Learning, living and practicing the Art of Chaos Magick
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Magic Self and Spirit podcasts are here to stimulate or activate your unique spiritual and magical path. Each person has the power to open up their magical and clairvoyant abilities and each person can step beyond the dogmas of religion and the spiritual opinions of others to find or create their own truths and realities. We're here to provoke and prod you with our words, to roll you over into your power, to claim you're the master of your destiny.
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Chaos Magick News offers a glimpse into current events through the lense of Occultism and a look at greater occulture both online and offline. Occasionally insightful and always comedic CMN is the dose of self awareness and humor to cure your Magus-itis or bring back your inspiration for the Magickal worldview.
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Chaos and Shadow is a weekly paranormal podcast hosted by Kyle Dempster and Brittany "Pagan" Adkins exploring high strangeness through interviews with today's leading minds in the paranormal and the occult. Visit https://www.revelatornetwork.com/ for more information. Based out of Butler, PA (near Pittsburgh), Chaos and Shadow pushes the envelope of investigative techniques with weekly seances on Twitch!
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Ase! This week, the boys have our buddy Sios on to talk about a matter of grave importance; Did the Gods leave Tupac cause he made a video with white women? That's what Bobby Hemmitt told us! If you don't know what we're talking about, then get ready to find out, because we're diving into "Bobby's Bibliography; Curating the life & research of Broth…
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This week, Chaos Magick News is taken over by the glorious People's Republic of China, showing our true colors(Red). And it's not just us, but Local and Garry as well! The boys have a conversation about Palm reading and the line between grift and magic in an opening segment inspired by Kennedy's trip to Atlantic City. We then move on to the news wh…
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Ep.47: Magick Weapons(in the discord)
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2:06:44The Wand, Sword, Cup and Pentacle, taking This week, we're back to CMN CLASSIC! Kennedy and Cohost take on a "scientific" interpretation of the mysterious SATOR square from where all good scientific theories are proven; Tiktok. Then, onto the news; Trump "saves" Tiktok, tries to get rid of immigrants, Biden pardons Marcus Garvey(ascended master), t…
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Bonus Ep.: Magick without Tears Ch.1 "What is magick?"
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1:28:58Hey hey hey, today we got a special treat for you all; Originally recorded for patreon, the boys decided to read through the infamous Aleister Crowley's Magick without Tears opening chapter which asks the question, "What is magick?" Join us as we go through some of most influential and developed ideas that the Western occult tradition has given us …
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Ep.46: Bimbo Dragon Fighting Society
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2:40:49This week we're joined by our favorite writer/martial artist, T.S. Brookehouse returns! We all decide that we're going full bimbo this week, so we stop thinking entirely so we roll into a discussion of Intercessory entities like Angels, Saints and Spirits that some how leads us into Cohost's saga with the Cat Distribution Network and if demons are …
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Given "the situation", everyone's kind of blah and down, so CMN decided to give yall the yucks you deserve; this week, we talk tge discourse aroundsex magick and what place it has in an world where sex is increasingly demystified. After that, we talk the news; escaped monkeys, the 4B movement, the end of the Boeing strike, and definitely not some s…
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Ep.44: Call of Duty Spiritual Warfare
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2:03:55This week, the boys are joined by our friend Coco to talk about all things spooky. We start with servitors, discuss some general theory behind them and muse on their relation to psychological complexes and draining your energy. After that, it's time for Banish with Laughter, where we marvel at the horrors of a "Nightmare Catcher"(It's a Dream Catch…
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CMN Round Table: The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic by Alan Moore and Steve Moore
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1:39:30The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic by Alan Moore and Steve Moore is one of the most anticipated occult works of the last two decades. The CMN boys sat down with three of our pals to discuss our first impressions of the book, a bit of the background, Alan and Steve's unique ideas on creativity, "idea space" and magic, and degenerate into terr…
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In this weeks episode, the boys discuss if in the days of the internet, where esoteric secrets are a Google search away, is there a point to trying to KEEP them hidden, and the place of authorized teachers and initiation in Chaos magick. Then we question whether the internet was a good idea at all, after our "Banish with Laughter" segment has us tr…
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The Rhatboi commeth.... this week on the show, what was going to be a discussion of "scary" moments in occult working is invaded by an eldritchian horror known only as "The Rhatboi". This is entirely Cohost's fault and there's very little we can say otherwise. Then, we turn our usual news segment into a free form discussion on "the egregoric aura" …
