Welcome to Coast Evangelical Church
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God has all sorts of souls that make up His church. Part of loving each other well is treating each other as He sees us. Every soul has equal value as an image-bearer of the Creator. Come and have a heart check as James hits up this issue in the early church.Autor: Dev Blair
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What's an indicator that our faith is genuine? James reckons it's our response to God's Word. How receptive we are to it, whether we 'hear' and 'do' what it says, and whether it's transforming our lives in the everyday.Autor: Dev Blair
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Trials often lead to temptations. How can we resist them when they come? And what should we do when we cave in?Autor: Chris Ekins
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As believers navigate through the trials and challenges of life, God provides all we need. James writes to change the perspective of the early Christians and exhorts them to live a crown-worthy life.Autor: Dev Blair
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One of the most loving (and awkward) things we can do is point others to Jesus. Here are 4 good reasons to push through the awkward and to have a crack.Autor: Chris Ekins
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The command is so clear and simple. So why is it so hard? And how can we do it?Autor: Chris Ekins
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Sometimes, our relationship with God can feel a little distant or abstract. Jesus modelled for us what an all-encompassing, intimate, and obedient love towards God looks like. Come and check out how 2025 can be a year where you grow in your love for God.Autor: Dev Blair
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In an uncertain world, certainty is attractive. Somethings we can never be certain about, but God says there are some things we can be very sure of. It's these things that need to shape our life. Come and check out what John sees that has encouraged the saints for millennia!Autor: Dev Blair
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In an uncertain world, certainty is attractive. Somethings we can never be certain about, but God says there are some things we can be very sure of. It's these things that need to shape our life. Come and check out what John sees that has encouraged the saints for millennia!Autor: Dev Blair
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There are very real dark forces at work in our world, all working together to destroy us. When Jesus returns, He will ultimately triumph over them all, but in the meantime, we're still living in the battle zone. Sometimes the battle is obvious, but other times it's very subtle and seductive.Autor: Chris Ekins
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God's judgement will be full and complete. And surprisingly, it will be a cause for celebration.Autor: Chris Ekins
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God, in His grace, continues to give humanity warning after warning after warning. The problem is - we aren't so good at taking warnings seriously. But John sees a vision of the consequences of those who heed the warnings and those who don't.Autor: Dev Blair
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Followers of Jesus have a foot in two realities: an earthly one and a redeemed one. Through John's vision, Jesus reminds his people to be wise as they navigate the first and to be assured of their salvation as they hold to the second.Autor: Dev Blair
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Listen in as Michael Dasey takes us through Revelation 13. Please accept our apologies, the first part of the talk got cut off.Autor: Michael Dasey
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Ever feel like following Jesus is a battle? Having doubts, failing in reading the Bible and praying regularly, entangled with sin? It can be exhausting. One of the reasons that the normal Christian life is like this is because the Devil hates your guts—big time. But come and check out the protection that God has for His people through all time.…
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Listen as Bill France takes us through the next part of Revelation.Autor: Bill France
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Listen as Bill France takes us through the next part of Revelation.Autor: Bill France
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The 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse are frightening. But they’re nothing compared to the wrath of the Lamb.Autor: Chris Ekins
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John gets a crazy glimpse into the throne room of God as Jesus lays down his life for humanity. It's the spiritual parallel of what's happening as the sacrificial Lamb dies in our place. Praise erupts in heaven - full of joy, full of hope! This chapter shapes everything about who we are and what we should be doing.…
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Jesus shows us where everything is headed. God is on the throne, worthy of all the praise we could ever musterAutor: Chris Ekins
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Wealth and comfort are always a danger to the followers of Jesus. The Laodicean church had fallen into uselessness, which repulsed Jesus. He pointed out their problem but also offered them a solution. Join us as we check out the 7th letter to the churches - one that faced many of the same temptations we face.…
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Jesus knows the temptation that faces every church. See how he responds to the ones Sardis and Philadelphia are going through. The command is not spiritually to cruise or corrupt our given righteousness; the commendation is for not compromising in the heat of opposition.Autor: Dev Blair
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Autor: Al Stewart
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Jesus loves His imperfect church and wants us to conquer (stay faithful to the end). Contending for sound doctrine and serving hard with our gifts is good, but beware of the danger of loving theology and doing good works more than loving Jesus Himself!Autor: Chris Ekins
