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Jeden Donnerstag eine neue Folge mit Krimis in voller Länge, eine Woche früher schon in der Audiothek – Ein Diamant in der Weihnachtsgans, ein rachsüchtiges Gespenst, verschwundene Beute und die Frage: Wer ist der Täter? Das sind die Zutaten für die neue Kein-Mucks-Staffel – Bastian Pastewka holt Kriminalhörspiel-Klassiker aus den Archiven: aus der Zeit, als die Magnetbänder rauschten und das Mikrofon keine Gnade mit kleinen Patzern und raschelnden Skript-Seiten hatte. Als die Platzpatronen ...
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Countdown with Keith Olbermann


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“Countdown With Keith Olbermann,” the landmark news and commentary program that reordered the world of cable news, returns as a daily podcast. Olbermann’s daily news-driven mix will include his trademark “Special Comment” political analysis, the tongue-in-cheek “Worst Persons In The World” segment, and his timeless readings from the works of the immortal James Thurber. The man who turned SportsCenter into a cultural phenomenon will broaden the content to include a daily sports segment, a dai ...
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Keira’s Talk: Podcast兩性|成長|生涯 Keira's Talk 是Keira與朋友們一起各式漫討論不同價值觀的頻道 透過Keira跟強者朋友們針對女性各種議題價值觀做討論與分享 讓大家能夠在過程中得到更多的想法或是做法, 而成為更好的自己 如果你喜歡成長並期許自己成為 #高價值女人 我們以高價值女人出發, 最終想完成的是自我成長的旅程 是個輕鬆聊卻又知性的多元成長型頻道, 希望大家會喜歡 :) BTW, 如果你是男人, 聽我的節目會讓你更了解女人也更了解你自己 ;) #女性話題: 學習更愛自己 #個人成長: 成長型思維養成 #生涯規劃: 找尋人生定位和理想生活樣貌 #兩性關係: 從關係中成為更有智慧的自己 如果有任何問題, 建議, 或是想要我聊的主題,都歡迎利用信件,IG或是FB跟我聯繫唷! 聯絡方式如下, 歡迎來跟我聊聊天! IG : keirastalk FB: Keira's Talk Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Outlet with Kei-Touch spotlights all the game changers, innovators, trailblazers, creators, trendsetters and go-getters in S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and entrepreneurship. We also cover trending news, sports and current events.
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こんにちは。現在NYCからツイッターをメインに英語や現地ニューヨークの情報を発信しています。アンカーではより自分のパーソナルな話や、文字では書きこ起こせないようなことを自由に楽しく話していければと思っています。ツイッターもフォローしてくださると嬉しいです。@keitoinNY ポッドキャストの名前の由来は伝説的なJ-WAVEのラジオ番組ソウルトレインからです。
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4 Buchtipps in 20 Minuten. Karla Paul & Günter Keil pitchen ihre Lieblingstitel – kurz, prägnant und extrem unterhaltsam. Die Must-Reads der Neuerscheinungen, persönliche Favoriten aus der Backlist und Interviews aus der Literaturbranche! Long Story Short ist eine Kooperation mit der Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe. Süddeutsche Zeitung Podcast-Tipp des Monats: "Neuerscheinungen und alte Titel, Stimmungsdrücker und Gesellschaftsromane oder Tagebücher übers Gärtnern - prägnant und in locker ...
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Keith McPherson, weeknights 7p-midnight on WFAN, is a die-hard Yankees and Nets fan. Born and raised in Monmouth County, you can understand where his Nets love comes from. His dedication to the Yankees is proof that he's always been destined to work at WFAN. Keith played football at James Madison University and Monmouth University, and had stops at the MLB Fan Cave, MTV, Roc Nation, and Jomboy Media before landing at The Fan.
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Second Cup with Keith

Keith Giles

In this podcast, our host, author, theologian, and podcaster Keith Giles, will provide new insights and perspectives on a variety of questions and topics related to the Christian faith. So, pull up a chair, pour yourself a hot mug of your favorite coffee or tea, and let's learn something new together.
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Kein Geloel

