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The first demand of Jesus’ public ministry was “Repent.” It was a call for radical inward change toward God and man. Repentance is not the new deeds but the inward change that bears the fruit of new deeds. Jesus is demanding that we experience this inward change. Experience new life in Jesus as Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy talks an important message…
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Allow the word of God to speak as Ps Lathur Badoy unveils the truth about LIFE OR DEATH: THE CHOICE IS YOURS. Every choice is a seed you sow that produces fruit in your life – either for life or death. And if we want to have the life Jesus died to give us – an abundant life full of peace and joy – we must make wise choices. Make the wise choice tod…
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No one is called to perfection, but every Christian is called to progression. Christ-followers are expected to mature in their faith. Maturing is a skill that one must develop in life if one is going to survive and even thrive. Open your heart and let God speak as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a must-hear truth about SERIOUS TALK ABOUT MATURING IN CHRIST …
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Listen to an impactful message from Ps Lathur Badoy as he unravels the truth about HEALED, SET FREE, AND EMPOWERED BY GOD’S LOVE! In embracing God’s love, we find freedom from insecurity and self-doubt. We can step into our God-given destinies with confidence, knowing that we are deeply loved and cherished by the One who created us!…
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Doing the mission work is not a solitary pursuit. It is a journey that requires the foundation of faith and the motivation of love. Allow God to transform your life into a purposeful and impactful adventure that aligns with His divine plan as you open your heart to receive powerful impartation from Ps Jeph and Apple Garcia about LOVE, FAITH, AND MI…
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There is no question that the church of God, both in seasons of great triumph and great struggle, continues to make and multiply disciples through the power of the Spirit by the Word. Multiplying disciples will naturally lead to multiplying communities and ultimately MULTIPLYING MISSIONAL CHURCHES. Listen to this message shared by Ps Lalano Badoy, …
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The Lord is continuously blessing us—with salvation, comfort, encouragement, and countless other good things. We should give back, not out of obligation but with a heart of gratitude and joy. Learn and experience THE BLESSINGS OF GIVING YOUR BEST as you listen to this powerful message by Ps Romel Ray Ortiz.…
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What battle are you currently fighting? Is it a physical one? Mental? Emotional? Spiritual? Relational? Learn how to FIGHT BACK! THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD as you listen to this empowering message by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy. Let God fight for you. You will experience true victory and inexpressible joy!…
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The key to living a successful, sin-killing life does not come primarily from trying harder but from enjoying God more. God is most glorified in us when our experience of Him ignites a forest fire of joy that consumes all competing pleasures. Make God your prized treasure as Ps Lathur Badoy shares an impactful message about ENJOYING GOD!…
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Discover the thrill and ultimate pleasure of DESIRING GOD, a powerful message shared by Ps Lathur Badoy. Deep in the heart of every true disciple of Jesus is a deep longing for more of God. True happiness is not in any earthly pleasures, but only in God Himself - in delighting, knowing, loving, and serving Him. Be blessed!…
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Life is all about the choices we make. If we make the right choice, the God-honoring choice, then God will bless us. But if we make the wrong choices, it can have a lasting and permanent impact on our lives. Let the word of God bring direction and revelation as you learn about RIGHT NEEDS, WRONG PROVISION, NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES shared by Ps Lathur …
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Brokenness is painful, but it develops humility and dependence on God that very few experience. The more God fills you, the more He can use you. He desires humility and brokenness over ability and gifting. Listen to a heart-shaping message by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy entitled FROM BREAKING TO BLESSING: The Power and Blessing of Brokenness.…
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This 2025, learn how to STOP AND THINK: The Power and Blessing of Reflective Pauses. Listen to this important message by Ps Lathur Badoy as we kickstart a brand-new year. There is power in reflective pause. When we pause, wait, and listen, we become empowered by the presence of God for whatever may come our way. Be blessed!…
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As we enter the new year, we can learn to face transitions with confidence that God leads us through them. None of us know what the future holds, even in seasons of routine, but we can trust in God who sees and knows all. Get ready to make your TRANSITION CHECKLIST FOR 2025 and listen to this powerful message by Ps Lathur Badoy!…
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Pause your busy schedule and listen to this life-giving message from Ps Lathur Badoy about EXPERIENCING THE AMAZING BLESSINGS OF CHRISTMAS. The blessings of Jesus' birth of Jesus are not just available on Christmas day but every day. It is the gift that keeps on giving. No matter what happens to you, remember you are blessed beyond measure!…
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We do not need anything when the Lord enters our lives, for He is the Great Provider who lavishly cares for us so that we cannot have an undersupply of anything necessary for contentment. Things cannot possibly satisfy and still our souls; only He can. Let this message from Ps Lathur Badoy entitled “HOW GOD OUR SHEPHERD LEADS US HIS SHEEP” bring re…
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Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he talks about an impactful message about CULTIVATING A HEART THAT WILL BEAR MUCH FRUIT FOR GOD. Good fruit comes from a good heart that has experienced repentance and welcomed Jesus as God’s Son and King. A heart that bears fruit for God is a heart that does the will of God, gives God what is rightfully His, and does w…
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As disciples of Jesus Christ, we never yield to the world. The world is the enemy of God, and we never concede to God’s enemy. We never negotiate with God’s enemy. To do so is a betrayal. Listen to Ps Jim MacInnes as he shares a riveting message about DEAL OR NO DEAL: LIVING A LIFE OF NO COMPROMISE!
