Every Friday in the mix on ice radio.nl
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Live smarter, better, happier - using neuroscience. Friederike Fabritius is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, neuroscientist and international keynote speaker. She works with Fortune 500 companies across the globe to take their performance, wellbeing and leadership skills to the next level. Tune in to this podcast and learn how to level up your life and work with her science-based and applicable neurohacks.
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Podcast que te conta alguns dos crimes mais intrigantes do Brasil e do mundo. Novos episódios todo os dias 1º e 15 de cada mês!
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We will be discussing the ever changing landscape of school counseling. This podcast will include helpful tips, discussions about current events, and pop culture. Throughout the season, we will feature amazing, talented, and accomplished professional school counselors, who are experienced and new, to bring their fresh take into school counseling.
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Dans Dialogues, je reçois des écrivains, des penseurs, des personnes dont le travail me parle, m'inspire, des personnes que j'aime. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Join NYC Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shirley Madhere as she walks us through all things Fashion, the Art of Living Well and Beauty! The Forever F.A.B. MD!
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Each week I’ll be interviewing experts and users alike on their experience with Fabric, warts and all. I can guarantee that we’ll have voices you aren’t used to and perspectives you won’t expect. Each episode will be 30 minutes long with a single topic, so you can listen during your commute or while you exercise. Skip the topics you aren’t interested in. This will be a podcast that respects your time and your intelligence. No 2 hour BS sessions.
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The FabryCast brings the human element of living with a rare disease. It’s a podcast for important conversations that teaches small bits of information, practical insights, and things you can do today to positively impact your life with Fabry. Hear from experts in the field, have the opportunity to “Ask a Doctor Anything” and keep up to date with what's happening in the Fabry space.
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Estreando forçosamente num serviço novo, um podcast com muita música, principalmente dos anos 80, e muuuuita falação, também! Espero que vocês não odeiem!
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Conversations with people about their passion and their involvement with the community. Helping to rebuild the fabric of society one conversation at the time. Please Subscribe, Share and Review.
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Welcome to the Fabric podcast! Fabric is a thoughtful, progressive experiment in being church, based in South Minneapolis. We love hosting space where curiosity, connection, and inclusive belonging have space to stretch out and get comfy. Take the time you need to explore what we’re about, and when you’re ready, connect however feels best. The conversation is always fresh! Fabric is church, for the rest of us. #FabricMpls
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Um podcast sobre o mundo do horror criado por dois amantes do gênero, Davi Cardoso e Viviane Rodrigues, onde ambos conversarão bastante acerca do que esse universo horripilante tem a nos oferecer.
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Bem-vindos à Fábrica de Filmes! Aqui 4 roteiristas se juntam a convidados especialíssimos para criar filmes que nunca existiram! Pelo menos eles vão tentar...
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Programledaren Fredrik Ralstrand träffar kända och okända som jobbar med tv. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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We’re a group of girlfriends who share a passion for traveling to Disney and exploring the world together. From magical moments at the parks to tropical escapes and everything in between, we’re here to share our best tips, tricks, and travel stories with you. Whether you’re planning your next dream vacation or just love hearing about amazing adventures, join us for a fun, informative, and inspiring journey filled with wanderlust and laughter.
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La Fabrique Urbaine sur euradio est l'émission qui vous présente l'urbanisme sous toutes ses coutures, par Aldo Bearzatto.
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Join CD & Melody as they talk about all things faith, family, love, sex, and relationships while keeping it real, honest, and biblical. CDANDMELODY.COM
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Experience one of Christian radio’s most captivating voices on Chris Fabry Live. A master storyteller with warmth, humor, and biblical wisdom, Chris delivers authentic and thought-provoking conversations that help you navigate life’s challenges with faith and confidence. Through engaging interviews and relatable insights, you’ll walk away encouraged, equipped, and inspired to live out your faith. Tune in to Chris Fabry Live weekdays from 2–3 PM CST.
