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Circular Economy Podcast

Catherine Weetman

Catherine Weetman interviews the inspiring people who are making the circular economy happen. We explore how circular, regenerative and fair solutions are better for people, planet and prosperity. We’ll hear from entrepreneurs & business owners, social enterprises, and leading thinkers. You’ll find the show notes and links at, where you can subscribe to updates and useful resources.
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Hier ist Eveline von Thinking Circular, dem Multiversum für grünen Fortschritt! Circular Economy ist unser zukunftsfähiger Lösungsansatz zur Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaft. Und darum geht es in diesem Podcast. Unser Verständnis von Circular Economy: Das mitteleuropäische kulturelle Gesellschaftsverständnis von Kreislaufwirtschaft wird oft auf die Abfallwirtschaft reduziert. Doch die Natur kennt keinen Abfall, wie wir ihn in unseren Gesellschaften definieren und ihn in unserer Gesel ...
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Circular Economy Manufacturing Workshops

Circular Economy Manufacturing LLC

We are Circular Economy Manufacturing, a design and manufacturing company that makes products from recycled plastic in solar-powered MicroFactories. Our podcast series is designed to promote sustainable living practices and to educate around the circular economy. Every month we will be releasing the audio from our virtual workshops that feature various expert guests. Our workshops will delve into various topics including composting, recycling, renewable energy, and sustainable design. We hop ...
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The Circular Economy technology podcast that explores how technology can enable the transition to a circular economy. As we face major global issues such as climate change, waste crises, and biodiversity loss, it's clear that the traditional linear economy needs to change. We must transform how we manage resources, make and use products, and deal with materials at the end of their life. A circular economy offers part of the solution, and technology can help make it a reality. Join the podcas ...
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Welcome to Getting In the Loop – a podcast dedicated to exploring how to transform to a more circular society that recognises our planet’s limited resources. Join host Katie Whalen as she examines the challenges facing our current resource use and discovers alternatives to the ‘take, make, dispose’ way of doing things. Each week she interviews circular economy experts about what they’re doing and learning (including Anna Tari of the Circular Economy Club, Ken Webster of the Ellen MacArthur F ...
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What will the city of tomorrow look like? We are living in the Century of the City. Cities are the main drivers of creativity and innovation. Yet, a great number of people have little or no conception of what their future will look like when it comes to creating resilient, sustainable, and liveable cities. Even though a significant majority are intent on learning more about climate disruption, energy, transport, water, air, waste, education, and jobs. In a decade of transformative change, Fu ...
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show series
Die Bundestagswahl steht kurz bevor und wir wollten für euch die Positionen der verschiedenen Parteien zur Kreislaufwirtschaft genauer unter die Lupe nehmen. Zur Vorbereitung haben wir den KI-Assistenten von genutzt, um die einzelnen Wahlprogramme zu analysieren. Wir haben dem KI-Assistenten unter anderem die folgende Frage gestellt: "Wie…
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The food industry is one of the biggest drivers of biodiversity loss and accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. But what if food could be designed to regenerate nature rather than harming it? That’s the vision behind the Big Food Redesign Challenge. In this episode of The Circular Economy Show, our guest host Lucy Parker, Senior P…
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Catherine Weetman has been reflecting on what’s come up over the last series, in episodes 141 to 149. How do we create the conditions for our ideas to spread? Do we fully understand the systems that circular products or services will be embedded in or affected by, how those work, and what keeps them going? It’s likely there will be multiple systems…
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Circular design is a hot topic, but moving beyond the buzzwords to practical implementation can be a real challenge. In this episode, we go deep with Joe Iles, Head of Design Activation at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, to unpack the essential principles and skills every designer should have in their toolkit. Joe shares a compelling perspective on…
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In this episode of the Circular Economy Show we meet Zero Waste Scotland, who are working with government, businesses, and communities to make the shift to a circular economy as easy as possible for all. We're joined by Peter McCafferty, Business Support Manager at Zero Waste Scotland, and Dr Michaela Hruskova from the University of Stirling. Toget…
