Dive into the world of biology with ease! Join me on a journey through fundamental concepts, from cells to genetics, tailored for high school and college students. Your go-to podcast to ace exams and speak biology fluently.
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Biosfera é um magazine semanal na RTP2 que dá relevo às questões ambientais.
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Un análisis independiente y sin censura de los temas más importantes de la jornada, con Néstor Aburto y Nibaldo Mosciatti en Radio Bío Bío.
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Bio 360 - Zurück ins Leben | Energie und Gesundheit
Unkas Gemmeker | Gesundheitsbotschafter, Autor und Coach
Bio 360 ist einer der erfolgreichsten, deutschsprachigen Podcasts zu den Themen Gesundheit, Ernährung, Fitness, Motivation, Paleo, Fokus, HIIT, intermittierendes Fasten, Stress, Schlaf, Low Carb, ketogene Ernährung, EMF, Atemtechniken, Superfoods, Nootropika, sowie alles rund um Biohacking und alternative Medizin. Du bekommst die besten Tipps von führenden Experten wie Rüdiger Dahlke, Joachim Mutter, Maximilian Gotzler, Jens Freese, Paul Seelhorst, Kyra Kauffmann, Akuma Saningong, Poli Moute ...
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Hugleikur Dagsson fær til sín góða gesti og spyr þau 11 spurninga um mikilvægustu bíómyndirnar í lífi þeirra.
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dynamic group reviewing movies and shows while engaging in lively discussions about the latest happenings in media news
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The podcast where we question existing norms in medicine, science, and public health.
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The Bio Report podcast, hosted by award-winning journalist Daniel Levine, focuses on the intersection of biotechnology with business, science, and policy.
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A series of programmes that highlight rich variety of aspects that allows the Island to hold Biosphere status and the work and events that take place to celebrate it and care for it.
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Ist Bio drin, wo Bio draufsteht? Wie begann eigentlich die Bio-Bewegung? Was steckt hinter den Bio-Siegeln? Warum ist es so wichtig, dass altes Getreide erhalten bleibt? Und: Welche Antworten hat die Bio-Branche beim Thema Tierhaltung? Diese und weitere Fragen stellen Judith und Jan von Bio für die Ohren alle 14 Tage Experten und Expertinnen aus der Bio-Branche. Was sie dabei erfahren, verwundert oder entrüstet sie manchmal selbst. Die Gespräche sind informativ, ernst und kritisch, aber imme ...
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Host Dr. Dinah Nasike takes you on a journey through the complex and evolving world of biosecurity, featuring insightful conversations with leading professionals, field experts and innovators in the field. From emerging and re-emerging epidemics and early-warning systems research and innovation, to pathogen economies, bioterrorism and global norms. This podcast will take a deep dive into critical conversations happening around biosecurity and how countries, institutions, experts and politici ...
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In a world where mimicking the gestures of a historical figure is awards bait, Biopic: A Podcast Story examines the good, the bad, the unspeakable, and the hilarious about this category of film that frequently dominates the Oscars but just as often offends our sensibilities. Biopic: A Podcast Story looks at the casting, the acting, the quality of the script, and the endless tropes that dominate these movies. Hosted by Rena and Sara. We have watched a lot of biopics. Biopic: A Podcast Story s ...
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Not So Different: A Podcast from The Center for Biosimilars
Not So Different: a Podcast from The Center for Biosimilars
"Not So Different," a podcast from The Center for Biosimilars, brings you expert viewpoints from physicians, pharmacists, patients, developers, and other stakeholders in the complex world of biosimilar therapies.
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We hope you enjoy these in-depth discussions of recently published BioScience articles and other science stories. Each episode of our interview series delves into the research behind a highlighted story, giving listeners unique insight into scientists' work.
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A podcast about the people behind the professions. Brought to you by Supercurious.
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Rising Mountain - Biophysical Share within a communicative nature.
Rising Mountain Team - Isis, Joe, Ganesh and Guest Collaborators
https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rising-mountain/subscribe We are 'Rising Mountain' a collaboration with a focus on sound, frequency, vibrations and how that manifests in infinite ways. Adventures, explorers, researchers and passionate hikers we share insights on biophysics, our natural world, and so much more.
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Les articles du Biostatisticien en version podcast.
