and symbolically connecting it from coast to coast. While seen as a victory in the dominant narrative of Canada, it served as a catalyst for the mass displacement of Indigenous peoples and the exploitation and even death of labou…
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The hammering of the last spike into the Canadian Pacific Railway expanded access to the nation immeasurably, physically and symbolically connecting it from coast to coast. While seen as a victory in the dominant narrative of Canada, it served as a catalyst for the mass displacement of Indigenous peoples and the exploitation and even death of labou…
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In this episode of Treasures Revealed we follow the journey of a rare document which is considered to be the first publication in English entirely about Canada, with the help of Senior Special Collections Librarian Meaghan Scanlon. Once carelessly discarded, this broadside is later discovered in an unrelated publication, miraculously preserved.…
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Dans cet épisode de Trésors dévoilés, nous suivons le parcours d'un document rare, considéré comme la première publication en anglais entièrement consacrée au Canada, avec l'aide de Meaghan Scanlon, Bibliothécaire principale des collections spéciales. Cet in-plano, qui avait été négligemment jeté, est ensuite découvert dans une autre publication, m…
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In this episode of Treasures Revealed we follow the journey of a rare document which is considered to be the first publication in English entirely about Canada, with the help of Senior Special Collections Librarian Meaghan Scanlon. Once carelessly discarded, this broadside is later discovered in an unrelated publication, miraculously preserved.…
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Saviez-vous que 22 % des Canadiens de moins de 34 ans, soit environ un Canadien sur cinq, n’ont jamais entendu parler de l’Holocauste ou ne pensent pas en avoir entendu parler? Dans cet épisode, Michael Kent se penche sur l’importance du rapport Raczyński, une publication de la Seconde Guerre mondiale considérée comme la première communication offi…
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Did you know that 22% or roughly one in five Canadians under the age of 34 either hadn’t heard about the Holocaust, or were unsure if they had heard about the Holocaust? In this episode, Michael Kent delves into the significance of Raczyński’s Note, a Second World War publication regarded as the first official communication with the Western Hemisph…
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Did you know that 22% or roughly one in five Canadians under the age of 34 either hadn’t heard about the Holocaust, or were unsure if they had heard about the Holocaust? In this episode, Michael Kent delves into the significance of Raczyński’s Note, a Second World War publication regarded as the first official communication with the Western Hemisph…
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Dans cet épisode, nous parlons avec Steve Moore du film muet le plus populaire de l'histoire du Canada, Back to God's Country - une histoire de jalousie, de meurtre et de trahison mettant en scène la pionnière Nell Shipman, la première femme réalisatrice du Canada. Découvrez pourquoi la restauration de ce film a été saluée par la communauté interna…
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In this episode we speak with Steve Moore about the most successful silent film in Canadian history, Back to God’s Country – a lusty tale of jealousy, murder and betrayal starring trailblazer Nell Shipman, Canada’s first female director. Tune in to discover why the restoration of this film received international accolades and how it projected a lig…
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In this episode we speak with Steve Moore about the most successful silent film in Canadian history, Back to God’s Country – a lusty tale of jealousy, murder and betrayal starring trailblazer Nell Shipman, Canada’s first female director. Tune in to discover why the restoration of this film received international accolades and how it projected a lig…
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Dans cet épisode, nous discutons avec Krista Cooke de l'étonnante absence de femmes enceintes dans les photos, depuis la naissance de la photographie au XIXe siècle jusqu'à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Vous découvrirez pourquoi la photo d'Anna Jorosz que Krista a choisie comme trésor est si remarquable! *version rééditée d'une diffusion précédente*…
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In this episode we speak with Krista Cooke about the curious absence of pregnant women in photos from the birth of photography in the 19th century up to the Second World War. Tune in to learn why the photo of Anna Jorosz Krista chose as her treasure is so remarkable!*re-edited version of previous release*…
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In this episode we speak with Krista Cooke about the curious absence of pregnant women in photos from the birth of photography in the 19th century up to the Second World War. Tune in to learn why the photo of Anna Jorosz Krista chose as her treasure is so remarkable!*re-edited version of previous release*…
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In celebration of National Parks Day we have partnered with our friends at Parks Canada and have featured an episode from their wonderful new history and archaeology podcast ReCollections, in our feed. Through the remarkable lives of Madam Ruby Scott and her employees, we'll hear about Dawson's Gold Rush heyday and the boom/bust cycle of both the m…
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In celebration of National Parks Day we have partnered with our friends at Parks Canada and have featured an episode from their wonderful new history and archaeology podcast ReCollections, in our feed. Through the remarkable lives of Madam Ruby Scott and her employees, we'll hear about Dawson's Gold Rush heyday and the boom/bust cycle of both the m…
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Pour célébrer la Journée des parcs nationaux, nous nous sommes associés à nos amis de Parcs Canada et avons diffusé un épisode de leur nouveau podcast sur l'histoire et l'archéologie, ReCollections, dans notre fil d'actualité. À travers le vécu de la remarquable Madame Ruby Scott, nous abborderons les hauts et les bas des travailleuses du sexe dans…
