Podcast jest nagrywany w języku angielskim. Spędź kilka chwil ze mną a ja postaram się przekazać Ci mnóstwo energii i zarazić moją pasją do tego języka. Każdy podcast będzie miał swój transkrypt, który pomoże wytropić dowolne słówko i zwrot. Transkrypt znajdziecie na naszej stronie My podcast is recorded in English. Spend some time with me and I will try and share with you loads of energy and passion for this language. Each podcast will have its transcript which will help you trace any word ...
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Jakbyniepaczeć to prowadzony przez Kaję Szafrańską i Janusza Raczyńskiego youtube'owy kanał, który od 10 lat poleca jakościowe, ambitne seriale i filmy oraz mówi o popkulturze w szerszym społeczno-historycznym kontekście. Ten podcast to z kolei wersja audio kanału a docelowo też uzupełnienie tego, co znajdziecie na YouTube. O serialach, filmach, historii telewizji, streamingu, zjawiskach popkultury i wielu, wielu innych pokrewnych (i nie tylko) tematach. Zapraszamy do słuchania!
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WE 045 - Użyteczna gramatyka języka angielskiego
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22:50Strach ma wielkie oczy. Kiedy uczymy się języka angielskiego, napotykamy ogrom materiału do przyswojenia. Bywa, że najtrudniejszym elementem nauki jest przyswojenie gramatyki i jej zasad. Ta obawa nie powinna powstrzymywać Was przed nauką angielskiego i mówieniem w tym języku. Prawdą jest, że nie trzeba znać całej gramatyki, żeby się sprawnie komun…
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WE 044 - Co jest trudne w nauce języka angielskiego?
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26:56Osoby uczące się języka angielskiego szukają najbardziej sprawdzonych metod. Naturalnie korzystamy z technik, które upraszczają proces nauki i jednocześnie skracają czas pracy. Musimy jednak pamiętać, że niektóre zagadnienia wymagają więcej czasu, który jest konieczny do przyswojenia materiału. Co więcej, istnieją takie elementy gramatyki czy słown…
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WE 043 - Etapy nauki nowego słowa po angielsku
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20:19Nauka musi być skuteczna. Jednak często, kiedy uczymy się języka angielskiego, robimy to instynktownie - nie wiemy od czego zacząć, jakie kolejne kroki podjąć i co jest właściwe, żeby odnieść sukces. W podcaście World of English przygotowaliśmy gotowe rozwiązania, które odpowiadają na pytanie, jak uczyć się słownictwa w języku angielsku. W szczegól…
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Co ma wspólnego Diuna z Shogunem i Masters of The Air?
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46:03Czy o jakości filmu czy serialu decyduje budżet? A może sprawa jest jednak bardziej skomplikowana? W dzisiejszym odcinku szukamy odpowiedzi na te pytania. Nasz Patronite: https://patronite.pl/jakbyniepaczecAutor: jakbyniepaczec
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The Curse: najdziwniejszy serial świata. Skąd się wziął? O czym jest? Dokąd prowadzi? Tłumaczymy
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1:08:41Co to się wydarzyło w finale The Curse?! O czym jest najdziwniejszy i najbardziej niezrozumiały serial ostatnich lat? Objaśniamy, tłumaczymy, opowiadamy - nie tylko dla tych, którzy serial widzieli. Z tego odcinka dowiecie się też dlaczego warto The Curse obejrzeć, kim są jego twórcy, co ma z tym wspólnego surrealizm i dlaczego tak trudno to wszyst…
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Love Never Lies to zło, ale są gorsze. O najgorszych reality, jakie powstały
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22:26Na początku 2024 roku na Netflix wystartował 2 sezon głośnego reality show pt. Love Never Lies Polska, w którym pary testowane są wariografem o rzekomem 100-procentowej skuteczności. Nie tylko ich prawdomówność jest wystawiana na próbę, również oni sami, kiedy w miejsce ich partnerów i partnerek podstawiani są atrakcyjni dublerzy. Efekt? Rozbite zw…
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Marketing to niezwykle ważna dziedzina dla każdej firmy bez względu na jej wielkość. W biznesie dużo o się o nim mówi, szuka się skutecznych strategii, buduje się plany promocyjne i kampanie reklamowe. Z 42. odcinka podcastu World of English dowiecie się, czym właściwie jest marketing, czym zajmują się specjaliści w tej dziedzinie oraz jak skonstru…
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WE 041 - Angielski w biznesie - w jakim wieku najlepiej się uczyć
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26:29Coraz częściej nieznajomość angielskiego w biznesie to bariera rozwoju zawodowego. Wydaje się, że jeśli ktoś miał styczność z językiem angielskim od przedszkola, to rozszerzenie wiedzy będzie bułką z masłem. Nie zawsze tak jest. Z drugiej strony panuje przekonanie, że jeśli zaczynasz uczyć się angielskiego jako dorosły, to jest już za późno. W tym …
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WE 040 - Jak nauczyć się mówić po angielsku?