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Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting at Bain & Company, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives. You can read their business bios online, but those barely scratch the surface of who they are and the important work they are doing. If you would like to comment or give feedback on this series, please email our inbox at BeyondTheBio@Bain.com.
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Perspectives from the cutting edge of biotech and pharma. The fast-changing world of biopharma places a premium on trusted market insights from industry experts who can turn change into a competitive advantage. Stay ahead of the curve with our latest podcast series. Lead today. Define tomorrow.
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Un podcast sobre biomedicina y biología molecular. De la mano de José Lozano, Francis Villatoro, Silvana Tapia, Belén Delgado e Íker Puerto.
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Speaking of Mol Bio, a podcast series from Thermo Fisher Scientific, discusses trending applications in science and the molecular biology aspects of those applications. Our host delves in to deep discussion with CEOs, R&D scientists, researchers, and key opinion leaders across the globe. Speaking of Mol Bio helps scientific curious people - from all scientific and non-scientific backgrounds - understand how modern molecular biology applications can help push the boundaries in medicine, scien ...
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Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast is a captivating podcast co-hosted by the knowledgeable duo, Billy and Elisabeth Carson, whose combined expertise spans a range of intriguing topics from ancient wisdom to modern science. This podcast stands out as a unique union of their diverse knowledge bases, offering listeners a comprehensive guide to optimizing life through bio-hacking. Each episode delves into different aspects of bio-hacking, such as improving mental clarity, boosting physical health, ...
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Ghibahin film suka-suka Biosclub with host: Azka Goldi. Film bioskop, OTT, atau film terfavorit era kapanpun. Suka-suka. . Happy listening!
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Our goal is to encourage all people to take responsibility for their own healthcare, empower them to assist others and create a community of people worldwide dedicated to service, self awareness, and recognizing the equality of all humanity—thus forming a chain which shall go on indefinitely. Research shows that Bio-Touch is simple to learn with quick results to reduce pain and stress and to build immune system responses. It is time to reclaim your birthright to be healthy, happy and loved.
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Have you ever noticed how DNA’s spiraling structure mirrors the shape of seashells and flowers? How our circulatory system branches like tree roots? Nature doesn’t just surround us—we are nature. Our bodies, minds, and societies are woven into its rhythms, yet in today’s modern world, we’ve severed that bond, and the consequences ripple through our environment, politics, culture, and even spirituality. Every other week, hosts Monica Olsen and Jennifer Walsh explore the profound connections b ...
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The Listen In podcast from Bitesize Bio is a compilation of our best webinars to enjoy at your leisure, wherever and whenever. Each episode is an opportunity to gain the valuable insights you need to advance your research. From a crash course in developing fool-proof ELISAs to the latest applications and innovations in CRISPR/Cas9 and microscopy techniques, and much more—you'll hear about challenges encountered and discover practical solutions to achieve the best possible results. Tap into t ...
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Ökomodell-Land Hessen (vertreten durch MGH GUTES AUS HESSEN GmbH)
„Regional“, „Nachhaltig“, „Bio“, „Saisonal“ – diese Begriffe begegnen Dir ständig. Was genau heißt das aber für Dich und Deinen Einkauf. Ist bio immer das Beste und was wäre zum Beispiel, wenn alle nur noch bio essen würden. Geht das überhaupt? Das hörst Du von Landwirt*innen, Verarbeiter*innen und Vermarkter*innen aus den hessischen Ökomodell-Regionen. Du wirst erfahren, wie Landwirtschaft wirklich tickt. Ganz real, praxisbezogen und frei von Klischees. Welche Reise Lebensmittel vom Acker b ...
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Welcome to Bios Brightest, the podcast where we tackle the issues that keep clinic owners awake at night. We're on a mission to empower clinic owners and entrepreneurs in the alternative medicine realm, ensuring you access the insights and strategies needed to not only survive but thrive in the dynamic world of biohacking. In each episode, we delve into the heart of the matter—seeing people suffer needlessly despite the incredible advances in biohacking. Our goal is clear: to provide value a ...