Kein Geloel

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Kein Geloel is de eerste podcast die volledig gewijd is aan de mooiste voetbalclub van de wereld: Feyenoord. Elke maandag- en donderdagavond bespreken drie leden van ons team de laatste ontwikkelingen in en rondom De Kuip. Kein Geloel wordt gemaakt door Johan Brinkel, Rob van Elewout, Wesley van Oevelen, Sjoerd Wierda, Tim Hartog, Luuk 'Duif' van Duivendijk, Pieter Bos, Luuk Flens en Stan Spoel.
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Ob in der Schule, am Arbeitsplatz, im Internet oder an anderen Plätzen, viele sind von Mobbing betroffen. In diesem Podcast sollen Betroffene, Angehörige und auch Experten zu Wort kommen um Mobbingbetroffenen wertvolle Tipps und Informationen rund um Mobbing zu geben.
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This is a hard-hitting, grass-roots podcast covering local, state and national politics, with a unique perspective. Whether you're a political junkie, a parent, or simply curious about the world around you, "One More Round" offers a fresh perspective and engaging conversations that will leave you ready to step into the ring of discussion.
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Sometimes I have desert first. Subscribe to join the tribe, and as a bonus, you’ll make this relationship feel a whole lot better. This channel’s here to educate, inspire, and entertain you about retirement in the USA—because someone’s gotta give it to you straight, without the sales pitch.
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Join Keith Goeringer on the Referral Boss podcast, where mastering referral strategies is the name of the game! Discover how to build authentic, high-value relationships that generate steady referrals, without feeling pushy or salesy. Using the proven CONNECT Framework, Keith delivers actionable insights and practical advice for loan officers and real estate professionals eager to create lasting partnerships. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned pro, this podcast will help you un ...
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Chemie kennt keine Liga

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

"Chemie kennt keine Liga" ist der Podcast der Mitteldeutschen Zeitung über den Halleschen FC. Alle zwei Wochen sprechen die MZ-Sportreporter mit Host Julius Lukas über Siege und Niederlagen des HFC, über Top-Transfers und Flop-Transfers, über Fußballkultur auf und abseits des Rasens - ganz egal, in welcher Klasse der HFC gerade spielt. Denn: Chemie kennt keine Liga."
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The Nurse Keith Show

Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC

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The Nurse Keith Show offers up-to-date career advice and knowledge for savvy 21st-century nurses. During each episode, Board-Certified holistic career coach Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC explores the multiplicity of potential career pathways in nursing through inspiring interviews with healthcare thought leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs. With the goal of helping you create the most satisfying nursing career and life possible, The Nurse Keith Show is an invaluable audio destination for ...
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Nerd-Alarm: Wir sind Laura, Olli und Danny. Unser Podcast heißt „Minutenweise Kein Pardon“. Er funktioniert so: In jeder Episode analysieren wir genau eine Minute des Films "Kein Pardon". Ja, wir können den ganzen Film mitsprechen und am Ende werden es so 97 Folgen, denn der Film geht vom Vorspann bis zum Abspann 1 Stunde, 35 Minuten und 34 Sekunden lang. Wer noch nichts von "Kein Pardon" gehört hat: Es ist eine deutsche Komödie von 1993, mit Hape Kerkeling. Wir lieben ihn. Wenn du also noch ...
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Biblical Foundations Academy International Podcast with Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson: BFA International | Nehemia Gordon | Hebrew Bible Study

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Keith is an author, international speaker, and founder of Biblical Foundations Academy International. He has been involved in a wide variety of ministries, including being a Methodist pastor, a professional sports team chaplain, a television and radio host, and a tour leader in Israel. Keith holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Minnesota, a master’s degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois, and has completed an intensive Hebrew language course at Hebrew Uni ...
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Tee It Up! with Keith Jones is an informative, insightful and cutting-edge hour-long nationally syndicated golf radio show, hosted by veteran sports broadcaster Keith Jones. Keith has been covering the game of golf regularly for more than 25 years and has covered many prestigious golf tournaments. Keith’s experience includes sports coverage for such networks as NBC, CBS, CBC and Mutual and now he brings his national broadcasting experience weekly to the golf world. Now in its 26th year, Tee ...
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Our world is a crazy one! How do we make sense of it all? The Bible has something to say about every inch of thread that makes up the fabric of our existence. Join me for 20-25 context-providing minutes so that you can begin to make sense of it all. At the end of the podcast, we will point you to extra resources so that you can dig deeper if you want to. Let's learn together from a Christian worldview. Give it a try!
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VET S.O.S. Podcast is your lifeline to success, dedicated to veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses. Discover invaluable information, resources, and insights from veteran support organizations and leaders in the veteran community. Join us as we connect you with the people and tools that empower our community to thrive.
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Zwei Schwestern - kein Plan

