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The Table OSU

The Table OSU

The Table OSU is a nondenominational Christian campus ministry in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Our mission is to create life-long, life-wide disciples of Jesus. We gather on Thursday nights for free dinner and Bible study, and our heart is to connect university students to Jesus, each other and the local church. This channel includes our teaching from our Thursday night gatherings and retreats!
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This is a running podcast for all runners of all levels with the legend Sonia O’Sullivan and comedian Jarlath Regan. Expect conversation and craic around every aspect of athletics and running with the occasional special guest. In lockdown Sonia promised to teach self-confessed coach potato, Jarlath, how to run. 2 years on, they’ve gathered together a community of runners from across the world. Hear about Sonia’s work coaching the elite athletes at Nike HQ in Portland and Jarlath’s ramshackle ...
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An inspiring, outspoken speaker, author, podcaster and regular media commentator, June O'Sullivan OBE is Chief Executive of the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF), one of London’s largest and most successful charitable social enterprises, operating 40+ award-winning nurseries in some of London’s most disadvantaged areas. Her monthly ‘real talk’ and no-holds-barred podcasts dive into the questions, topics and debates on all things Early Years, Parenting and Social Business – plus much, much ...
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Osumareton Egbe

We have #FridayFeature with Osumareton interviews right here every Friday. It's a way we celebrate our friends for their talent, hard work and commitment. More shows coming soon...
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Osudové ženy

Český rozhlas

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Populárně-naučný seriál připomíná výjimečné ženy našich zemí v dobových souvislostech a kontextu jejich života nebo tvorby. Součástí každého pořadu jsou i dobové zvukové materiály. Všechny díly podcastu Osudové ženy můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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OSU Research Matters is a bi-weekly look inside the work of Oklahoma State University faculty, staff and students. The show showcases the impact of OSU's research on everyday life. Find out more at research.okstate.edu
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Eny Osung is a LinkedIn Guru, helping businesses to have more meaningful conversations with their ideal prospects on LinkedIn so that they stand out from their competition. This podcast will help people understand how to use LinkedIn more effectively and get the results they want from such a powerful platform.
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Fresh Talk OSU

Fresh Talk OSU

Welcome to Fresh Talk @ OSU, where current Freshman at Ohio State University give advise to in-coming Freshman. Created by a First Year Writing class, these podcast episodes explore issues the students wished they had known more about before they started at OSU.
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Osu Skins

