An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: Voicemail: Buy us a coffee:
British humour at its best on the Pipe gDAO Podcast Intro| Desci , Refi, RWA This is a humorous introduction to our podcast and hosts Sleezy Slimey and Noodle. With a plenty of cheeky British banter from the boys. Join us on the PIPE gDAO Podcast as we explore the latest trends and breakthroughs in the world of Blockchain and Web3. From deep dives into Blockchain technology to the future of Decentralized Science (DeSci), our discussions highlight how innovations like Regenerative Finance (Re ...
Alte Männer und ihr liebstes Hobby. Wir sind die Generation daddeln! Andere zocken… [Gd.Az] hat das 1. Level geschafft und startet nach 2 Jahren Pause wieder durch! Der Hausralf und Herr Svenson melden sich zurück. Hört rein und seid neugierig wie es hier weitergeht.
G'daaay From L.A. is an online platform created BY Australians in America FOR Australians in America. A one hour show highlighting Australian businesses, support structures, charities and entertainers that are doing their best to succeed in the United States.
Make Australia Cool Again! A podcast on #Auspol by the makers of @GdayPatriots and @Wholesomeshow: @willozap @rodl & @cjjosh. Image by @FionaKatauskas.
Podcast z Australii, o Australii. O codzienności na końcu świata i wyprawach nie tylko pod namiot. Z humorem, bardzo szczerze, a czasem na poważnie. Prowadzony przez znajomych, mających kompletnie różne życia, których łączy Australia, pasja do podróży, robienia tysiąca rzeczy na raz i rocznik '85 - Julię Gospo i Marka Knappe.
G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Thai is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - G'day ออสเตรเลีย! หากคุณคือผู้ย้ายถิ่นที่เพิ่งมาถึงออสเตรเลีย พ็อดคาสท์ซีรีส์ฉบับภาษาไทยนี้เหมาะสำหรับคุณ ที่จะช่วยให้คุณเข้าใจพฤติกรรมที่ไม่เหมือนใคร ซึ่งเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของวิถีชีวิตแบบออสซี
G’Day MMA is a weekly podcast hosted by MMA Fighter and commentator Alan Jouban and ex pro skateboarder and long time radio personality turned podcaster Jason Ellis. Each week, Alan and Jason will take a inside look into the latest mixed martial arts news, fights, and interviews from the world’s fastest growing sport.
G'day Gamers is video games news delivered to you daily in the most Australian way ever. G'day Gamers tries to deliver news that the casual gamer would enjoy in a short (and sometimes longer) briefing. The show is presented by Australians who have been in the gaming industry for up to 30 years. We hope to bring informative news and have a conversation with our listeners. We do the hard work by gathering news from sources all over the world and try to give it to you in a flash briefing format.
G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Mandarin is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - G’day Australia! 你好,澳大利亚!如果您是最近来到澳洲的移民,那么这个普通话播客系列就是为您而设,它将带您了解那些体现澳洲生活方式的奇特习惯。
Global Detection Adventures brings to you an informative and often times humorous collection of metal detecting news, information, reviews, tips, tricks and interviews with many popular metal detectors from Youtube, television and people who just enjoy the hobby. This is a weekly news and information podcast covering the weeks best finds from around the world. Hosted by XLII and Founded by Lance Goolsby of the Global Detection Adventures group, we will dive into historic and amazing things f ...
G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in (language) is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - G’day mate! Если вы только недавно переехали на зеленый континент, эта серия подкастов на русском специально для вас. «Расскажи мне про Австралию» поможет вам понять культурные особенности и аспекты австралийской жизни.
G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Arabic is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - غوداي أستراليا! هذه هي التحية الشائعة في أستراليا بلاد الداون أندر. إذا هاجرت حديثاً إلى أستراليا وترغب باستكشاف أسرار الحياة هنا وكيف يعيش السكان المحليون، استمع لبودكاست "مرحبا أستراليا" وستعرف ماذا يعني أن تكون أسترالياً حقيقيا!