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The Fabricator Podcast brings you conversations with people who make things out of metal. We speak with manufacturing leaders, metal fabricators, welders, job shop owners, small business entrepreneurs, artists, marketers, educators, and more. Host Dan Davis, Editor-in-Chief of The Fabricator, and a rotating co-hosts also go beyond discussing just manufacturing and the skilled trades, and chats about pop culture, current events, food, music, movies, comedy, and, of course, robots. The Fabrica ...
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Everything Fab Four is a podcast from Wonderwall Communications and Salon focused on fun and intelligent stories about the enduring cultural influence of the Beatles. No other band, or popular entity for that matter, has had the world-wide impact the Beatles have. They are part of our human fabric, they created music that still brings people together, and across continents and generations there are individual Beatles stories to tell. In each episode, renowned music historian, author, and Bea ...
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Der Schweizer Wirtschaftspodcast mit den hochkarätigsten Gästen! Von Börsen und Bitcoin bis Kaufkraft und Zinsen: Fabio Canetg, Geldökonom und Journalist, diskutiert im Geldcast mit seinen Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft über deren Werdegang, über die aktuellsten Themen aus der Finanzwelt, über die Geldpolitik der Schweizerischen Nationalbank und über die Wirtschaftspolitik von Bundesrat und Parlament. Ein Podcast über Zentralbanken, Inflation, Schulden und Geld – verständlic ...
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When They Was Fab: Electric Arguments About the Beatles
Ed Chen and Jon Stone, Lonnie Pena, Martin Quibell
Talk, more talk, chat, more chat - We’re happy to do it for you (Beatles)
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Die Vision: Der Weltraum wird zum Industriegebiet der Erde. Alles, was Dreck und Abgase erzeugt: ab damit ins All! Die Erde ist zum Wohnen da! Ist das die Zukunft?
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Podcast consacré à la création. Par Juliette Arnaud (comédienne, autrice, et chroniqueuse radio sur Radio Nova La dernière) et Ramzi Assadi (auteur de blagues et red chef La dernière sur Radio Nova). Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Piccola guida per musica ed eventi....divertenti tra musica, spettacolo e interpreti con Fabio Alberti
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La musica di ieri, oggi e domani
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¡Bienvenido! Tips, opiniones, consejos sobre adiestramiento canino
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This podcast is promoted by the University of Copenhagen together with other cultural institutions from Denmark, Germany and Greece, that intends to document different personal stories from different cultures about the piece of fabric that they are most connected to in their lives.
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This is the companion podcast to the first ever glass and glazing industry blog- "From the Fabricator"- join Max Perilstein of Sole Source Consultants each month for interviews and details into the most important subjects in the industry.
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Mixed media artist Brian Benham from Benham Design Concepts demonstrates how he designs and fabricates high-end custom furniture and works of art he makes from concept to completion. This is a Video Podcast, Please vist https://www.benhamdesignconcepts.com/podcast/ to watch.
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Inspirationen für die Produktion und Logistik von morgen! Die Fabriken von heute sind im massiven Wandel. Mein Anliegen ist es den produzierenden Unternehmen und Führungskräften in der Produktion dabei zu helfen Vorreiter zu sein. Damit das klappt, biete ich eine Plattform für mutige Ideen, clevere Konzepte und smarte Technologien. Mein Name ist Tobias Herwig und ich bin in der Fabriken der Welt unterwegs. Ich unterhalte mich mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, Verantwortlichen in der Fabrik, P ...
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What I believe in
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Gestion de Redes S.
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Programa de divulgación científica dirigido y presentado por Jorge Onsulve. Los contenidos está relacionados con el mundo de la Ciencia en general. Charlie Duke, Pedro Duque, Carlos González, Jorge Pla, entre otros forman parte del elenco de invitados colaboradores de este programa. Para más información: www.lafabricadelaciencia.com
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Yo new podcast first actually
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Canal oficial do ator, apresentador, produtor, roteirista, colunista, empresário Fábio Porchat
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Podcast ini dibuat karena ingin memberikan wawasan tentang brewok. dari sebuah tim UKM asal Jakata yang berfokus untuk mendistribusikan 'value' brewok.