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Ep.41: Atlantis Name Generator
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2:14:32This week we try and have a nice cool down after the last special, and instead get time slips, segment derailments, and do overs, We talk about magical names, their use, theories behind the practice and if you should get them from a random name generator(SPOILERS; You definitely should). Then we roll into the news where not only do we talk about Bi…
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Ep.40: The Michael Bertiaux Special
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1:44:08It's episode 40, and that means its time for another special, and this time we cover the most controversial and fascinating living occultist that we can think of. Micahel Bertiaux has been called many things; a prophet and a charlatan, a teacher and a huckster, a genius and a hack. The patriarch of the Voudon Gnostic Current, leader of countless oc…
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Broken News Special Report: Vol.1: Actual Assassination Attempt
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1:13:05The first in our new "Broken News" Special Reports, the CMN boys bring on our panel of guest commentators to discuss the latest in the Trump Assassination Attempt. We break down the events, give our theories as to what allowed it to happen(Spoilers: The Police and Secret Service are super incompetent) and what we know about the killer, Thomas Matth…
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Ep.39: Helicopters and Homunculi
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2:30:27After a rough month, them boys is back with a episode slammed with news and intrigue. After giving you a few moments of grounding to help you prepare, we slam into the weirdest news of the month; theIranian president dying in a helicopter crash(our theory? Israeli Fog Missiles), RFK's brain worm becoming the funniest thing we've heard and our new g…
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CMN Interviews: Vaibbahk, Butoh and Beyond with Alley Wurds
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1:25:52Last year, Cohost got to sit down with one of the most interesting and innovative voices in the occult world, writer, artist, musician, AI enthusiast and, of course, occultist, Alley Wurds. They talk to us about their use of AI in creating multiple occult works, specifically their ongoing Butoh Technomancy series, their use of Butoh, which originat…
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This week we don't have time for anything and things keeps going wrong, so obviously we're blaming astrology. But first, we talk about Prayer, how useful it is in chaos magick, why some chaotes don't like asking god(s) for stuff, and whether or not it's appropriate to call Aries to help you lower your cholesterol. Then we have a jammed pack news se…
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Ep.37: Crybaby Thelema Hours w/Coco Makhno
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3:01:32WARNING: Two differing trickster type entities were invoked before the recording of this podcast, and it shows! In our longest episode to date, our hosts are joined by friend of the show and occult artist Coco Makhno to talk about the theories and practices of Aleister Crowley and Thelema, and why Chaos Magicians might be interested in them, and we…
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CMN Interviews: Star Club and The Narrative with Sef Salem
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1:29:23Warning: The Following episode talks about sexual assault. In the return of our beloved interview series, Kennedy sits down with occultist, organizer, educator and former OTO pariah, Sef Salem. Sef sits down to talk to us about the Visible College, a UK based group that has been facilitating occult events for years, the return of the International …
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Ep.36: Trance Shoes with Mariana Pinzón
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2:06:01Yo ho ho mateys; this week we have a special guest; Captain Mavis herself, Mariana Pinzon, Chaos Monk, Eight Circuit Model theorist and life coach. We talk about her new project ORMEC (Octomancy Research Monastic Expedition Crew), an invitation to "playful liberation of consciousness" combining Tim Leary and Robert Anton Wilson's 8 Circuit Model, C…
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Ep.35: Minnesota Voodoo and Nine Angles of Woowoo
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1:59:39This week we are all about that Voodoo that you do. Or rather, that voodoo you will be doing after we get you on board with our new, long held tradition of Minnesota Voodoo. After that we do a quick Banish with Laughter and talk Bad Masonic conspiracies and the "real eyes realize real lies" school of language analysis, before rolling onto a news se…
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This week we get a little derailed and might have to cut some things. Our hosts talk about the loss of the absurd and surreal in Chaos magick and if that's really a bad thing, then talk about giving drugs to spirits and the royal bloodline of the Frog Jesus in "Banish with Laughter". THEN, the only good news story this week is the radioactive mutan…
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This week, our hosts try their hands at a few new segments. After talking about Cyberpunk, Neuromancer and the magical paradigms you can explore with them, we take a look at the unhinged and completely goofy posts Kennedy just can't deal with from social media, including radio brain surgery and Atlantean dragons. Then, Cohost and Garry face off in …
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Ep.32: Do They Know It's Orthodox Christmas?