G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Punjabi is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - ਗੁੱਡ-ਡੇਅ ਆਸਟ੍ਰੇਲੀਆ! ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਡਾਊਨ ਅੰਡਰ ਧਰਤੀ 'ਤੇ ਨਵੇਂ ਆਏ ਪ੍ਰਵਾਸੀ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਪੋਡਕਾਸਟ ਲੜੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਵਿਅੰਗਮਈ ਆਦਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਦਦ ਕਰੇਗੀ ਜੋ ਆਸਟ੍ਰੇਲੀਆਈ ਜੀਵਨ ਦੇ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ।
Step into the future with *The Range Divide*, a narrative-driven podcast that explores the untold story of a groundbreaking thermochemical system designed to revolutionize electric vehicles (EVs) by extending their EV range by 70%. This innovative electric car technology promised to eliminate range anxiety and pave the way for universal EV adoption…
In episode 110 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our day trip to Georgia, the delicious gluten free bakery down the road & visiting an Amish store! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: htt…
Introducing SEISTENG, the ultimate seismic sensor designed to revolutionize earthquake detection and monitoring. This advanced sensor device excels as a seismic wave detection sensor, capturing seismic waves across a wide frequency range with unparalleled accuracy. With cutting-edge real-time data capabilities, SEISTENG ensures real-time seismic da…
In episode 109 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our favourite restaurants, random animals we have come across and being invited to a wedding by someone we don't know! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to u…
Welcome back to the pipe gDAO podcast where we discuss our new gStarter campaign. gStarter is a platform that helps creators launch and fund their projects through community-driven support. It connects innovators with backers, offering crowdfunding, mentorship, and networking opportunities to turn ideas into reality. Perfect for entrepreneurs, arti…
In episode 108 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about road trip to Louisiana, eating beignets and visiting an alligator rescue! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In episode 107 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about crazy adventures in the Amazon jungle, health care & our plans for the day! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In episode 106 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about the random people we meet, free orange juice at the Florida border & the underground railway! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: https://…
In episode 105 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our road trip to Biloxi & Laurel, Mississippi and the random roadside attractions! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: https://www.faceboo…
In episode 104 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about attending church, a delicious Southern lunch and am upcoming road trip! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In episode 103 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-hosts Mumma Linda & Aussie Craig discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about how we all came to be sitting in a house in Alabama, our favourite states & how our accents have helped us! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out…
In episode 102 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about getting the house set up, new furniture & the return of TikTok! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouT…
In episode 101 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about Atlanta, home decorating & the end of Tik Tok! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: https://www.…
In episode 100 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about reaching a significant podcasting milestone, my new house & Julie's trip to Atlanta! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In Episode 13 of the PIPE GDAO Podcast, we explore how PIPE GDAO’s permissionless protocols empower university R&D startups, bridging the gap between cutting-edge innovation and Web3 capital through the PGF Launchpad. Dive into the transformative potential of decentralized investment funds (DIFs) and discover how the PIPE Exchange (PEX) facilitates…
In episode 99 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Jeanie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about life's turning points, astrology & tiling! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: https://www.yout…
In episode 98 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Jeanie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about going to the movies, renovations and being a college professor! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouT…
In episode 97 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Leta discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about growing up as an Italian-American, her health issues & travel! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube…
In Episode 12 of the PIPE GDAO Podcast, we delve into using PIPE GDAO's permissionless protocols to invest in cutting-edge university research. Learn how the PGF Launchpad empowers retail investors to support Web3 funding initiatives that bridge the gap between university startups and real-world assets. We explore the benefits of decentralized inve…
In episode 96 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Jodes discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about her amazing father Karl, her podcast "Lives Worth Telling" and catch up! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In Episode 11 of the PIPE GDAO Podcast, we explore strategies for evaluating and investing in DeSci DAO projects, diving into the transformative potential of decentralized science (DeSci) in advancing university R&D startups. Learn how PIPE GDAO bridges the gap between university IP and real-world assets, leveraging its innovative QED process to va…
In episode 95 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host David discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our growing up in Oregon, working for the Fire Department and New Wave Energy! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In Episode 10 of the Pipe GDAO Podcast, we dive into how the PIPE GDAO's Web3 tools are funding and scaling university startups, tackling the challenges of the European paradox and unlocking the potential of the invisible 83% of untapped university R&D. Explore the Pipe Associate Network, a revolutionary platform connecting innovators and investors…
