Having discussions about interesting things with interesting people in Diners.
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Eat your lunch for breakfast
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Welcome to the SciFi Diner where we serve up spicy conversations off the latest menu of SciFi Movies & Television Shows.
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Dj Century and The Homie kAZual bring you "The Hood Diner", serving up glutenous portions of Music, Movies, Fashion, Food, Pop Culture and Current Events. Every week a different menu, cooking up some comedy and just all around having a blast. Welcome to The Hood Diner baby...Order Up!
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What's better than sitting at a diner discussing whatever comes to mind with your friends? Listening to a podcast that does that same thing! Hear Steve, Jordan, Devin, and Busboy Steve (that's two Steve's for the price of one!) as they discuss everything from music, sports, news, trivia, and whatever else is on their minds! Pull up a seat at the table and enjoy the Steve's Diner Podcast!
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James Lileks is back at his accustomed place on one of the chrome stools in front of the boomerang pattern Formica counter in the diner on Old Highway 23, about thirteen and a half minutes from wherever you happen to be at the moment. Listen to The Diner with James Lileks, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at Ricochet.com. No paid subscription required.
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Singer/songwriter Jon Cross and a variety of guest hosts mull over movies, comedically riff on a variety of topics and champion filmic underdogs. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-after-movie-diner-podcast--758347/support.
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"This podcast will leave you feeling inspired to take a more proactive approach to your savings, earnings, & expenses." - BuzzFeed | Yo Quiero Dinero is an award-winning personal finance podcast that empowers listeners on topics like entrepreneurship, investing, financial independence & money mindset. Hosted by Jannese Torres, Latina money expert, author and entrepreneur. Known as “the swaggiest personal finance podcast", each week we drop episodes brimming with POC-friendly personal finance ...
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Expertas en Dinero: Cómo emprender un cambio laboral a través del
desarrollo personal y financiero.
Tami Jaime
Te acompaño a emprender un cambio laboral que te permita tu desarrollo personal y financiero. Disfrutar tu trabajo y ganar dinero con lo que te gusta hacer, ES POSIBLE. Y si querés saber más podés buscarme en www.expertasendinero.com o en instagram como @expertasendinero De @expertasendinero
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The Naked Diner Podcast w/ Jack and Andy
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I talk about 3 different fast food restaurants.
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Welcome to Diners and Deals, the podcast where we dive deep into the journeys of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors making big moves in the business world. I’m your host, Seth, and in each episode, we bring you candid conversations with incredible guests who share their insights, successes, and the challenges they’ve faced along the way. Whether it’s scaling a business, navigating private equity, or reinventing an industry, our guests bring a wealth of experience and a fresh pers ...
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You will get a new Episode of this great Podcast every month.
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Hábitos Financieros para mejorar tus finanzas, ganar mas dinero y no poner en riesgo tus ahorros.
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Pipes Output
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Welcome to the show that delivers all the delicious topics, everything is on the menu, we go inside the culture from artists to a&r's, to managers and memes. We may talk about sports, politics, entrepreneurship, current events, even spouses, it's The Hip Hop Diner.
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Old Ben lives out beyond the Dune Sea...
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Podcasts, Diners and Deep Dives takes a Flavortown Themed look at a variety of our favorite franchises.
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Exploration of death, dying and grief. Working to cultivate open forums and knowledge around death and everything associated with it. Cover art photo provided by Matt Briney on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@mbriney
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In the post apocalyptic town of CLH, gluten runs rampant and animals are now self-aware. It's up to Honey and Lamb to bring you gluten-free and vegan recipes to enjoy your doomsday dining experience.
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Winkie's Diner Pod is a biweekly culture podcast based around a double bill format - one work we loved, and another we found frustrating.
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Dinero en Español te ofrece consejos financieros y entrevistas con expertos y empresarios de éxito para ayudarte a alcanzar tu versión del Sueño Americano. Con Miguel Gómez, CFP®, Consejero Financiero.