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On sème FORT ! Le podcast du jardinage bio et de la permaculture
On sème FORT ! Le podcast du jardinage bio et de la permaculture
On sème fort ! LE podcast pour tout savoir sur ce qu'il faut faire au jardin et au potager. Retrouvez toutes les semaines, une nouvelle émission pour apprendre à jardiner avec la permaculture. Proposé par MonJardinBio.com, la boutique de votre jardin au naturel. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Medical Innovation & Research
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Bienvenido a Bioskop, el blog de cine que te demuestra que no hay que ser un gran experto para ser un gran cinéfilo.
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廣納地方有為聞腋青年,談談身處地方/社群的藝文活動(角頭事),關懷文化藝術創意界大小事,文氓來ㄌ,文的不行嘴的來。電台有三無,無黨派色彩、無政治角力、無聊時再聽——碧歐司出品,絕對煞氣,歡迎品牌冠名贊助。不負責任輕微 diss(?),理性勿戰,閒聊勿戰,+個の耍文青勿戰。
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Conversations with bio visionaries and thought leaders on innovation in biotechnology, synthetic biology and biomanufacturing across food, beverage, nutritional, industrial materials, beauty and personal care spaces.
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A podcast for UiT
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Wade T. Lightheart, a host of the Awesome Health Podcast, is a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute and Director of Education at BiOptimizers, one of the world’s most innovative nutritional supplement companies. Wade has been involved professionally in the nutritional supplement industry for over 15 years. After his digestion totally broke down and he gained 42 pounds following a bodybuilding competition, he began to search for answ ...
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Conversations with Ohio Government leaders, public servants, and perspectives from those who lead Ohio hosted by State Rep. District 65 David Thomas. As you head to work, hear from those who work for you with stories of policy successes, opportunities, and the motivations behind the service to you. Learn more about David Thomas at www.davidthomasforohio.com. Questions, ideas, or want to learn more? Email david@davidthomasforohio.com.
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Pika Cover art photo provided by bharath g s on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@xen0m0rph
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A weekly podcast breaking down some of the biggest ideas in biology.
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Science Cover art photo provided by Jaron Nix on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jaronnix
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One minute Bio
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BioSoul Integration Podcast
Dr. Jay Uecker | www.biosoulintegration.com | drjay@biosoulintegration.com
The mission of the BioSoul Integration Podcast is to help individuals create an ever-deepening connection to their bodies, their lives and their World; to help those who have felt the strong calling to embody their Soul’s purpose and to give their unique gifts on this planet.
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Welcome to Bio Bytes! Tune in for interviews with prominent scientists working at the intersection of Biology, Engineering, Medicine, Computer Science, and Mathematics. Check out our sister podcast "BioWorks" (https://anchor.fm/bioworks) for great discussions on life science-related business, investing, and policy. To support our podcast: https://securepay.cuit.columbia.edu/payment/pub/sponsor-sbi/https://securepay.cuit.columbia.edu/payment/pub/sponsor-sbi/ Please email sophiadeng0321@icloud ...
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How do I love thee? Mondays with Bev & Paul: March 24, 2025
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20:55Bio-Touch Healing is a gentle, touch-based healing technique that emphasizes human connection and well-being. Its relationship to loving comes from the way it fosters compassion, presence, and care between the practitioner and the recipient.
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Narcotráfico y crimen organizado en el sur, una amenaza en aumento
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12:30Encontraron a Tomás Antihuen, uno de los fugitivos buscados por la policía por su presunta implicación en el asesinato de tres funcionarios policiales en abril del año pasado, siendo señalado como el líder de la célula responsable. Este éxito en la captura representa un desafío para las autoridades, ya que operar en zonas controladas por grupos cri…
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On sème FORT ! - Valoriser ses biodéchets au jardin - Emission du 21 mars
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53:30Au programme de cette émission : Au jardin, il est temps de semer ! Fèves, pois et petits-pois, mais aussi oignons, ails et échalotes sont à planter dans un sol ressuyé... L'agenda du jardinier est à retrouver sur notre blog. Comme chaque vendredi, nous répondrons à vos questions envoyées par mail sur onsemefort@monjardinbio.com Cette semaine, Eric…
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Söngfuglinn Valdimar Guðmunds segir Hulla litla frá 11 mikilvægustu bíómyndum lífs síns.Autor: Sharkfood Inc.