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Herzlich Willkommen zum Podcast “Golf in Leicht”, dem Nummer 1 Podcast für dein Golfspiel. Egal ob es Tipps für deinen Schwung, das kurze Spiel, zur Strategie, Equipment, Mentaltraining oder der Technik sind, in diesem Podcast geht es darum, dass wir mit leicht umsetzbaren Tipps und Tricks deine Konstanz in deinem Golfspiel und damit dein Handicap schnell und langfristig verbessern. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Zuhören des Podcasts, dein Fabian Bünker.
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Issues, Misuse, & Laughter
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Modernidad_liquida_UMB Cover art photo provided by Orlando Leon on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@byernesto
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Áudios das Mensagens de Caio Fábio D'Araújo Filho
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Retrouvez sur euradio la Chronique littéraire de la Fabrique Urbaine avec Xavier Capodano et Juliette Lechaux-Ewest. Xavier Capodano, libraire au genre urbain à Paris, revient sur ses coups de cœur littéraire en lien, de près mais aussi de loin, avec l'urbanisme. Une chronique bimensuelle animée par Aldo Bearzatto et produite par la Fabrique Urbaine.
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Welcome to the Fabio podcast, where amazing things happen.
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--> FGTC
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Fostering a new path: How two entrepreneurs revamped a metal fab shop
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1:03:40Lucy Minturn and Liz Kloster co-own FosterWorks, a sheet metal fabrication shop in Chicago. After purchasing the business a couple of years ago, they’ve worked to shape it with their own vision, despite having no prior experience in the industry. By combining their complementary skills and building a strong team, they’ve successfully grown the manu…
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"On Healthy Aging & Being Unstoppable."
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14:31Healthy aging is not only about the physical and medical, it is also a mindset. As we age, we may think more (and more often!) about how quickly the numbers go by—and how we feel. This is a time to consider how to keep joy, play, and well-being in our sphere. Keywords: Present Unstoppable Strength Boundless Fearless Illusion Construct Mindfulness A…
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Disney World Trip Report - Holiday Magic!
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30:23Join us as we take you back to December for a festive trip report filled with holiday magic, travel adventures, and unforgettable moments! From dazzling decorations to delicious seasonal treats, we’re sharing all the highlights of our journey, including where we stayed, what we loved, and the surprises along the way. Whether you're planning a winte…
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2025.12 George Harrison, Gary Wright and Billy Preston!
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1:11:32George was quite busy between "All Things Must Pass" and "The Concert for Bangladesh". However, many of the things he played on were not under his own name! We look at two projects where George was a significant contributer: Gary Wright's "Footprint", and Billy Preston's "I Wrote a Simple Song". Excellent playing, and a link between George's Beatle…
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It's race week! Pois é, a F-1 está de volta, mas eu só falei disso no final do programa, mesmo... De qualquer forma, as músicas são boas! Boa audição!Tears for Fears - Astronaut; a-ha - There's never a forever thing; Simply Red - Come to my aid; Toto - Africa; Engenheiros do Hawaii - Cinza; Tears for Fears - Mad World; ãs - O Homem cinza; Paralamas…
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Episode 59 (Bonus): Singer-songwriter Peter Wolf on his musical upbringing: "It took me a while to warm up to the Beatles"
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37:01On this episode of Everything American singer-songwriter Peter Wolf joins host Ken Womack to discuss Wolf’s life in music and his earliest musical influences. A native of the Bronx, Wolf spent his youth soaking up New York City’s music scene, especially the Apollo Theater’s array of soul, rhythm & blues, and gospel performers. After moving to Bosto…
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Finding Peace in the Character of God
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46:55What if my cancer comes back? What if my job is downsized? Do you have any worries or anxiety like these? Author and pastor Jonny Ardavanis will join us. He believes freedom from anxiety comes when you lift your gaze to the powerful character of your heavenly Father. Consider the Lilies on our next Chris Fabry Live. Resource featured: Consider the …
