Listen as Pastor Wayne and guest speakers share the Word of God in a real and meaningful way.
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Last week, Paul and the rest of the crew washed up on the shores of Malta. The local inhabitants showed them great kindness and made sure they were warm. While putting wood on the fire, Paul is bitten by a poisonous snake. However, when he did not die, they decided he was a god. Afterwards, God healed many people through Paul, and when they prepare…
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Everyone survived the shipwreck and find out they're on Malta. The natives kindly light a fire and when Paul throws some sticks in a snake tries to kill him. When he doesn't die, they think he's a god. Paul prays for the "Governor" of the island's father and the rest of the people come for healing. After 3 months they sail away and meet other Chris…
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Last week an angel came and told Paul that not only would he live, but all the people on board would live as well. There would only be loss of the ship, but they had to run aground on some island. Today, we see them wreck on that island. The ship runs aground and begins breaking apart of the coast of Malta. However, all 276 people survive and are a…
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Once again, the conclusion is reached that Paul had done nothing deserving death and that had he not appealed to Caesar, he would have been released right then. Today we see the journey to Rome begin in probably October of 59. This was too late in the fall to be on the open seas, and wouldn’t you know that things get a little rough. Paul understood…
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Paul had begun to make his defense before King Agrippa last week as we left off on a cliff hanger once again. Today, we will see Paul continue to make his defense, describing his experience with Jesus on the Damascus Road. Finally, Paul demonstrates that he was just being obedient to Jesus in sharing Him as a light to both Jews and Gentiles alike. …
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Still in "protective custody," Paul has appealed to Ceasar's judgment seat, probably remembering the assassination plot from a couple of years ago. He's done nothing worthy of the death penalty. But God's plan is for him to go to Rome, and this appeal appears to that end. Governor Festus needs some help understanding the charges against Paul. King …
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Not too long ago, we found ourselves with Paul in “protective custody.” While there, some Jews had taken a foolish vow to not eat or drink until he was killed. However, Paul’s nephew warned Paul of this plan. After informing the tribune, he sends Paul to the governor Felix in Caesarea soon as he arrived, Governor Felix agrees to hear Paul’s case as…
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Last week, Paul arrived in Caesarea and Felix read the letter from Claudius Lysias. Afterwards, Felix agrees to hear Paul’s case as soon as his accusers arrive. Today, we will see Ananias the high priest arrives with some elders and a spokesman, Tertullus. He delivers his case to Felix against Paul, falsely accusing him of being a plague, stirring …
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Paul's Roman citizenship affords him further protection. A plot to deceive the tribune and murder Paul is uncovered, so the tribune sends Paul by night to Governor Felix under heavily armed guard. Accompanied by a letter from the tribune, Paul arrives in Caesarea and is placed in protective custody until his accusers can come and present their case…
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In our last message in the Book of Acts, Paul began his defense to the Jewish mob that had gathered in the temple courts and had followed him after he was arrested and taken to the Roman garrison. As he makes his defense, his last statement to them was to repeat what that the Lord had said to him. “Go, for I will send you far away to the Gentiles."…
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Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior!Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Having been rescued from the murderous mob by the Roman soldiers, Paul has begged the tribune to permit him to speak to the people. With permission, standing on the steps, he motions with his hand and a great silence falls on the crowd. When he addresses them in their language, they pay all the more attention. He explains how he is a devout Jew, a …
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Last week, Paul had finally made it to Jerusalem. He took the advice of the elders and participated in a purification ritual so as not to offend the local Jews. However, his attempt to appease them was to no avail. Instead, he is sighted. Jews from Asia started telling lies about him and stirs up a crowd. If the Roman authorities hadn't showed up, …
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After leaving the elders in Ephesus, Paul makes his way towards Jerusalem. Along the way, he stops in Tyre and Caesarea where the brothers, after being told what would happen to Paul by the Holy Spirit, beg him not to go. However, it is God's purpose and will for Paul to go. Then, once he arrives, he shares his success with the local church leaders…
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Today, we find Paul making the decision to leave Ephesus as he has had great success here. Everyone in the area had heard the message. He decides to move through Macedonia and Achaia, preaching along the way, on his way back to Jerusalem. However, before he goes, the Way causes a riot in the streets.…
