Sunday sermons from North Peace MB Church in Fort St. John, BC
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In Acts 15 we read about the Jerusalem Council, a pivotal moment in the life of the early church. Some men in the early church were telling Gentile believers they had to follow the Law to be saved. At the council, Peter, Paul, Barnabas and James defend the gospel of grace. What can we learn from this passage about the right hills to die on?…
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In this sermon, Pastor Don walks us through the second half of Acts 14. In it we see Paul and Barnabas returning to all the cities they had traveled to, to encourage and strengthen the new disciples.Autor: Don Banman
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In this passage we see Paul and Barnabas travelling to 2 different cities: Iconium and Lystra. In Lystra, the crowds witness a miracle and attempt to worship Paul and Barnabas as gods. Paul preaches a gospel message in response.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see the Apostle Paul preaching a sermon in the city of Antioch. His strategy is to repeat the message of the gospel, invite people to respond, and leave the results to God. What can we learn about the gospel and evangelism from this passage?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see the start of Saul and Barnabas' first missionary journey. As they travel the island of Cyprus, they encounter opposition from a sorcerer named Bar-Jesus. What can we learn about missions and perseverance from this passage?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon Pastor Andrew looks at the first 3 verses of Acts 13. In it we see the leadership structure and activity of the church in Antioch. What do we do when it seems like God is calling us to do something that doesn't make sense?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon Pastor Garret talks about the commitment of selflessness.Autor: Garret Friesen
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In this sermon, Graham Goertzen walks us through Daniel 3.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this Christmas Eve message we wrap up our advent series looking at Isaiah 7 and Isaiah 9. The Messiah is described as God himself! Why did Jesus need to be fully God and fully man?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we examine Isaiah 53 and the idea of the Messiah as our substitute. What exactly did Jesus come to do? How does he solve humanities problem of sin and separation from God?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we examine Isaiah 61, which is a promise that the Messiah will come and restore all things. How is this passage fulfilled in Jesus? If Jesus is the Restorer, why isn't everything restored already?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In week 2 of our advent series, we look at the promises in the Old Testament about a coming king. All of these promises of a king find their fulfillment in the birth of Jesus.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about the need for a Messiah. Since the very beginning God has promised someone who will fix the problem humanity has created. Who is this person and what promises do we see of him throughout the Old Testament?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon, we wrap up our series looking at the 10th Commandment: You shall not covet. What exactly is coveting? What does it do to our souls? And how do we resist?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the 9th Commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. Pastor Andrew asks 5 questions to work through this verse: What is God prohibiting? Why can't we lie? Is it ever okay to lie? What are ways we break this commandment today? And how do we obey?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the 8th Commandment: You shall not steal. What does this command actually mean and how do we break it today? If we are to obey God in this command we need to dig deep into the root issues of why we take things that don't belong to us.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the 7th commandment: You shall not commit adultery. Why did God put this command here? What purpose does it serve? How do we obey it?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon, Pastor Don unpacks the 6th commandment: You shall not murder. What does this commandment mean and how does Jesus explain it?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the 5th commandment: honour your father and mother. What does it mean to honour someone? How do we obey this commandment?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the 4th commandment: honouring the Sabbath day. What does it look like to set aside a day for rest? How do we enjoy the gift of the Sabbath that God has given us?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the 3rd commandment: do not take the Lord's name in vain. What is God's name and why is it so special? How do we carry the name of God well?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In the second commandment we see God prohibiting images and likenesses of anything in creation. What exactly is God prohibiting and why? What does this commandment reveal about God? How do we obey it?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon we look at the first commandment where God says "You shall have no other gods before me". What does this commandment reveal about God and about us. And how do we as followers of Jesus, keep this commandment?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In week 1 of our new series on the 10 Commandments, Pastor Andrew lays the groundwork for what the 10 Commandments are, why we should obey them and how we go about doing that!Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this one-off sermon, Pastor Andrew walks us through our mission and vision as a church. We exist to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus. We go this by gathering, growing, and going.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see King Herod try to stamp out the early church. In it we learn 3 truths about our God: God opposes the proud, gives grace to the humble, and has not, will not and cannot lose.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see the gospel continue to spread to the Gentiles. Barnabas is sent by the church in Jerusalem to check on the amazing things happening in Antioch. How can we as believers be encouraged to share the gospel with the people around us?