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Varmt välkomna till en podd som tar upp stort som smått kring graviditet, föräldraskap och allt däromkring! Tillsammans med barnmorskor, barnsjuksköterskor, barnpsykologer, mammor av alla dess slag och experter inom olika områden så dyker vi ner i bebisresans alla delar - högt som lågt. Baby Talk är Baby Journeys egna podd med fokus att informera och inspirera dig som lyssnar. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Brian &Nicole have decided that after blending their family of five kids, four years together, three c sections, two Fallopian tubes removed and one amazing life, that now they want a baby. As I'm sure you've put together, it's quite difficult, virtually impossible, to get pregnant naturally without Fallopian tubes. So, join them as they embark on their IVF journey. Brian & Nicole would love to hear from you! Email @ or leave a voicemail @ 304-806-BABY! Really love ...
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show series
I säsongsavslutningen av Baby Talks tredje säsong intervjuar vi journalisten Irena Pozar. Irena har jobbat med en granskning av förlossningsvården mellan 2018-2021 och hittat flera tydliga punkter i var förlossningsvården brister. Hur kan vi kvinnor hjälpa till för att stötta kvinnovården? Är det okej att vara rädd inför sin egen förlossning? Och v…
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I detta avsnitt gästas vi av psykologen och relationsexperten Anna Bennich och går på djupet kring kärleksrelationen under småbarnsåren. Hur förbereder man sig som blivande föräldrar inför den prövning som relationen kommer att ställas inför? Vad gör man för att inte tappa bort varandra under dessa år? Och hur fortsätter vi ha kul tillsammans istäl…
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Brian & Nicole have their cycle day 11 appointment and find out when their Embryo Transfer #2 will be. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive c…
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Barnmorskan Maria Midstam gästar oss i detta avsnitt för att gå igenom olika sorters blödningar under en graviditet och när du ska söka vård. Vi går igenom färger, smärtskalor och de olika trimestrarna för att du ska känna dig trygg under din graviditet. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Brian & Nicole are preparing for Embryo Transfer number two and have a lot of big feelings. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here…
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Hur är det att gå igenom ett trauma samtidigt som en graviditet - och början av ens moderskap? Hur vågar man drömma om ett syskon? Och hur gör man för att orka? I detta avsnitt av Baby Talk-podden delar Nea Holm sin historia. Linnea som annars är aktuell med podden Surret som hon har tillsammans med Hanna Persson, där de båda öppenhjärtligt delar l…
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Brian & Nicole are cleared for embryo transfer cycle 2! Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole painted a cow this week and have a few life updates. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Att få barn att vilja äta mat kan för vissa kännas som en omöjlighet, eller så äter barnet men bara ett fåtal saker. Hur gör vi för att små barn ska vilja prova nytt och äta en varierad kost? Med hjälp av enkla tips och trix kan vi faktiskt öka våra barns matintresse! Sara guidar oss i hur vi gör med maten och avslutningsvis får vi en lektion i mat…
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Brian & Nicole talk about Thanskgiving plans, next steps in IVF and get off on some weird tangents. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive cont…
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Brian & Nicole have a follow up appointment with Dr. D & discuss the next transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https:…
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Emelie Walles är mamman som har gått igenom fyra kejsarfödslar och alla kejsarsnitt som finns: urakut, akut och planerat kejsarsnitt. I det här avsnittet delar hon med sig i detalj kring varje kejsarsnitt, hennes upplevelse, vad hon tycker att andra ska tänka på inför deras kejsarsnitt och mycket mer. Välkomna till Baby Talk säsong 3! Hosted on Aca…
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Brian & Nicole discuss next steps with IVF and the grieving process of the failed transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here…
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Liss Löwenmo Buckhöj är coach som har specialiserat sig på att hjälpa personer som går igenom ofrivillig barnlöshet eller sorg efter missfall. I tredje säsongens första avsnitt intervjuar vi henne om hur man tar sig igenom ofrivillig barnlöshet, håller hoppet uppe och tar sig vidare efter sorgen av missfall. Hosted on Acast. See f…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 10 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 9 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 8 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 7 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 6 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 5 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 4 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole are on Day 3 after their 5 Day Embryo Transfer. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole had their embryo transfer on Tuesday. Plus they are recording on their one year anniversary of starting their IVF podcast. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends…
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Brian & Nicole have an FET date!! Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: Links to all the…