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Chapter 20 of the book of Acts records the conclusion of Paul’s 3rd missionary journey. As we mentioned last week, Paul is making his way back to Jerusalem, hoping to arrive before Pentecost. On his way, he stops in Macedonia and Greece to encourage the brethren there.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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When Paul left Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus, he promised to "return. . . if God wills." After he had gone up to Jerusalem, he spent some time in Antioch before embarking on his third missionary journey. He revisits the churches in Asia Minor (modern-day central Turkey), strengthening the believers. We now find him back in Ephesus, where he meets…
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Paul leaves Corinth to head back to Syria so he can report to the church in Jerusalem and head back to his home base at the church in Antioch. Along the way, he temporarily stops in Ephesus, leaving it in good hands with Priscilla and Aquila.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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After having limited success in Athens, Paul makes his way to Corinth. Where Athens was a center of culture and learning, Corinth was a city of commerce and debauchery. However, Paul has great success and finds himself nurturing the young church there for a year and a half.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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After Paul's enemies follow his team to Berea, he escapes to Athens and waits for Silas and Timothy to come. While there, "his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols." As usual, he reasons with his fellow Jews and devout persons in the synagogue, but he also ventures out into the marketplace every day and speaks to…
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Paul and Silas make their way into Thessalonica and then Berea having some success but also stirring up trouble. They are known as those who are turning the world upside down!Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Paul and Silas had just been thrown in prison, but they react much different than you might expect. Instead of complaining, they pray and sing. And once again, God shows up in a big way.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Paul and Silas embark on the second missionary journey, bringing the letter from Jerusalem to the churches at Lystra, Derbe, and Iconium, among others. When they attempt to evangelize Asia, the Holy Spirit prevents their plans. Instead, Paul receives a vision of a Macedonian man requesting help. So the Lord opens the way into the Roman empire in th…
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After a decision was made at the counsel in Jerusalem regarding the requirement of Gentiles becoming Jews before being saved, the apostles and elders send Judas and Silas, alongside Paul and Barnabas, to the gentiles to give them the good news. Then, Paul and Barnabas embark on their second missionary journeys.…
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While Paul and Barnabas are spending time in Antioch, a group of men come from Judea and begin telling the gentiles they must be circumcised in order to be saved. This causes a large debate, and the Antioch Church sends Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to consult the Apostles and the Elders there.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Having been chased out of Antioch and Iconium, Paul and Barnabas were found by their enemies in Lystra, where a notable miracle had taken place. Now public opinion changed and Paul was stoned. However, God had other plans, so Paul survived the attack, and the next day they went to Derbe. After they made many disciples there, they retraced their ste…
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Paul and Barnabas find themselves in Iconium where they preach with boldness in spite of opposition. Many Jews and Greeks are saved, but Paul and Barnabas are forced to flee to Lystra due to an attempt to stone them. While in Lystra, we see a man who was crippled from birth get healed and the miracle was so great that they people think Paul and Bar…
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After Paul preaches the gospel message, they want him to come back on the next Sabbath. However, the Jews are jealous that Paul and Barnabas draw such a large crowd. So, they decide from now on to take their message to the gentiles and the gentiles rejoice at this news.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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After evangelizing Cyprus, Paul and his team sail to Perga on the southern coast of modern-day Turkey. There, John Mark leaves them and goes back to Jerusalem. Paul and Barnabas make their way to the other Antioch in Pisidia in central Turkey. While visiting the synagogue, they're invited to speak "words of exhortation to the people." So, Paul expl…
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The gentile church in Antioch has been growing quickly and has a solid team of prophets and teachers. The Holy Spirit sets apart Barnabas and Saul to begin their missionary journeys to the gentiles.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Herod Agrippa I wants to gain favor with the Jews. He sees that killing James pleased them, so he arrests Peter to gain even more favor. However, God has other plans and supernaturally rescues Peter from the hands of his captors.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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This last half of chapter 11 records "the young church in action." From the revival, which began in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and the eventual spread of the Gospel resulting from Saul's persecution, we now witness a series of "firsts." Gentiles were added to the Church. Barnabas was sent out as the first "missionary" from the Church in Jeru…
