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Roman Meerson, Evgenii Nikiforov

В этом подкасте мы разговариваем и обсуждаем темы связанные с программированием, технологиям и конечно же с Java
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JavaScript Jabber

Charles M Wood

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Stay current on JavaScript, Node, and Front-End development. Learn from experts in programming, careers, and technology every week. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/javascript-jabber--6102064/support.
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Your weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web. Current panelists: Jerod Santo, Kevin Ball (KBall), Nick Nisi, Chris Hiller, Amal Hussein & Amy Dutton. Past panelists: Suz Hinton, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Amelia Wattenberger, Divya Sasidharan, Alex Sexton, Rachel White, Emma Bostian, Ali Spittel, Mikeal Rogers & Jessica Sachs. We talk about the web platform (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, etc), front-end frameworks (ReactJS, SolidJS, Svelte, VueJS, AngularJS, etc), JavaScript and TypeS ...
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Java Pub House

Freddy Guime & Bob Paulin

This podcast talks about how to program in Java; not your tipical system.out.println("Hello world"), but more like real issues, such as O/R setups, threading, getting certain components on the screen or troubleshooting tips and tricks in general. The format is as a podcast so that you can subscribe to it, and then take it with you and listen to it on your way to work (or on your way home), and learn a little bit more (or reinforce what you knew) from it.
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JavaScript Master Podcast

Dariusz Kalbarczyk

The JavaScript Master Podcast is a go-to resource for JavaScript developers looking to learn, grow, and connect with the community. Hosted by experienced developers, the podcast covers a wide range of topics, from production-ready applications to architecture and performance best practices. Whether you're new to the language or a seasoned developer, the podcast provides valuable insights and practical tips that will help you become a super JavaScript developer. Listen, code, and repeat! js-p ...
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My name is Kim Java. I’m an electric vehicle expert, and our family has owned 5 EVs over the past 15 years. I love making YouTube videos about all things Tesla, EVs and solar. Please consider subscribing for informative and entertaining EV content with new pods every week! @ItsKimJava
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El Mac de Javi

Javi Zaldivar

Bienvenidos a mi podcast. Un lugar donde puedo charlar con vosotr@s de una forma más relajada, más personal y donde os hablo un poco más sobre mi mundo, la tecnología y YouTube.
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Java Off-Heap

Freddy Guime

The Java Off-Heap Podcast brings together the latest tech news for the java professional. We go over the news and current issues and discuss them in depth, bringing the knowledge of a top circle of professionals from Chicago. Come take a listen and figure out what's going on in the Java world!
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Set your sails for the JAVAMEN FIGHTING ILLINI PODCAST, the official Illini Basketball podcast of the BIG BANTER Network. We are a group of University of Illinois 2010 alumni that love talking Fighting Illini basketball. Our podcast focuses primarily on Illini basketball with a little football sprinkled in. We share our thoughts on the Fighting Illini, the class of the Big Ten, from a fan perspective. Weekly segments will typically include the following: - Weekly Recap - Weekly Preview - Set ...
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A lifetime of pop culture. Comedian Javier Jarquin goes back through the major pop culture events and personal stories of every year he's been alive. Each episode covers a specific year. Expect to recollect movies, music, tv, video games and ridiculous trends of the time mixed in with Javier's own personal views. Want to join in the discussion? Head on over to the discord: https://discord.gg/HthWkddUZf
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Job Talk Java

Job Talk Java

Down-to-earth conversations with Lorraine and Gerard. We talk about anything about recruitment, job search, interviews and how external factors impact the job market.
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Christian Sexuality - Java with Juli

Dr. Juli Slattery and Authentic Intimacy®

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Join clinical psychologist Dr. Juli Slattery as she gets to the heart of what the Bible says about sex, singleness, marriage, and intimacy. Tune in today to make more sense of God and sex. Java with Juli is a ministry of Authentic Intimacy.
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Menggah program Margi Utami menika kalebet peladosan pamerdi babagan kitab Suci saking Thrue The Bible. Menggah program menika dipun pratelakaken kanthi seri dipun anggit dening Dr. J. Vernon MCGee lan Panjenenganipun sampun njarwakaken lan ngginakaken basa langkung saking 100 basa. Program menika dangunipun 30 menit ingkang kanti teratur nuntun para pamiarsa sinau kitab suci kanthi jangkep. Program menika ugi wonten ing internet. Kawula sami ngaturaken panuwun awit panjenengan piniji dados ...
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Find Your Everest Podcast by Javi Ordieres

Find Your Everest Podcast

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El Find Your Everest Podcast es un programa para los apasionados del Trail Running. En él hablaremos sobre noticias de Trail Running, calendario de carreras, analizaremos material, y hablaremos con muchos invitados como atletas profesionales, principales marcas, fisios, nutricionistas, etc. Dicho podcast lo componemos los 4 trabajadores de https://www.findyoureverest.es/
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Inside Java