Get to download best osu skins. Download the top osu mania skins, whitecat osu, riamu yumemi, osu lazer, yukino yukinoshita and Osu Beatmaps from osuskins.me.
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To download Osu skins, you need to find and download a skin that you like from a forum or website. The most popular website for Osu skins is osuskins.me. You can also visit the skinning forum from the Osu website. After you've downloaded the skin, you need to double-click it.
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show series
Running is simple. Finding the right gear is not. Let the legend Sonia O’Sullivan help you with the essentials you’ll need to take your running up a level. From the home gym to the sock game, this episode has it all and a free training plan from the GOAT herself. It’s less than 3 weeks to Sonia’s 10 Mile Road Race in Cobh and the training is rampin…
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As the newly crowned European Indoor Champion Sarah Healy admitted this week, running is mostly a mental challenge. That's as true for the elites battling each other at the highest level, as it is for us mortals battling to just get out the door and stick to the plan. In #week6 of the Road To Cobh Sonia O'Sullivan helps us with those nagging though…
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Everyone remembers the notorious O'Sullivan kick. That change of speed, ace up the sleeve that Sonia's rivals couldn't cope with. Well today on the show, for the very first time, the GOAT talks about how we can all build that kind of endurance, speed and mental toughness. We get right into the psychology of the kick and how we can actually train ou…
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Powered by the WHOOP 4.0 wearable fitness coach, Ireland’s athletics queen Sonia O’Sullivan opens up her private notebooks from years of training to discuss how best to fuel our bodies for running. From water intake to balancing pre run carbs, this episode has everything you always wanted to ask but never could. Comedian Jarlath Regan has gathered …
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Training to take on and enjoy hills sounds impossible when you say it. Sonia O’Sullivan is here to tell you it is doable with some very simple principles. In this fun conversation with comedian Jarlath Regan she breaks down everything you need to know to become a stronger hill runner. This episode is the third in the series preparing listeners to t…
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Running faster for longer requires one thing - aerobic base fitness. Irish athletics legend opens up about how to build it no matter what your running level. Her simple and straight forward, no nonsense advice is the guiding light for her hand picked training squad of listeners taking on the hills of Cobh on April 6th, 2025 in the Ballymore Cobh AC…
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Professional Love: The Beating Heart of Early Years Education and Care On Valentine’s Day, there is much talk about romantic love, but we are talking about a very different kind of love; professional love, a term coined by Dr Jools Page and familiar to many colleagues across the Early Years sector. Introducing the phrase professional love gave perm…
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The hardest part of any training plan is week one. Sonia O'Sullivan is going to help you take that first step on the days when you don't feel like it. The Cobh 10 takes place on April 6th 2025 and the GOAT herself is here to guide you week to week through a training plan she has devised. It's easy to follow and it's going to be a lot of fun - no ma…
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Unpacking The Twoness of Twos The Government has agreed to continue the roll out of funded places for two-year-olds, with talk of putting them into schools. Many are concerned that this plan may ignore the uniqueness of the two-year-olds. To mitigate this, my colleague Louise Hannan, (currently researching the emotional environment for two-year-old…
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Oblíbená rozhlasová moderátorka Radia Svobodná Evropa Rozina Jadrná Pokorná prožila téměř celý svůj život v exilu. I přesto si dokázala získat srdce tisíců československých posluchačů. Představovala šťastné spojení originálního hlasu i osobnosti, herecké průpravy, temperamentu a inteligence. Všechny díly podcastu Osudové ženy můžete pohodlně poslou…
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„Destiny“ znamená v angličtině osud nebo úděl. A Ema tak žila. Uznávali ji v cizině. Miloval ji císař Vilém II. i Caruso. Doma se k ní vděčně ale nechovali. A přes spoustu ctitelů lásku nepoznala. „Jsem takový ubohý tvor, kterého v životě málokdo hladil, málokdo líbal... a který vždy tak žíznil po čisté, upřímné a nesobecké lásce,“ napsala Ema Dest…
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A Right to be Children: The Importance of the Design Architecture The importance of architecture to Early Years is often misunderstood. The building is part of the enabling environment and needs to be designed to support learning by creating the right environment and resources both indoors and outside. They are also integral to meeting the sustaina…
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Učitelské rodinné zázemí predurčilo její kariéru. Zájem o věci veřejné ji však přivedl až do vrcholné politiky. Se svojí spolupracovnicí Miladou Horákovou ji spojovala nejenom touha žít v demokratické společnosti, ale i osud nespravedlivě odsouzené politické vězeňkyně. Všechny díly podcastu Osudové ženy můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci…
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Sarah Ronan is the director of the Early Education and Childcare Coalition (EECC) – an organisation made up of 35 members which represent children, parents, providers, the Early Years workforce and the wider business community. Like many others in the Early Years sector, Sarah's journey is deeply personal. Her own experiences with inaccessible chil…
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Měla výjimečný talent, ale nedokázala ho využít naplno. Bránil jí v tom komunistický režim, ale také její vlastní bohémský styl života. Nakonec ji dohnal alkohol. Zpěv Evy Olmerové učaroval mnohým, dokonce i americké jazzové legendě Elle Fitzgeraldové „Kdyby měla šanci představit se zahraničnímu publiku, celá její kariéra i život by se vyvíjel úpln…
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Entries are open for the 2025 Ballymore Cobh AC Sonia O'Sullivan 10 Mile Road Race. In case you missed our last episode, this race will be the focus of the podcast from February 1st to April 6th. Sonia talks to me to today about the tricky process of sifting through all your entries for her squad. Since announcing the plan to pick 20 listeners to b…
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Přestože pocházela z bohaté rodiny, byla už od mládí přesvědčenou komunistkou. V srpnu 1968 se zkušená advokátka a diplomatka otevřeně postavila proti okupaci Československa a stala se aktivní disidentkou a signatářkou Charty 77. Všechny díly podcastu Osudové ženy můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na we…
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Zažila chudobu, dvakrát ovdověla, přesto se stala úspěšnou podnikatelkou. Podporovala české vlastence, především svého syna Vojtu, a ochraňovala pražskou chudinu. V dokudramatu uslyšíte Růženu Merunkovou, Evu Vrbkovou nebo Jiřího Čapka. Hovoří historička a etnografka Milena Secká z Náprstkova muzea v Praze. Všechny díly podcastu Osudové ženy můžete…
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There is a lot of concern about recently qualified staff who appear to find adjusting to the workplace a challenge and seem to have emerged with degrees which are low quality. As an employer of nearly 1000 staff, that is an issue, because my job isn’t simply to recruit staff but to succession plan ( and I don’t mean that in a Brian Cox sort of way!…
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