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Im neuen BR-Podcast "Kaffee, extra schwarz" sprechen der Autor Ahmad Mansour und der Journalist Oliver Mayer-Rüth über das, was Deutschland bewegt: Polarisierung, Kriminalität, Krieg, Migration, Leistungsbereitschaft, Bildungsmisere. In knapp 30 Minuten beleuchten die beiden unterhaltsam, fundiert, provokant ein wichtiges Thema. Mansour und Mayer-Rüth haben einen speziellen Blick auf Deutschland, geprägt von einem Lebensabschnitt in Israel, einem gemeinsamen Filmprojekt und der Haltung mitte ...
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Are you a music nerd? If so, we already love you. Every week we dissect the entire discography of a different artist—album by album. That’s right…even the albums they wish you forgot. It's great. Especially if you love arguing. Come discover some amazing new artists with us every Tuesday!
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Podcasts de Alex Mansour

Alex Mansour

Este canal é o feed único que reúne todos os podcasts produzidos por Alex Mansour desde junho de 2015: O Fotometrando, o Skull and Bones e o Caveira e Ossos. Caso queira, você pode optar por assinar cada um dos programas separadamente através dos feeds individuais!
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In a nutshell, we are a bunch of opinionated writers that care about quality content. Our team is small, but it’s a team of people who really do care about what they do. Passionate and dedicated. Honest and respectful. Professional but informal. Quirky and personal. Prefer reading, then make sure you visit our website
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show series
This week we’re discussing Waiting Room, the latest album by Kathryn Mohr. Put out on The Flenser (one of our favorite labels), Waiting Room is lonely, bleak, and terribly atmospheric. Written and recorded by Mohr by herself, the minimalism is the album’s most notable asset. But while it is unsettling and executed well, it might not be for everyone…
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**Today's Halacha is dedicated f or the refuah and haslacha of Ronnie, Sharon, Eli and all the children of CARE** One of the obligations that apply on the festival of Purim is Matanot La'evyonim – gifts to the poor. People are generally very vigilant with regard to the Mitzva of Mishlo'ach Manot on Purim, and most of the money spent on this festiva…
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Is it the Trinity or Twinity? In this episode, we challenge some widely held beliefs about God. Is the traditional understanding of the Trinity accurate, or are there hidden truths that have been overlooked? I invite you to choose truth over tradition. Join us as we delve into these important questions and seek a deeper understanding of the Bible.…
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Immer mehr Menschen verabschieden sich von der Plattform X, nicht erst seit Elon Musk dort für die AfD Werbung macht. Hass und Hetze nehmen zu in den sozialen Medien, nicht nur bei X. Wie sollen Gesellschaft und Politik damit umgehen? Darüber diskutieren Ahmad Mansour und Oliver Mayer-Rüth in dieser Folge. Im neuen BR-Podcast "Kaffee, extra schwarz…
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مرگ خودخواسته پدیده تلخی‌ست که متاسفانه به دلیل شرایط خاص اجتماعی و اقتصادی در جامعه امروز ایران رو به افزایش است.در اپیزود ۳۸ به زندگی و مرگ ده ایرانی معروف پرداخته ایم که خود را به دست مرگ سپردند. با این توضیح که سعی شده در جای جای پادکست بر اشتباه بودن این تصمیم تاکید شود. با این حال شنیدن این پادکست برای بچه ها مناسب نیست. در این قسمت هم دال در…
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**Today's Halacha is dedicated f or the refuah and haslacha of Ronnie, Sharon, Eli and all the children of CARE** The Gemara states that the list Haman's ten sons should be read in one breath. The common practice is to also read the word "Aseret" (ten), which sums up the list, in the same breath as the names. The reason for this custom is to emphas…
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The Shulhan Aruch (687:1) records the Halacha that the Megila is read twice on Purim-once at night and once during the day. The Poskim discuss a case in which a person can only hear the Megila at only one of those times. Is it preferable for him to hear it in the night or during the day? Hacham Ben Sion (Or L'Sion Vol. 4, p.319) suggests that this …
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There is a custom among Sepharadim to sing the Piyut (hymn), "Mi Kamocha Ve'en Kamocha" on the Shabbat before Purim. This song is, essentially, a poetic description of the Purim story. It follows the sequence of the Hebrew alphabet, and each line is taken from a verse in Tanach and concludes with the word "Lo." It is remarkable to consider that it …
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A person should hear the reading of Parashat Zachor on the Shabbat before Purim from a person who reads according to his tradition. Meaning, a Sepharadi should hear Parashat Zachor read by a Sepharadi, and an Ashkenazi should hear it read by an Ashkenazi. If a Sepharadi normally prays in an Ashkenazic Minyan, he should make a point to attend a Seph…
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This week we're discussing every album by Hum. While they can technically be considered a one-hit-wonder with their song "Stars" from 1995's You'd Prefer an Astronaut, Hum did way more and influenced so many more than they get credit for. Equal parts grunge, indie, and chunky post-hardcore--Hum has a style and personality so distinct, you can hear …
