En lille podcast hvor jeg i hver episode snakker om et af mine digte, og læser digtet højt.
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In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen Music: Fallen Firmament by Le…
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Love in the time of Corona (5a): CLEARING
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2:25In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen Music: Fallen Firmament by Le…
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With creative approaches to research, we illuminate emotional experience behind data. In my PhD research I ask, “What is the nature of lecturers’ encounters with technological teaching tools?” I use poetic inquiry as methodology. In the sound poem you are about to hear, Device Detox, data in the form of sound snippets reveal what it is like for an …
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påpeger igen, at jeg ikke har haft konstateret depression, bare endnu et digt om kærestesorger og hvordan det føles
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Et digt med meget korte vers, endnu et af en stak af digte om kærligheds sorger.
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Et meget cyklisk digt om at være forelsket
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Et digt om forår, fra en solrig forårsdag
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Et langt digt om kærestesorger
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Nu begynder teenage-følelserne og kærestesorgerne så småt at bevæge sig ind i mine digte.
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Lytter til musik, og skriver et digt
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Sidder stadig til tysk terminsprøve og keder mig.
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Jeg sidder til tysk terminsprøve og venter på at måtte gå efter jeg er blevet færdig med prøven.
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Et digt om terminsprøver
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Et digt om at skrive en engelsk opgave
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Love in the time of Corona (3b): SHE DRAGS HER BAGS (English translation)
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4:28In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen TRANSLATED from Afrikaans by …
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Philip Pullman: The effects of reading a poem aloud (Paradise Lost)
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14:04Here I read a few choice pages from Philip Pullman's book "Daemon Voices. Essays on Storytelling" -- in particular his deliberation on what happens when you read a poem aloud as a way of understanding it. He uses Milton's poem Paradise Lost as an example. MUSIC: http://www.blockmrecords.org/bach/detail.php?ID=BWV0542 James Kibble's performance of B…
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Et digt om mine tanker
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Et digt om en sommer der går over i et efterår, og hvordan jeg gerne vil gå rundt i shorts og T-shirt lidt længere
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En lektie time hvor jeg ikke havde nogen lektier.
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Dagens digt er et knæk-prosa digt om det at være spejder, det var en skole-opgave at skrive et knæk-prosa digt, og det her er så det digt jeg endte ud med.
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Et digt om at være træt, og ikke at kunne sove.
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Et digt om en nat
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Et digt om forår, og at sidde indenfor på en solskinsdag
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Sidste digt tilbage fra 22. marts 2012, og vidst det sidste jeg skrev til at aflevere til skole opgaven. Som navnet måske antyder, handler det om da jeg gik i seng.
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Fra idag ændrer jeg opsætningen af episoderne så digtet kommer først, og så snakker jeg om det bagefter. Dagens digt lægger sig også en del op af digt 2 "En sløv dag", da jeg på dette tidspunkt af dagen sidder og får lavet de sidste lektier meget sent på dagen.
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Nærmest en fortsættelse af digtet fra den sidste episode, hvis man tænker på fortælling/historie måden. Efter min mening nok mit pinligste digt
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Et lidt anderledes digt idag, hvor der er lidt mindre tanker/følelser end nogen af mine andre digte, men noget mere "historie/fortælling".
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Dagens digt er fra en træt eftermiddag, hvor lektierne ikke ligefrem tiltalte mig.
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Mit første digt, undskyld for fuglene i baggrunden
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Introduktion til podcasten
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I believe we are celebrating Africa Month – so I heard, when the International Office of the Durban University of Technology where I work, invited me to share a poem in my mothertongue, Afrikaans. I’m going to use a poem that I wrote first in English sixteen years ago – for my daughter – it is called Turning Six. This year I tried my hand at transl…
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Love in the time of Corona (4a): MAAK VIR HAAR 'N SWAAI, REILLY (Afrikaans original)
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3:19In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen MUSIC: The Lamb by the King’s…
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Love in the time of Corona (4b): MAKE HER A SWING, REILLY (English translation)
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3:14In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen TRANSLATED by the poet MUSIC:…
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Love in the time of Corona (3a): SY SLEEP HAAR TAS (Afrikaans original)
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5:12In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen SOUND: Carillon similar to th…
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Love in the time of Corona (2a): NEARNESS (English original)
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3:59In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen MUSIC: https://www.johnsonsba…
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Love in the Time of Corona (1a): ZOOM (English original)
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9:42In this series I share poems from Durban, South Africa that I have been writing during the corona virus outbreak in March 2020. This series' title is a play on "Love in the Time of Cholera", a favourite novel by Gabriel García Márquez. READ THE POEM: https://sites.google.com/view/mari-pete/poetry/the-poets-soup-kitchen MUSIC: Gustav Mahler’s Sympho…
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Hier gedurende Corona-lockdown sit ek nou en verlang na al die kinders -- Megan my dogter wat daar ver in Europa studeer, maar ek mis ook al die niggies en nefies vir wie ek so lief is, en veral...na Francois Andrew Fourie (Faf!), wat laasmaand gebore is. Faf se mamma Marina (my sussie se dogter) het ons uitgenooi om vir hierdie nuutste toevoeginki…
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