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Autor: Dev Blair
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God promises to bless those who read the book of Revelation. How should we interpret it? Why is it good news?Autor: Chris Ekins
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Autor: Joel Hill
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Autor: Greg Lee
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God's people had entered into unholy relationships with the people around them. How can we make good decisions about the relationships we have?Autor: Chris Ekins
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God's community has always had spiritual leaders to help guide and serve for His purposes. Ezra is one of them. Check out some of the keys to his leadership as he brings spiritual renewal back to the Israelites.Autor: Dev Blair
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How can we get going again if we've ground to a halt?Autor: Chris Ekins
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Nothing is new under the sun - that's part of what Ezra wants to show God's people in chapter 4. Opposition will always come to those trying to live God's way. As the Jewish people attempt to rebuild the temple, they have a decision to make - God's way or the easier way?Autor: Dev Blair
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Most of us would love to experience spiritual renewal. It begins with God rousing our spirits and changing our hearts so we have a desire to seek Him and power to live according to His purposes. It leads to sacrifice, obedience, service, celebration and lament. When we see Ezra 3 in light of the cross, we find out what that looks like for us today.…
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God is Sovereign. He is the King of His own Universe and is gloriously unstoppable in fulfilling His own purposes. He fulfills every word and promise He speaks. He changes the hearts of people so they more fully align with His great purposes. Is this the God you worship? And have you gone all-in on His good purposes for you?…
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Ever feel like life is a bit of a battle? Reading the Bible a battle? Finding time to pray a battle? Well, that's because it is. Literally. Not only do we struggle with our sinful nature, but spiritually, the believer is under constant attack from the Devil and his schemes. But God provides what every believer needs. Heck yeah!…
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Autor: Chris Ekins
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Autor: Chris Ekins
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We are born imitators. But are we imitating the right people? Paul outlines three ways to 'walk' as we learn to imitate our Heavenly Father.Autor: Chris Ekins
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We are born imitators. But are we imitating the right people? Paul outlines three ways to 'walk' as we learn to imitate our Heavenly Father.Autor: Dev Blair
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As the Apostle Paul helps the new believers at Ephesus follow Jesus, he exhorts them to leave their former lives behind as they pursue their new identities in Christ Jesus.Autor: Dev Blair
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Listen as Micahel Dasey takes us through the passage.Autor: Michael Dasey
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Paul once again prays for the Ephesian Church - a big prayer, a bold prayer. One that we can learn from as we come to the Father who provides all things for His glory and our good.Autor: Dev Blair
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Ever feel like life is a bit of a mystery? Whether it's how to connect with God or what to do once you have. Paul writes to the Ephesians about how Jesus answers both of those mysteries.Autor: Dev Blair
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Jesus has made a way for us to have peace with God and with each other. We now have the privilege of calling God our Father, and all the blessings that flow from belonging to His Family.Autor: Chris Ekins
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From death to life, from sin to salvation, God's love for us drives Him to be rich in mercy & a lavisher of grace on undeserving people. Humanity has a problem, and Jesus is the only solution. Join us as we check out what Paul had to say to the newly formed church in Ephesus.Autor: Dev Blair
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God wants us to know him more deeply. He wants us to be confident and secure in his love. And He wants us to know his immeasurable power. We desperately need these things, and they are available to us.Autor: Chris Ekins
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We revisit the same passage as last week to pull out three salvation gems that flow from being chosen by God. To call God as Father, to be redeemed by the blood of Christ, and to have His Holy Spirit to ensure we get over the line is about as crazy wonderful as it gets!Autor: Dev Blair
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God is sovereign in salvation. He chooses who He will save. Jesus said: "You did not choose me, I chose you". Ephesians 1 says: "he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world...He predestined us to be adopted...we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will". But this…
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One of the greatest gifts God gives us is - each other! Your life isn't a solo mission; it's a community project. That's the way God has designed each of us for His glory. Come and check out a few of the ways we can walk well together as a faith family in 2024.Autor: Dev Blair
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The feet of messengers are beautiful if they bear good news. Here are 5 good reasons to share the good news about Jesus (and to make your feet more beautiful).Autor: Chris Ekins
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