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Cuanto Dinero Podcast es un espacio exclusivo donde compartimos tips financieros a mentes y bolsillos jóvenes, todo esto basado en la biblia.
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Hablamos las verdades del dinero, como hacerlo crecer a través del ahorro, inversiones, emprendimiento y previsión financiera.
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Nearly two decades later, the thumpa thumpa continues and we’ve still got thoughts and feelings. We will recap each episode of the ground-breaking classic, Queer As Folk, and share our opinions and explanations of the themes and pivotal moments. Grab a seat in the booth and join us for the Liberty Diner Dish.
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Dev Diner is focused on emerging tech! We've got technology opinion pieces, interviews, links and guides for developers looking to get involved in VR, AR, wearables, IoT, AI and more! The Dev Diner Podcast is where you'll find audio versions of our recorded interviews for those who prefer to listen whilst out and about (or coding up a storm).
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Lo necesario 😱 para jugar el juego del dinero.🤔 About money 💰💰💰 Caracteristicas de un lider🤔. Además Temas de desarrollo personal😈.
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"Te quiero dinero" , una plataforma para crecimiento en temas de dinero y finanzas personales, si te has preguntado ¿como puedo hacer más con mi dinero? ¿como puedo ahorrar? ¿que hago para invertir? ¿como generar negocios?... si alguna vez te has hecho estas preguntas, estas en el lugar indicado!! Finanzas personales, música y entrevistas!!
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Diner Night is a podcast founded by Taylor Reinhart and Hannah Ticoras, participants in the Ohio University comedy scene with Blue Pencil Comedy and OU Improv. Together with their friend Matt Albani, they meet at 11 PM every night in the 24/7 Union Street Diner in Athens, Ohio. They invite a guest host and a guest in hopes of making new friends, learning new things about old ones, and telling stories.
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Comedy, Movies & Music steeped in Americana and silliness. Two friends discuss genre films with knowledge, passion and a unique sense of humour. There's no other podcast like this!
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Tu podcast de finanzas personales, negocios, emprendimiento, inversiones y más! Nuestra meta es revolucionar tus finanzas, tu economía, tus inversiones, tu dinero! Hablemos de Dinero de manera natural, con lenguaje sencillo y que todos puedan entender! Compartiremos experiencias, recomendaciones y haremos entrevistas a grandes personajes. "Dinero y más" es una producción de Te quiero Dinero, MR Puedes encontrarnos en nuestras redes sociales como @tequierodinero
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Dinero Sin Filtros es un formato de entrevistas con 3 secciones: 🎯Batería de preguntas rápidas sobre finanzas (sin piedad, a la yugular) 🏅Premio o Castigo 🎙Aclaraciones (algo de piedad...) Todo ello con el característico buen rollo que siempre nos acompaña.
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Por que pasamos la mitad de nuestra semana tratando de ganarlo... Es momento de dedicarle 5 minutos en aprender a cuidarlo, invertirlo y usarlo.
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Las finanzas personales, como todo, evoluciona, dejemos de verlas como un simple método racional que busca que tomemos decisiones en la gestión de nuestro dinero para que este crezca. Integremos lo espiritual y lo trascendente a este aspecto humano, hablemos de FINANZAS TRANSPERSONALES, unas finanzas que nos invitan a crear valor a la sociedad, usando el dinero como un medio para vivir nuestro propósito apasionadamente, lograr descubrir eso que realmente queremos, y experimentar una vida tra ...
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Bogholder i København giver gode råd omkring e-conomic, Dinero, BIlly's Billing samt omkring skat, moms og bogføring
Dania Regnskab
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ArtSeesDiner Radio is a part of ArtSees Productions and home of Steve and Mary E. ArtSees Diner brings you musicians, authors, thinkers, and dreamers. At ArtSees Diner you will find special guests in each booth. Home of "Reck It Out With John and Steve" and other weekly shows. We are changing the world, One Song at a Time, One Heart at a Time! What ever you do, do not make "The Chef" wait!