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In this episode, I designed and built a Craftsman-style fireplace mantel for a client in Colorado Springs. The mantel was made from hickory and stained to match some of the other millwork in the house. Summary Fireplace Mantel Design and Fabrication Building a Custom Fireplace Mantel to Match a Staircase Newel Post In my last project, I built a cus…
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Heute hat die ESA die Raumsonde Gaia endgültig abgeschaltet. Sie hat viele neue Erkenntnisse über die Milchstraße geliefert. Im Schnitt erscheinen jeden Tag fünf wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, die die Daten von Gaia benutzen. Die Auswertung der Daten wird noch jahrelang weitergehen.Martin Gramlich im Gespräch mit dem Astro-Physiker Prof. Ste…
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Avoir l'audace de trouver sa voie - Pierre Gagnaire - Dialogue #156
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1:14:01Recevoir un immense chef comme Pierre Gagnaire, c'est l'occasion de parler de cuisine, un peu, mais c'est surtout l'occasion de parler de ce qui fait une vie heureuse, du sens du travail, des échecs et des risques, bref de choses qui nous concernent tous. Le livre de Pierre Gagnaire : https://www.keribus-editions.com/pierre-gagnaire/ Le restaurant …
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Motherhood, Mean Girls, and Generational Trauma
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46:56New York Times bestselling author and speaker Melanie Shankle returns on our next Chris Fabry Live. In the middle of trying to deal with her daughter's experiences in high school with mean girls and disappointment, Melanie began to look at her own life and the trauma she went through in childhood. How do you thrive as a mom when you feel like the p…
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Author, radio host, former pastor and seminary professor, and founder of Key Life Network Steve Brown returns. He's joining us for a "voices of wisdom" conversation. In all of his years of ministry and teaching and doing life, what has he learned that he wants to pass along to us? Don't miss the heart and voice of Steve Brown on Chris Fabry Live. F…
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Iperbole è l'ottavo album di Raf presentazione di Fabio Alberti
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8:32Fabio Alberti ci presenta un album del 2001 di Raf, IperboleAutor: Radio Budrio
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Descripción de La Tumba de Tutmosis II y el proyecto Medjehu. Gersande Eschenbrenner 642. LFDLC
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52:21Hoy visitaremos la recientemente descubierta tumba de Tutmosis II de la mano de Gersande Eschenbrenner miembro del equipo que ha participado en este gran descubrimiento y directora del proyecto Medjehu. A parte de hablarnos de esta tumba, uno de los momentos más interesantes de la entrevista ha sido cuando nos ha dicho que el famoso objeto de alaba…
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In this Episode Els Van Vessem talks about the challenges of implementing Fabric in the government. In it they talk about doing proof of concepts with Fabric and the limitations when your data is confidential, protected and on-premises. Data sovereignty often means sticking to a hybrid approach. We also discuss the challenges of similarly named pro…
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Dans ce bonus, Juliette Arnaud et Ramzi Assadi reçoivent la romancière Faïza Guène. On parle de ses sources d'inspiration et de James Baldwin. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Transformation & Operational Excellence in der Produktion - mit Manuel Schnepp #206
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39:03Wie können produzierende Unternehmen durch Transformation und Digitalisierung erfolgreich sein? In dieser Episode spricht Tobias Herwig mit Manuel Schnepp von Sera über die Bedeutung von Transformation in der Produktion. Manuel teilt seine Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung von Operational Excellence und gibt Einblicke in die Rolle…
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There’s just something about Ellis Delaney. At once funny and wise, thoughtful and uninhibited, with a captivating voice that is matched by tender, sometimes funny, uplifting lyrics. If you looked up the definition of open-hearted in the dictionary, you just might find a photo of Ellis there. Their performances are transformational; leaving audienc…
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The Gospel changes everything. We'll talk about the true freedom we find because of that Gospel. Author and teacher Elizabeth Woodson will help us take a deep dive into the book of Galatians to find the peace and hope we crave. And we’ll deal with the "false gospels" we often turn to but that never satisfy. Don't miss the encouragement to "Live Fre…
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Canibalismo estelar. La Nova de la Corona Boreal. Diego López Cámara UNAM. 641. LFDLC (FANS) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