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Brian & Nicole went to the doctor today and it wasn't the worst news. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https://www.patreon.…
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Brian & Nicole went to the doctor on Cycle Day 3 and are given some hopeful news. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https://…
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Brian & Nicole record the most difficult podcast yet. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here:…
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Brian & Nicole celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary, got a pig and had an INTERESTING race weekend. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive …
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Brian & Nicole are talking about marriage and the importance of communication. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https://www…
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Brian & Nicole are FINALLY back and holy $h!t do they have a lot to share! It's been a rough couple of months but they are ready to look towards the future. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Shar…
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Brian & Nicole are in the midst of their IVF transfer cycle and life is a little hectic. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: h…
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I säsongens sista avsnitt gästas vi av Maria som driver Mindful Milk. Hennes fokus ligger på att hitta till det meditativa i amningen, men hur gör vi egentligen det? Med hjälp av konkreta tips och övningar guidar Maria oss genom amningens djungel - välkomna in och lyssna! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Brian & Nicole have an IVF update on their 8 embryos sent out for genetic testing & discuss WHY they missed their first podcast last week. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friend…
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Nyblivna tvåbarnsmamman Josefin Dahlberg guidar oss i allt från vilket mindset hon har med sig när allt kör ihop sig, till kejsarsnitt och hur hon hanterar det dåliga samvetet med två barn under två år. Välkomna till ett avsnitt utan filter men med en stor dos pepp och self love! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Brian & Nicole are (im)patiently waiting for their PGT results and life is a little stressful right now! Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive…
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Nisse Edwall är pappan bakom Pappapodden samt som medverkande i Nyhetsmorgons "Relationsakuten". Här berättar han allt vi behöver veta om hur vi ska få vår relation att hålla under småbarnsåren! Var det kämpigare än vad du trodde att bli förälder... och samtidigt ta hand om kärleksrelationen? Tänker du ibland på att du SKA anstränga dig, men sen ko…
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Brian & Nicole found out how many embryos made it to blastocyst this week! Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https://www.pat…
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Brian & Nicole egg retrieval is complete, find out how many eggs were retrieved and fertilizex! Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content …
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Amanda Colldén som har podden Föräldrarapporten gästar detta avsnitt där vi pratar om hur föräldraskapet inte alltid blir eller känns så som man hade föreställt sig. Hur trodde du att det skulle kännas att bli förälder? För vissa människor blir föräldraskapet något som är självklart från första stund, medan det för andra kan ta tid och inte bli som…
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Brian & Nicole egg retrieval cycle is coming to a close, only a few days left until the retrieval. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive conte…
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Brian & Nicole egg retrieval cycle has begun and emotions are off the charts!! Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https://www…
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Barnsjuksköterskan Matilda Ördell guidar oss igenom neonatalavdelningen där hon jobbar. Hur bra koll har du på avdelningen för prematura eller sjuka bebisar? Det kan vara mycket i bebisresan som går obemärkt förbi om det inte drabbar en själv. Neonatalavdelningen är en sådan plats. Där hamnar barn som föds för tidigt (prematura) eller som föds med …
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Brian & Nicole IVF meds arrived and Nicole had an emotional response. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content here: https://www.patreon.…
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Brian & Nicole meet their IVF nurse coordinator, getting ready to order medications and discuss the stresses of now. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member f…
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Hur trött är du idag? Att kämpa med sömnen är något som många föräldrar kan känna igen sig i och ofta haglar tipsen över en så fort man ber om råd. Vi har passat på att intervjua en expert på just sömn - för att kunna få de bästa svaren! Hanna Bergenkull är utbildad inom sömn och är expert på just barns sömn. Ungefär 30% av alla föräldrar har det k…
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Brian & Nicole pick their dates for their egg retrieval and discuss the chaos that followed. Email them anytime at or leave a voice-mail at 304.806.BABY. Enjoy 😉 Now on TikTok & Instagram @ nowyouwantababy. Really love the show? Subscribe, Like, Rate, Share with your friends or become a member for exclusive content her…
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