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Christ’s death and resurrection not only paid the penalty for our sins but also provided the power that we need to overcome sin daily. Offer yourself to God afresh today to live the new life He has for you that is DEAD TO SIN, ALIVE TO GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. Be changed as you listen to this message by Ps Lathur Badoy.…
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A heart of gratitude leaves no room for complaining. It is impossible to be truly thankful and filled with negativity and ungratefulness all at the same time. Gratitude is a choice we make every day in every situation. Learn to CULTIVATE A GRATEFUL HEART: THANKING GOD IN ALL AREAS, an encouraging message from Ps Mark Thony Labrador.…
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A mind focused on heaven helps us to be “lively Christians” as we carry out all our earthly responsibilities. We can live on this earth filled with joy—a joy rooted in our destiny in heaven! Listen to a powerful message from Ps Lathur Badoy about USE AND ENJOY EARTH, BUT LOVE AND FOCUS ON HEAVEN!
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No condition is too dark, no situation is too difficult, and no problem is so severe that God can’t intervene, overturn, and reverse the course of events. Never underestimate the power of God! He has no limits because He is THE GOD OF PLOT TWISTS. Be encouraged and strengthened by this message shared by Paul John Tambis.…
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You need to live out God’s truth even when everything around you seems to declare the opposite. It may sound like a daunting assignment, but God is with you. He is the Healer, Deliverer, Provider, Defender, and all you need Him to be. Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he talks about “TRUTHS TO HANG ON TO WHEN THINGS ARE NOT OKAY.”…
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For Jesus to be Lord means that He is the ruler, the boss, and the master of your whole life. He cannot be Lord of a part — He must have full control of the entire life - the whole life. It’s time to be UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT: LIVING OUT THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST. Listen to this impactful message by Ps Lathur Badoy.…
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Know THE LOVE THAT TRULY SATISFIES AND HEALS as you listen to this message by Ps Lathur Badoy. There is absolutely nothing in this life that can satisfy us like Jesus and His perfect love. A satisfied and healed heart can stand firmly on the truth that brings real life, true love, and fulfilling relationships.…
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Regret can also be a powerful driver for change. Discover endless opportunities for personal growth as you shift your view of living a purposeful, meaningful, and God-glorifying life. Let the word of God bring hope as you listen to Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy share a powerful message about LIFE OF NO REGRET!…
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Let’s live every day as though it could be our last because one day it will be. The Scripture says, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 NKJV). The Bible is clear that a time of accountability, or judgment, is coming. Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he shares a sobering message about ACKNOWLEDGE THE LORD NO…
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It is time to catch the vision for the new thing God is doing and receive the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for what lies ahead. God is at work and right now is an opportunity to join in what He is doing. Don’t hold back. CATCH THE WAVE: DIVING INTO THE MOVE OF GOD, a powerful message by Ps Dan Carlo Torre!…
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Receive HEALING FROM WOUNDS CAUSED BY LACK OF TENDER LOVE as you listen to this impactful message by Ps Lathur Badoy. Jesus is the Great Physician. He, better than anyone else, can touch the deep and often hidden wounds of your heart. But for Him to heal, you must bring your hearts to Him. Don’t delay.…
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Our tongues hold immense power, for good or evil. With the same mouth, we can worship God or wound people. Determine today that your tongue will build up Christ’s kingdom as you receive God’s word through this impactful message about “The Tamed Tongue: Speech That Glorifies God and Builds People Up” by Ps Lathur Badoy. Be blessed!…
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As Christians, we are called to persevere. We are on this journey for the long haul. Living for Jesus is a lifetime commitment, regardless of whatever trials or persecution you may face along the way. Learn how to be CONSISTENT AND COMMITTED: THE CALL TO PERSEVERE, as we listen to this powerful message by Ps Joy Saavedra-MacInnes.…
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Although chaos may surround you externally, God wants to give you rest internally. The only way to have rest is to know Jesus Christ and allow His promises to overpower everything and everyone else. Receive peace and assurance as you listen to this message shared by Ps Lathur Badoy about RESTING ON THE PROMISES OF GOD!…
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Receive a holy stirring from God as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a message about KEEP GROWING IN YOUR PASSION FOR GOD. God is the source of spiritual passion. Like any love relationship, our relationship with God takes work. We need to invest time and effort to grow the intimate bond we have with our Creator.…
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Over and over in the New Testament, we are told to be watchful, to be awake, to be ready. The reason we prepare is so we can continue creating the life we want, knowing we are prepared for any potential outcome. Receive a timely message from God through Ps Lathur Badoy as he talks about READY FOR WHAT MAY COME!…
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The Word of God is clear. His grace is offered only through continual human repentance. Therefore, without continuing repentance, there is no continuing grace. When human repentance ceases, God's grace becomes unavailable. Understand the message about HYPER-GRACE: EXPOSING THE DANGERS OF THE MODERN GRACE MESSAGE shared by Ps Lathur Badoy.…
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What are you captivated with? Are you committed to Jesus, obedient to Him, seeking His guidance, acting on His commandments, engaged in His ministry, and doing His bidding with all your being? Be spiritually awakened as Ps Dan Carlo Torre shares, “CASUAL OR CAPTIVATED? Confronting the Dangers of Casual Christianity!”…
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There is no sickness, obstacle, poverty, broken relationship, a cycle of sin that God cannot overcome. Your faith in Jesus Christ will move mountains. Faith will help you turn challenges into great opportunities. Believe God for miraculous things as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a stirring message about FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS!…
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The secret to success and joy is simply the presence and favor of God. He will carry you beyond what you thought was possible because He delights in you. The Lord invites us to seek His favor as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a life-changing message about THE FAVOR OF GOD: The Differentiating Dynamic in Great Men & Women!…
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Do you know that a war is waging inside you? Have you experienced the pull in both directions - to follow God or fleshly desires? God's Spirit empowers us because the challenge of obeying Him is impossible in our own strength. Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he talks about “THE FLESH KILLS. THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE. LIVE BY THE SPIRIT."…
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