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Geld. Tech. Zukunft. Anna Planken und David Ahlf packen Themen an, die wirklich relevant sind. Jeden Mittwoch ein neuer Fokus auf Mobilität, Immobilien, Energie und mehr. Aufwendige Recherchen aus den ARD-Wirtschaftsredaktionen – und überraschende Perspektiven. Der Plusminus-Podcast – Wirtschaftswissen, das dich weiterbringt.
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The New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing (NJCCN) – the nursing workforce center for NJ – presents the Nursing Insights podcast. Hosted by Stephanie Olaso, a New Jersey registered nurse, the program features conversations with nurses from a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds, each discussing the nature of their profession.
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Drei Podcasts, eine Bühne, Live-Publikum – das sind die Zutaten für unsere prickelnde Podcast-Brause. An jedem ersten Mittwoch im Monat laden wir euch ein, Ohrenzeuginnen und -zeugen zu werden, wenn sich jeweils drei Podcasts auf unsere kleine Bühne wagen, um euch als Publikum zu unterhalten, zu inspirieren und zu begeistern – stets aus der Region, querbeet durch alle Themen, aber immer ganz schön prickelnd. Prost – auch in Richtung unserer Sponsoren: EMP, Let's Cast, Podcaster und AudioTakes!
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Good Nurse Bad Nurse

Good Nurse Bad Nurse

A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
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The Nurse Shark Academy Show

Baxter Professional Services LLC

The Nurse Shark Academy show highlights nurse business owners and others in the healthcare field who promote entrepreneurship. We interview nurse leaders and encourage them to tell their story. Join us and support these wonderful nurse entrepreneurs and leaders.
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Busfunk Nürnberg - Lebenswege hören

Stefan Meixner, Antenne-Bayern-Moderator und Busfahrer für die VAG Nürnberg über Lebensgeschichten aus Franken, grüne Mobilität, ÖPNV und berufliche Erfüllung

Welchen Weg einschlagen im Leben? Eine Frage, die sich uns an jeder Kreuzung stellt. Mein Name ist Stefan Meixner und ich wollte schon als kleines Kind entweder moderieren oder Bus fahren. Nach 30 Jahren hinterm Mikro habe ich einen Busführerschein gemacht und bei der VAG Nürnberg als Busfahrer angeheuert. Jetzt mache ich beides. Und ich bin unter die Podcaster gegangen. Im Busfunk spreche ich mit meinen Gästen über Nachhaltigkeit, Klimawandel, Mobilität, persönliche Höhen und Tiefen sowie ü ...
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NLN Nursing EDge Unscripted

National League for Nursing

The NLN Nursing EDge Unscripted podcast, brought to you by the National League for Nursing Center for Innovation in Education Excellence, offers episodes on the how-to of innovation and transformation in nursing education. Each conversation embraces the power of innovation to inspire educators and propel nursing education forward.
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Nexus Nursing

Professor D

This is a safe place for nursing students to get honest answers from an instructor’s point of view. This podcast will cover an array of nursing content that is seen on major nursing exams such as NCLEX, HESI, ATI and more. For Nurse Practitioner students, learn about the important concepts to know for your state exam. Follow me on Youtube, IG, FB and Tik Tok: Nexus Nursing For Audio-lessons and more, be sure to visit:
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Join Beth Schenk, a registered nurse and environmental health nurse champion, as she talks with nurses from around the country who are leading the profession in addressing environmental health issues. Every week you'll be inspired by nurses making changes, big and small, to make our world healthier for everyone.
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The Successful Nurse Coaches ™

Laura Minard, Shelby Kurz

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The Successful Nurse Coaches is a space for Private Practice Nurse Coaches to learn the skills to generate income and create the successful private practice of their dreams. Laura Minard and Shelby Kurz are both Board Certified Nurse Coaches who are revolutionizing the Nurse Coach Specialty with their innovate and state of the art certification Nurse Life Coach Academy. With every episode, it is their mission to empower you, expand what you think is possible, and connect the greater nurse co ...
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Ask Nurse Mary

Mary Howard

This podcast if for those passionate about Natural Health. Small business owners and tips and tools for those trying to grow Your network in the online space. Learn to attract only the people you want to work with.
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NursePreneur Academy