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As a result of going to meet with Cornelius, a gentile, Peter experiences a large negative reaction from the Jewish believers. So today Peter gives an account of why he went, and the result is the Jewish believers rejoicing that salvation had been granted to the gentiles.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Peter understands that God shows no partiality as to those who can receive the gospel and begins to preach. As he does, the Holy Spirit falls on Cornelius, his household, and his friends and they begin speaking in other tongues and extolling God. As this demonstrated that God has accepted them, Peter commands them to be baptized.…
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The disciples had proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, reaching all the way to Damascus, where Saul of Tarsus was converted. Now it was time to begin expanding "to the uttermost parts of the earth." So, a series of supernatural events began to unfold as the "Way" was going to be received by the Gentiles. Both Corne…
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Luke continues following Paul after his radical conversion. After ministering the gospel in Jerusalem, the Jews seek to kill him, so he leaves back to Tarsus. Following this, the church sees peace for a time, and we follow Peter as he travels through the area preaching and performing miracles. As a result, the church grows.…
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand that we have all have a plan and purpose provided by God. We want to enable and empower people to step out into that purpose.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Join us as Pastor Jaron from Rock Solid Church in Hudson, NY, shares with us a timely message titled Now. The time is fulfilled, and we are to walk in such a way that we build bridges. Bridges that the Holy Ghost shows us. It is His desire for the lost to walk out of the natural (darkness) and into the supernatural (light).…
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, our mission statement is to evangelize the lost, equip the saints, and empower them to step out into what God has called them to do. As believers and followers of Jesus it's assuring to know that we've been given the resources o…
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, our mission statement is to evangelize the lost, equip the saints, and empower them to step out into what God has called them to do. The first step is to evangelize. There is a world full of people who are living their life with…
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are generous. And this is not just with our finances. We are also generous with our love, time, and forgiveness.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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The Kingdom of Heaven is a family. One must be born into it in the same way we've been birthed into an earthly family. Marriage is God's "institution" for humanity. As a family we're to care for one another. Love, therefore, should be what motivates said sustains us for the journey of life.Autor: Joseph Kobel
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are a people who pray. You cannot have a relationship without communication. If we want to be successful, we are going to have to make prayer a focus in our own life, but we are also going to have to make prayer a priority as…
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Who We Are - We Are Filled With The Spirit
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54:54It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we believe the gifts of the Spirit are still for today. The filling or baptism of the Spirit is subsequent to salvation, is available to every believer, and the gifts should be used in an orderly manner.…
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. Having been brought into the kingdom of God, our hearts' response to the grace of our Lord should be worship. We give praise to our Lord as His majesty deserves. God desires our worship and seeks "true worshippers, " so let's do our part. He is worthy!…
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Just like physical exercise helps with our health, exercising faith in God causes us to experience God's presence in greater ways. Sometimes, simply trusting in God's promises is all we can do while we wait. Other times, we need to press in, wrestling in our hearts to trust in God. He is trustworthy, therefore our hope is based on Him.…
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It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand that salvation isn't earned. We are a people who are saved by grace through faith.Autor: Wayne Griffith
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Jesus' death was necessary for our salvation. Through it, we have our sins forgiven. But it was His resurrection that provided the solution to mankind's problems. We aren't just forgiven but still broken people. We have been made new in Him!Autor: Wayne Griffith
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While Saul had a plan in mind, there was a divine plan that changed the course of his life. Thinking that he was doing the work of God, his life was redirected by an encounter with the resurrected Lord Jesus. He immediately joins "the Way" which he had been violently opposed to. What an amazing example of how radically life changing Jesus is. This …
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