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Good Vibes Only

Laura Sebben & Stephenie Braccio

Join two friends as they explain what makes up the vibes of pop culture, holidays, current affairs, and everything in between. From hot takes and personal opinions, to hilarious anecdotes and honest reflections, we’re here to unpack the energy behind the everyday moments that shape our lives. Whether it’s the latest trends, random events, or just the way certain things make us feel, no vibe is off-limits. Tune in for laughs, relatability, and a whole lot of realness.
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We are dudes playing dudes disguised as other dudes or something like that. Listen along to Clark's comedic adventures as an Operator for the Navy SEALs, Private Contractor, and Police Officer, and sprinkle in the craziness from Ryan G. living the Entrepreneurial life. Our journey has been full of serious and high-stress positions but we have always managed to find the Good Vibes. Good Vibes mixes humor, pop culture, self-help, and interviews that make you smile. Start spreading the Vibe today!
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Herzlich willkommen im GOOD VIBES Podcast! Ich bin dein Host Marcel Clementi - Yogalehrer, Podcaster & Autor - und freue mich darauf, mit dir über alles rund um die Themen Körper, Geist und Seele zu sprechen! In dieser Show erwarten dich ehrliche, persönliche Geschichten und Reflexionen aus meinem Leben sowie Einblicke in die Yoga-Philosophie und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Tauche gemeinsam mit mir ein in Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Bewusstsein, Meditation, Glück, Liebe, Erfüllung sowie körperli ...
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Good Vibes Story Times

Quimi + Kaira + Nova

Kaira and Nova love going on storytime adventures! Let your imagination soar as you join us on a new adventure in each new episode. There’s always extra fun commentary, spunky personality, vibey instrumentals, and an original song that may even break out mid-story! Jump in with us for Good Vibes Story Times.
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Good Vibes Only!


A podcast that helps to constitute a positive mindset. Through conversation, weekly inspirational quotes, positive affirmations, feel good music and stories shared by people just like you, to help keep you inspired. Stay tuned for our weekly inspirational quotes. New episodes are posted weekly @5PM Est. (Please be advised that some episode post dates and times may vary) Follow Fiordaliza on social media: ig:@fiordaliza_mspositivesoul facebook:@fiordalizamspositivesoul twitter:@Mspositivesoul ...
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This podcast is for the ARvibes community to learn more about the law of attraction and energy, listen to interviews and discussions on life topics, and to get questions answered. Check out our website and follow us on social media
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Vex King is a Mind Coach, Writer and Lifestyle Entrepreneur out of the UK. His show will bring you empowering perspectives, spiritual wisdom, practical solutions, inspirational stories, life lessons and much more. His aim is to help you transform yourself and your life, into something greater. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Share love..Spread Happiness and Create Awareness..All you need is Positive Mind , Positive Vibes and Positive Life. Get your daily dose of motivation and learn how to start living fully now.. STAY TUNED FOR DAILY POSITIVE TALKS 😘 The world is filled with a lot of beauty, and you have the freedom to roam it and fall head over heels for the people and places in it..😍😘
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Good Vibes Entertainment

Camilo Spina

What's up listeners? I'll be using these podcasts as music logs. I'll be documenting the growth of Good Vibes Ent. I know most people out there are trying to do the same thing I'm doing so I'll be giving you guys tips and sharing stories on how to grow your record label or how to build yourself as an artist. Check us out on Instagram: @gv.ent and Facebook: Goodvibes.ent1
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Seeker of wealth,knowledge,happiness. A peddler of experience and everything else spending time on the spoken Cover art photo provided by Pawan Sharma on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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Join me, DoughboyFresshh (Nobody Famous) and occasionally my band of bros as I shoot the breeze on all things Pop Culture. The Unfiltered Fan’s Perspective, I just call it how I see it. Lock in. Support this podcast:
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The Good Vibes Club

Jessica Sheppard and Jade Reeve

Welcome to the good vibes club, a normal girls guide to living your best life. Through weekly episodes, we hope to give you an insight into being your best self and finding self confidence as well as learning more about manifestation and realistic wellness/mindfulness (and everything in between). We hope that each episode gives you the knowledge to make your life even 1% better! No topic is off limits - as long as it relates to living your best life, of course.
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This podcast is to discuss my thoughts and how I make life change happen efficiently. And how to handle our modern problems to overcome those psychology barriers — improving our outlook on life, by changing our psychology. Changing our inner world changes our external world, and with that, I will be showcasing some methods to implement to overcome life's hurdles. I will be diving into subjects of psychology, personal development, physical fitness, mental toughness, financial investment, pass ...
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Young Nigerian content creator. Portrait artist, spoken word poet, Writer with a twisted perspective on life which is expressed through art and great conversations. An assemblage of discussions on prevailing issues in the art and poetry industry with a focus on Africa, Nigeria Specifically.
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Live Soul alive and on Purpose: Get Aligned, Manifest Faster! - hosted by Denise Beaulieu from "Inspire Good Vibes" where she talks SOUL TO SOUL about the mind, body, spirit connection. She dives deep into everything energy, vibration, soul purpose, subconscious powers, paradigm-shifting, spirit downloads, and more... • Start here, shift your reality, and follow along soul to soul. :)
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Sunnys Good Vibes Podcast

Jens Heuchemer - Jeden Montag eine neue Folge für unkomplizierte Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Inspiriert von Tobias Beck, Laura Malina Seiler, Robert Gladitz, Bahar Yilmaz, Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, Gary Vaynerchuk, Christian Gärtner uvm.