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Robert Hood n'avait que 24 ans lorsqu'il participa à la première des tristement célèbres expéditions de Franklin en 1821. Hood devait effectuer des observations sur la navigation, la géographie et la météorologie, en plus de créer des dessins de la terre et de divers objets d'histoire naturelle. Malheureusement, Hood ne vivra pas assez longtemps po…
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Robert Hood was only 24 in 1821, when he participated in the 1st of the infamous Franklin Expeditions. Hood was to take navigational, geographical and meteorological observations, and to make drawings of the land and of various objects of natural history. Unfortunately, Hood would not live to see his paintings published in Franklin’s account. In th…
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Robert Hood was only 24 in 1821, when he participated in the 1st of the infamous Franklin Expeditions. Hood was to take navigational, geographical and meteorological observations, and to make drawings of the land and of various objects of natural history. Unfortunately, Hood would not live to see his paintings published in Franklin’s account. In th…
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Dans le 9e épisode de Trésors dévoilés, le conservateur de BAC, Forrest Pass, lève le voile sur le mystère d'un tableau de loge maçonnique datant du début des années 1800.Autor: Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
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In the 9th episode of Treasures Revealed, LAC Curator Forrest Pass unravels the mystery of a Masonic tracing board dating back to the early 1800s.Autor: Library and Archives Canada
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In the 9th episode of Treasures Revealed, LAC Curator Forrest Pass unravels the mystery of a Masonic tracing board dating back to the early 1800s.Autor: Library and Archives Canada
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Dans cet épisode de Trésors dévoilés, l'archiviste de recherche autochtone Elizabeth Montour s'appuie sur ses connaissances et son instinct pour reconstituer l'histoire d'une femme Kanienhkenha:ka qu'elle observe dans une aquarelle du XIXe siècle. En examinant la peinture, Elizabeth imagine ce qu'a pu être la vie de ses ancêtres vivant dans sa vill…
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In this episode of Treasures Revealed, Indigenous Research Archivist Elizabeth Montour relies on knowledge and instinct to decipher the story of a Kanienhkenha:ka woman she observes in a 19th century watercolour. As Elizabeth examines the painting, she imagines what life might have been like for her ancestors living in her home of Kahnawake, in a t…
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In this episode of Treasures Revealed, Indigenous Research Archivist Elizabeth Montour relies on knowledge and instinct to decipher the story of a Kanienhkenha:ka woman she observes in a 19th century watercolour. As Elizabeth examines the painting, she imagines what life might have been like for her ancestors living in her home of Kahnawake, in a t…
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In the 7th episode of Treasures Revealed we speak with Senior Archivist Christine Barrass about an extraordinary scroll, or Sefer Torah, that is part of the Shearith Israel synagogue collection held at LAC. This scroll is a document hand-written in Hebrew by a scribe and measures approximately 35 metres in length when fully unrolled. The Sefer Tora…
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In the 7th episode of Treasures Revealed we speak with Senior Archivist Christine Barrass about an extraordinary scroll, or Sefer Torah, that is part of the Shearith Israel synagogue collection held at LAC. This scroll is a document hand-written in Hebrew by a scribe and measures approximately 35 metres in length when fully unrolled. The Sefer Tora…
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Dans le 7e épisode de Trésors dévoilés, nous parlons avec l'archiviste principale Christine Barrass d'un rouleau extraordinaire, ou Sefer Torah, qui fait partie de la collection de la synagogue Shearith Israel conservée à BAC. Ce rouleau est un document écrit à la main en hébreu par un scribe et mesure environ 35 mètres de long lorsqu'il est entièr…
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Dans cet épisode de Trésors révélés, nous nous entretenons avec Marcelle Cinq-Mars, archiviste militaire principale à la Division des archives gouvernementales de BAC. Marcelle nous raconte l'étonnante découverte qu'elle a faite en réorganisant les documents que BAC a reçus du ministère de la Défense nationale.…
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In this episode of Treasures Revealed, we speak with Marcelle Cinq-Mars, senior military archivist in the Government Archives Division at LAC. Marcelle tells us about the amazing discovery she made while rehousing documents LAC received from the Department of National Defence.Autor: Library and Archives Canada
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In this episode of Treasures Revealed, we speak with Marcelle Cinq-Mars, senior military archivist in the Government Archives Division at LAC. Marcelle tells us about the amazing discovery she made while rehousing documents LAC received from the Department of National Defence.Autor: Library and Archives Canada
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Bill Mason : Artiste de la nature sauvage
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Toute sa vie, Bill Mason a combiné ses passions pour la nature sauvage et pour l’art, créant de magnifiques œuvres inspirées par la nature. Dans cet épisode, nous discuterons de la vie et de l’héritage de Bill Mason avec l’aide de trois membres de sa famille : son épouse Joyce et leurs deux enfants, Becky et Paul. L’archiviste de BAC Jill Delaney s…
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Passionate about nature and art, Bill Mason spent his whole life combining his two passions and creating beautiful, nature-inspired artworks. On today’s episode, we will discuss Bill Mason’s life and legacy with the help of three members of the Mason family: his wife, Joyce, and his two children, Becky and Paul. LAC archivist Jill Delaney will also…
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