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2:03:36Happy Late Orthodox Christmas!.... Okay, yeah, we got way behind this holiday and we even missed Orthodox Christmas, but that's not stopping the boys from having a great time in Chicago. This week we mull over a tweet complaining about the lack of innovation in the occult and invent the new "Cry Baby Thelema" segment. After that we take a slap at m…
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Ep.31: I Just Think Dragons Are Cool
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1:51:44After recooping from the special, the boys is back with another romp through the old stand bys of occult comedy; Dragons. But first, we spend some time talking about the Grimoire traditions in light of Chaos magick and just why anyone would still worry about planetary hours or finding super specific wood for a wand. After that, the news catch up be…
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Ep.30: The Grant Morrison Special with Local Weirdo
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2:35:57After much delay we can't explain, it's the Grant Morrison special! Every ten episodes the boys sit down and spend a whole episode giving an overview of someone's work, and we're just as shocked as you are that it took this long to get to Morrison. We talk their early work as part of the British Comic book invasion and the things that would lead th…
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This week our hosts with the ghosts take on the perplexing ideas of doing magick just by thinking presented in Alan Chapman's "Advanced Magic for Beginners" complete with the usual dives into whether its got any utility and if your Mind stuff is magic on its own. After we that we head to the news where we're bemoan Israel Palestine gawking, laugh a…
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This week, the boys celebrate one year of bring you occult news and news from an occult perspective. And how do we do that? By talking about ourselves, looking at things we covered this year and letting our listeners submit the most random nonsense you could imagine under the illusion of "congratulations". We do the news too, but god knows you alre…
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In this week's episode Kennedy is trying to bring innovation and novelty to the pod and Cohost is not having ANY of it. After avoiding a tangent and talking about the great experiences we've had with Ganesha Chaturthi and how devotional works can be beneficial, we get into the news; Politicians playing chicken with government shut downs(then gettin…
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This week we have one question for you; Did you say Based? We have our friend Garrycreates on to learn them a thing or two about magick. But first, we do a follow up and clarification on our IOT story from two episodes ago where we explain what Diddle means. Then we talk aesthetics in magic from how to cultivate one for magick purposes to what’s th…
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Ep.25: I would love to get sued
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1:37:54This week on the pod Airhorn we have more Airhorn actual occult news!*Airhorn Airhorn* But first, Kennedy recounts a weird day he had of having to explain himself to non-spooky people, and we muse on what "being in the broom closet" is even about. Then in the news, we talk about the Republican non-debate, Kyle Rittenhouse getting sued, Burning Man …
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Buddhism and the Directionality of Magic with Tommie Kelly
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1:38:24This time in our interview series we have a man that needs no introduction; Tommie Kelly is a writer, artist, musician, blogger and a Chaos Magician like no other. He is the creator of the popular 40 Servants Oracle deck, several acclaimed comics and runs the Adventures in Woo Woo website. Tommie sits down to talk to us about his and Duncan Barford…
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In this week's episode we go from low energy to high mockery! We throw some real occult news out there as we discuss the collapse of the IOT and why the hell magical people want to be diddlers and creeps. Then we play catch up with the news(including a bunch of addendums from Kennedy as he was editing) with such forgettable stories like the Trump i…
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CMN Interviews: Surfing Chaos and Psychedelic Cheats with Mariana Pinzon
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1:43:18Anyone interested in taking Mariana's course, reach out to us via our socials, as we were given 5 free passes we will be giving out to interested listeners. In the latest installment of our interview series, our wonderful Co-host sits down with Transformational Coach, Chaos magickian, 8 Circuit Model enthusiast and agent of change from the Cosmic C…
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Ep.23: It's Britney GLITCH with TS Brookhouse
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2:30:16A mammoth of an episode this week, because it's the 23rd episode AND we are joined by our friend T.S. Brookhouse! We talk the many many many ways writing and magic intermingle, bang out the fast food news of Grimace and Trump before Brookhouse takes us down the horrifying and fascinating conspiracy of #Britneyisnotfree which somehow manages to tie …
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Ep. 22: Jesus Christ Super Stairs
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1:59:56This week we have possibly our most packed episode yet in more ways than one; Louie returns with the enigmatic Josh and our hosts have a great time rambling about the connection of psychedelics and magick and how Josh got into occultism in the intro, the Submersible implosion and how likely it is that our political elite might fall down the stairs …
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CMN Interviews: Talking Tarot and Bones with Octavia Saturday
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1:01:47This the latest installment in our interview series, we got to sit down with professional tarot reader, astrologer and bog witch Octavia Saturday! We talk about why people think techmagic is hooky, tarot, running an occult business and even a little bit about bones, gators and Luciferianism. A great conversation with one of the occult world's most …