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see Peter recounting what had happened when the Gentiles had believed the gospel and received the Holy Spirit. How does the gospel tear down social and ethnic barriers and make us one in Christ?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see the first Gentiles welcomed into the church. Peter preaches the gospel to Cornelius, his family and friends and they repent and believe in Jesus. What does this passage teach us about salvation?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see two miracles take place: a paralyzed man walks again and a woman is raised from the dead. What do these miracles teach us about following Jesus?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see Saul completely turn his life around. He goes from persecuting Christians to proclaiming that Jesus is the Son of God! Saul also surrounds himself with other believers who help him in the midst of crisis.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see the conversion of one of the greatest opponents to the early church: Saul. What was Saul like before he met Jesus? What was his conversion experience like? And what does his salvation teach us about our own?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see God calling Philip away from Samaria to a desert place. In God's providence Philip witnesses to an Ethiopian eunuch who believes the gospel and is baptized. This sermon shows us that sometimes obedience to God can be difficult but God always prepares the way for us. Will we step into the opportunities he gives us?…
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In this text we see a man named Simon the Magician show interest in the gospel message. However, Simon is later proved to be a fraud, not interested in Jesus but in what he can get from Jesus. In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about Jesus not being a means to an end, but being our prize and treasure.…
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In this passage we see the early church scattered to Judea and Samaria because of persecution. The early church does three things in response to the opposition: they lament the death of Stephen, proclaim the gospel and rejoice when they see God's work being done.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we read about Stephen, the first man to be killed for following Jesus. Pastor Don walks us through Stephen's trial, final speech and death.Autor: Don Banman
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In this passage we see another potential conflict happening in the early church. The apostles appoint 7 men to handle the conflict while they focus on prayer and the ministry of the word. What is the role of deacons in the church today? How do they differ from elders? And how do both roles in the church contribute to the ministry of the word?…
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Is truth absolute or relative? In this passage the apostles are arrested yet again. The Sadducees attack the truth of who Jesus is, Gamaliel seeks to avoid the truth and the apostles affirm and continue to announce the truth. How do we react to the truth of the gospel of Jesus?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In our passage we read about Ananias and Sapphira being killed by God for lying. What does this passage teach us about the seriousness of sin and the holiness of God? Take a listen!Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage, the believers respond to the threats that Peter and John received for preaching the name of Jesus. What should believers do when pressure comes? And how does that pressure refine and shape us as followers of Jesus?Autor: Andrew Eby
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How do followers of Jesus react and respond to opposition? In this sermon Pastor Andrew walks through Acts 4 where we see the first opposition to the growing Jesus movement. In it we learn principles for expecting opposition, responding to it and when to disobey authority.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see a man lame from birth healed by Jesus. Afterwards, Peter explains the gospel to a large crowd and calls them to respond. What principles can we learn from this passage about what the gospel is, how we explain it and why is must be responded to.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see what the early church devoted themselves to. Are there markers or signs of a healthy church? In this sermon Pastor Andrew identifies 7 marks of a healthy church.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon, Graham Goertzen walks us through the first Christian sermon after the Holy Spirit is given to the church.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this passage we see the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This event marked a massive change in the course of human history: the Spirit of the one true God living in believers. What is the baptism of the Spirit? What does it look like in our lives today?Autor: Andrew Eby
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In this sermon Pastor Andrew talks about the providence of God and our willing choices and responsibility. How do these two truths operate together? In Acts 1:12-26 we see the apostles find a new apostle to replace Judas. They pray, make plans and understand that God's hand is over all things.Autor: Andrew Eby
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In the start to our brand new series in the book of Acts we look at last instructions Jesus gave to his disciples. In this passage we see Jesus promising to do 4 things and him telling his disciples to do 4 things.Autor: Andrew Eby
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What happened on the morning Jesus was raised from the dead, how did his enemies try to cover it up, and what does it mean for our everyday lives?Autor: Andrew Eby
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What does the death of Jesus tell us about ourselves, about who Jesus is, and about what he did for us?Autor: Andrew Eby
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On Palm Sunday, we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Jesus called himself a king and claimed to bring the kingdom of heaven with him. What kind of king is Jesus and what does kingdom look like?Autor: Andrew Eby
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