Mel Moon's weekly sermons from Hartville Free Will Baptist Church, Hartville, MO
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Keep on praying, spreading the Gospel, trusting and serving the Lord as we wait for His Return.Autor: Melvin Moon
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You are loved. You are chosen. You are set apart for God's special purpose and glory. So, stand firm and stay busy for the Lord.Autor: Melvin Moon
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When people continually reject what is true, God may release them to go on and pursue what is false and experience the consequences of their sin.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Paul's words are meant to encourage and inform us, not alarm and discourage us.Autor: Melvin Moon
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What God has for us is worth the waiting and the struggles, so by His power let us wait in a manner worthy of the Kingdom of God!Autor: Melvin Moon
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Remain steadfast in the faith and stable in our walk while continually growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ.Autor: Melvin Moon
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In accordance with God’s promise, there is a coming Day that should serve as an encouraging and motivating factor throughout our lives.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Our world is full of deception. We must pursue spiritual maturity through the Word of God to protect against false teaching and being led astray.Autor: Melvin Moon
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It is vital we build our lives on the solid foundation of God's Truth.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Faith gives us access to His divine power which enables us to build on our faith the characteristics of a Christlike life.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Daniel is a great example of steadfast faith that is not intimidated or moved by difficulties, hardships, or threats.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Joseph in the Old Testament is a great example of the fixed focus of a steadfast faith.Autor: Melvin Moon
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In Elijah, we see the difference one godly person can make.We must have the courage to take a stand—to stand with the Lord, take His hand, and follow where He leads.Autor: Melvin Moon
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We can apply many truths to our own lives as we watch God call and transform Gideon from wimpy faith to courageous faith.Autor: Melvin Moon
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It takes courage to walk by faith. Abram is a good example of answering the call of faith, putting full trust in the Lord, and having the courage to obey Him.Autor: Melvin Moon
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The father in this story Jesus told is often overshadowed by the wayward son, yet he sets an example for all dads!Autor: Melvin Moon
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As we go through trials and suffering, we long for the glory we will experience through Christ.Autor: Melvin Moon
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That one event toward which all of creation is moving...Autor: Melvin Moon
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In times like these... serious times! Jesus lays out a challenge for us today as He is asked about end times events.Autor: Melvin Moon
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We get some parting instructions on family life within the church and a prayer as Paul closes out this letter.Autor: Melvin Moon
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There is coming a DAY unlike all other days. In fact, all days are leading up to this DAY. What kind of day will that day be for you?Autor: Melvin Moon
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The emphasis here is more on the resurrection but also on the Lord's return for His people. [This recording missed the first 10 minutes. ]Autor: Melvin Moon
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Love each other "more and more"Autor: Melvin Moon
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God's will is that we be holy--set apart for Him! Sometimes we have to say "no" to some things so we can say, "Yes" to greater, more excellent things.Autor: Melvin Moon
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When we are standing fast in the Lord together and knowing we all play a part in each other's lives...Autor: Melvin Moon
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It's one thing to share the Gospel with those who are lost, but it's another to help them grow once they've embraced salvation through Christ.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Living life filled with faith, hope, love, power and joy as we wait for Jesus.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Before jumping into a study of 1 Thessalonians, let's look at where it all started when that church was started. We will gain some insight about sharing the Gospel, making disciples for Christ, and dealing with hardships.Autor: Melvin Moon
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One of the greatest needs in life is to be (not just feel) valuable and significant. You need to know that God created you with incredible value and significance to Him!Autor: Melvin Moon
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What happens when we really seek to know, worship, and love the Lord.Autor: Melvin Moon
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Availability - It means to be close at hand; ready to go; ready to participate; to be used; surrendered. Mary was a great example of this. Is this you? Are you available for God to work and move in your life?Autor: Melvin Moon
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As we look to a new year, it's a good time to contemplate a question James asked, "What is Your Life?"Autor: Melvin Moon
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Jesus is not only the reason for the Season. He is the best gift ever!Autor: Melvin Moon
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It is Jesus that makes Christianity different from all the religions of the world. It is unique! Because of Christ, it stands alone!Autor: Melvin Moon
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What we celebrate as Christmas, namely Christ coming into the world as Savior and Redeemer, began much earlier than most people suspect--like in eternity past!Autor: Melvin Moon
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The events in the early chapters of Luke's Gospel shatter some 400 years of silence as a new age of mankind is about to begin!Autor: Melvin Moon
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Learning to walk by faith in God and obedience as it relates to our daily management of time, talent and treasures.Autor: Melvin Moon
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In this passage, we lean more about the power of God to heal and recreate broken lives, and we also get an incredible lesson about priorities, gratitude, thankfulness, and worship.Autor: Melvin Moon
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The hope we have as followers of Christ should impact ever part of our lives.Autor: Melvin Moon
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What is going to happen to this planet and all the stuff we have accumulated here? Will this universe, including Planet Earth, still be around for us to enjoy after the end of time?Autor: Melvin Moon
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Jesus spoke about the meek inheriting the earth. What is going to happen to this planet and the whole universe? What will heaven be like in its final form?Autor: Melvin Moon
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“FoMO” stands for the fear of missing out. The enemy uses it to trick us, so we end up missing out on all the awesome things of God. There is a legitimate Fear of Missing Out, and that one that should motivate us. It is the fear of missing out on...Autor: Melvin Moon
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“FoMO” stands for the fear of missing out. Fueled by social media, it is one of the biggest influencing and motivating factors these days. It is a problem faced by young and old alike. The enemy uses it to trick us, so we end up missing out on all the...Autor: Melvin Moon
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God has not just called you to believe, but also to belong. ...Wrapping up the seven basics of belonging.Autor: Melvin Moon
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God has not only called us to believe but also to belong. Here we explore three more of the Basics of Belonging and being a member of the body of Christ.Autor: Melvin Moon
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God has not just called us to believe but also to belong. When you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior, you not only receive salvation, you also receive a new family and become part of what Paul calls the body of ChristHere, we look at the first...Autor: Melvin Moon
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The word "church" in our English Bibles never indicates a building. It always indicates a people. As His church, what is our purpose, and how can we be about that?Autor: Melvin Moon
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How can we know that we are truly hearing from God?Autor: Melvin Moon
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One of the most incredible truths that comes out of the Bible is that God speaks to people. He wants to have a relationship with you that is deep and personal. A basic part of any relationship is communication. Jesus has just told the parable of the...Autor: Melvin Moon
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Finding our place in "His-Story!"Autor: Melvin Moon
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