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11:45Przychodzicie do nas z pytaniem jak się nauczyć mówić po angielsku? Tak wiele osób na całym świecie uczy się tego języka i tak wiele z nich narzeka, że nie jest w stanie komunikować się w tym języku, że nie potrafią mówić. Moja odpowiedź jest zawsze taka sama, nie jest to wprawdzie wielka filozofia, ale trzeba wiedzieć jak to zrobić, jak nauczyć si…
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WE 039 - Zdalna nauka angielskiego, czyli nauka online
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28:03Pandemia, lockdown i kwarantanny sprawiły, że praca i nauka przez Internet stały się czymś naturalnym. Posłuchaj rozmowy z Weroniką na temat nauki języka angielskiego online. Przekonasz się jak wiele pozytywów ma nauczanie zdalne. Skraca dystans na linii uczeń - nauczyciel, niweluje niepotrzebny stres i jest wręcz zaskakująco skuteczna. Przy okazji…
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Czy zdajesz sobie sprawę, jak ważna jest atmosfera, w której się uczysz? Czy da się wytrenować akcent typowy dla języka angielskiego? Jak pokonać strach przed mówieniem, skoro ciągle zdarza Ci się popełniać błędy? Tym odcinkiem kolejny raz udowadniamy, że języka najlepiej uczyć się przez doświadczenie, kontekst i skojarzenia. Dzięki temu uczysz się…
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WE 037 - Subtitles as a way to study English
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21:06Wersja video z przygotowanym polskim tłumaczeniem: https://youtu.be/YBLfZnQ6QjA Many people watch films with subtitles. Many of them also claim that it is their way to study a foreign language. If so, how are we supposed to do it? Which language shall the subtitles be in? What type of movies is the best one to learn English? The answer will come fr…
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We all have worked with some teachers throughout our educational paths. Some of them are remembered, respected and missed, others quite on the contrary. Today, with this recording we will be looking at the traits of good teachers, at their teaching methods, ways of working, characters. Are they made or are they born this way? Każdy z nas spotykał n…
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Have you ever had the feeling that you will never learn English? Have you ever thought that you have tried so many times before and you have failed so many times before? The good news is that it is only a feeling. What if you realize that there are ways to improve the process of learning and this podcast will show you how to avoid making the same m…
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WE 034 - Read, write and enjoy English!