Liam Caswell

NursePreneur Academy Podcast: Empowering Nurses to Build Profitable Businesses Beyond the Bedside Welcome to the NursePreneur Academy Podcast, the ultimate destination for nurses ready to leverage their expertise and step into entrepreneurship. Hosted by Liam Caswell, this podcast is designed to help nurses transition from bedside to business by providing actionable strategies, inspiring stories, and proven roadmaps. In each episode, we dive deep into the four most common nurse-led business ...
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Nur Institute

Nur Institute

Nur Institute is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the revival of Islamic spirituality, purification of the self and rectification of the character. This is done through the dissemination of the pure and pristine traditional knowledge of Islam, derived from the Noble Qur’an, Sunnah of the Beloved Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), and the traditions of the pious predecessors of Islam.
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All About Nursing

Bold Brave TV

All About Nursing with host Joyce Batcheller is an engaging and informative show dedicated to exploring the diverse world of nursing. Each episode delves into various aspects of nursing, featuring insightful interviews with experienced nurses and other healthcare professionals. Listeners can expect to learn about the latest trends in healthcare, advancements in nursing practices, and personal stories that highlight nurses’ challenges and triumphs. With a focus on education, advocacy, and com ...
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Nur Bares ist Wahres!

Luis Pazos

Income Investing mit Dividenden, Optionen und Zinsen - abonniere jetzt meine kostenlosen Finanz-Tipps und ich schenke Dir eine 3-teilige Anleitung, wie Du Deine Rendite optimieren, Dein Risiko reduzieren und 1000 Ausschüttungen pro Jahr einnehmen kannst:: Impressum: Datenschutz:
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Get the inside scoop of nursing school from someone who has gone through it. Join nursing student, Melanie, each week for tips on everything from acing your Fundamentals class to getting your very first job as a nurse.
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Real Deal Nurse Practitioner Club

Anna Miller for Blueprint Prep Company

The Real Deal Nurse Practitioner Club is the most inclusive exclusive hangout for nurse practitioners and aspiring nurse practitioners. Join your host Anna Miller, as she and her guests dive deep into what you need to know before taking your exam, passing your exam, and becoming a real deal nurse practitioner! Each week she’ll cover topics such as how to pass your nurse practitioner exam the first time, overcoming test anxiety, writing your resume, negotiating contracts and honing your actua ...
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Frontline Nursing

Hosted by Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN

Presented by the Florida Center for Nursing, Frontline Nursing is a podcast that recognizes the impact nurses have on our lives and our communities. Throughout the series, FCN Executive Director, Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, will talk with those on the frontlines of health care to hear about the issues impacting the nursing workforce, insights from their personal journeys, and what inspires them. The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College ...
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This is the only podcast dedicated to helping hospice nurses find fulfillment while avoiding the burnout that threatens the specialty. Hosted by James Dibben in Kansas City, Missouri. Visit our home page at The Hospice Nursing Podcast.
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Nursing Lyfe 101