Chad Arimura, David Delabassee

Inside Java is a podcast for Java Developers brought to you directly from the people that make Java at Oracle. We'll discuss the language, the JVM, OpenJDK, platform security, innovation projects like Loom and Panama, and everything in between.
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Java with Jen: Hearing God's Voice for Everyday Life | Revival, Prophetic Prayer, Christian Family

Jenilee Samuel | Spiritual Growth Coach for Busy Moms, Spiritual Gifts, Pastor

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Hi, I’m Jen! As a mom of four boys, Pastor, Podcast coach, and former Wardrobe Stylist, I love helping busy moms learn to hear God's voice and enjoy the journey! It’s simpler than you think, though many Christians struggle to believe they can. Just one word from Him can change everything. I’m far from perfect, but I’m here to share authentic, real-life advice on knowing Jesus more deeply and being led by His Spirit in your everyday life, family, and work. With coffee in hand and real life in ...
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Kahkeshan javani


سلام خوش اومدین به پادکست کهکشان جوانی. این جا چند تا جوان درباره مشکلاتشون صحبت می‌کنند و نظراتشون رو درباره موضوعات مختلف روز میگن.
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show series
Oh my, Spring is around the corner and OffHeap was again invited to be part of DevNexus! This episode is so awesome because we got a chance to talk to three Open Source Foundations: Apache Software Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, and CommonHaus Foundation. We discussed how they are similar, and (more interestingly) how they are different. […]…
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Todos los seguros que tienen en Línea Directa también tienen seguro de hogar, para que vivas bien tranquilo. Así que si estás pensando en contratar algún seguro, pásate antes por LíneaDirecta.com o llama al 917-700-700. Cámbiate y te mejoran el precio de tus seguros directamente. Línea Directa, el valor de ser directo. Bueno, son las 9 de la mañana…
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Javi, ¿no te has enterado de que en Jastel tienen luz y gas y que además, si ya eres cliente, tienes un descuento de 9 euros al mes en tu factura de teléfono? Pues como lo oyes ahora, gracias a Jastel, también puedes contratar la luz y el gas a un precio fijo y sin permanencia. Ya estás tardando en llamar al 1510 porque lo bueno, no es caro, tambié…
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Digo, San Sebastián, que no han sido elegidas como sede, pues quieren saber cómo se ha hecho todo. Bueno, que tienes que hacer acopio de comida, de pilas, de agua. No lo digo yo, lo dice Bruselas, que ya nos ha recomendado a todos los europeos tener un kit de supervivencia en casa para 72 horas. Un kit que hoy nos van a explicar con más detalle, pe…
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Okay, so you're a rocket scientist. Good morning. Today is Wednesday, March 26th. It's 6 a.m. Good morning and welcome to Cadenación. Good morning, Javi and Mar. Good morning, Maramater. Good morning, Javi Nieves. Cadenación. Well, we start this Wednesday with the information you tell us. José Real, good morning. Hi, Javi, hi, Mar. How are you? Goo…
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Este programa está patrocinado por MAURTEN. Puedes conocer todos los productos aquí: https://findyoureverest.es/categoria-producto/marcas/maurten/ Pregunta de carrera: ¿Cómo se llama el punto más alto del maratón de la Xtreme Lagos? Entre los acertantes se sortea una camiseta + dorsal para el Trail Xtreme. En este episodio del Find Your Everest Pod…
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Que no es verdad que te olvidé, ¿cómo te atreves a volver? ¿Cómo te atreves a volver? Me hiciste daño pero sigo vivo Contigo yo me acostumbré a perder Mi corazón funciona sin latir ¿Cómo te atreves a volver? Que tus cenizas convertí en fuego Por mis mentiras vio caer Que no es verdad que te olvidé ¿Cómo te atreves a volver? ¿Cómo te atreves a volve…
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❌ Have you ever felt like marriage is harder than it should be? Like no matter how much you give, something still feels off? What if I told you some of the beliefs you were taught about marriage are actually hurting your happiness because they're not the WHOLE story? In this episode, I'm sitting down with Sheila Gregoire to uncover 6 wrong beliefs …
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Мы очень постарались соблюсти все временные рамки и выйти достаточно оперативно, чтобы новый выпуск подкаста JavaHut News #2 увидел свет как можно раньше. Сегодня мы обсудили массу интересного, начиная с того зачем Gradle про Maven пишет и заканчивая дивным новым миром, где MCP всех победил и все компании стали LLM-friendly. Устраивайтесь поудобнее…
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Bueno, Luz, ¿sabes que tengo que ir a la oficina de mi compañía de seguros ahora? Hola, Javi, ¿tu compañía de seguros te obliga a ir a su oficina para hacer gestiones? Bueno, pues si es así, vía Dios y pásate a la Mutua, que además de darte un gran servicio online, te baja el precio de cualquiera de tus seguros, sea cual sea. Es tan fácil como llam…
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