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Herzlich Willkommen beim Podcast Heinefunk! Der Heinefunk ist der Podcast des Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasiums in Oberhausen als Angebot des Fördervereins des Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasiums e.V. Unregelmäßig, etwa alle zwei Wochen, veröffentlichen wir eine neue Folge.
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Stay Hungry ist der Podcast für ambitionierte Gründer und Unternehmer. Wenn du mit deinem Unternehmen digital wachsen oder sogar skalieren willst, dann ist dieser Podcast perfekt für dich. In dem Podcast gibt er sein erprobtes Wissen zu den Themen Marketing, LinkedIn, Social Selling, Unternehmertum und viele weitere spannende Themen weiter.
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Between Meetings with Matt Heine

Netwealth Investments Limited

In this podcast series Matt Heine, Managing Director of Netwealth, chats to industry professionals and thought leaders on what opportunities and challenges they see for financial advisers, what they are working on and their favourite business book or podcast, to uncover their insights on a wide range of topics in relation to the delivery of advice and financial services.
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Das Berlin der 1920er ist ein bebendes Zentrum des Okkultismus. Ominöse Bruderschaften, trügerische Schamanen und Monstren aller Art beleben seine Straßen. Mittendrin: Ewald Heine - Horror-Autor, Koks-Enthusiast und besessen von Dämonen. In jeder der 10 Folgen erzählt die Grusel-Hörspiel-Serie einen neuen mysteriösen Fall in einer Stadt der Sünde und finsteren Magie. Mehr Infos findet ihr auf www.wdr.de/k/ewaldheine Schickt uns eure Fragen und Meinungen an ewaldheine@wdr.de
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Heinemann Podcasts feature insights and commentary from some of the most popular authors in K-12 education. Each Podcast provides practical teaching information and helpful advice about a specific topic in education. Tune in to Heinemann Podcasts to improve your teaching ability, build closer connections with your students, and better understand the changing landscape of today's educational world.
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Podcast veteran Jason Heine discusses the highs, lows and current events surrounding retro and modern video gaming. The ever-changing world of Technology is also a focus and discussed in each episode. The Heine House Gaming & Tech Podcast is a nostalgic trip down memory lane; a casual conversation similar to what you'd have with an old friend.
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Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen ist ein satirisches Versepos des deutschen Dichters Heinrich Heine (1797–1856). Unzufrieden mit den politischen Verhältnissen im Deutschland der Restaurationszeit und um der Zensur zu entgehen, emigrierte Heine 1831 nach Frankreich. 1835 verbot ein Beschluss des deutschen Bundestags seine Schriften. Ende 1843 kehrt er noch einmal für wenige Wochen nach Deutschland zurück. Heine verknüpft in „Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen“ die Reisebeschreibung mit politischen ...