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44:26Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hoy nos acompaña el astrofísico Diego López Cámara del Instituto de ciencias nucleares de la UNAM: para hablarnos del caso de la Nova de la Corono Boreal que está a punto de ser visible desde la Tierra, en exclusiva para los Fans…
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#321 - Trainingsreise als Saisonvorbereitung
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32:351 Woche Sonne, sattes Grün unter den Füßen, sehr gute Platzbedingungen und ideale Temperaturen. Das wünscht sich doch jeder Golfer? In der neuen Golf in Leicht Podcast Folge sprechen Golf-Reiseexperte Jörg Lutterbeck und Fabian darüber, welche Vorteile Golf-Trainingsreisen zu bestimmten Saisonphasen bieten, vor allem zeigen sie dir aber auf, worauf…
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Être fidèle à soi-même envers et contre tout - Marina Viotti - Dialogue #155
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59:55Comment trouver sa voie ? Comment être fidèle à soi ? Le parcours exceptionnel de Marina Viotti, même s'il peut sembler loin des questionnements du commun des mortels, est en réalité une inspiration pour chacun d'entre nous. Marina chante dans Werther de Massenet au Théatre des Champs Élysées du 22 mars au 6 avril : https://www.theatrechampselysees…
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The Surprising Benefits of Neuromediation with Friederike Fabritius and Dr. Jeff Tarrant
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20:34Meditation: One Size Does Not Fit All Exploring Neuromeditation with Dr. Jeff Tarrant In this episode, Friederike Fabritius talks with Dr. Jeff Tarrant, founder and CEO of the Neuromeditation Institute, about the fundamentals of neuromeditation—a brain-based approach to meditation. They explore this western approach to meditation and discuss the im…
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Intervista agli Avvoltoi:40 anni di musica concerto il 22 marzo 22 a Bologna Binario 69 a cura di Fabio Alberti
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10:42Gli Avvoltoi, storico gruppo della scena bolognese, celebrano il quarantennale della loro carriera (1985-2025). Per l'occasione, è disponibile la ristampa in vinile del primo storico album "Il nostro è solo un mondo beat" (Contempo, 1988) con l'aggiunta di due tracce bonus. Le celebrazioni continueranno tutto l'anno con una serie di concerti e la p…
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167. Plats 20-16 Sveriges största tv-ögonblick, Torbjörn Averås Skorup
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56:58Det har äntligen blivit dags att avslöja vår lista på Sveriges största tv-ögonblick. Ett råd, en kändispanel och TV-fabrikens lyssnare har nominerat kandidater i sociala medier och på mail. Simon Karlsson och Torbjörn Averås Skorup gästar och reagerar på listans 5 första placeringar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Enriched Lives Because of Down Syndrome
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46:54World Down Syndrome Day will be celebrated Friday, March 21. And on Chris Fabry Live, you'll have an open line to share how your family, your neighborhood, your school, your life has been changed by someone with Down Syndrome. How have you been enriched by someone who has an extra copy of chromosome 21? What you share might be just the encouragemen…
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Wellness Overwhelm - Part 2 - Live at The Whale Theatre
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1:04:06In the age of wellness culture, constant health advice makes it easy to feel overwhelmed. This live podcast discusses how to navigate these messages effectively and maintain a healthy mindset. My guests are Clare McKenna and Allison Keating. This is part 2 of 2 For more episodes visit www.socialfabric.ie…
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Episode 189 - Wellness Overwhelm Part 1 - Live at The Whale Theatre
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45:24In the age of wellness culture, constant health advice makes it easy to feel overwhelmed. This live podcast discusses how to navigate these messages effectively and maintain a healthy mindset. My guests are Clare McKenna and Allison Keating. This is part 1 of 2 For more episodes visit www.socialfabric.ie…
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It's a "Best of" broadcast that will encourage you. Do you have a dream? Is there something you would love to accomplish, but you're scared to try because you're afraid you might fail? Author and filmmaker Ryan Leak tried to reach a lofty goal and failed. But falling short actually set him up for success. Could the same thing happen in your life? …
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E' uscito "Bla Bla Bla" (feat. Daniele Silvestri) di Davide Shorty estratto da "Nuova Forma" intervista di Fabio Alberti
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12:19Nuovo singolo, nuovo album! le interviste di Noi di SabatoAutor: Radio Budrio
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Talk | Jens Korte: Kommt die US-Rezession wegen Trump?
