This morning chabura is to designed to learn Gemara B'iyun in a way that connects to our soul and daily avodas Hashem Other Chaburas Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh Niggun Chabura Likutei Moharan Rebbe Nachman Nesivos Shalom Working on Middos Nesivos Shalom Shabbos The Holy Book Club Bitachon For Real
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The Iyun Podcast explores the many dynamics of chareidim in relation to the broader context of Israeli society and beyond. Hosted by long-time podcaster Rabbi Ari Koretzky, Iyun features stimulating and courageous conversations with guests from a diverse range of stakeholders in the future of chareidi society. Join us on this exciting new adventure in Jewish podcasting!
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A new podcast from Tzarich Iyun : A podcast on all things Jewish and Charedi: Religion, Sociology, Ideology, and far, far more.
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Episode 19 - Chareidim and Judicial Reform w/Dr. Moshe Koppel
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1:09:19Dr. Moshe Koppel is a leading computer scientist in Israel, with a specific expertise in AI. But over past twenty years he has led an intellectual movement promoting judicial reform within Israel. Through his Kohelet Policy Forum, Dr. Koppel researches alternatives to the entrenched judicial dynamics, and advocates for what he considers a more bala…
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Rosh - Yerushalmi - Tur (3 explanations)Autor: Reb Yirmi
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New Gemara - one should always enter two entrances into shul and then davenAutor: Reb Yirmi
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A deep dive with the teachings of R Itche Meyer Morgenstern ShlitaAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Finish R Kook - two additional explanations to the longevity of lifeAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R Kook explains long lifeAutor: Reb Yirmi
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New Gemara - Hours in shul adds hours to your lifeAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos is seeing רעהוAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Finish R Kook - two aspects of a bad neighborAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R KookAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Rambam Tefillah 8:1Autor: Reb Yirmi
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Tzlach clarifiesAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Maharal - two types of bad neighbors, Rashi on Rif and the P’risha explainsAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Brachos 8a - if there’s a shul in your city and you don’t attend you’re called a bad neighborAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R Kook - the main perfection of the self is with the Klal but the main perfection of the Klal is with the selfAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Episode 18 - Bridging the Divide: Shabbos with Hostage Families and NOVA Survivors
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1:04:52Tzili Schneider has created one of the most remarkable bridge-building educational operations in Israel, Kesher Yehudi. Ari Koretzky has previously interviewed Tzili on his other show, Jews You Should Know. Relevant to the Iyun Podcast, however, we focus in this episode on Tzili’s recent efforts with hostage families and NOVA survivors; she has eng…
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The GR”A explainsAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Two times Hashem was redeemed, the Rashba’s take, and the GRA weighs inAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Review and questionAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Re-read of Rif and Rabbeinu Yonah, Maharsha, and their argument over the power of the Bais HaMikdashAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Through learning Torah, doing acts of kindness, and davening we can redeem Hashem HimselfAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Amazing Torah from R Kook about the essence and practical avodah of tefillah b’tzibburAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Continue MB with some additionsAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Mishna BeruraAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Open question to the chabura and it gets loudAutor: Reb Yirmi
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RambamAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Rosh - Tur - Shulchan Aruch about linking up with the time of the tzibburAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Linking up at the same time - Maharsha and Rif-Rabbeinu YonahAutor: Reb Yirmi
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New Gemara bottom of 7b/8a about the zman of the tzibburAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R Kook continuedAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Deep into R Kook and how we learnAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Continue in R KookAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Episode 17 - Facts on the Ground: Hasbara to American Chareidim
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51:50The charedi communities of the United State and Israel are separated physically by an ocean, but culturally and psychologically by a great deal as well. Many Americans lack basic awareness of current developments on the ground in Israel, the actual attitudes towards army service and general integration being promulgated there. The resulting gap lea…
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Audibly vs visually and we dip into R KookAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Rambam teaches us about life before mitzvosAutor: Reb Yirmi
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3 ways to explain the different gemaras and the Rambam Sefer HaMitzvosAutor: Reb Yirmi
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שמושא של תורה יותר מלמודהAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Deeper look at machlokes between R Yonah and She’iltis and which enemies will fallAutor: Reb Yirmi
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מח׳ שאילתות ורבינו יונהAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Deeper in Rabbeinu Yonah - How Torah alleviates fearAutor: Reb Yirmi
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New Gemara - using the language of the Rif and Rabbeinu YonahAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R Kook and Moshe vs the wicked and the cows of Eliyahu HaNaviAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R Kook’s amazing twist and reading it back into the Gemara for a surprise endingAutor: Reb Yirmi
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We continue with R Kook’s deep understandingAutor: Reb Yirmi
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R Kook turns the Gemara inwardsAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Ben Ish Chai explainsAutor: Reb Yirmi
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What is להתגרות and why is it מותר? עיין במהרש״אAutor: Reb Yirmi
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We finish the GemaraAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Brachos 7b - Rashbi teaches us to fight the wicked peopleAutor: Reb Yirmi
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Episode 16 - "A Year in Mea Shearim" with Tuvia Tenenbom
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1:00:41Tuvia Tenenbom is quite a colorful character. An author, playwright, mathematician, computer scientist, and all-around polymath, Tuvia was raised in a chareidi Israeli home, in the lap of the Chazon Ish, Rav Shach and other great luminaries. His own life veered on a different course, but he recently returned to those ideological precincts, spending…
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