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Zum Abschluss unserer Podcast-Serie über die Überschwemmungen in Valencia möchten wir über die aktuelle Situation vor Ort in Valencia berichten. Eveline wird insbesondere auf den Zustand der Albufera Valenciana, des umliegenden Naturschutzgebietes und der Reisfelder eingehen. Die Überschwemmungen haben große Gefahren für Flora und Fauna mit sich ge…
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How do we move from pilots and beyond the ESG hype bubble to scale the implementation of the circular economy and how do businesses lead in this space? In this episode of the Circular Economy Show, host Seb is joined by Lindsay Hooper, CEO for the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), and Joe Murphy, Executive Lead of the Ellen …
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Giulia Ziino is a co-founder of CircularPlace, a digital platform that helps organizations generate value by reusing and repurposing underutilized products and equipment. These services are needed more than ever, by a wide range of organizations. The pandemic, working from home and now hybrid working upturned the entire concept of workspaces, and o…
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Nach ihrer gemeinsamen Reise mit Stephan Müllers vom Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Ahrweiler und Prof. Fekete von der TH Köln nach Valencia berichtet Eveline über die Auswirkungen der jüngsten Überschwemmungen. Vor Ort haben sich die drei Experten ein Bild von der Lage gemacht und ihr Wissen über Abfallmanagement in Katastrophensituationen wei…
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Im Oktober 2024 wurde Spanien von schweren Regenfällen und verheerenden Überschwemmungen heimgesucht. Auch nach mehr als zwei Monaten ist die Lage vor Ort noch nicht unter Kontrolle. Auf Einladung des Clean Waste Clusters und der Universitat Politècnica de València reist Eveline gemeinsam mit einigen Experten – darunter Prof. Dr. Alexander Fekete v…
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Tim Forslund works on the circular economy at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. As a key part of his work at Sitra, Tim has analysed how circular economy strategies can help tackle biodiversity loss, including through the circular bioeconomy. We’ll be talking about Sitra’s latest handbook for businesses, CIRCULAR SOLUTIONS FOR NATURE, which helps …
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Wie der ethische Kapitalismus die Demokratie retten kann. Das ist der Untertitel von Markus Gabriels Buch „Gutes Tun“ (ISBN 9783550203114), mit dem wir uns in dieser Folge beschäftigen werden. Markus Gabriel, ein renommierter Philosoph und Autor, entwickelt in seinem Werk eine provokative und inspirierende Vision für eine ethische Wirtschaftsweise.…
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Join Fin, Lou and Pippa from the Circular Economy Show as we look back at a year in the circular economy. In this episode, the team shares highlights from this year’s show, and talks about some of the moments you might have missed. Thanks for listening to the Circular Economy Show from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Help us grow our audience in 20…
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Dr Alexandra Leeper is the CEO of the Iceland Ocean Cluster and is passionate about the sustainable use of ocean resources. She’s working as a scientist intrapreneur in the blue and circular economies, drawing on diverse experiences from working all over the world in universities, consultancies, and at sea. Alexandra has a background in marine reso…
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Die Nationale Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie (NKWS ) der Bundesregierung ist ein ambitioniertes Konzept, das die Zukunft unserer Wirtschaft revolutionieren soll. Sie zeigt auf, wie Deutschland durch ressourcenschonende Maßnahmen unabhängiger von Rohstoffimporten werden kann und welche Chancen sich daraus für Umwelt, Klima und die Wettbewerbsfähigkei…
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In this episode of the Circular Economy Show we discuss Arda Biomaterials' journey of transforming beer by-products into sustainable materials. Brett Cotten, co-founder at Arda, details the company's origins, challenges, and successes, including raising pre-seed investment in 2023 and scaling operations. Amy Tsang from The Mills Fabrica highlights …
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In this special episode of The Circular Economy Show, we’re sharing a conversation between Ellen MacArthur and Christiana Figueres from the climate podcast Outrage + Optimism. Christiana was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 2010 to 2016, where she oversaw the delivery of the historic Paris Agreem…
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Entrepreneur Dr. Monika Hauck is tapping into the emotional charge we feel after getting something repaired, and using that to revolutionize how we choose and care for our clothing and accessories. Dr. Monika Hauck is the founder of Repair Rebels, a digital B2C & B2B fashion repair platform that’s a pioneer solution in the German market, with a goa…
