Podcast by Steve Rhodes
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The newest sermons from Bethel Church on SermonAudio.
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Sunday morning sermons from Bethel Baptist Church. Worship, connect and grow no matter where you are.
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This podcast is made available from Bethel Church. Janesville, WI
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Subscribe to get the latest messages from Bethel Temple Church in Cleburne, Texas
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May the God of Wonders Bless You!
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The newest sermons from Bethel Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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Our Sunday Morning Messages
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The newest sermons from Bethel Evangelical Free Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Bethel Free Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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Messages shared from our weekly Sunday morning service.
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Weekly sermons by Elder Michael Gowens and others from the pulpit of Bethel PBC, Calabash, NC.
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Bethel Atlanta is a family of believers who gather around God’s presence, and raise leaders to reign in life and restore cities to look like heaven on earth.
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Listen to the latest sermons from Bethel Baptist Church in Topeka, KS. Growing the Kingdom, Growing the Church. [email protected] www.betheltopeka.org
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Bethel Satelital es una productora cristiana, pertenece a la iglesia del MOVIMIENTO MISIONERO MUNDIAL, que tiene como característica el propósito expreso de transmitir el Evangelio a todo el mundo.
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Weekly audio recordings of sermons presented at Grace Lutheran and Bethel Lutheran churches Seward and York NE. Justin Wilkens, Pastor.
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As a Christian university, Bethel prioritizes and promotes spiritual expression — it is our mission to train you to be ambassadors for Christ. Chapel is often referred to as “the heartbeat of Bethel University," uniting the Bethel community for a time of worship through music and teaching.
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Recent sermons from Oldham Bethel Church
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The newest sermons from Bennetts End Reformed Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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Bethel Mennonite Church in Sarasota, Florida. Bethel has expository preaching, meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a particular Biblical passage. Sermons usually last between 30-40 minutes and are packed with material for reflection. On a regular basis, our sermon series alternates between the Old and New Testaments. All preaching is gospel-driven.
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Bethel Community Church - Chicago – Podcasts Podcasts of our weekly sermons
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At Bethel Presbyterian Church we strive to raise followers of Jesus who are rooted, formed, and flourishing.
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Sermons from Bethel Church in Penticton, BC
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This podcast is made available from Bethel Church. Temple, TX
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A Conservative Christian Church (and podcast)
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A Conservative Christian Church (and podcast) in Gladys Virginia
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Your resource for Bethel Cleveland's Sermon of the week.
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Bethel Austin is a church plant in Austin, TX and led by Senior Leaders, Joaquin & Renee Evans. We are a church that passionately pursues the presence of God and seeks to continually be led by the Holy Spirit so that Jesus gets His full reward. For more information, visit bethelatx.com.
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Bethel Worship Center in Camden, SC where our mission is to see lives transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Our desire is that this podcast will encourage you in your relationship with God. Visit us at bwccamden.com
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The flagship podcast for the Bethel School District in Washington state.
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Weekly sermon recordings from an English speaking Evangelical church in West Street, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4AA. Pastor is the Rev. John Williams of Gorseinon http://bethel-gorseinon.org.uk
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Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Calling The Church At Bethel exists to magnify Jesus Christ, equip the saints for the work of the ministry, preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and walk in LOVE, touching the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:12; John 3:16; 1 Corin 13:13; Mark 16:14-18
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Bethel Baptist Church is a community of people who have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Our vision is to reflect God's infinite worth through Christ, for the glory of his name and the good of all peoples. We hope these sermons serve you well. And please know that we would love to serve you! Join us on Sunday mornings for worship. For more information, visit our website at https://bbcde.org.
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Welcome to the El Bethel Church of Christ Podcast, where you'll find an archive of Biblically-based sermons. The El Bethel Church of Christ is a group of Christians who worship in Shelbyville, TN. We'd love to have you visit us! Check out our website -- http://www.elbethelchurchofchrist.com -- for times and location.