Elisabeth & Magdalena

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Wir, zwei Schwestern Magdi und Lisi aus Österreich, sprechen und diskutieren über Themen die uns im Alltag ins Auge springen, ebenso über Männer Schmankerl, alltägliche Erlebnisse & nicht so alltägliches. Entstanden ist die Idee, weil Magdi ins Ausland gegangen ist, und Lisi zurück gelassen hat im kleinen Heimatdorf. So telefonieren wir 1x die Woche und ihr dürft mitlauschen, was uns in der vergangenen Woche beschäftigt hat. Im Zentrum stehen dabei wir Schwestern, unsere Geschichten und unse ...
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Welcome to “Keith & Glory...We’re Not Sorry”, the podcast where two lifelong best friends, Keith and Glory, bring you light-hearted banter on all things pop culture, fashion, music, and everything in between. With 30 years of friendship under their belts, they dive into hot topics, real-life stories, and playful debates — all with a comedic twist. Each week, Keith and Glory share their "hot takes" on the latest gossip, play games like "Educate the Straight" and serve up plenty of laughs. Fro ...
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At The Mic with Keith Malinak delivers bold, unfiltered conversations with newsmakers, cultural influencers, and thought leaders. From media bias and free speech to history, politics, and behind-the-scenes stories, Keith brings a unique perspective that cuts through the noise. This podcast isn’t about talking points—it’s about real conversations with guests who have stories to tell. Whether you’re looking for investigative journalism, cultural commentary, or in-depth interviews, At The Mic i ...
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hay selamat datang di suara keijuu semoga kalian bisa terhibur dengan mendengar suara saya, kunjungi juga chanel yotube saya : Keijuu terima kasih Support this podcast:
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Insights for Communicators, Interesting for All. 'Speaking of Media' – the Podcast that brings together communicators and the media to consider and critique the world of mass storytelling, hosted by former journalist turned corporate communicator, Keith Marnoch. If you are a communicator - or perhaps someone who speaks on behalf of your organization - 'Speaking of Media' allows you to learn from experts on both sides of the media microphone. The Podcast aims to highlight effective ways to wi ...
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show series
Send us a text Founder of Tre' Magazine Stephanie Coleman chops it up with Kei-Touch. This convo explores why Tre' Magazine was established, the work it has done and the value it brings not only to Houston, TX but the world. This magazine is all culture and class The podcast for all the innovators, trailblazers, trendsetters and go-getters! Follow …
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La influencia social y personal es una herramienta poderosa. Puede inspirar, puede guiar y puede transformar, pero también puede manipular, engañar y someter. En este episodio exploraremos cómo reconocer la manipulación, qué señales nos advierten de un abuso de poder y, lo más importante, qué hacer para contrarrestarlo sin caer en el mismo juego. -…
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Have you ever wondered what the Gospel of Matthew was like before translators and theologians got hold of it? We now have documents that answer this question! And by the way, they are written in Hebrew—the language in which Matthew wrote his gospel! For hundreds of years, 28 ancient Hebrew manuscripts of Matthew have been locked away in libraries a…
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What if I told you we’re living through two stories at once—one from the past that teaches us everything we need to know about the future, and one from tomorrow, a future that’s not coming… but already here? In this episode, I share a deeply personal story about my dad, a Vietnam helicopter pilot who saw the future before anyone else did—and how a …
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OMR Host Keith Marshall contrasts the steadiness and prosperity of the city's past and the current financial decline that we face today. This podcast also goes in depth about the current reported financial state of Radford's utilities and City Council's discussion about raising those rates.Autor: Keith Marshall
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In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Berni Ledinski, einem beeindruckenden Menschen, der HR, Sexualpädagogik und Aktivismus verbindet. Berni setzt sich für LGBTIQ+ Rechte ein und wurde durch seine Kinderbuchlesungen als Drag Queen Candy Licious bekannt. Doch mit der Sichtbarkeit kam auch viel Hass und Widerstand. Berni hat sowohl eigene Erfahrung mit …
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SEASON 3 EPISODE 111: COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN A-Block (1:45) SPECIAL COMMENT: The White Supremacist Trash Trump Administration thought it had gotten away with memory-holing Baseball immortal and Civil Rights immortal Jackie Robinson. They eliminated the Pentagon web page honoring Jackie's service during WWII and re-directed you to a URL read…
