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Une personnalité française ou internationale, issue de l'univers économique, culturel, politique ou diplomatique, nous livre son regard sur l'actualité.
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Mais lento do que a luz

David Marçal e Carlos Fiolhais

Uma conversa sobre ciência, o Universo e tudo o resto com David Marçal e Carlos Fiolhais. O som é muito mais lento do que a luz: 340 m/s em contraste com os estonteantes 300 000 km/s da luz, a sua velocidade no vazio. A voz dos convidados deste podcast chegará aos microfones à velocidade da som e daí seguirá, mais lento do que a luz no vazio, através dos cabos de fibra óptica, que formam a Internet hoje.
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L'Entertainment Lab

New Tone Studio

Un nouveau média inspirant qui vous dévoile toutes les semaines les coulisses de la création. Réalisateurs de cinéma, musiciens, responsables marketing, propriétaires de plateformes de diffusion... Ils viennent vous raconter tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'entertainment pour être à la pointe de la créativité. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Yo, klik lonceng notofikasinya yo :p || Buat kalian pecinta horor kalaian udah dateng ke podcast yang tepat. Kita akan menyajikan berbagai Cerita Mistis yang bakal di bawain oleh Narasumber langsung atau di bawain sama Host kita Jamal. Jadi jangan lupa follow podcast ini dan follow juga instagram kita di @lenteramalam.id biar kita bisa lebih deket lagi sama kalian. Dan kalo kalian mau cerita horor yang paling update, bisa mampir ke YouTube Lentera Malam.
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Lights On with Carl Lentz is exactly what this show is. Carl Lentz is turning on the lights in his own life, & giving people space to do the same. We will lead with vulnerability, & have open conversations to bring light to the inner darkness in our lives. Turn on the lights with us!
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Depuis 2013, l'équipe de L'EntrePod aime explorer des univers divers et variés, en embarquant ses auditeurs dans ses découvertes et sa bonne humeur
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Jamie Lent and Choid Woodman review, preview, and breakdown all things Red Raider Baseball Keep up with all of Jamie’s updates and editorials at https://www.doublet973.com/teams/texas-tech-baseball/way-off-base-with-jamie-lent-blogging-red-raider-baseball-2-15/article_186fca7c-eb40-11ef-bc75-93d64808abbc.html
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Lent 2025: Take Heart

Ignatian Solidarity Network

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In these precarious times, it is more important than ever to allow God to encourage us—literally give us the heart we need—to overcome our self-doubts and the doubts we may have about our neighbor; to meet hard-heartedness with the tenderness and mercy that is a gift of the Spirit. Throughout Lent, writers from the Ignatian network will guide us as we allow our hearts to be made tender to bring more mercy into our broken world. May our journeying animate the peace that Pope Francis prayed fo ...
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Lent Meditations

TRAC Board of Worship and Music

The season of Lent takes us on a 40-day journey recalling the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. As you enter this journey, we pray that your hearts will be touched by the wonder of the cross, and your spirits be moved to reach the lost, the least, and the lonely with God's love. New season from 5 March to 19 April 2025, with daily readings every Monday to Saturday. Read by members of Taman Ujong Methodist Church (TUMC), Seremban Music by Chai Jee Yi Published by the T ...
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Welcome to the Journey to the Cross podcast. This is a production from Providence Church in Austin, Texas. Our hope is that this podcast helps you to focus on Jesus this Lenten season and to be renewed in your love and affection for Him. You can order a copy of the written devotional here: https://newgrowthpress.com/journey-to-the-cross/.
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Lent with St Edith Stein

Rebecca Fletcher

This is a podcast series for Lent based on the writings of St Edith Stein. Days 1-16 are based on St Edith Stein’s essays on women and discuss God’s purpose for women and the unique gifts that women bring to any vocation. Days 17-40 will focus on St Edith Stein’s The Science of the Cross, which include meditations on St John of the Cross’s Dark Night of the Soul. This series is presented by St Edith Stein Co (www.stedithsteinco.com)
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L'entreprise de demain

Delphine Zanelli

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L'Entreprise de demain est un podcast animé par Delphine Zanelli, conférencière et créatrice de la méthode Lead4Impact. Avec une énergie communicative et des questions percutantes, Delphine explore les enjeux du leadership et de la transformation d’entreprise aux côtés d’invités inspirants. Ce podcast est une véritable bouffée d'optimisme. Vous y trouverez des pistes de réflexion, des conseils pratiques et des expériences partagées avec humilité et sincérité, pour transformer vos managers et ...
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Lentera Merah


Menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi ataupun orang-orang yang mengalami langsung kejadian-kejadian ghaib. punya cerita seram yang pernah kalian alami sendiri dan mau berbagi cerita? Bisa langsung kirim ke [email protected] baik tertulis maupun dalam bentuk rekaman suara. Terima kasih~
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Red de Lente

Dirk de Bekker & CLM

Welke impact hebben bestrijdingsmiddelen op ons en ons milieu? Waarom gebruiken we ze? Broodnodig of zijn we eraan verslaafd geraakt? Schaden ze onze gezondheid? En zijn er alternatieven? Wetenschapsjournalist Dirk de Bekker neemt je mee op een zoektocht naar antwoorden, 60 jaar na Silent Spring. Rachel Carson zet in Silent Spring de schadelijke effecten van bestrijdingsmiddelen voor het eerst op de kaart bij een groot publiek. Ze moest daarvoor een hoge prijs betalen. Waar staan we 60 jaar ...
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Este podcast SillaVerde se titula “Relatos a fuego lento” porque su preparación está concebida como las cocciones hechas con esmero y devoción. De manera pausada elegimos los mejores ingredientes -nuestros temas y protagonistas- y respetamos el proceso dedicado que demanda cada episodio. Cada temporada, compuesta por ocho episodios, presenta y dialoga con personas que demuestran con su trabajo virtuoso el cambio profundo que experimenta la sociedad contemporánea ante los desafíos inherentes ...
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L'Entrepreneur en vous

Naier Saidane

Bienvenue sur l'entrepreneur en vous, le podcast où vous allez découvrir comment démarrer et développer votre propre aventure entrepreneuriale. Je suis votre hôte, Naier Saidane, et dans ce podcast je vous fais découvrir des Entrepreneurs, des Freelances, des Auteurs et des gens inspirants qui ont su construire et profiter de la vie dont ils ont toujours rêvé.
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CAR-T Lentivirus


This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback. CAR-T Lentivirus Services are part of the group of retroviruses. However, the lentiviruses vectors that are used to treat cancer are not integrative vectors, which means they are unable to integrate into human cell DNA, which means they are not able to trigger the insertional process that leads to cancer. For chemotherapy for cancer, large quantities are not required, however, it is possible to make large amounts of Plasm ...
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Entre Lentes Avz Podcast

Entre Lentes Avz

O que é o Entre Lentes Audiovisual? É um projeto de dois caras apaixonados pelo audiovisual e com intuito de trazer informação com qualidade de forma criativa e prática. Quem são esses dois?! Matheus Vinicius e Wendel Hunierson, um fotógrafo e um filmmaker, que com nossa experiência tentamos compartilhar com vocês sobre esse mundo do audiovisual. Bora com a gente?!
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Il était une fois l'entrepreneur