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“A word in season to him who is weary…” Isaiah 50:4
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This is the podcast covering Bethel Primitive Baptist Church‘s weekly sermon. The word “Primitive” means Original or First. We believe the Bible and the New Testament, in particular, are a blueprint and guide for worshiping God in spirit and in truth in all generations (John 4:24). We are located in Goodlettsville, TN and invite you to visit and listen.
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Find, Follow and Be Like Jesus
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Welcome to the Bethel Covenant Church sermon podcast. We are an Evangelical Covenant Congregation that meets outside Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Join us LIVE Sundays 10am on our Facebook Page (facebook.com/bethelcovenantchurch)
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BeTheLight series. All about bring you closer to Jesus
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Visit us at bborm.org!
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WWTK - 06.18.2020 | "Walking With God and Belonging to Him" - Audio
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58:37May the God of Wonders Bless You!Autor: Dr. Kiruba Stephen
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The Names of God // Jehovah Tsidkenu
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48:47If you want to learn more about Bethel Cleveland and how to get involved, please visit our website at bethelcleveland.com.
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This 2/2/25 message by Michael Gowens focuses on the premier event in the life of the prophet Elijah, i.e. the contest high atop Mt Carmel with the 850 false prophets of the State. Everything in the narrative has been moving to this moment of crescendo in which the question of "Which is the true God, Baal or Jehovah?" will be resolved once and for …
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This Wednesday evening Bible study was recorded on February 12th, 2025. You can download it here, or play it by clicking the arrow below. (On some computers clicking “here” just starts playing the sermon on Windows Media Player. Right-clicking “here” and choosing “Save Link As” will let you save the sermon instead.) https://bethelnv.com/wp-content/…
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2.12.25 PM A Deliverer Is Born
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1:18:48Join us as Pastor Mike continues his study series, Moses – From Exile to Liberator. Tonight's lesson, "A Deliverer is Born" from Hebrews 11:23, diving into the beginnings of Israel’s journey from bondage to blessing. Don’t miss this powerful time of learning!Autor: Bethel Temple
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Autor: Mike Hoggard
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Forward in Trust: Releasing Our Lives and Resources to God by Shawn Otto (2/9/2025)
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42:10Matthew 6:25-34 2/9/2025
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February 9, 2025 What Do We Hunger For: A Hunger for Truth | John 14:1-14
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27:08Today we will reflect on John 14:1-14, A Hunger for the Truth. Jesus tells his followers that he is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way to God and the only way, the personification of truth, the center of life. But today many people ask the question that Pilate asks before condemning Jesus, “What is truth?” Many today believe we each cr…
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Revelation 7 gives us two pictures of the Church; the Church militant and the Church triumphant. We see the Church militant sealed as God's own, and the Church triumphant before the throne in glory.Autor: Gervase Charmley
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Episode 121: Cornhole debuts in Unified Sports
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11:18This week, we talk basketball, e-sports, track, and cornhole with one of our Unified Sports coaches and two of her students. Unified Sports empowers individuals with and without intellectual disabilities to team up and build community through the power of sports.Autor: Bethel School District (WA)
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The Witness Behind the Witness (Acts 24:1-27)
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41:56To Be Continued...|Chris McGarveyAutor: Bethel Baptist Church
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Enjoy this sermon from Rory Helart on February 9th, 2024Autor: BETHEL ATLANTA
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Autor: Graham Chewter
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2/9/2025 PM -- Struggle with Discouragement, Part 2 (Donnie V. Rader)
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37:48Find the accompanying PowerPointHere. Struggle with Discouragement (Part 2), by Donnie V. Rader. 2/9/2025 Sunday PM Sermon.