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Kapitän O'Brien lässt sich auf ein gefährliches Spiel ein. Auf einem Flug von Hongkong nach London schmuggelt er als Pilot Diamanten in seinem Gürtel. In London will er die Steine an Mittelsmänner verkaufen. Wem kann er trauen? Sein Copilot scheint nichts zu ahnen…Bastian Pastewka präsentiert:Blinde DiamantenVon John TarrantMit Herbert Fleischmann,…
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This week’s Prophet reading—traditionally called the Haftorah—combines two passages and covers 1 Kings 7:40–8:21. These Prophet readings accompany the Torah portions Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1–38:20) and Pekudei (Exodus 38:21–40:38). This Haftorah begins by mentioning a number of items that Solomon had contracted with Hiram, king of Tyre, to make for th…
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In this powerful episode of #VETSOS, we sit down with Michael G. Harris, the International President of Mu Beta Phi Military Fraternity, Inc. Michael shares his journey from military service to veteran advocacy and how Mu Beta Phi is making a real impact in the veteran community. From fighting veteran homelessness to providing mentorship programs f…
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This is another special episode of Your Calvinist Podcast filmed at the 2025 Dangerous Friends Conference in Monclova, Ohio which was put on by ClearTruth Media where Keith interviews Michael Foster, author of Its Good to be a Man. They discuss complementarianism, patriarchy, and dangerous men.
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Send us a text On this heartfelt and deeply personal episode of Keith & Glory…We’re Not Sorry, Keith and Glory open up an honest conversation about the journey of coming out, the struggles of acceptance, and the power of living authentically. Inspired by a touching email from a listener, Keith shares his personal coming-out story—the challenges, th…
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Abschiede, Frühlingserwachen und kulinarische Ergüsse In dieser Folge wird’s emotional – Magdi verabschiedet sich von ihrem geliebten Hofleben und schwelgt in Erinnerungen an tierische Kollegen, Weinberge und legendäre Abende. Währenddessen hat Lisi den Frühling eingeläutet: mit DIY-Gartenprojekten, veganem Dinner & Misserfolgen beim Kartln und der…
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What if America’s history is older than we thought? Discover the incredible secrets of America’s Stonehenge, one of the most mysterious ancient sites in North America. In this episode, we unravel hidden connections between ancient civilizations, explore enigmatic inscriptions, and analyze the significance of structures like the Oracle Chamber and S…
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Hoppakee! Wat een onverwachte verrassing was dit. Een loodzware uitpot in Enschede leverde drie peperdure punten op. De manier waarop is eindelijk weer eens om écht vertrouwen van te krijgen. Het is zelfs lastig om hét hoogtepunt te kiezen. Was het de kanonskogel van Paixão, de heerlijke kopgoal van Ueda, de allereerste voor Sliti of de hattrick aa…
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BULLETIN SEASON 3 EPISODE 110: COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN A-Block (1:45) BULLETIN: Schumer follows his cowardice towards Trump with cowardice towards Democrats, cancels book tour the day it was to begin. Insane Dictator Trump decides Biden's pardons are "void, vacant, and of no future force of effect" because he questions Biden's mental awarene…
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SEASON 3 EPISODE 109: COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN A-Block (1:45) SPECIAL COMMENT: How do you remove a Senate Democratic Leader? CAN you remove a Senate Democratic Leader? Oh my, yes. You can do it before the top of the hour. Certainly before tomorrow. I'll lay it out for you. It can happen provided you note Schumer is having a book event tonight…
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/// Keith Knight - Don't Tread on Anyone /// Domestic Imperialism: Nine Reasons I Left Progressivism: The Voluntaryist Handbook: Support the show, PayPal: or Venmo: @Ke…
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/// Keith Knight - Don't Tread on Anyone /// Domestic Imperialism: Nine Reasons I Left Progressivism: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ The Voluntaryist Handbook: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Support the show, PayPal:…
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/// Keith Knight - Don't Tread on Anyone /// Domestic Imperialism: Nine Reasons I Left Progressivism: The Voluntaryist Handbook: Support the show, PayPal: or Venmo: @Ke…
