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A podcast from Rob Clark and Joe Borelli examining the available evidence and testimony pertaining to the assassination of JFK. Looking at history in a new light and busting myths along the way! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-lone-gunman-podcast-jfk-assassination--1181353/support.
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JFK Assassination - From The Vault

Loose Moose™️ Productions

Audio documentaries, interviews, presentations, Guest hosting gigs, guesting on other shows, and other sh*t you may have missed... Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jfk-assassination-from-the-vault--4127240/support.
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Who Killed JFK?


Who Killed JFK? For 60 years, we are still asking that question. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination, legendary filmmaker Rob Reiner teams up with award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien to tell the history of America’s greatest murder mystery. They interview CIA officials, medical experts, Pulitzer-prize winning journalists, eyewitnesses and a former Secret Service agent who, in 2023, came forward with groundbreaking new evidence. Th ...
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JFK The Enduring Secret

Jeff Crudele

Co tydzień
An in depth tutorial and discussion around the assassination of John F. Kennedy, (JFK) the country's 35th president who was brutally murdered in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. The series comprehensively explores the major facts, themes, and events leading up to the assassination in Dealey Plaza and the equally gripping stories surrounding the subsequent investigation. We review key elements of the Warren Commission Report , and the role of the CIA and FBI. We explore the possible involve ...
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Solving JFK

Criminal Content

Solving JFK examines each issue in the JFK Assassination by looking at the arguments from both those who believe Oswald acted alone and those who believe there was a conspiracy to kill president Kennedy. Host Matt Crumpton analyzes each tree in the forest and then zooms out to look at the big picture. Objective truth is the paramount goal of the podcast, with every factual proposition cited. In season one, we look at whether the Warren Report got it right that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone ...
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Quel serait le visage du monde si le 22 novembre 1963, le président John Fitzgerald Kennedy n’avait pas été assassiné ? Qui a tué JFK et pourquoi ? Est-ce l’œuvre d’un tueur isolé ou s’agit-il d’un sordide complot tentaculaire ? 60 ans après, Cécile Poss raconte l’enquête, ses incohérences et son mystère.
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JFK Files

Rob @ podcast411

On November 22nd 1963 JFK was assassinated. Two days later the alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down while in Police custody by Night club owner Jack Ruby. And for past 60 plus years - many have speculated the assassin did not work alone. There were congressional hearings, FBI and CIA investigations and all of that lead to documents that were sometimes released after being heavily redacted or never released at all. Information kept from the American People - These are the JFK Fi ...
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Markus Kompa

Was wissen wir heute über den Jahrhundertmord? Noch immer rätseln Historiker, warum geschossen wurde, wer wirklich hinter dem Mord steckte und weshalb 4.600 Ermittlungsakten geheim bleiben - obwohl deren Freigabe gesetzlich für 2017 vorgesehen war. Die Publizisten Markus Kompa und Dirk Pohlmann eint ihre Faszination für Geheimnisse des Kalten Kriegs. Gemeinsam zeichnen sie nach, welches Bild die zu 99 % freigegebenen Akten, seriöse Experten und auch Zeitzeugen, die im Alter ihr Gewissen erle ...
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Daniel Lazar

Identity. Diversity. Empathy. Awareness. Service. The IDEAS Club at the John F. Kennedy School in Berlin, Germany was born of the demand that in our time of crises, in our Age of Anxiety, when democracy is fragile, when intolerance is increasingly tolerated, we must intensify our efforts to create a safe but challenging space to discuss and celebrate diversity. IDEAS is about challenging stereotypes, grappling with our biases, and tackling tough issues.
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JFK Library Forums

Kennedy Library Forums

Kennedy Library Forums are a series of public affairs programs offered by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum to foster public discussion on a diverse range of historical, political, and cultural topics reflecting the legacy of President and Mrs. Kennedy's White House years.
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John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, inspired a generation that transformed America. But not everyone knows the stories behind the man - his experiences as a young serviceman in World War II, how he wrote some of his most memorable speeches, what sparked him to set the country on a path to the moon. Join Matt Porter and Jamie Richardson of the JFK Library Foundation as they dig into the archives at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston and intervi ...
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Gerald Eastwood