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On "Shabbat Zachor," the Shabbat before Purim, we take two Torah scrolls from the Heichal. After reading the regular Torah portion from the first Torah, we open the second scroll and read for the Maftir reading the final verses of Parashat Ki-Teitzei (Devarim 25:17-19) which command us to recount Amalek's attack on Benei Yisrael. According to many …
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Must pregnant women observe the fast of Ta'anit Ester? The Halacha in such a case depends on the stage of pregnancy, and the woman's condition. After the first trimester, a pregnant woman is exempt from the fast so she may eat and drink to sustain and strengthen the fetus. However, a woman in this case must ensure to eat and drink only as necessary…
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We have learned that it is a Mitzvah on Purim Day to have a Seuda, a meal with meat, with bread, etc. This year, Purim falls out on a Friday. So the question was asked about Seudat Purim when Purim falls out on a Friday. We are all aware of Seudat Shabbat, which is the festive meal we all have on Friday night. So when should we have Seudat Purim so…
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The Gemara teaches in Masechet Ta'anit (29), "Mi'shenichnas Adar Marbim Be'simha" – "When Adar comes, we increase our joy." Rashi explains, "Because of the miracles that were performed for Israel – Purim and Pesah." According to Rashi, then, the special joy of Adar is due to two miracles – the Purim miracle, and the miracle of the Exodus which we c…
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Let’s appreciate the profound truth that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was the greatest rescue mission in history. We'll delve into the often-overlooked fact that this incredible act of redemption involved two heroes. We'll examine the biblical account of the resurrection, exploring the significance of each hero's role and how this event impacts…
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The first day of Adar can fall on either Shabbat, Monday, Wednesday or Friday; these are the only days of the week on which the first of Adar can occur. These four days are represented by the acrostic "Zabdu," which consists of the letters Zayin (referring to Shabbat), Bet (referring to Monday), Dalet (referring to Wednesday) and Vav (referring to …
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Deutschlands politische Landkarte ist schwarz-blau. Die Bundestagswahl war für viele Wählerinnen und Wähler eine Abstimmung über eine gescheiterte Migrationspolitik. Ahmad Mansour und Oliver Mayer-Rüth analysieren das Ergebnis. Im BR-Podcast "Kaffee, extra schwarz" sprechen der Autor Ahmad Mansour und der Journalist Oliver Mayer-Rüth über das, was …
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If a person keeps a charity box in his home and occasionally places money in the box on behalf of a charitable institution, may he borrow money that had been placed in the box and then return it later? It occasionally happens that a deliveryman comes and a person needs small change for a tip. Is it permissible to take some money from the Sedaka box…
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This week we’re discussing the latest album by Venamoris entitled To Cross or To Burn. Venamoris is the side project of Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Dead Cross) and his wife Paula, and boy did it catch us off guard. No way were we expecting one of the most prolific and respected metal drummers to put out a genuinely good goth record…
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Rabbi Eliezer Waldenberg (a contemporary Halachic authority in Israel), in his Tzitz Eliezer (16:29), addresses two interesting questions relevant to the practice that many people have to keep a charity box in their home and from time to time place money in the box. Firstly, he raises the question of whether a person bears responsibility in the eve…
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Is it permissible for a person to provide a charity collector – either a poor person, or a solicitor for an institution – with information regarding a wealthy, generous person and advise that he approach him for a donation? At first glance, providing this information violates the admonition in the Book of Mishlei (27:14), "He who blesses his fellow…
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King David proclaims in Tehillim (17:15), "Ani Be'sedek Eheze Fanecha" – "I shall behold Your countenance in righteousness." The Gemara in Masechet Baba Batra (10) explains this verse as revealing a fundamental precept relevant to Sedaka (charity) – that whoever involves himself in charity earns the privilege of beholding the Divine Presence. King …
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It is customary in all synagogues that a "Gabbai," or "Mesader," stands near the Torah during the Torah reading together with the Ba'al Keri'a (reader) and the Oleh (person called to the Torah), and is responsible for calling congregants to recite the Berachot over the Torah. The Mishna Berura (commentary to the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yisrael Kaga…
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In this episode, we delve into the profound relationship between the glory of Jesus and the doctrine of the Trinity. We explore the biblical statement that God does not share his glory with another, and how this seemingly contradictory statement relates to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Join us for this probing study as we explore the intrica…
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