Laurent Brouat | Les Talents Narratifs

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Dans "Il était une fois l'entrepreneur", je vous raconte les histoires d'entrepreneurs. Comme une série. Je m'appelle Laurent Brouat, je suis le fondateur de l'agence, Les Talents Narratifs, l'agence de com spécialisée pour les professionnels du recrutement.
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Bonjour, je suis Elisa et j'aimerais te faire voyager avec ce podcast. Un voyage au travail indépendant, le voyage d'entrepreneur, un voyage sans guide et sans chauffeur. Chaque semaine, je partage avec toi mes défis et mes victoires d'entrepreneuse. Pour t'inspirer et, si tu fait un voyage similaire, te montrer que tu n'es pas seul.
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Bite-sized daily reflections, prayers and poems to help you draw nearer to God as we approach Easter. This Lent, join us as we take time out to reflect on and celebrate the power of unity and togetherness. You’ll hear from voices around the world as we explore this theme and reflect on God’s goodness
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"Poulitiqueja" en provençal signifie "causerie politique". C'est ce que souhaite être cette émission : un échange avec un ou une élu(e) du territoire, sur les actions portées mais aussi sur les ressorts de cet engagement politique, dans un cadre bienveillant et cordial. Retrouvez toutes nos émissions sur le site https://rcf.fr/ Et toute l'actualité en Provence en direct sur https://rcf.fr/ecouter/RCF13 A Marseille et Aubagne sur le 89.6 FM A Aix et l'étang de Berre sur le 101.9 FM
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show series
... let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22) Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:11-25 Read by Kwan Swee Ching • Music: Near The Cross (melody by William Howard Doane, lyrics by Fa…
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This reflection is based on sections of Edith Stein's "The Science of the Cross." We reflect on the second segment of the Dark Night of the Soul: The Dark Night of Faith. www.stedithsteinco.com https://www.facebook.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.instagram.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccast.edithsteinco.6192 Music License # 9799…
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Bálint és a felesége is a hagyományos családmodellben hittek, és korán szerettek volna szülővé válni, így nagyon hamar meg is érkezett az első gyermekük, Marci, akit röviddel utána követett a kistesója is, Máté. Vagyis minden úgy alakult, ahogy a nagykönyvben meg van írva. Legalábbis úgy tűnt. Pitner Bálint története nem csupán azt mutatja be, hogy…
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Jamie Lent and Chois Woodman break down Texas Tech’s series loss to TCU, what went wrong, and how the Red Raiders can bounce back in Big 12 play. In this episode of Talkin’ Baseball, they discuss: TCU Series Takeaways – Defensive miscues, bullpen depth & key moments. Lineup Adjustments – Who is stepping up & potential changes moving forward. Kansas…
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À la veille de sa première visite en France et de sa rencontre avec le président Emmanuel Macron, le chef de l’État libanais, Joseph Aoun, a accordé un entretien exclusif à France 24. Il revient notamment sur les conditions posées par Paris à la tenue d’une conférence de soutien au Liban, sur le processus de désarmement du Hezbollah, et sur les rel…
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teddy menceritakan tentang kisah horornya ketika sedang mensurvei sebuah sekolah sekolah yang nantinya dia akan mengajar karena program kuliah.namun diperjalanan teddy dan temanya mengalami gangguan yang dimana teddy memasuki sebuahportal ghaib disebuah kota dijogjaBagaimana kisah selengkapnya?Simak video berikut, jangan lupa berikan like dan komen…
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Aujourd’hui, je reçois une dirigeante qui incarne une nouvelle vision du leadership : Caroline Poissonnier, Directrice Générale du groupe Baudelet. À la tête de cette entreprise familiale de 700 collaborateurs, elle jongle entre croissance, innovation et transformation, tout en portant un message fort : réussir sans s’épuiser. Caroline, c’est une l…
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Carl and Laura dive deep into your questions! They discuss the joys and challenges of getting older, their parenting philosophies (including a debate on spanking!), and how to rebuild a marriage when it's tough. They also address a common issue: balancing church with kids' activities and dealing with church-related guilt. Plus, don't miss the story…
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How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! (Hebrews 9:14) Bible Reading: Hebrews 9:11-28 Read by Kwan Swee Ching • Music: Near The Cross (melody by William Howard Doane, lyrics by Fanny Cr…
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This reflection is based on sections of Edith Stein's "The Science of the Cross." We reflect on the first segment of the Dark Night of the Soul: The Dark Night of the Senses. www.stedithsteinco.com https://www.facebook.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.instagram.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccast.edithsteinco.6192 Music License # …
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Dans un entretien accordé à France 24 et RFI à Libreville, le président de la transition du Gabon, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, revient sur sa candidature à la présidentielle du 12 avril et affirme être le candidat de "tous les Gabonais". Il promet, par ailleurs, que le procès de l’ancienne première dame, Sylvia Bongo, et celui de son fils, Nourre…
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Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven. (Hebrews 8:1) Bible Reading: Hebrews 8:1-13 Read by Kwan Swee Ching • Music: Near The Cross (melody by William Howard Doane, lyrics by Fanny Crosby) • Performed by Chai Jee Yi ℗ 2025 Four Forty Reco…