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【謝祖武代言】翰方御品瞬暢凍 一條,暢快到底! 由翰方御品中醫師團隊研發,專利康普茶及專利植萃成分促進消化,幫助排便順暢、瞬效排空。 專業、安心、有效! 點擊連結享限時優惠,註冊會員再領$200優惠券。 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 五年前我認識照蓉的時候 我們都還青春洋溢的討論各種約會 歷經了些感情一段時間, 一個疫情 照蓉多了妻子和母親的身分 這段期間的心態轉變, 我相信有很多心理話可以跟大家分享 特地邀請她一起來說說閨蜜悄悄話~ 無論你是否想結婚, 生小孩, 都很值得一聽這集內容喔~!!! 照蓉小資料 主業是MIT保養品牌的行銷副理,副業是自我探索、研究感情拍短影片 更多分享:https://www.…
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Hour 1 World Premier, Share the night Kleeer, Open your mind Bernard Wright, Who do you love Carl Anderson, Magic Barbara Mason, Another man Gayle Adams, I’m warning you Unlimited Touch, Searching to find the one Conversion, Sweet thing Patrice Rushen, Number one Hour 2 Jean Carn, We got some catching up to do The Jones Girls, Dace turned into roma…
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This is a special episode of Your Calvinist Podcast filmed at the 2025 Dangerous Friends Conference in Monclova, Ohio which was put on by ClearTruth Media where Keith and Rosaria both contribute writings which engage the culture. In this video, Keith sits down with Kent and Rosaria Butterfield to discuss her book "The Gospel Comes With a House Key"…
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Jessica Fenske and Laura Black join the discussion, bringing their unfiltered perspectives on controversial topics, from AI deep fakes and political corruption to social media’s impact on society. Their sharp insights and real-world experiences make this conversation one you don’t want to miss. Topics Covered: - The danger of AI deep fakes and how …
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In this engaging and personal episode, Keith Kalfas shares his raw and emotional journey of overcoming self-sabotage and insecurity. From his early days as a landscaper with dreams of becoming a musician, to his moment of self-sabotage at a city-wide talent competition, Keith emphasizes the importance of persistence and emotional control. Through r…
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Thinking about retiring on the All New and Improved Gulf of America?From affordable beach towns to laid-back coastal escapes, this video reveals the 10 best places to retire along the Gulf Coast. Discover charming communities with low cost of living, great healthcare, and stunning waterfront views—without breaking the bank. Whether you're looking f…
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Send a text to Ronnie Keith EP. 41!! In this episode, Ronnie Keith and Iris answer some fan mail questions this week and that dives into what we feel is good for a marriage. We then talk about how we are trying a new restaurant each week and it was Ronnie Keith's pick and what the results were. We then talk about the surprise that was waiting for I…
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12 wedstrijden. 4 legendarische awaydays. 21 goals, dubbel zoveel reddingen. Bayern, Benfica, Milan, City. Hoe stroef de Eredivisie verloopt, zo legendarisch was dit Champions League seizoen. Het stopt in San Siro, maar wél met opgeheven hoofd. We blikken terug op de bizarre Europese campagne en natuurlijk op de allerlaatste tegen Inter. Waar we mi…
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The digital revolution hasn't just changed how we consume news—it's fundamentally transformed how journalists produce it. CTV London reporter Reta Ismail takes us behind the scenes of modern local journalism, revealing a landscape where speed and versatility have become essential professional skills. Remember when TV reporters travelled with camera…
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History often overlooks the contributions of key figures who shaped the United States. In this discussion, I sit down with Keith Malinak and Ed McCray to explore the lesser-known individuals whose influence was instrumental in shaping the nation’s founding. From Squanto’s critical role in early survival to Haim Solomon’s financial contributions, th…
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When a live stream starts with technical difficulties, you know it’s going to be an unpredictable ride. In this episode, Adam Johnson and Johnathan Haggarty joins Keith Malinak for a conversation filled with wild personal stories, absurd job experiences, and unexpected insights. From bizarre dating fails and lawn care debates to AI’s impact on priv…
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Epstein files, Trump vs. Zelensky, New York City politics, taxation, sibling dynamics, and the Mandela Effect take center stage in this episode. In a fast-paced discussion, Keith Malinak, Alex Cuesta, and David Cuesta break down the latest political scandals, government transparency issues, and urban legends. They examine whether the full truth abo…
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Send us a text On this episode, Keith & Glory are back after a short break, and they’ve got a jam-packed episode filled with travel tales, a TikTok food trend, and their signature banter! Glory spills all about her recent trip to London, from trendy fashion finds to catching an unfortunate head cold. Meanwhile, Keith’s been on a baking kick, testin…
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