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Her Dinero Matters is an award-winning podcast that resonates deeply with listeners like Ariana, who says, “I have learned a lot about myself and the world of finances. I also love the bilingual / Latina perspective." Hosted by Jen Hemphill, an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) with a seasoned voice in finance, this podcast goes beyond being just a financial guide. It's a journey towards financial independence and personal growth. Each week, Jen brings a unique blend of practicality and ...
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Hola, soy Antonio Gonzalez, bienvenido a este podcast sobre finanzas personales, ahorro e inversión. Quiero generar una comunidad donde todos aprendamos de nuestros errores y logremos objetivos claros. Se trata de aprender y transmitir lo que sabemos, comenzamos
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data & coffee
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Tu podcast de información, estrategias y ayuda financiera para alcanzas tus metas con Kurty Schindler, tu planificador financiero.
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Mujeres y Dinero: el podcast sobre las historias, recomendaciones, tácticas, hábitos y rutinas de las mujeres en el top. Cómo llegaron a dónde están y qué es lo que hacen para seguir avanzando en el entorno actual...
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My name is Jack (jayr). When I became unemployed 6 years ago I had to find a way to make money. That's when I found out the possibilities of making money online, specifically on eBay. I became an eBay reseller and have found success doing it. In my podcast, I will be sharing my struggles, failures but most importantly my successes so that YOU could also find success selling online and have extra dinero (money) for the extra things you want in life. In addition, I will be sharing other ways o ...
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Te reto a aprender cómo funciona eso que llamamos sistema financiero. No sale en los periódicos! El ser humano vive en un paradigma entre una nueva economía digital y el dinero del día a día.
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Accountant in Copenhagen giving accounting advise on tax, VAT, e-conomic, Dinero, Billy´s Billing
Dania Accounting - Accountant in Copenhagen, Denmark
Here you will find podcasts that contains guides and information to our clients. All podcasts are related to danish accounting, tax and VAT rules. Read more on our website: http://www.daniaaccounting.com
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Wir, Daniel und Albert wollen nicht arm sterben. Also müssen wir ein bißchen mehr tun, als nur zu sparen. Wir müssen investieren. In Aktien & ETFs, in Kryptos & P2P oder in das eigene Humankapital. Das ist gar nicht so einfach. Manchmal fällt man dabei ganz schön auf die Nase. Aber: Über Geld reden hilft. Wir holen Hörer und Experten ans Mikro und diskutieren mit Ihnen die Frage: " Vermögensaufbau - wie stell ich's an?". So können wir alle etwas lernen und Du musst nicht alle Fehler selbst m ...
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Bienvenidos a Inversiones y Dinero, el podcast donde te enseñaré las estrategias más efectivas para hacer crecer tu capital y diversificar tu portafolio. Si tu eres una persona interesada en maximizar tus inversiones, crecer tu patrimonio y conocer nuestras estrategias de inversión, este podcast te ayudara a tomar las mejores decisiones financieras.
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Uno de los principales objetivos que buscan los seres humanos, es alcanzar la independencia financiera. Debemos encontrar el punto de equilibrio donde contemos con el dinero suficiente como para no tener que preocuparnos mas por aspectos económicos. La buena noticia, es que la independencia financiera , es más fácil de lograr hoy, de lo que ha lo sido a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad.
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We ramble about dogs in Jared's salesman days, nostalgia trips to Menards, and going to war against ants. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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🎙Ep 196 - BACK LIKE WE NEVER LEFT This week in The Diner… WE'RE BACK!! And NO we didn't separate! Some REAL SHIT went down and in this short episode we talk all about it and nothing else!! Stay tuned for 193 - 195 and we'll continue right until 200!! TheHoodDiner.com or pod.link/hood ===== News: Music News: TV / Movie News: Fashion & Pop Culture: F…
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Have you seen the price of eggs? It's a crime I say, a crime. A real mystery...Autor: Ricochet
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Season 2 - Ep 20 - Tough Guys Don't Dance and Hologram Man
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3:32:52Matt Poirier from the Direct to Video Connoisseur is back again and we are back in the world of The Wings.... Wings Hauser that is! We dip into the bizarro time when Cannon Films gave Norman Mailer money to make a movie out of his jokey, pulp, novella, ghost story, that he only wrote because his publisher's contract required one more book from him.…
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January is almost over. Aaron recalls the month.