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show series
Asset-based and culturally competent pedagogies are a way to bring in a student's lived experiences and build more interest-based appeal that can help make our teaching more meaningful to students. On today's podcast, Dr. Edmund Adjapong, author of Teach Like an MC, sits down with his mentor, Dr. Chris Emdin, to talk about the power of hip-hop peda…
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Sehr viel weiter kann man nicht weg! Luisa war über 18.000 Kilometer vom Heine entfernt als Austauschschülerin für ein halbes Jahr in Neuseeland. Wie sie mit ihren Eltern dort hinkam, was sie dort erlebt hat, wie toll sie das dortige Schulsystem fand und warum der Rückflug keine gute Erfahrung war, all das berichtet sie in diesem Heinefunk-Intervie…
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Today, we revisit an episode from 2019. My colleague is joined by Amy Lucenta and Grace Kelemanik. Amy and Grace are co-authors of Routines for Reasoning: Fostering the Mathematical Practices in All Students and Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Mathematical Teaching Practices Through Reasoning Routines. They are big proponents of helping students d…
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Today we have another episode in Berit Gordon's series, "Tips for New Teachers", and today she discusses simple yet powerful strategies to build positive relationships with students who take more time to connect with. Learn how small intentional actions like giving genuine compliments, recognizing students beyond their struggles, and practicing pos…
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Alle Jahre wieder und zwischendurch sowieso: Unser Schulleiter Marcus Kortmann wagt sich in das Heinefunk-Studio und stellt sich den kritischen Fragen der Moderatorinnen. So stellen Ceyda und Carolin auch 2025 wieder kritische Fragen, rund um das Handyverbot am Heine, die Anmeldungen und so manch anderes aus dem Schulleben der vergangenen Zeit. Abe…
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Today's episode is an excerpt from a live stream with Edmund Adjapong, author of the forthcoming book, Teach Like An MC, Hip-Hop Pedagogy in the K-12 Classroom. Dr. Adjapong delves into the origins, evolution, and legacy of hip-hop as a voice for Black identity, resistance, and creativity. He also examines the genre's deep roots in the Bronx, its r…
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Now more than ever, students need the skills to critically think about the texts they encounter. Today we have Marilyn Pryle on the podcast. Her newest book, 5 Questions for Any Text: Critical Reading in the Age of Disinformation, provides a simple framework for improving students' critical reading skills by encouraging the development of original …
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Listen to Brett Joffe and Justin Joffe, co-founders of Flux Finance, a platform revolutionising financial literacy for young adults in Australia, relate their journey from struggling with their initial podcast episodes to building a community of over 450,000 members. Brett and Justin share how Flux combines education, gamification, and money tools …
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By mid-year, the energy of the new school year can feel like a distant memory, leaving students, educators, and administrators disconnected and drained. But this season also offers the perfect opportunity to reignite a sense of belonging and rebuild the connections that sustain us all. Today we have the third episode of our three-part series, New Y…
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Have you ever found yourself staring at your alarm clock, desperate for a day to just hit pause, maybe to catch up on sleep, tackle the mountain of laundry, or just breathe. In this episode, Berit talks through ways to show up at school for your students, even on those days when you just want to call it in and have a day to catch up. She has tips f…
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In der neuen Folge des Heinefunks begrüßen Emma und Carolin einen besonderen Gast: Marcel Przybylka , Referendar für Englisch und Geschichte. Doch was bringt jemanden dazu, Lehrer zu werden? Welche Momente haben ihn besonders geprägt? Und warum hat er sich ausgerechnet für Geschichte und Englisch entschieden? Herr Przybylka gibt spannende Einblicke…
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By mid-year, the spark of a new school year may feel distant, yet it's the perfect time to revisit the strength of connection and the power of community in sustaining educators through challenges. In the second episode of this three-part series, New Year's Energy for Midwinter Teaching, Arlène draws from her experience to explore how curating inten…
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✅ Neuer LinkedIn-Salesfunnel, der planbar Inbound-Leads und Kunden bringt:https://funnels.leadersmedia.de/linkedinworkshop/?utm_source=yt_beschreibung👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstells…
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✅ So kannst du Perspective 30 Tage komplett kostenfrei testen: https://www.leadersmedia.de/funneltool👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstellst, den der Algorithmus liebt & Kunden bringt - So…
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This episode looks back at some of the most incisive moments from Matt’s conversations in 2024, with an array of impressive guests from diverse fields who share their experiences, insights, and key learnings for financial advisers. Listen to the full episodes from which these clips are taken: Ep 94: Embracing play at work to innovate and collaborat…