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Das Projekt Zukunftsstadt Stadt-Land-Plus, eine Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), zielt darauf ab, die Beziehungen zwischen städtischen und ländlichen Räumen zu stärken. Von 2018 bis 2025 fördert das Programm bundesweit 22 Verbundprojekte, die innovative Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und den Abbau sozial…
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In this episode, we discuss the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s latest publication, The circular economy: A 'triple play' solution for achieving China's climate objectives. We’ll explore how adopting a comprehensive circular economy framework can play a pivotal role in achieving both China’s climate and economic goals. Lei Chen and Seb Egerton-Read hi…
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Klimakatastrophe, Rechtsruck und Hoffnungslosigkeit prägen unsere Gesellschaft, die scheinbar orientierungslos umherirrt. Wie können wir damit umgehen und welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es? In diesem Podcast werfen wir einen Blick auf das Buch Zwischen friedlicher Sabotage und Kollaps: Wie ich lernte, die Zukunft wieder zu lieben (ISBN: 9783991…
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At the end of this month in Busan, Korea, INC-5 will take place. For the fifth and final time, the United Nations international negotiating committee will reunite to create a legally binding global treaty that ends plastic pollution. In this episode, Marta Longhurst, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Global Treaty Manager, tells us what opportunitie…
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Evolena de Wilde d’Estmael is co-founder & CEO of Faircado, a Berlin-based startup that provides the first AI-powered second-hand shopping assistant in Europe. Faircado’s technology helps people find the best second-hand alternatives to what they are searching for online. Driven by the mission to reduce global waste and support the shift to a circu…
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Beim Einstieg in das Thema Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und -berichterstattung tauchen häufig Fragen und Unsicherheiten auf. Um den Einstieg zu erleichtern, empfehlen wir das Buch (Quer-)Einstieg ins Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (ISBN: 978-3-648-17614-6) von Anne Jacobs, Alexander Kraemer und Marcus Mauermann (Hrsg.). Es behandelt grundlegende Schritte u…
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Welche Kennzahlen braucht die Circular Economy und wer entwickelt sie? Diesen Fragen gehen wir heute nach, denn die Kreislaufwirtschaft benötigt andere Kennzahlen als die klassischen Wirtschaftsmodelle, da sie auf Recycling und Ressourcenreduzierung basiert. Der World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) hat das Global Circularity P…
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The circular economy can be a powerful climate mitigation strategy. But what about the other side of the climate action coin? In this episode, we explore the connection between circular economy activities and climate adaptation outcomes. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review or a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us …
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Chris Allen is Sustainability Leader and Head of Circular Business Development at Decathlon UK. You’ve probably heard of Decathlon, which is the world’s largest sporting goods retailer, with over 1,700 stores in more than 70 countries. It’s a family-owned company, founded in 1976, and inspired by the belief that the best sports products should be a…
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Kann es allen Menschen auf einem Planeten mit begrenzten Ressourcen gut gehen? Dieser Frage widmen sich das Wuppertal Institut und der Club of Rome in ihrem neuen Buch Earth for All Deutschland: Aufbruch in eine Zukunft für Alle (ISBN: 978-3-98726-111-4). Worum geht es in diesem Bericht und wie ordnet Eveline ihn ein? Darum geht es in unserer heuti…
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When we talk about durable materials, products, and services, what do we really mean? This episode unpacks the physical and emotional dimensions of durability and explores how this key design principle can help set circular business models up for long-term success. Would you like to know more about Back Market, the circular business model example m…
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Die biologische Vielfalt ist die Grundlage unseres Ökosystems und beeinflusst unmittelbar unsere Lebensqualität. Dennoch steht die biologische Vielfalt weltweit und auch in Deutschland unter starkem Druck. Was sind die Ursachen und welche Maßnahmen sind notwendig, um diesen Trend umzukehren? Die biologische Vielfalt in Deutschland ist bedroht (Tage…
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Is the circular economy just another form of sustainability? In this premiere episode of the Circular Curious season, Emma Elobeid and Lou Waldegrave explore the key overlaps and core differences between sustainability and the circular economy and discuss some of the common pitfalls in conflating these two vital yet distinct practices. Would you li…
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