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Steve's Diner Podcast - S4E4 - A.I. Day on the Podcast!
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1:10:20Send us a text Join the boys as they listen to candidates for a new Steve's Diner Podcast song, all generated by A.I. Also discussion of Busboy Steve's upcoming trip, Steve ain't watching the Super Bowl, Jordan had surgery, and lots more talk and laughs! Support the show Thanks for listening! Steve's Diner Podcast on YouTube! https://youtube.com/@S…
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The SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 483 – The Utter Complete Failure Of Star Trek Section 31
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1:18:05The SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 483 – The Utter Complete Failure Of Star Trek Section 31Autor: Scott Hertzog
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#106 - Cómo avanzar con un cambio: 3 respuestas clave para desbloquear tu camino profesional
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20:32¿Te encontrás pensando cosas como "No me gusta mi trabajo, pero no lo puedo dejar", "No sé qué me apasiona" o "Me aburre mi trabajo y necesito un cambio"? No estás sola.En este episodio, respondemos tres consultas frecuentes que podrían ayudarte a dar los primeros pasos hacia una transición laboral. Son dudas comunes cuando sentís que tu trabajo no…
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#105 - Cómo aprovechar una crisis profesional para empezar a emprender
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45:14En esta entrevista inspiradora, conversamos con Juli, la fundadora de Recursera, quien nos comparte su historia de cómo una crisis profesional la llevó a crear su propio emprendimiento en el sector de las industrias creativas y culturales. Juli nos cuenta qué la motivó, cómo superó sus mayores obstáculos y qué aprendió en el proceso. Si estás pensa…
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We ramble with Foosie about his new rap album that just dropped (All-American Ghetto), where he drew the inspiration from, and how his time in prison affected this. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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#104 - Objetivos laborales: 3 errores que te están frenando (y cómo superarlos)
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17:39¿Estás cometiendo estos 3 errores al definir tus objetivos laborales? 🤔 En este video, te revelo las trampas más comunes que te están frenando en tu carrera profesional y cómo superarlas. Descubrí: ✅ Por qué enfocarte solo en lo externo te limita (y cómo expandir tus posibilidades) ✅ La importancia de la gestión emocional en tu desarrollo profesion…
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Jefas y Mamás: How To Thrive As A Mom and Business Owner | Dr. Esther Zeledón | BeActChange
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56:54Episode 309 features a return guest + fellow mompreneur, Dr. Esther Zeledón of BeActChange. As the 1st guest of our new podcast mini series: Jefas y Mamás, were're talking about how to thrive as a mom & business owner. Listen now! Dr. Esther Zeledón, a Latina immigrant and former diplomat turned award-winning author, international speaker, and coac…
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#103 - Cómo aumentar la autoconfianza: 3 ejercicios para sentir más confianza y avanzar con tus objetivos
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16:31Quizá te preguntas: cómo puedo aumentar mi confianza y tener más seguridad. En este video te comparto 3 maneras para aumentar tu confianza y tengas más recursos para superar tus miedos. Si quieres aumentar tu confianza y seguridad en vos misma es necesario cambiar la forma en que te hablas. Porque cuando no confiamos en nosotras mismas empezas a sa…
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Episode 170: Shannon Loughmiller & Natalie Heleine
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53:25Red Velvet rambles with Shannon and Natalie about anxiety getting pulled over, what they do with the sorority Tri Kappa, and the fun things they have going on. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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We ramble with Bryce and Kenzie about their business (Rugged Cross Tree Service), Transitioning from one business to another, and relationship dynamics. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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How To Financially Plan For Motherhood
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32:26Mi gente, it’s been a minute, and this catch-up is long overdue. Guess what?! I HAD A BABY! 🤯💖 In this solo episode, I’m taking you through my journey of stepping into motherhood while juggling entrepreneurship—and how I financially prepared for this life-changing chapter. I’ll be breaking down the key steps I took to plan for maternity leave, buil…
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Forget your lame Pong, man. We've got a pocketful of quarters and we're heading to the Arcade at the mall!Autor: Ricochet
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We ramble about casinos, being down with the sickness for a few days (Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah) and how Jared celebrated his birthday. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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Welcome to 2025 Diners! Here’s to another great year!
