Teaching from the Sunday morning meetings of King's Church Edinburgh. For more information about us, please visit our website https://www.kingschurchedinburgh.org/
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Terry Virgo takes us through the call of Moses to help us see what might be holding us back from stepping into freedom and the fullness of what God is calling us to.Autor: Terry Virgo
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As we begin 2025, let’s recalibrate not just to a new calendar year but to the God who is making all things new and holds our past, present, and future in His hands. God is ABLE to do immeasurably more, God is FAITHFUL to keep us, and God is SOVEREIGN as King eternal—let these truths shape our year.Autor: Dan Hudson
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The sudden interruptions in the Christmas story are just the start of Jesus demanding that we allow Him to do for us what we desperately need Him to.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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The gospel brings about three powerful assurances for every believer: assured identity as Gods children, assured hope in suffering, and assured help in weakness.Autor: Dan Hudson
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Colin continues our series on Romans by leading us over the rocky ridge of chapter 7 to the marvellous heights of chapter 8, highlighting the importance of the Law in knowing sin and the transition from Law to Grace.Autor: Colin Gault
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Stephen continues our series on the book of Romans with a look at the start of chapter 6. The impact of Jesus’ death and resurrection doesn’t start when we get to heaven. It starts now. When we become Christians we move from a point where sin is the master to complete freedom in Christ.Autor: Stephen Chittick
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In Romans 5, we find that the results of our justification are peace with God, ongoing access to God’s grace, and unbreakable hope, even in the midst of suffering.Autor: Chris Rawson
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As Jesus steps into our story He invites us to step into His. By faith we are called to leave everything behind & follow Him & live for Him alone.Autor: Dave Holden
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Jesus offers eternal life and life to the full, but how are we supposed to access it? The book of Romans turns to the story of Abraham to find an answer.Autor: King's Church Edinburgh
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Fear, guilt, and shame are massive forces in all human cultures – and the gospel offers transformative hope for all these things. Romans 3 shows us that Jesus redeems us from sin’s power, atones for our sin, and gives us His righteousness.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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The wrath of God is the “problem” that the gospel solves. Dan shows us that this sobering message is true for everyone, but so is the offer of salvation in Jesus.Autor: Dan Hudson
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Paul starts his letter to the Romans by introducing himself, his Master, the Romans themselves, and the gospel.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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The climactic story of Abraham’s faith is also about the greatest show of God’s love. Luke takes us through both those stories and encourages us to consider what sacrifices God is calling us to make in view of His mercy.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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In this message, Dan explores God’s covenant with Abraham, focusing on the significance of circumcision as a sign of faith and how it points to the New Covenant, where believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit. It encourages Christians to trust in God’s timing, embrace the markers of the New Covenant (baptism and communion), and walk in obedience, kn…
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Chris continues our series on Abraham and Sarah as he looks at the time Abraham chose to intervene in a chaotic, risky situation, having faith that God would be with him and bring about the victory.Autor: Chris Rawson
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Raphael shows us from the story of Abraham that no matter the ups and downs we go through, God will fulfil His promises to us. This is a faith adventure!Autor: Raphael Mrode
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In this message, Dan looks at Abraham’s vulnerability and fluctuating faith, showing his honest dialogue and trust in God. The unusual covenant God makes with Abraham in this story encourages us to trust God’s promises and rest in His work, not relying on personal efforts but on God’s grace and faithfulness.…
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Our new preaching series begins at the start of Abraham and Sarah’s journey with a plan that doesn’t make earthly sense, and a promise of God’s presence.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Rachel showed us God’s promise to pour out His Spirit on all His people in Joel 2, and how that has now been fulfilled. With the help of others, she shared how God can speak to us today for the good other people.Autor: Rachel Moir
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Many people are troubled by the idea of God’s judgement but Chris shows us how it is right, comforting, and good news.Autor: Chris Rawson
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Karen continues our series `Encounters with God’ by looking at God’s encouragement.Autor: Karen Capon
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Simon Elliott, from Everyday Church, joins us to continue our series on Encounters with God. He looks at the story of Jonah, a man whose view of God was too small, whose identity was in the wrong place, and towards whom God had amazing compassion.Autor: Simon Elliott
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Raphael continues our series with a look at God’s call to Jeremiah, reflecting on how God calls different people in different ways; it is by God’s grace that we were made, called, and given all we need to fulfil His purpose for our lives.Autor: Raphael Mrode