Sunnys Good Vibes Podcast ist der Podcast, der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung für dich unkompliziert und einfach werden lässt. Ich glaube daran, dass jeder Mensch es verdient hat ein einfaches Leben in Fülle und Freude zu leben. Das jeder Mensch Träume hat, die es wert sind, gelebt zu werden. Und ich habe es zu meinem absoluten Herzensprojekt gemacht wieder mehr Freude und Leichtigkeit in die Leben der Menschen zu bringen, sodass es jedem wirklich leicht fällt, das Leben nach dem eigenen Maßstab ...
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show series
We catch up with our buddy Marcus Torgerson to discuss spirituality and the evil of "HOW." We also chat about his upcoming book, Be A Man What The Fire Truck Does That Even Mean?, which shares a seasoned man's thoughts and opinions on what it means to be a man. The reflections of a flawed, grateful child of God on the topic of manhood.…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only - "The Vibes When... The Award Goes To" - Laura and Steph dive into awards season and all things Oscars. They break down the movies they watched this year, make their predictions on who will take home the gold, and share who they actually want to win. They also call out the biggest snubs, discuss how movies have e…
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Positive Gedanken für einen guten Tag 🏔 Meine Website für Yoga Retreats & Yogalehrer-Ausbildungen ➡️☀️ Yoga Anfängerkurs - Lerne Yoga, Meditation und Achtsamkeit Schritt für Schritt➡️ In dieser geführten Meditation erwarten dich 30 positive Affirmationen für e…
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Yoga ist so viel mehr als nur Bewegung Yoga hat mein Leben für immer verändert. Ich wusste Anfang 20 weder wer ich war, noch wer ich sein wollte. In dieser Podcastfolge möchte ich dir erzählen, wie Yoga auch dein Leben positiv verändern kann, wenn du dich darauf einlässt. Denn beim Yoga geht es um so viel mehr als nur um Bewegung! Tauche mit mir ti…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only - "The Vibes When... One Direction's Hits Never Left Our Playlists" - Laura and Steph go full fangirl over their all-time favourite band, One Direction. As lifelong 1D lovers, they reminisce about their favourite albums, songs, and band members, plus unforgettable moments from their die-hard era—including all the …
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Beobachte deine Gedanken, genieße die Stille Kannst du Stille genießen? Gelingt es dir für ein paar wenige Minuten ruhig zu sitzen und deine Gedanken zu beobachten? Diese Meditation soll dir dabei helfen. Schalte alle Hintergrundgeräusche aus, finde eine angenehme Sitzposition und genieße diese Meditation.Ein ruhiger Geist beginnt mit einem ruhigen…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only, "The Vibes When... Football Fever Hits," Laura and Steph are joined by Steph’s cousin Luca to break down all things NFL and Super Bowl. Luca schools them on the top players, key stats, and money lines heading into the final four. Laura claims she knows nothing about football (debatable), Steph gets a little too i…
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Ich war zu Gast im Podcast MACH ES! Wie finde ich meine(n) Beruf(ung)? Wie findet man seine Berufung, bleibt sich treu und gestaltet ein erfülltes Leben – auch inmitten von Herausforderungen? Unser Podcast-Gast, internationaler Yogalehrer, Bestsellerautor und selbst erfolgreicher Podcaster, teilt in dieser Folge seine persönliche Reise: vom Wendepu…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only, "The Vibes When... Destinations Are Calling," Laura and Steph are joined by their friend Farook to talk about all things travel. From favourite destinations and the unforgettable trip they all took to Punta Cana to cities that didn't quite meet expectations, they cover it all. They also share hilarious travel nig…
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Der Weg zu deinem wahren Selbst Was bedeutet Spiritualität? Wie kann man Spiritualität praktizieren? Gehört man dann zu einer bestimmten Religion? Welches Mindset unterstütz Spiritualität und welche Rolle spielen Achtsamkeit, Bewusstsein und Freiheit?Diese Fragen beantworte ich in der aktuellen Podcastfolge.Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!Marcel ☀️ Unterstü…
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Entspanne Körper & Geist Meditation und Entspannung sind ein genauso wichtiger Teil im Yoga wie die Bewegung und das Dehnen. Daher wird es zusätzlich zu meinen Yogavideos und Podcastfolgen nun auch jeden Monat eine neue, geführte Meditation für dich geben.In dieser geführten Meditation erwarten dich 10 Minuten pure Entspannung mit Yoga Nidra. Lass …
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only - "The Vibes When... We Recap 2024's Memorable Moments" - Laura and Steph take a look back at the year that was. They share their favourite moments from 2024, discuss the biggest news stories that shaped the year, and dive into viral internet trends and memes (some of which Steph swears Laura made up). From pop cu…