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59:00Each of us has different methods of studying English. Still, when learning the language we shall practice all elements, such as listening, writing, reading and speaking. Listen to a talk of two teachers of English who are talking about their experiences of both studying and learning the language. Check how reading and writing in a foreign language …
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WE 033 - Two teachers, same language, different accents
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42:18English is a language of various colors and hues. Learning it is so fascinating because you get to know a number of accents, structures and idiomatic expressions. Listen to an engaging conversation between two teachers using visibly different standards of English, different and yet equally great.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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The subject of crime has always been attractive. Films and books about crime have been greatly popular at all times. The question „whodunnit?” makes our hair stand on end. This episode will reveal the secret of crime vocabulary in English.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Effective study of the language is the key to success. It is common too often that you learn English and have a very little result. In this episode you are offered a list of practical tips that will turn your study of the language into an effective process.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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The time has come to deal with the most feared subject of all when it comes to studying English, namely the tenses. I have heard a number of misconceptions about them. They cause a lot of confusion and very often stop learners from speaking English at all. Listen to the podcast and stop making mistakes once and for all.…
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Confidence is a crucial element of a happy and successful life. The question is how to develop it? Do we get the trait of self-confidence on our birthday or do we get that instilled in us through upbringing? Check how self-confidence built the life and career of Priyanka Chopra and what other synonyms and antonyms of the word there are in the Engli…
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WE 028 - Giving presentations in English
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21:03Speaking confidently in English is an important skill. The skill can land you a better job, it helps you in social contact. There is a special ability connected with speaking, namely giving presentations. It is dreaded by many people, and it shouldn’t be like that. Get to know some useful techniques and vocabulary that will help you prepare a great…
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In, on, maybe at? Which shall I use? This is the question. Prepositions are usually a problem for most learners. This podcast will help you learn and understand the difference between Polish and English. There is a pattern that makes it so much easier to acquire the subject and use prepositions without making mistakes.…
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WE 026 - Accents, dialects and Peaky Blinders
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24:42Does it ever happen to you that you listen to English and it sounds weird to you? It may just be an accent you have never heard before. Some English speaking viewers have to watch the Peaky Blinders series with subtitles. Check out the much controversy there is about accents in English.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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A continuation of a well-received podcast on a job interview. Get ready for the recruitment process with questions and answers that will help you impress recruiters and get your dream job.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Does it ever happen to you that you keep learning English and the effect is not satisfying? Do you have a feeling that although you know grammar and different expressions, you are still unable to build proper sentences? Are you a speaker of the so-called Ponglish? If so, listen to this episode of the WE podcast and find out about the structural dif…
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WE 023 - American English in my podcast - Ken Ramirez interview
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27:36A truly unique episode featuring a special guest Ken Ramirez. This time in the WE podcast you are presented with a record of a meeting with a renowned behaviorist and animal trainer. You will have a chance to listen to an engaging conversation as well as catch up on a different variety of the language such as American English.…
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The subject of false friends is something that gives learners of English many sleepless nights. This episode of the WE podcast comes to the rescue. Listen to the story covering a list of false friends which you will never confuse again.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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We are surrounded by images in the modern world. In a way we live in a picture reality. They are present in newspapers, in social media, on the Internet and on TV. They are omnipresent. Check what inspiration lies behind this episode and how illustrations can influence the world of children. Learn some new vocab as well.…
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Succession, The Loudest Voice, The Family, czyli spiski, władza i pieniądze
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33:51W dzisiejszym odcinku (po długiej przerwie) przyglądamy się najlepszemu serialowi ostatnich miesięcy, czyli Sukcesji, a także rozmawiamy o tych, którzy mając głos, mają władzę.Autor: jakbyniepaczec
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Description of your everyday life is a crucial thing in English. With this recording you are invited to listen to a set of phrases essential in presenting your household duties. There are also some extras connected with feeding small babies. Check if the BLW method is for you.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Has it ever happened to you that you went on your dream holiday abroad and couldn’t say a word, which ruined the whole experience? In the latest episode of the World of English podcast you will find the most useful phrases in English that can save your foreign trip this year.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Many people think that they will never be able learn and speak English. They have tried a number of times, finally they have given up. In this episode you will find out that the problems you are struggling with are very common, that many students face them and that luckily there is a solution to them.…
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Reading broadens the horizons. Reading in English is even more beneficial. Listen to the benefits of reading in a foreign language, of reading to your children and to the advantages of multitasking.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Professional success depends on many factors. One of them is English and your proficiency in it. This episode well presents how to prepare for a job interview, what answers to give, what structures to use. Follow the guidelines and get your dream job.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Humour helps us go through life. The language that we use also serves the purpose. There is a way to deal with sad events, it is to refer to saddening moments in a funny way. One of them is the bucket list. Learn about its application, the film under the very same title and the emotions it evokes.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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WE 014 - Native speaker - a blessing or a curse?