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This week on the pod we go back to an old favorite that everybody(and by that we mean we) loved. After we talk about the concept of Self and the Colonial Being with reference to the greats like Carroll and Morrison and a massively over stuffed news segment where we dish on Taylor Swift's mind control and Cornel West's already failed campaign, we ta…
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Ep. 20: The Carlos Castaneda Special
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1:44:46Its our second special! For episode 20 we decided to take on one of the most controversial and fascinating figures in the occult and New Age circles of the 60's and 70's; Carlos Castaneda. We talk the enigma of his history, the mystery of his teacher Don Juan, the many claims against his work, the techniques in his books and the power of erasing yo…
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Ep. 19 Selling Supplements with Louie LaMonte
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2:31:06This week the CMN boys bring friend of the show Louie for a guest appearance.For an opening discussion we have threshold moments in magickal practice before tackling the monarchy, dementiated presidents, and who left all this pasta our in the woods?Wrapping up with a horn first dive into the different types of Satanism and the wacky antics of the S…
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Ep. 18 Professional Podcasting
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2:14:13This week on the CMN podcast we bring you an episode filled to the gills. The boys talk weird paradigms, doing magick with non-spooky people, and introduce you to the problematic, enigmatic, fun-o-matic mystery of "Who is Bobby Hemmitt?" plus the headlines and replacing Co-Host with a Chatbot. Grab a Malt Liquor and 72 of your friends cause it's go…
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Ep.17: Not with Billy Bob Thornton
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1:36:27This week on the pod, our hosts do not have legendary actor Billy Bob Thornton, but what they do have is a lot of goofy jokes and terrible characters. In between that we talk Angel Millar's "The Forgotten Teachings of Chaos Magic", what it means to take chaos magic into your actual life and chaos magic in an age of decay. After that, we dunk on Bud…
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CMN Interviews: Getting Canceled and Chaotic with Matt from Chaostarot.com pt. 2
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1:28:51Part 2 of our interview with Matt from Chaostarot.com, where we speak briefly on a few more topics and roll right into viewer questions ranging from how you should start as a beginner to how big Carl Jung's Red Book is! Some we talk about well, some we ignore entirely, some we go off on unrelated drunken spiels. Its a grand time for all, so join us…
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Ep. 16: Dragonpilled and Other In-Jokes
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1:57:17In this weeks episode, we decide to do what's funny for us; Mostly being Dragonpilled and making jokes just for us. But, we also discuss a few ideas that go unexamined in the occult and the value of turning them on their heads. In the news segment, we talk Trump not getting arrested, which we then have to update days later, Ron "The Meatball" Desan…
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Ep.15: Donkey Kong Monkey Unit
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1:42:36In this week's episode of pod we talk about one of our favorite Occult collectives, the DKMU(No, it's not really named the Donkey Kong Monkey Unit), and after getting flash backs for most of the news segment, we dive into our favorite past time; reading an incoherent monstrosity of an occult text courtesy of our friends at the Society of the Discip…
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CMN Interviews: Getting Canceled and Chaotic with Matt from Chaostarot.com pt. 1
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1:26:21In the long awaited return of our interview series, we have possibly our favorite person in online occultism; MATT FROM CHAOSTAROT.COM!!! After copious amounts of White Claws, we talk about everything from getting into Magick later in life, why you should be doing the basics, why online chaotes suck, why we love each other so much, obscure RPGs, Ga…
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This was supposed to be a brisk episode folks, and boy did we mess that up! After discussion of shadow work leads to various ideas of psychology in magic via Jung and Lacan, we discuss the horrors of the Air(continued UFO sightings), Land(the Ohio train derailment), and Sea(China shining a laser at the Philippines) . Then the negativity of the news…
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This episode our incorrigible hosts jump right into the nitty gritty of the headlines before... drum roll Actual Occult News! Boleskine house, Damien Echols, and the battle of the 8 pointed star and much more. This episode is jammed from start to finish with CMNs trademark wit banter and accidental insights. Join us or be shot down by the US Govern…
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Not gonna lie folks; you're in for a rough one. In this monster of an episode filled with technical difficulties we; Talk about the commercialization of Magick, have random outbursts about tulpas, politics and Japan, pay tribute to one of our favorite podcasts while discussing super cheap occult items, and drag yet another well meaning spooky book.…
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Ep. 11: The (totally real) Cult of Saturn
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2:10:09In the first episode of the new year our hosts tackle burn out in occultism, take credit for things while they do the headlines, and try to unravel the ball of twine that is Frank Webster and his "Cult of Saturn", an internet rabbit hole that produces equal amounts of questions and rolled eyes. All with the usual humor, hollering, and hot takes. Li…
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It's finally here; The Lovecraft Special! In the same room even! Our two Dunwich Horrors discuss Howard Philip Lovecraft's fiction and the fascinating turn that took the strange fiction and "discovered" hidden occult truths and endless potential for fakers! From Kenneth Grant to Fake Necronomicons, we take a deep dive into R'lyeh and take an Innsmo…
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