In episode 94 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Jeanne discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our Thanksgiving lunch and random adventures! I visit JonBenet Ramsey's grave! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In Episode 9 of the Pipe gDAO Podcast, we explore graphene innovation and its role in bridging academia and industry through cutting-edge initiatives like the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEEK). Using the metaphor of banging rocks together, we delve into the challenges of early-stage university research commercialization, highlighting ho…
In episode 93 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We enjoy catching up and chat about Thanksgiving, checks and vacations! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: ht…
In episode 8 of the Pipe gDAO Podcast, we explore how universities can commercialize research effectively by addressing the challenges faced by academics in bringing research to market. We discuss the role of Technology Transfer Offices in academic innovation, the importance of specialization in turning ideas into impactful solutions, and how PIPE …
In episode 92 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Brandie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We enjoy catching up over a drink and chat about Arkansas & Memphis fun & adventures! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In this episode, we dive into the journey of commercializing university research, exploring the unique challenges and opportunities within Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs). We discuss why so many research projects struggle to reach the market, how TTOs can better support innovation, and what it takes to bridge the gap between academia and industr…
In episode 91 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We enjoy catching up over a milkshake & coffee and chat about vacations, Australia and pilot Julie! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
In this episode, we dive into the journey from lab research to IPO, exploring how virtual Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) are revolutionizing the commercialization of university-based innovations. We'll break down the steps in the PIPE platform, designed to help researchers and startups move seamlessly through the complex process of IP disclosur…
In episode 90 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Jeanie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about birthdays, mental health & visiting the land down under! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: ht…
Swoll! Guamish! Lead Paint! A little oligarchy on the side!The Biglyest Australian look at US Politics, by @cjjosh, @willozap, @jcnerd & @rodl. Sound engineering by @creogg. Image by @JonKudelka.Autor: G'day Patriots
In this episode of the PIPE gDAO podcast, we continue diving into the innovative world of Web3, exploring the dynamics of blockchain job markets, talent retention, and how emerging platforms like Arubaito are revolutionizing recruitment. We’ll uncover the impact of Bitcoin volatility on Web3 hiring trends, highlight the challenges top companies fac…
In episode 89 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Emma discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about new adventures, free Van shoes & play a guess the Aussie game! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube…
Elon! Jill! Arnold!The Biglyest Australian look at US Politics, by @cjjosh, @willozap, @jcnerd & @rodl. Sound engineering by @creogg. Image by @JonKudelka.Autor: G'day Patriots
In this Episode we cover the pan associate network and how you can become part of our network with arubaito. Imagine earning equity in valuable, tokenized assets simply by contributing your skills and expertise. In this episode, we dive into how Arubaito and the Pipe Associate Network are opening doors for individuals to gain fractional ownership i…
In episode 88 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about life lessons, regrets & what's most important! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: https://www.y…
The #DeSci hashtag and the general momentum behind it is growing and is expected to blossom through Q4 2024 and into 2025, which companies like ours should be excited about. However, many of the #DeSci protocols and DAOs I have seen, if not all, are failing to treat this new way of working with the correct levels of skepticism and due diligence...l…
In episode 87 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our drive from Key West to Key Largo, the morgue & 'spirits'. An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube…
How ReFi projects could reduce ocean pollution : Ep 2 Tired of the micro plastics adn the lack of ocean clean up? Join Noodle and Sleezy on Pipe DAO as they explore innovative solutions to combat this global issue. Discover how decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and regenerative finance (ReFi) can revolutionize ocean cleanup efforts. In …
In episode 86 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about what we would and wouldn't do in the Florida Keys & sum it up! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTub…
Apps! Women! Pretending January 6 didn't happen!The Biglyest Australian look at US Politics, by @cjjosh, @willozap, @jcnerd & @rodl. Sound engineering by @creogg. Image by @JonKudelka.Autor: G'day Patriots
Introducing the PGF RWA Launchpad! | decentralized science (DeSci | (Episode 1) Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we introduce the PGF Launchpad and dive into the world of decentralized science (DeSci)! 🌍🔬 If you're passionate about Web3, blockchain technology, and how these innovations are transforming scientific research and funding, t…
In episode 85 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about Key West, churros, conch fritters and Jimmy Buffet! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: https://…
Hamburgers! Shops! Kids books!The Biglyest Australian look at US Politics, by @cjjosh, @willozap, @jcnerd & @rodl. Sound engineering by @creogg. Image by @JonKudelka.Autor: G'day Patriots
Welcome back to another episode of the new PIPE gDAO podcast with your host SleezySlimey and Co-host Noodle. In today's episode, we discuss the European paradox, what is it? and how we at the PIPE gDAO are looking to utilise it to our own strengths.…
In episode 84 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Julie discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our incredible day trip to the Dry Tortugas off the coast of Key West! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook:…
Assassins! Inciting violence! Cognitive Decline!The Biglyest Australian look at US Politics, by @cjjosh, @willozap, @jcnerd & @rodl. Sound engineering by @creogg. Image by @JonKudelka.Autor: G'day Patriots
British humour at its best on the Pipe gDAO Podcast Intro| Desci , Refi, RWA This is a humorous introduction to our podcast and hosts Sleezy Slimey and Noodle. With a plenty of cheeky British banter from the boys. Join us on the PIPE gDAO Podcast as we explore the latest trends and breakthroughs in the world of Web3. From deep dives into Blockchain…