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An Insider’s View of the Patent Fights that Shaped the Biotech Industry
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1:11:18Jorge Goldstein trained for a career in molecular biology and biochemistry before becoming a patent attorney, a background that positioned him to help shape patent law for the biotech industry throughout his 40-year career. In his new book Patenting Life: Tales from the Front Lines of Intellectual Property and the New Biology, Goldstein offers a hi…
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#20 Rachel Fraser: How your social world shapes what you know
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1:48:53In this episode we speak with Dr. Rachel Fraser, Associate Professor of Philosophy at MIT, about whether experiences of oppression can yield special insights, whether these insights can be shared with members of dominant groups, and what implications this has for policymaking. (00:00) Our introduction (03:39) Interview begins (03:43) Historical roo…
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#18 Decoding the non-coding genome (ゲスト:松本有樹修先生/名古屋大学教授)
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1:19:28名古屋大学教授の松本有樹修先生をゲストにお呼びして、翻訳されるノンコーディングRNA、リボソームの多様性、中山敬一ラボでのPhD生活、ハーバード大学Pandolfi研での留学、これからの研究の展望などについてお話をお聞きしました。(収録日2025.03.11) Shownotes: 松本先生ラボHP 中山敬一先生 中山研での松本先生の論文(p57 1, 2: Fbx7 1, 2) Howard Chang HOTAIRの論文 John Rinn Pier Paolo Pandolfi 松本先生のSPARの論文 JmjC domain Dark Proteomeと呼ばれている Upstream ORFが翻訳されると下流の翻訳が抑制される(の例) 翻訳されている位置をより正確に検出する手法 Ph…
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978 Zensur auf YouTube: Mein Kanal wurde gelöscht!
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1:47:53Die Löschung meines YouTube-Kanals zeigt, wie schnell und willkürlich PlattformenMeinungen zensieren können. Meinungsfreiheit ist ein Grundrecht – doch wer entscheidet, was „richtige“ oder „falsche“ Informationen sind? Es ist Zeit, dass wir uns mit unabhängigen Plattformen und alternativen Informationsquellen auseinandersetzen. Daily gut ist der fr…
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#26 mickey 17 spoiler review & movie topics
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49:21Send us a textAutor: the bio box
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Biologically removing the forever from “forever chemicals”
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32:00It could be argued that biology has always boiled down to chemistry, and that chemistry has always boiled down to physics. However, not many would deny that the fields of biology and chemistry are overlapping more than ever, with both leveraging computing methods, also more than ever. This conversation with Dr. Ramesh Jha, Technical Staff Member at…
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Behind the Bio with Lachlan Jarvis: Private Investigator, Lyonswood
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33:20Ashley Feraude in conversation with Lachlan Jarvis who is a Private Investigator from the agency 'Lyonswood'. Lachlan offers a great insight into the type of people that are drawn to this profession and the skill they have to make them really suitable for it. He also gives us a great look into what PI’s do and the kind of principals and codes they …
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Welche Strukturen werden mit deinem Einkauf gefördert? In dieser Best-of-Folge werden noch die wichtigsten Fragen zum Lebensmittelhandel in Deutschland gestellt: Welche unterschiedlichen Lebensmittelhändler gibt es in Deutschland und wer bestimmt den Preis eines Produktes? Wie viel geben die Deutschen überhaupt durchschnittlich pro Tag für Lebensmi…
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Transforming Industries with Bain Digital Expertise
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27:39Chuck Whitten, Global Head of Bain’s digital capabilities, shares his journey from consulting to leading digital transformation at scale. He discusses how these capabilities integrate AI, data science, and enterprise technology into business strategy, helping companies solve their toughest challenges. With insights on Bain’s partnerships with OpenA…
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Pelletiertes Potential aus Heu, Luzerne, Stroh & Co. – Die Revolution der Rohstoffe | zu Gast: Gregor Kraft | Bauerpower UG
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27:56Shownotes: eMail für Themenwünsche: podcast@gutes-aus-hessen.deAutor: Ökomodell-Land Hessen (vertreten durch MGH GUTES AUS HESSEN GmbH)
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Sustainable Eating: A Chef's Journey to Healthier Food Choices w/ Elisabeth Carson & Matt Thomas.
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52:08Navigating the complexities of clean eating in today's world can be daunting, but understanding the underlying issues can empower individuals to make healthier choices. 🌿 The pervasive presence of toxins in our environment, from air pollution to contaminated water, poses significant challenges to maintaining a clean diet. Despite these hurdles, foc…
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