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24:55The choice of the right English teacher is crucial. It is so important as it can decide about the success or failure. There is a conviction that a native speaker is the best option. Find out if that is so, what offers a trained teacher and what qualities there are behind online teaching.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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The speed, the pressure, the stress. Only few people in the world can stand it and one of them is a Pole Robert Kubica. Formula 1 is a specific sport where you have to stay focused on and off the circuit. Kubica proved that he can fight to the fullest outside the race as well. Listen about his stamina and how you talk about the fight with difficult…
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Let’s imagine that you enter a lift and there you meet a financial tycoon, the CFO of one of the greatest companies on the market or the editor in chief of the most influential magazine. What would you do? How would you behave and most of all, what would you say? In this episode you will learn how to prepare a proper elevator pitch, how to impress …
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Emotions play a crucial part in our lives. They define who we are and how we perceive reality. Some emotions are positive, they are connected with some very fine moments, other emotions, unfortunately, refer to negative events. Listen to what I have experienced, how I feel about it and learn how you can describe what you go through in life.…
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WE 010 - Let Me Be Frank ... Underwood
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28:16The end of the year is the time when most people look back and try to sum up the passing year. Kevin Spacey did exactly that and referred to the very serious accusations that he faced in the year 2018. He did that in the most surprising and shocking way. He did that the Frank Underwood way personifying one of the most controversial characters. Chec…
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Knock, knock. Who’s there? A foreign client who doesn’t speak Polish. Some of you dread this situation, others would like to experience it, so they would like to have this client from abroad who is willing to do business with their company. Either way, you have to be prepared, you have to know what to say and how to react. This episode of the World…
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The hair is the most beautiful clothing a woman can wear. Any woman would love to meet a great hairdresser that would bring out that something in her. There was this perfect hairdresser. He was Polish. He revolutionized the world of the hairdressing profession. Listen about him and his visionary ideas. https://www.newsweek.pl/styl-zycia/antoni-cier…
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Wouldn’t it be great to read the news in English and know what is going on in the world? This episode is a news report. Find out what is there in the news, what the Beckhams and the Ramseys have in common and why Prince Harry, his wife, David and Victoria Beckham are travelling in Australia. Stay tuned.…
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WE 006 - Two chefs - Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey
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33:57Food is passion. Those who know how to cook can rule the world. Fortunately, today recipes offered by some of the greatest chefs in the world are easily available and with a little bit of effort we can also produce some great dishes at home. In this episode you will listen about life stories of two great British cooks, I will be talking about some …
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I guess we all played with our toy mascots when we were little. Most of us said farewell to them long ago but there seems to be one gang of furry friends that are always ready to come to the rescue. Who am I talking about? Who are they rescuing and why? Why is it sometimes good to stop being serious for a while and listen to the child within oursel…
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I have been learning English for 5, 7, 10 years. How many times have you heard this expression? And yet I can’t make a proper conversation in English, I don’t know what to do when a cone with my favourite ice-cream flavour is leaking and when somebody approaches me asking a simple question in English I just go red and run away. Find out how to spee…
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Are the Beatles still popular? Who listens to their music? Who is James Corden and why is he carpooling with Paul McCartney? Let’s go on a trip around Liverpool.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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Dogs are said to be man’s best friend. They are protective, reliable and loyal. Dogs love unconditionally and they are always there for the owner. Find out about my story with dogs, how and why they have changed my life and how they are connected with English.Autor: Sylwia Krawczyk
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English has become the lingua franca of today’s world. It is widely spoken all over the globe. However, it is often the case that it takes a lot of time to learn a good standard of the language, people resign from speaking English in public, others cannot climb up their career ladder because they don’t know the language well enough. Storytelling is…
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Pyrkon Prelekcja: The X-Files jako brakujące ogniwo ewolucji seriali
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52:27Zapis audio naszego panelu z tegorocznego festwialu Pyrkon poświęconego historii The X-Files w kontekście popkulturowych tropów i tego jak wiele zapożyczyło oraz dało kulturze popularnej.Autor: jakbyniepaczec
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