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Episode 167: Conor & Alisha McCoy W/ Special Guest Host Dayne Upperman
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1:19:20We ramble with Conor & Alisha about their journey in weight loss, their love for running, and tips they would give people starting out. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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How to Start Investing | Tess Waresmith | Wealth with Tess
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53:10Episode 307 features Tess Waresmith of Wealth with Tess! We're discussing how to start investing. Listen now! Tess Waresmith is an investing educator and founder of Wealth with Tess, a financial education community that helps millennial women learn how to grow their money using simple investing strategies so that they can retire comfortably and liv…
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Every generation finds its own groove... and learns to appreciate the grooves of others.Autor: Ricochet
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We ramble about the Star Wars movies, our evening of activities at a wrestling event, and Jared may have been abducted by aliens. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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We ramble with Gamer Harold about his love for wrestling, streaming video games, and a few older cartoons. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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How to Survive Divorce | Aliette H. Carolan, Esq. | The Quick Divorce, Inc.©
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46:28Episode 306 features Aliette H. Carolan, Esq. of The Quick Divorce, Inc.©. We're talking about how to survive divorce! Listen now! Aliette H. Carolan, Esq. has been practicing exclusively in the area of Marital & Family Law since 2004. She recognized that not everyone she wanted to help could afford her services through her traditional law firm mod…
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New cars and old trains and infinite waitresses all the way down... say, did you just hear that?Autor: Ricochet
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We ramble living on planet Hoth, random video games we play, and we dabble into some world news. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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Building a Billion Dollar Business in 3 Years - Steve Carroll - CEO of Kelso Industries
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1:04:49Steve is the CEO and Co-founder of Kelso Industries, which provides mechanical, HVAC, refrigeration, industrial, plumbing, and electrical services all throughout the United States. Seth and Steve discuss: Seth and Steve discuss: - Early ambitions and motivations behind Kelso Industries - The importance of partnerships in executing a buy and build -…
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The SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 482 – 2024 Conquers 2025
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58:54The SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 482 – 2024 Conquers 2025Autor: Scott Hertzog
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Season 2 - Ep 19 - Troll & Delta Heat
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2:35:15Matt Poirier from the Direct to Video Connoisseur joins us to talk about the bizarre Michael Moriarty, Sonny Bono and Julia Louis-Dreyfus starring and John Carl Beuchler directed movie, Troll - listen to hear if Moriarty's wildly insane and embarrassing dancing beats that of Crispin Glover in Friday the 13th Pt. 4. Then we get sweaty and swampy dow…
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Episode 163: Shane & Skyler Lunsford
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1:05:34We ramble with Shane and Skyler about navigating marriage, managing a household along with businesses, and how their relationship started. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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How Money Can Help You Leave an Abusive Relationship | Justine De Peralta | Afraid to Affluent, LLC
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56:07Justine De Peralta is a former classroom teacher turned Certified Financial Educator (CFEI), Money Coach, Domestic Violence Counselor & face behind @msfinancialfit on Instagram dedicated to empowering BIPOC women and dv survivors with financial literacy + confidence. Her advocacy began in 2007, serving at a local courthouse assisting individuals fa…
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Your car can be sporty, it can be practical, it can be new or used, but whatever it is - if you're driving it to The Diner - it has to have style.Autor: Ricochet
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Episode 162: The OG Diner Podcast
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1:02:41We ramble about working through insecurities, navigating running a business on social media, and interacting with different types of humans. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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We ramble with Cody about his custom golf cart business, how he decided to venture into this business, and what he has figured out along the way. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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Why You Need Multiple Income Streams | Adriana Galvan | Adriana Talks Dinero, LLC