Nursing Lyfe 101

Welcome to Nursing Lyfe 101! 🩺✨ Join Colby and Christopher, two seasoned nurses navigating the highs and lows of healthcare, as they share personal stories, practical advice, and insights on nursing, wellness, and career growth. Whether you're a student, a new grad, or an experienced RN, Nursing Lyfe 101 is your go-to for real talk on life in scrubs, mental health, and tips to thrive inside and outside the hospital. Tune in, connect, and find your strength with us – because nursing is more t ...
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4 Jungs, 1 Verein: Nick, Flo, Khalid & Fa gehen seit den 90ern gemeinsam ins Olympiastadion, mittlerweile nur noch bei Plusgraden. Sie sind vor jedem Spiel voller Optimismus, haben zu allem mindestens eine Meinung und rechnen gerne gnadenlos ab. Hier mischt sich gefährliches Halbwissen mit tiefer Hertha Fachkenntnis. Es wird diskutiert, gelacht und dabei Bier aufgemacht. Zu diesem digitalen Stammtisch laden sie euch gerne jede Woche ein. Ha Ho He!
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"Nur noch eine Reihe" ist der Podcast für Strickerinnen und Stricker, die genau wie wir fast jeden Abend immer wieder viel zu spät denken: "Ach, die eine Reihe noch". In diesem Podcast gibt es Inspirationen und Ideen rund um das schönste Hobby der Welt: Wir erzählen euch von unseren Projekten, sprechen mit Designern, Garnherstellern und anderen Strickverrückten.
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Tja, es gibt so viel zu sagen, was einfach nur mal so raus muss. Schließlich hört hier zu Hause sowieso keiner zu, deshalb vielleicht überall anders. Hier und da lade ich mir auch mal einen Gast ein und wir analysieren zusammen. Lustig, nachdenklich, verrückt, ehrlich, unverfälscht, direkt... noch mehr Adjektive würden übertrieben wirken. Viel Spaß beim Hören.
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show series
Andi Weiss lädt kurz vor dem Start der Fastenzeit dazu ein, in diesem Jahr einen etwas anderen Schwerpunkt zu legen – frei nach Philipper 4,8. Links Impulsbuch „Nie wieder arbeiten“ CD „Weil immer was geht“ Impulsbuch „Weil immer was geht“ Podcast abonnieren Gerne stellen wir Ihnen unsere Inhalte zur Verfügung. Und würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie …
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Eine Kleinstadt wird erschüttert, als die 12-jährige Shanda Sharer in eine perfide Falle gelockt wird. Was zunächst harmlos scheint, entwickelt sich zu einem Verbrechen voller Eifersucht, Manipulation und unvorstellbarer Grausamkeit. Solltet ihr mich unterstützen wollen oder einfach Interesse daran haben den Fall visuell aufbereitet zu sehen, schau…
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Income Investing mit Dividenden, Optionen und Zinsen Du suchst nach einem Infrastruktur-Investment mit stabilen Cashflows und attraktiver Dividende? Dann könnte Atlas Arteria genau das Richtige für Dich sein. Das australische Unternehmen betreibt Mautstraßen in den USA, Frankreich und Deutschland - ein Geschäftsmodell, das auf den ersten Blick lang…
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Tipps und Tricks sowie ein Ausblick auf die kommende Woche Ist euch schon mal ein Missgeschick mit euren Strickschätzen passiert? Sophia hatte da neulich einen kleinen Unfall - aber so immerhin ein gutes Thema für die aktuelle Folge von "Nur noch eine Reihe". Zusammen mit Louisa gibt sie Tipps für den richtigen Abschluss eines Strickprojekts oder f…
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Kriminelle haben es auf unsere Bankkonten abgesehen und werden immer professioneller. Das Geld ist dann meist weg. Sind wir daran selbst schuld? Können wir die Tricks der Täter überhaupt noch erkennen oder könnten uns die Banken besser schützen?Nach den Recherchen des Plusminus-Teams wird es im Umgang mit dem Onlinekonto für Kunden immer schwierige…
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Karneval, Grippe und FußWährend der Karnevalszeit ist es schwierig über was anderes zu reden, weil ich nix anderes erlebe. Aber dennoch dreht sich dieser Podcast auch um einen Kofferraum voller Konfetti, um meine "Gebrechen", als "älterwerdende" Frau und wie ich manches wahrnehme. Sehen vielleicht andere anders, aber... ich bin eben nicht andere!…
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Another different type of video then you guys are used to seeing me post. Just wanted to take some time away from the music reactions and explore other types of content. I know at some point I will get back into doing music reactions, it's just that time is not right now. Feel free to add your guys thoughts on confidence in the comment section belo…
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Welcome our guests today, Dr. Lendra James, founder of DL James Consulting and Premiere Infusions & Wellness Concierge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Today’s episode, “How one nurse exceeded expectations to become a nurse executive.” I interview nurses who are business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders. I want to hear inspiring stories from the nu…
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Unlock the secrets of healthcare assessments! Ever wondered what MDS assessments really mean for your loved one in a nursing home? Discover simple tips on how to read MDS assessments, empowering families to make informed decisions about their loved one's care. In this week's episode, nursing home abuse attorney Rob Schenk discusses practical insigh…
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🚨 Thinking About Quitting? Listen to This First! 🚨 If you’ve ever felt like quitting your nurse coaching business, this episode is for you. I’m getting real and raw about one of the hardest seasons I’ve faced in my business—the deep questioning, the burnout, the unexpected challenges, and the self-doubt. In this episode, I share: ✔️ The emotional r…