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3 Tipps für deine körperliche Bestform Du möchtest fitter werden und weißt nicht genau wo du anfangen sollst? In dieser Podcastfolge teile ich meine persönlichen Tipps mit dir, die mir dabei geholfen haben, körperlich in meine Bestform zu kommen. Ich erzähle dir, welches Mindset dir dabei hilft, Bewegung als natürlichen Teil in dein Leben zu integr…
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In this festive episode of Good Vibes Only - "The Vibes When... Santa's Coming to Town" - Laura and Steph are joined by their friend Ashley to dive into all things Christmas. From their favourite holiday movies and songs to how they decorate and embrace the reason for the season, it's a cheerful celebration of holiday vibes. Plus, they tackle rapid…
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Starte deine neue Wohlfühl-Routine! In dieser Folge teile ich die aktuelle 31 Tage Yoga Challenge sowie die neue Podcast Challenge mit dir! Die Challenges sollen dir dabei helfen, eine gesunde Routine mit Yoga und Achtsamkeit aufzubauen. Weiters teile ich ein paar Rückblicke aus meinem Jahr 2024 mit dir und bedanke mich bei meiner Community für all…
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🄷🄴🄻🄻🄾 🄻🄴🅂 🄵🄾🄻🄻🄾🅆🄴🅁🅂 ! A l'écoute mon dernier DJ set Afro House mixé avec une sélection des meilleurs tracks de cette fin d'année . Est disponible en intégralité en suivant le lien de ma bio 🎧 ⬇️ Track 1: It's Alright Salah Ananse Original Afro Mix The Late Night Affair, Salah Ananse Track 2: Yamore Extended Mix MoBla…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only, "The Vibes When... It’s Time to Recharge," Laura and Steph dive into all things self-care. From their go-to methods for unwinding and putting themselves first to their favorite skincare routines and beauty hacks, they share how they keep their vibes in check. They also discuss staying in shape - physically and me…
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We wanted to rerun this episode since the TikTok ban is around the corner. Clark and Ryan chat about the weapons of war utilized by Chyna. The VID and TikTok's effects on people and the potential for it to be the biggest weapon utilized by the Chinese Gov. by building super profiles on US citizens. Check out our new sponsor, DMO Knives, and get you…
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In welchen Situationen verlierst du deine Gelassenheit? Gelingt es dir in jeder Situation gelassen zu bleiben? In dieser Folge teile ich meine Tipps mit dir, um besser mit Stress umzugehen, innere Ruhe zu finden und somit auch mehr Leichtigkeit zu finden. Ich stelle dir auch fünf Fragen für einen kleinen Selbsttest und erzähle dir Beispiele aus mei…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only - "The Vibes When... TV Was Totally Fetch" - Laura and Steph take a trip down memory lane, diving into all things 2000s TV nostalgia. From their favourite shows and what made them iconic, to how television has evolved since what Steph and Laura say was the 'golden decade,' they're sharing all the top moments that …
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As Gen Xers, we used to make fun of people who couldn't pass a mirror without looking at themselves or adjusting their appearance. We often chat about how vanity has taken over, noting that a selfie is essentially a portable mirror with a global reach. Check out our new sponsor DMO Knives and get yourself the Custom Designed Maurader by Clark Impas…
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Finde die richtige Routine für dich In dieser Folge teile ich meine persönliche Abendroutine mit dir, die mir dabei hilft, gesund älter zu werden, viel Energie zu haben und schnell einzuschlafen. Ein großer Fokus liegt dabei auf die Schlafqualität und meine Routine vor dem zu Bett gehen. Ich gebe dir zahlreiche Tipps, um deine eigene Routine zu fin…
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In this episode of Good Vibes Only - "The Vibes When... Everyone's Talking Politics" - Laura and Steph are joined by special guest Matt Ingram to break down the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Together, they dive into the vibes post-election, exploring what a second Donald Trump presidency could mean for the U.S. and Canadians alike. With fresh ta…
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Mit Erwartungen umgehen lernen Dir gefällt diese Podcastfolge? Dann teile sie gerne auf Social Media oder schick sie direkt an deine Freunde weiter! VIELEN DANK! NEU: FITNESS FÜR ZUHAUSEMuskeln aufbauen, Fett abbauen & endlich wohlfühlen Unterstütze den Podcast & werde Teil meiner Community a…
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It’s Halloween, and we’re bringing the spooky vibes with our first guest, Melissa! From the coolest (and weirdest) costume trends to what makes Halloween hit different as a kid vs. as an adult. Join us as we reveal some of our top costume picks over the years, dive into our favorite seasonal watches, and play a Halloween-themed “This or That” you w…
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