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Rev. Dr. Keith Koteskey, is the Associate Professor of Christian Ministries and chair of the Religion and Philosophy department. Keith served in pastoral ministry for twenty-one years and brings that rich experience to the classroom...Autor: Bethel University
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Ephesians 2:1-7Autor: Bethel Community Church
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Hello and welcome to Bethel Evangelical Church in Gorseinon and thank you for checking out this weeks sermon recordings. The 9th of February saw us host our Sunday morning service from the church building, with a livestream available via Facebook. Today we welcomed Mark Jenkins from Emmanuel Evangelical Church in Newport. Mark led us into […]…
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"Following Jesus Calling" by Pastor Ray SwatkowskiAutor: Bethel Church
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What type of gardener are you? Who here considers themselves a bit of a gardener? A bit of an Alan Titchmarsh or Monty Don? Well, I’m not one. I have an uncanny ability to kill house plants and in the garden to ignore the weeds and dig up the actually flowers! BUT, when Ian asked me to speak about Missional Partnership, I was drawn to the image of …
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2 Chronicles 20:1-30Autor: bethelmedia3
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Sermon notesAutor: Dr. Craig Johnson
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We've probably all asked or pondered the question, "what is love?" In our language, we have the one word, but the Greek uses four different words for love that can help us dive a little deeper into what genuine love looks like. Join us as we jump into this season of love!One of the words in the Greek language for love is Eros. Eros love is a passio…
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Autor: Josh Stanley
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Autor: Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
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Greatness in Self-Giving Service // Mark 10:35-52
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51:34In his sermon, Pastor Evan Bialk examined Mark 10:35-52, focusing on the themes of humility, servanthood, and the true essence of greatness in the kingdom of God. He illustrated how James and John's request for positions of honor at Jesus' side revealed their misunderstanding of His mission. Instead of seeking status, true discipleship requires emb…
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Bethel Blitz February 9, 2025 Elwyn Johnston Matthew 16:13 – 20 Verse of the Week: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” Matthew 16:16 1. Follow the right coach “who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:15 “Though Jesus was God, He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, He gave up His divine privileges; He took…
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Luke 5:1-11 The Least Qualified Are the First Sent
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18:51Imagine needing heart bypass surgery. When meeting your surgeon, you ask, “How many of these have you done?” He smiles and says, “You’re my very first patient!” Would you feel honored—or anxious? For important jobs, we know qualifications matter. And what job could be more important than sharing the good news of salvation? You might expect Jesus to…
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The post Blessed Are The Merciful appeared first on Bethel Presbyterian Columbus.Autor: Mike Horst
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Autor: Ken Fields
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1. Go, to Nineveh2. Go, and Preach3. Go, for They Are WickedAutor: Rev. Isaac Epp
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Were all too familiar with the deficits in our lives - the places we feel empty without anything to give, the gaps between who we are and who we feel God calling us to be; the places of insufficiency and insecurity. The good news is that deficits dont disqualify you from the race God has called you to run, theyre actually the places he wants to par…
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Seeing God Through the Lens of MaterialismMatthew 19:16-30Someone came to Jesus with this question: Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life? Why ask me about what is good? Jesus replied. There is only One who is good.But to answer your questionif you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments. Which ones? the man asked. And …
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By Stephen Kneale. From the Series 1 Corinthians - Conflict, Compromise & Christ CrucifiedAutor: Stephen Kneale
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Shane Harris | Awe and Surrender: Living in the Majesty of Jesus
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53:05Enjoy this replay from February 2, 2025, with Bethel Austin Senior Associate Leader Shane Harries. Majesty is not just a concept—it’s an experience. When we truly behold Jesus, we cannot remain the same. His presence transforms us, shaping us into His likeness. The more we dwell in His majesty, the more we reflect His glory. Join us as we explore h…
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Who was Rahab? We read about her in Joshua 2. She was a harlot or maybe an innkeeper in Jericho. She had heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea for the Israelites when they came out of Egypt. She had heard how they had destroyed the Amorites east of Jordan. She hid the two spies on her rooftop. She said to them, “Your God is God in heaven above an…
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1209. Los beneficios de tener a Dios en casa | Ptr Mario Lima V.
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56:171209. Los beneficios de tener a Dios en casa | Ptr Mario Lima V. by Bethel CochabambaAutor: Bethel Cochabamba
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Today we concluded the series, Leading. Today's sermon was titled, Leading Others. Pastor Michael show through word and illustration, how we can be a vessel for leading others to Christ.Autor: Michael Tadlock
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