BEHOLD, A PALE HORSE My latest eBook, "Secrets of the Tribulation: Timeline - 2024 to 2030" is now available on Amazon & Barnes and Noble. It is a fact there are multiple global conspiracies, including extraterrestrials. The elites of the world power structure seek to bring about a New World Order as it's described in the Book of Revelation. This coincides precisely with Bible Prophecy, which is the topic of my latest book, a page-turner. It is a must-read! In addition, I have published anot ...
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One fateful night John F. Kennedy Jr. boarded a private plane with his wife and sister-in-law, flying to his cousin's wedding. Only, they never made it. Was the plane crash that led to JFK Jr.'s funeral a mere accident? Or something far more sinister, swept under the rug by Camelot—like so many of their other tragedies? This next installment in the Fatal Voyage series explores the privileged life and sudden death of John F. Kennedy Jr. Discover the dark side of the Kennedys, from scandals an ...
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24 Hours After, an original podcast from The HISTORY® Channel, takes listeners on a deep dive into the immediate aftermath of critical moments that reshaped the world. Each season, we will experience one of these key events with immersive sound design, to put us behind the eyes and ears of those who were there and learn how their minute-by-minute decisions rippled into the future. Hosted by historian Steve Gillon, we speak to experts, authors, and eyewitnesses to paint a full picture of each ...
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Série de 39 épisodes sur John Fitzgerald Kennedy On sait tous quelque chose de Kennedy, que dire de plus, tout a été dit, écrit et raconté des milliers de fois. Des 1000 jours de sa présidence, un peu de plus 3 ans, il reste pourtant beaucoup de mystères, de zones d’ombre, d’hypothèses et d’interprétations. Après plus de 25 ans d’intérêt, de lectures et de recherches , je vous propose une série de podcasts qui évoque des histoires et anecdotes peu connues, de rentrer vraiment dans son intimi ...
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JFK Library and Museum - John F. Kennedy Speeches