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In this episode, we explore the transformative power of belonging in classrooms and school communities with Rebecca Bellingham and Veronica Scott. They are authors of the brand new book, The Artful Approach to Exploring Identity and Fostering Belonging. Join us as this incredible author team and my colleague, Tessa Hathaway, delve into the research…
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✅ Neuer LinkedIn-Salesfunnel, der planbar Inbound-Leads und Kunden bringt:https://funnels.leadersmedia.de/linkedinworkshop/?utm_source=yt_beschreibung👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstells…
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January can feel like a tough stretch. While the world celebrates a new beginning, educators return to the same school year. The spark of August has dimmed, daylight is fleeting, and here in New Hampshire at least, the cold can feel relentless. In this three-part series, author and educator, Arlène Casimir draws from her work with hundreds of teach…
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Today we are revisiting part of a conversation between Heinemann author, Andrea Honigsfeld and educator Pam Schwallier. From breaking down outdated labels to embracing an asset-based approach, they discuss how educators can empower students to leverage their linguistic and cultural strengths. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and Cali…
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✅ Neuer LinkedIn-Salesfunnel, der planbar Inbound-Leads und Kunden bringt:https://funnels.leadersmedia.de/linkedinworkshop/?utm_source=yt_beschreibung👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstells…
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Today we revisit a conversation between Shamari Reid and Brett. They dive into the essential work of humanizing education and educators, and discuss why true connection requires us to face the challenging parts of our humanity. Together they unpack how understanding our own identities, imperfections, and histories helps educators to better see stud…
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Today we are revisiting part of a conversation between Heinemann authors Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher. They share their insights on overcoming student disengagement through authentic book clubs and intentional classroom practices. They explore the effects of educational pressures on both teachers and students and uncover why many high schoolers…
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Today, we'll hear an excerpt from author Shamari Reid's, "Humans Who..." YouTube series. In this series, Shamari joins some of the top educators and authors in the country to discuss the humanity in all aspects of teaching and life. This episode features Heinemann author and educator Arléne Casimir. Shamari and Arléne delve into what it means to be…
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Today we'll hear an excerpt from author Shamari Reid's "Humans Who... " YouTube series. In this series, Shamari joins some of the top educators and authors in the county to discuss the humanity in all aspects of teaching and life. In this deeply reflective episode, Shamari talks with Dr. Chris Emdin. They discuss Chris's groundbreaking first book a…
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✅ Neue Algorithmus-Checkliste für mehr Reichweite, Leads und Kunden: https://www.leadersmedia.de/algorithmus👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstellst, den der Algorithmus liebt & Kunden brin…
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✅ Neue Algorithmus-Checkliste für mehr Reichweite, Leads und Kunden: https://www.leadersmedia.de/algorithmus👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstellst, den der Algorithmus liebt & Kunden brin…
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Today, we bring you a new episode from Berit Gordon's year-long series for new or newer teachers on the Heinemann Podcast. Berit, author of The Joyful Teacher: Strategies for Becoming the Teacher Every Student Deserves, shares tips for practicing routines with your students, even at the secondary level. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/priva…
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🙋🏻‍♂️ Du willst bei den nächsten Business Scaling Days live dabei sein? Hier erfährst du mehr dazu: https://www.leadersmedia.de/businessscalingdays1👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstellst,…
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Today on the Heinemann Podcast, Kelly Gallagher, author of To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff, explores the challenges of fake reading, the effects of distraction addiction, and practical ways to rebuild students' deep reading skills, learn strategies to promote genuine literacy, engage students with books, and think critically about the issues o…
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Today we hear from Joseph Rodríguez, author of the new book, Youth Scribes: Teaching A Love of Writing. Joseph is a dedicated teacher from Austin, Texas who shares his unique approach to engaging 11th and 12th graders in the art of writing. Joseph is passionate about the term scribe and its historical significance across civilizations. He explains …
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🙋🏻‍♂️ Du willst bei den nächsten Business Scaling Days live dabei sein? Hier erfährst du mehr dazu: https://www.leadersmedia.de/businessscalingdays1👇 Weitere Links 👇👨🏻‍💻 Unsere Angebote: ▸ Bist du Gründer und willst LinkedIn als Leadkanal aufbauen? Kostenfreies 1:1 LinkedIn-Audit sichern: https://leadersmedia.de/▸ Wie du LinkedIn Content erstellst,…
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