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36:59Jens Korte ist der wohl renommierteste deutschsprachige Wirtschaftsjournalist an der Wall Street in New York. Bekannt ist er vor allem für seine Fernseh- und Radioschaltungen – und dort dominiert zurzeit vor allem ein Thema: Donald Trump. Wie wird sich die Wirtschaftspolitik des neuen US-Präsidenten auswirken auf Europa und die Schweiz? Stürzt Trum…
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We're beginning to understand more about what trauma does to people walking through a dark season of life. Hear author and Executive Director of Biblical Counselling UK Steve Midgley. He'll offer an introduction for those in the church who want to help us understand what trauma is and how it affects people, including their experience of church. Don…
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Lady Gaga "Mayhem" l'ottavo disco in studio presentato da Fabio Alberti
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8:22Sonorità anni '80... in chiave attualeAutor: Radio Budrio
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Occupational Burnout & imposter Syndrome
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44:13Fresh off a LOOOOONG break, I am discussing what I have been doing these last 3 months. i am also tying in how Occupational Burnout and Imposter Syndrome work hand in hand. I have my housekeeping and my final thoughts on a hot topic for counselors: Am I ready to move on?
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It's a no-holds-barred, no-verses-verboten conversation with those boys of boys of the Bible, those men of the Moody Commentary, (they put the chat in eschatology), the Two Michaels—Dr. Michael Rydelnik and Dr. Michael Vanlaningham. Is there a passage of Scripture that has you confounded? Has someone asked you a hard question and you want the two-M…
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Fala cambada de objetos amaldiçoados!! Estamos de volta com o Fábrica de Horrores, o SEU podcast sobre FILMES DE TERROR! Katia Barga está de volta da folga, então nós nos reunimos para falar de "O MACACO", longa de TERRIR baseado num conto de Stephen King. E aí, será que deu bom ou não? CLIQUE AQUI PARA OUVIR O GAROTAS REBELDES CLIQUE AQUI PARA P…
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"The Art and Science of Beauty: Neuroaesthetics"
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16:56This episode of 15FAB on the FFAB podcast is the second part of the topic on beauty and the brain as discussed in the previous episode. This week’s episode is a continuation of that topic, with a look into neuroaesthetics, a field that studies how the brain processes a beautiful experience. Keywords: Beauty Holistic Brain Perception Neuroscience Ne…
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Mayyadda is an artist on a mission, using her music as a powerful medium to transport listeners to new perspectives and guide them on a journey of personal and collective healing. She joined us live to weaves her own captivating tapestry of sounds that she fondly dubs, “BlackGirlMagic.”Autor: Fabric - Minneapolis
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Fabry and Mental Health with Christine Leighland
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52:30How does Fabry disease impact mental health? What role do anxiety, pain management, and emotional well-being play in the patient journey? Julia Alton and Christine Leyland explore these questions, discussing coping strategies like mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy. How can acceptance and self-compassion make a difference? Why is psychoth…
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¿Cómo vivían los mineros en el Antiguo Egipto? Arqueología en el complejo minero Sikait. Joan Oller 640. LFDLC
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34:28Hoy hablaremos con Joan Oller sobre el yacimiento de minero de Sikait en Egipto. El profesor Joan Oller Guzmán es Arqueólogo de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), conocido por su trabajo en el proyecto Sikait, que investiga el complejo minero de esmeraldas Sikait, también conocido como Sikit, es un yacimiento arqueológico situado en el des…
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