Reading is fun!!!
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大家好, 我係月月姐姐! 唔知童話故事對你哋嚟講嘅意義係啲咩, 我就覺得故事可以帶我哋去另一個國度, 嚟一場大冒險! 🌈 除咗小朋友之外, 大朋友都可以一齊聽, 讓我哋一齊用童真對抗呢個世界! 💕 每星期六臨瞓前留15分鐘俾我, 好冇?🌕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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今日, 我哋會一齊睇吓小餅乾係點樣成為咗聰明餅乾!🍪 聽完故事, 有咩感受可以喺下面同月月姐姐分享㗎!🌕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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如果能夠摘下月亮, 你會做啲咩呀?🌙 聽完故事, 有咩感受可以喺下面同月月姐姐分享㗎!🌕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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今日, 我哋會一齊睇下大腳趾國王點樣由一個憂鬱小王子變成首屈一「趾」嘅一國之君!🦶🏻 聽完故事, 有咩感受可以喺下面同月月姐姐分享㗎!🌕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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今日, 我哋會一齊跟住小浣熊哈林去開展一趟成為小勇士嘅旅程!💪🏻 聽完故事, 有咩感受可以喺下面同月月姐姐分享㗎!🌕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This is my first story in what I hope to be a long line of... There were a few typographical errors in the story and I stumbled a bit, but we all make mistakes!! Enjoy!!
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