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

The Speeches of President John F. Kennedy is a podcast series of the most memorable and historical speeches delivered by John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Each episode features a brief introduction by former Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Curator Frank Rigg, who gives the historical context of each speech.
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show series
Join us this evening as we welcome in author James Day to talk about the Far Right involvement in the JFKA, we'll also touch on his work about David Ferrie and the "Mad Bishops". For all things James Day... links below! On YouTube http://www.youtube.com/@jamesday114 On Medium https://medium.com/@jamesfday On Amazon https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jam…
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Today's episode kicks off a new mini series that covers the story of Billy Sol Estes, Mac Wallace, Bobby Baker and other members of Johnson's Texas inner circle. Men who were quite intertwined around Johnson at the time of the assassination. These men were involved in circumstances that were closing in on Johnson too and that provided him great mot…
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Join us for another tale of New Orleans debauchery involving a "Clay Bertrand", a tale of two Quirogas, and other fascinating George DeMohrenschildt tidbits! Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Use our code GUNMAN for 20% off entire order at checkout! Merch Store - http://the-lone-gunman-podcast.myspreadshop.com FREE SHIPPING TIL FEB …
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On November 22nd 1963 JFK was assassinated. Two days later the alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down while in Police custody by Night club owner Jack Ruby. And for past 60 plus years - many have speculated the assassin did not work alone. There were congressional hearings, FBI and CIA investigations and all of that lead to documents th…
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Join us over on our YouTube Channel for our most significant conversation yet on the interview series. Rick Russo and I engage in a discussion with Andy Purdy who was Senior Counsel for the HSCA reporting directly to Robert Blakey. Purdy had overall responsibility for the medical evidence review conducted by the HSCA and that is the topic of our co…
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Join us live for a slew of suprise guests and channel members that wanted to join us live on the show. Bring topics & ask us anything! Anything goes at the Freak Off...just use a little baby oil first! You don't want to miss this one! Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Use our code GUNMAN to save 20% off your entire order at checkout…
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The Executive Order that everyone has been waiting order is here. There is a fifteen day deadline. But what exactly does that mean? Is this irrational exuberance. Come on over to the You Tube Channel where we discuss the order with JFK Records Act expert Andrew Iler to understand what all this really means for the release of the records. Join us ov…
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In a stunning development, Shane Stevens has released a tape recording of a conversation between Clifton Carter and Billy Sol Estes. Stevens is the grandson of Billy Sol Estes. In the tape, Cliff Carter specifically states that Lyndon Johnson ordered Mac Wallace to kill JFK. These tapes have long been rumored to be in existence, and now one that co…
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On the heels of the release of their new book The Oswald Puzzle, author Larry Hancock joins us to discuss more about the puculiarities and curiousities that make up Lee Harvey Oswald. To purchase their new book head to https://a.co/d/5PmQ2ED Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com use our code GUNMAN for 20% off entire order! Merch Store …
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 12 is the twelth episode in this miniseries and focuses on the cable communications that occurred on October 8th and October 1…
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 11 is the eleventh episode in this miniseries and focuses on the remaining phone calls that happened on October 1st and Octobe…
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 10 is the tenth episode in this miniseries and and concludes what else may have happened that weekend with Oswald and then chr…
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Join us as we discuss the various movements and tales of the suspicious employees captured in photos on the fifth floor at the time of the assassination. Were they legit, scared to tell the truth, or manipulated by the man? Tune in and find out! Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Use our code GUNMAN to save 20% off your entire order …
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Please do make your way over to our YouTube Channel and watch this episode in video form. But if you cant, then take advantage and listen to audio of this episode here on our podcast channel. Join me for an illuminating discussion with renowned researcher and author Larry Hancock and his coauthor David Boylan as we preview their new book entitled T…
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Join us as dive deep into the personalities in and around the Texas School Book Depository, as well as the guy running it, Roy Truly. Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Use our code GUNMAN to save 20% off entire order at checkout! Merch Store - http://the-lone-gunman-podcast.myspreadshop.com Music By - Harold Oswald Loose Moose Produ…
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 9 is the ninth episode in this miniseries and concludes the Russian Embassy story that we began in Part 8. In Part 9, we pick …
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 8 is the eighth episode in this miniseries and the story tell continues in part 9 as well. We begin by listening to investigat…
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1 Chicane feat. Moya Brennan - Saltwater (Ilan Bluestone Extended Remix)2 Energy 52 - Cafe del Mar (Three N One Remix)3 Lustral - Everytime (Nalin & Kane Remix) [1997]4 Three 'N One feat Billy Hendrix - Body Shine (Club Version)5 Marc Et Claude - La (Moonman's Flashover Mix Edit)6 Push - Universal Nation7 Three Drives - Greece 20008 Andain - Beauti…
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Join us live this evening at 7pm EST for a lively show where we'll be delving into the reading habits and mind of Lee Harvey Oswald! Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Enter code GUNMAN at checkout for 20% off entire order! Merch Store - http://the-lone-gunman-podcast.myspre... 25% Off everything Jan. 1st - 6th! Music By - Lee Harold…
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Enjoy this free episode of our Members Only show! Happy Holidays to everyone and thank you all for the support! Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Enter code GUNMAN at checkout for 20% off entire order! Merch Store - http://the-lone-gunman-podcast.myspre... 25% Off everything Jan. 1st - 6th! Music By - Lee Harold Oswald A Loose Moose…
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In my Amazon Book "THE CIA, JFK & UFOs" by Gerald Eastwood I take you light years ahead of the current state of the market. In it I detail revelations of the CIA & DIA - sponsored Black Ops program that has been in existence since the 1960s. Congress is not privy to it, nor the President. This current blue-beam-staged alien invasion of the ending m…
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Join us tonight for a lively discussion of two members of the DPD that seemed to be everywhere of interest on Nov. 22, 1963. Lt. Gerald Hill and Capt. William Westbrook. Silk City Hot Sauce - http://silkcityhotsauce.com Use our code GUNMAN for 20% off entire order at checkout. Merch Store - http://the-lone-gunman-podcast.myspreadshop.com 25% off ev…
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 7 is the seventh episode in this miniseries. In Part 7 we pick the action up as Oswald has checked into the hotel in Mexico an…
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Join us this evening as we welcome in Paul Abbott, a noted JFK researcher and author to talk about the execution of Lee Harvey Oswald while in police custody. For Paul's book, head to https://a.co/d/2TJrgKL For Paul's Youtube page, head to https://www.youtube.com/@DallasCityHallBasement1963 For Paul's Substack, head to https://pabbott.substack.com/…
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Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico is one of the most mysterious aspects of the JFK assassination case, and some say it holds the key to understanding what really happened and who was actually involved. Today's episode Part 6 is the sixth episode in this miniseries. In Part 6 we pick the action up in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico just after Oswald entered M…
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