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L’argent devrait couler à flot sur les forces armées françaises. Les premiers à en profiter seront les entreprises de la défense. D’où l’importance des lieux de rencontre entre militaires et entrepreneurs. L'un deux, le SOFINS, salon des forces spéciales, en est à sa septième édition. Nous recevons son organisateur, Benoit de Saint Sernin, présiden…
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This reflection is based on sections of Edith Stein's "The Science of the Cross." We reflect on the difference between emblem and sign, and cross and night. www.stedithsteinco.com https://www.facebook.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.instagram.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccast.edithsteinco.6192 Music License # 97996883…
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We found our way to record this remote location late at night, and in near total darkness. A sheltered dell, with a fresh running stream. Earlier in the day, when everything was bathed in bright grey light, we'd walked through this secluded place on our way down from West Quantoxhead, and decided it might be a perfect spot for the Lento box to make…
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A nossa convidada é a demógrafa Maria João Valente Rosa, professora na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. É Mestre em Demografia Histórica e Social e doutorada em Sociologia, com a especialidade em Demografia, por aquela Faculdade. Exerceu vários cargos públicos, entre os anos 2000 e 2009, nos Ministérios da Edu…
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And [Jesus] said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfilment in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 22:15-16) Bible Reading: Luke 22:14-23 Read by Kwan Swee Ching • Music: Near The Cross (melody by William Howard Doane, lyrics by Fanny Crosby) • Performed b…
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Suheli menceritakan tentang teman dekatnya yang perubahan sikapnya semakin berubah ketika hubungan asmaranya berantakan, hingga akhirnya suheli pun tidak menyangka bahwa Chandra lebih memilih mengakhiri hidupnya. Dan setelah meninggalnya, sosok temannya ini masih sering meneror warga kampung tersebut dengan penampakan yang mengerikan.Bagaimana kisa…
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This reflection is based on sections of Edith Stein's "The Science of the Cross." We reflect on what it means to carry one's cross. www.stedithsteinco.com https://www.facebook.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.instagram.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccast.edithsteinco.6192 Music License # 97996883…
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Dorothy Bennett leads a discussion on the theme of suffering with Kendal Haug, Will Walker, and Brigette Moore. Kendal and Will are both pastors at Providence Church, and Brigette is a member of Providence and a part of the staff team at Community First! Village. Community First! Village is a 51-acre master planned community in Austin that provides…
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“The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will makea new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.” (Jeremiah 31:31) Bible Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Read by Kwan Swee Ching • Music: Near The Cross (melody by William Howard Doane, lyrics by Fanny Crosby) • Performed by Chai Jee Yi ℗ 2025 Four Forty Records Sdn Bhd. Us…
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En medio del dolor causado por la violencia en Colombia, profesionales del diseño, madres artesanas, investigadores y empresarios recomponen el tejido social del país mientras elaboran un duelo colectivo que permite pensar con esperanza en la paz. La costura y la artesanía ocupan manos y mentes de personas capaces de generar además proyectos produc…
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Music & lyrics by Phillip Bliss (1875) Arrangement & Refrain by Jordan Hurst Guitars & Vocals: Jordan Hurst Bass, Baritone guitar, b3 organ, mellotron: Brian Douglas Phillips Cello: B. Sterling Archer Recorded in Austin, TX @ Rattle Trap Audio Produced by: Brian Douglas Phillips Mixed by: Brian Douglas Phillips Mastered by: Joe Causey @ Voyager Mas…
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Fadil, saat itu kuliah di jogja dan ngekost disana.Selama tinggal dijogja fadil punya teman kenalan dari acara musik, meskipun beda kampus dan beda kostan. Setelah cukup lama kenal teman fadil ini sering datang ke kosannya bahkan sampe menginap disana. Sampe akhirnya fadil ini mulai curiga, dan temannya pun bilang kalo dia selama ini diganggu oleh …
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This reflection is based on sections of Edith Stein's "The Problems of Women's Education" We reflect on what it means to obtain perfection in womanhood. www.stedithsteinco.com https://www.facebook.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.instagram.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccast.edithsteinco.6192 Music License # 97996883…
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No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them ... (1 John 3:9a) Bible Reading: 1 John 3:1-10 Read by Lisa Kwan • Music: Near The Cross (melody by William Howard Doane, lyrics by Fanny Crosby) • Performed by Chai Jee Yi ℗ 2025 Four Forty Records Sdn Bhd. Used with permission. Join us on a 40-day journey recalling…
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durée : 00:28:25 - L'Entretien archéologique - par : Antoine Beauchamp - Après la découverte de Homo antecessor sur les sites d’Atapuerca en Espagne, celle de "Pink", c'est son nom, individu proche de Homo erectus ayant vécu il y a 1,4 millions d’années, repousse encore la date de la période d’occupation et nous en apprend plus sur l'arrivée du gen…
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This reflection is based on sections of Edith Stein's "Problems of Women's Education" and Pope Pius IX's encyclical, "On Christian Education." We reflect on the goal of perfected human nature and what it means to attain it. www.stedithsteinco.com https://www.facebook.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.instagram.com/stedithsteinco/ https://www.youtube.…
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