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This time on Code WACK! What did segregation look like in hospitals and medical facilities in America, and did it only extend to the South? What finally brought an end to the deadly practice that cost countless Black and Brown lives? To break it down, we spoke to Dr. Barbara Berney, project creator and producer of the documentary “Power to Heal: Me…
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In this episode my good friend, Mike Barrett, returns to the show to share his own story of losing his mother in the last month. Mike shares with us why he wanted to share this with us so soon after his mother’s death. He also goes into detail on how overwhelming everything was. He explains how hard it must be for our patients and their caregivers …
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What is an NSQIP nurse? Is this a new field of nursing? NSQIP stands for National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and the NSQIP nurse works as a surgical clinical reviewer examining surgical notes to abstract specific data so that it can be used as a basis for future quality improvement initiatives. Find out more about NSQIP nursing in this ep…
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Send us a text Understanding Electrolyte Imbalances in Nursing Practice In this episode of Nursing School Week by Week, host Melanie breaks down the critical concept of electrolytes, focusing on their imbalances and the associated dangers. She emphasizes the real-world implications for nursing practice and provides detailed information on the four …
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Der Kriminalfall "Sheila von Wiese" dreht sich um die brutale Ermordung einer wohlhabenden Mutter durch ihre Tochter und deren Freund während eines Urlaubs in Bali. Solltet ihr mich unterstützen wollen oder einfach Interesse daran haben den Fall visuell aufbereitet zu sehen, schaut einfach hier vorbei: Ansonsten kön…
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Episode Notes: Visit the NPIAP website: If you wish to hear a particular pressure injury topic or expert, please email [email protected]. BAM Air Portfolio: [] BAM Pro:…
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In this episode of Nursing EDge Unscripted, Dr. Steven Palazzo hosts Dr. Fabiola Lalande, an associate professor at Regis College, to discuss her study on the impact of reverse role simulation on nursing students' ethnocultural empathy. Dr. Lalande explains how the pilot study used a pre-test and post-test design to measure changes in students' emp…
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Dr. Laura Newhouse on her 2 year Douglas Starship Simulation Programme Fellowship Season 2. Episode 7 Episode Summary: In this episode of SimNurseNZ, we had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Laura Newhouse, who recently completed her two-year fellowship with the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme in Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. Newhouse share…
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Joyce Batcheller returns to All About Nursing to engage in more informative discussions on the topic of nursing! Today's guest is Bryan Sisk, Senior VP and Chief Nurse Executive, Memorial Hermann Health System Tune in to discover the vital role nursing plays in our healthcare system and the passion behind this noble profession. Only on BBTV!…
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So war die erste Episode der Podcast-Brause im Club Stereo! Kalli, Jürgen und Patrik schauen zurück und geben gleichzeitig einen kleinen Ausblick auf Staffel 3 Episode 5 der Podcast-Brause am 5. März 2025. Warum tragen Kalli & Jürgen plötzlich Stühle quer durch Nürnberg? Fährt Patrik bald mit einem E-Scooter von der Technik zur Bühne? Und welche Po…
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Discover the key to mastering respectful relationships in nursing teams and revolutionize your healthcare environment! Promise yourself a shift towards better collaboration as we explore the invaluable roles of Patient Care Technicians (PCTs), Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), and nurses. Learn how establishing rapport at the beginning of shifts…
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Mary shares her story of how she has grown her business by forging friendships with other entrepreneurs to promote their businesses and share insight. The relationships that are forged and the networks developed are a vital part of developing our dreams and they mutually benefit everyone. Mary explains exactly how she has been doing this in her own…
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Send us a text Georgia presents the final episode in her three part series on Paolo Macchiarini. This episode delves into the depths of his scientific misconduct across the globe and how people worked together to bring this life long con to an end. Support the show To comment on this episode or request a topic to be read on the pod: Email us @ nurs…
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Andi Weiss erzählt von einer besonderen „Fotosession“ und zitiert einen Ausspruch von Christian Morgenstern. Links Impulsbuch „Nie wieder arbeiten“ CD „Weil immer was geht“ Impulsbuch „Weil immer was geht“ Podcast abonnieren Gerne stellen wir Ihnen unsere Inhalte zur Verfügung. Und würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie unsere Arbeit mit Ihrer Spende för…
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