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The life of the prophet Hosea is a dramatic illustration of God’s love and faithfulness even when His people are unfaithful to Him. It also points us to Jesus, the bridegroom who redeems and rescues His bride, the church.Autor: Josh Strike
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The prophet Jeremiah suffered so much because of his obedience to God that he felt like God had deceived him. Luke looks at how Jeremiah’s response is still a model for bringing our pain to God and encountering His faithfulness. (The song Luke refers to at the end is “Come As You Are” by Crowder.)Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Following the UK’s general election, Luke showed us the different views Christians can have on being involved in politics, and the way God shows all of us to relate to rulers.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Stephen teaches from Joel 2: 1–27 on how God is a God of restoration; gracious and compassionate,slow to anger and abounding in love.Autor: Stephen Chittick
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Zechariah 3 reveals God as a righteous judge who loves to clothe his people in righteousness. Having been clothed by God, we find that he has restored us to the glorious role that we were made for.Autor: Chris Rawson
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When we make God’s priorities our priorities, we find fulfilment and satisfaction – but how do you actually do that?Autor: King's Church Edinburgh
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Tamsyn Radmall from Home For Good showed us how we can show the power of God’s transforming love, as seen in Ezekiel 47, to care-experienced children.(Unfortunately only the ending of Tamsyn’s opening story, about her sister and brother-in-law sneaking food into a posh hotel during their honeymoon as the meals in the hotel restaurant were prohibiti…
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Ezekiel’s encounter with God was overwhelming for him and can be confusing for us. Luke explores what Ezekiel was trying to describe, and how God manifests His glory now.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Paul’s prayer for the Romans is a good way to conclude this preaching series, with its promises of joy, peace, and the Holy Spirit for those who are hoping in Him.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Mike concludes our 2024 Weekend Away with a message on how we, Jesus’ church, are called to display His splendour so that others will see and know Him.Autor: Mike McLeister
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Dan continues on the message of Isaiah 61:3, encouraging us that God will continue His work in us as a planting of the Lord through to its completion, for His splendour.Autor: Dan Hudson
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Mike McLeister from Hope Church Borders speaks on what the church of the future will look like, from Isaiah 61: 3.Autor: Mike McLeister
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Dan sets the scene for the weekend away in this short introductory message on Isaiah 61: 1–2.Autor: Dan Hudson
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The New Testament insists that believers must live with an eternal perspective. This gives us purpose and perseverance, and transforms how we relate to possessions and people.Autor: Chris Rawson
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Laying up treasures for ourselves in heaven is something Jesus clearly tells us to do. Colin looks at what this means, why this really matters, and how we might approach doing it.Autor: Colin Gault
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The future for believers is very bright, far better than now. Luke shows us what is going to happen to every follower of Jesus after they die, and encourages us to make this the focus of our hope.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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When Jesus returns, there will be a day of reckoning. He will judge all the people of the Earth. This message studies the reality, finality, personality, visibility, and universality of that judgement, and how we find safety on that day: Jesus.Autor: Dan Hudson
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The return of Jesus was the central hope of the New Testament Christians, but this is often not the case in churches today. Luke explores why this is the case, and how we can have a better understanding of what is going to happen, when it’s going to happen, and why it is such good news.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Our starting point for this series looking at the return of Jesus is to study the Ascension. The Ascension isn’t simply the end point for Jesus’ earthly ministry, but the start of His heavenly ministry on behalf of His people.Autor: Dan Hudson
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On Easter Sunday 2024 we heard from Dr Kenneth David-West from the African and Carribbean Christian Fellowship from Glasgow.Autor: Kenneth David-West
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Dan gives an update on church finances and then encourages us to give generously and live contentedly from Paul’s final words in his letter to the Philippians.Autor: Dan Hudson
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How do we grow as disciples of Jesus? Paul gives the Philippian believers advice about what and who to think about and learn from.Autor: Luke Davydaitis
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Raphael continues our series in the Letter to the Philippians, looking at Philippians 4: 4–7.Autor: Raphael Mrode
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Our greatest goal as followers of Jesus must be to get to know Jesus better. Christian maturity correlates to devotion to Christ. In these verses, Paul helps us see Jesus as better than religion, more valuable than anything we can know and worthy of our greatest pursuit.Autor: Dan Hudson
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God changes people’s lives, and in this passage we can see how He changed the lives of Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus, and how He used them to bless each other and others.Autor: Stephen Chittick
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Growing in godliness starts with meeting Jesus, receiving His grace, knowing His love, and experiencing His power at work in our lives. But each of us have a responsibility to diligently nurture the seed God has planted in our lives through obedient action.Autor: Chris Rawson
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