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49:38For our season 7 opener, episode 304 features Adriana Galvan of Adriana Talks Dinero, LLC. We're talking about why you need multiple income streams. Listen now! Adriana Galvan, founder of @adrianatalksdinero, is a proud first-generation daughter of immigrant parents—her mother from Tamaulipas, Mexico, and her father from Oaxaca, Mexico. Growing up …
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Episode 160: Kelley Westerhouse
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1:09:48We ramble with Kelley about owning National Ave Nutrition, her ups and downs with weight loss, and her amazingly delicious drinks. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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Episode 303 | How to Find Your Purpose | Jordan Grumet aka Doc G | Earn & Invest
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35:05Jordan Grumet, born in Evanston, Illinois, discovered his calling as a doctor after the loss of his father, an oncologist, inspired his passion for medicine. He earned his medical degree from Northwestern University and now practices Internal Medicine. He serves as Associate Medical Director at Unity Hospice in Northbrook, Illinois. Blending his ex…
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We ramble with Evan about shooting hogs out of a helicopter, his journey through entrepreneurship, and riding the waves of business. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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We ramble with Brett about the dark days of cable sales, his time as a Chef, and we venture into some rabbit holes and old stories. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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Signs It's Time To Quit Your Job | Goli Kalkhoran | Lessons from a Quitter
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50:12Goli Kalkhoran is Master Certified Life Coach, and former attorney, who helps unfulfilled professionals create a career (and life) they actually like. She is the host of the Lessons from a Quitter podcast where she uses her platform to de-stigmatize quitting and provide resources and inspiration to individuals looking to pivot in their established …
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Christmas traditions come and go just like the people in your life. But they don't really go, do they?Autor: Ricochet
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Una Reflexión para Cerrar el 2024 y Arrancar 2025 con el Pie Derecho
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14:51En este episodio te comparto una reflexión para ayudarte a cerrar el 2024 de la mejor manera y arrancar el 2025 con el pie derecho. ¿Te gustó? ¿Te sirvió? Ayúdame a que llegue a más gente compartiendo el episodio y dejándome tu review en iTunes y Spotify.Autor: Miguel Gómez, CFP®
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Serial Entrepreneurship and What it Means to Take Ownership of a Business - Matt Matros - Founder and GP at NCC
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1:14:58Matt Matros is one of America’s leading consumer-focused entrepreneurs, having founded and successfully exited two businesses since 2009. Matt is the founder of PROTEIN BAR & KITCHEN®, a wildly popular chain of healthy fast-casual restaurants he sold to to private equity firm L Catterton in 2013. Matt also founded LIMITLESS®, an innovative beverage…
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Episode 157: Just The Two Of Us
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1:12:02We ramble in a rare OG Diner episode about our first full year full time, the lessons learned along the way, and we get into some conspiracy theories. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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What Is Financial Therapy (And Why You Need It) | Aja Evans | Aja Evans Counseling
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44:26Episode 301 features Aja Evans of Aja Evans Counseling. We're talking about what is financial therapy (and why you need it)! Listen now. In this conversation, Aja explore the critical relationship between mental health and financial well-being. We discuss the concept of financial therapy, the emotional struggles associated with money, and the impor…
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We ramble with Austin about becoming a Dentist, his golf game, and baseball fandom. Enjoy!Autor: Red Velvet & Uncle Lump
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Season 2 - Ep 18 - In the Paré Way - DragonFight and Seizure
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3:18:10On a new sub-series and beautiful collaboration of The After Movie Diner and Cinema Beef Podcasts, Gary Hill and Jon Cross will dive into the career of one Mr. Michael Paré and every episode, still explore a second film that we came across on VHS. We recorded part of Cinema Beef's Halloween episode with the Paré film Bad Moon, and you can find that…
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