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E Pluribus Motto

John Hodgman and Janet Varney

Listening to E Pluribus Motto is like taking a road trip with friends Janet Varney and John Hodgman. In each episode, they spotlight one state and chat about its motto, bird, beverages, songs, and–occasionally–muffins. Plus, you'll hear from residents and guests whose lives or work have been inspired by that state. This podcast is a celebration of regional culture and an homage to the love we all seem to have for the place we call home. Pack your snacks and jump on in!
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Ben Klutsey of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University engages in thought-provoking conversations with experts in the field of civil discourse. Klutsey facilitates discussions that explore ideas and practices essential for maintaining a free and open society, providing listeners with valuable insights and perspectives on this crucial topic.
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El programa periodístico de análisis político y actualidad conducido por Fernando Mauri en su 21º temporada, martes, miércoles y jueves Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast:
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Data Is Plural

Jeremy Singer-Vine

A new podcast from the long-running newsletter, Data Is Plural ( Each episode distills an expert interview into a crisp 15 minutes, taking you behind the scenes of another surprising dataset. One season = five episodes.
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Programa de Radio3w de mujeres reales para mujeres reales en el que se va a tratar, desde un punto de vista realista, la posición de la mujer en la actualidad en diversos sectores.
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Amours Plurielles

Amours Plurielles

Bienvenue dans Amours Plurielles, le podcast sur la vie affective et les relations plurielles. Je m'appelle Laureana Alycja et je te propose d'écouter des témoignages sur les non-monogamies. Logo : Louise Jouvenet Musique : Vince Dolphin Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Futurs au Pluriel

Siècle Digital

Quels futurs nous réserve le numérique ? Transformation des métiers, des marques, des plateformes, de l'éducation, des modes de consommation... Accrochez votre ceinture, Futurs au Pluriel prend quelques années d'avance. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Plural e Singular

Plural e Singular

A idéia é fazer um podcast sobre tudo, mas acabamos falando sobre nada. Siga nosso twitter: @pluralpodcast Mandem perguntas sobre QUALQUER coisa em: ou mande um email para: Agora estamos no iTunes
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Histórias Plurais

Posfácio Hub de Jornalismo em Áudio

O podcast Histórias Plurais conta histórias de pessoas e situações relacionadas à diversidade, questões sociais e direitos humanos. Este podcast é uma produção de Posfácio Hub de Jornalismo em Áudio, de Carol Passos e Stefani Ceolla.
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La Turbine

UTOPIES PLURIELLES : LE PODCAST D'INTERVIEWS DE LA TURBINE Partir à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui vivent en utopie, qui la pensent, l’inventent et la déclinent au pluriel. Artistes, philosophes, urbanistes, écrivains, laissons la parole à celles et ceux qui ouvrent l’horizon de futurs désirables. Aux d’imaginaire qui explorent d’autres possibles. Utopies plurielles, un podcast, proposé par La Turbine
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Pluralistic Rabbinical Seminary

Pluralistic Rabbinical Seminary

PRS founder Rabbi Sandy Zisser and cohost Rabbi Patrick Beaulier give you an intimate look into what it takes to create a rabbinical seminary in the age of Covid. You’ll meet the educators, students and creatives who make it all possible.
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Plurance is a prominent web3 and blockchain-focused software development company that provides bespoke digital solutions to organizations all over the world. Our team consists of highly skilled full-stack developers with extensive expertise of the Web3, DAO, Metaverse, NFT, DeFi, DApps, Blockchain, and crypto industry verticals. We work closely together as a team of web3 experts and blockchain full-stack developers to conduct collaborative research and development to produce cutting-edge app ...
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Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who led the controversial effort to remove Confederate statues from the city and who now runs E Pluribus Unum- a nonprofit focused on advancing racial equity in the south, breaks down how we are divided by design. Race courses through every facet of our lives, yet too few people-- particularly white people-- truly understand the scale of racism in America, including our history and how racism still permeates today's institutions. The Divided by Design ...
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Power to the Plurals - A podcast by The Plural Association - Hosted by The Stronghold System

The Plural Association & Power to the Plurals - Podcast by The Stronghold System

This Power to the Plurals podcast is brought to you by The Plural Association and hosted by The Stronghold System, a DID system who also self ID as Plural and founders of The Plural Association. Follow us for daily empowering positive affirmations, system check in reminders and more. The Plural Association is the first grassroots, registered nonprofit for people living with Dissociative Identity Disorder, OSDD and all other forms of Plurality & Multiplicity. For you and your system! Power to ...
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RISE - Der Podcast zu Identität, Pluralismus und Extremismus

JFF - Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

Wie können Jugendliche darin gestärkt werden, sich kritisch mit antidemokratischen und antipluralistischen Weltbildern auseinanderzusetzen? Wie können pädagogische Fachkräfte Jugendliche darin unterstützen, Ideologien der Ungleichwertigkeit zu erkennen und eine Haltung dazu zu entwickeln? Der RISE Podcast bietet pädagogischen Fachkräften Grundlagenwissen und Impulse für den Umgang mit Kontroversen und Konflikten über unterschiedliche Wertvorstellungen und Orientierungen. In unseren Talks lie ...
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First Person Plural: EI & Beyond

Key Step Media, Daniel Goleman, Hanuman Goleman, Elizabeth Solomon

First Person Plural: Emotional Intelligence & Beyond, brought to you by Key Step Media, is a podcast about us, the systems we’re a part of, and how we create an emotionally intelligent future. Co-hosted by New York Times best-selling author, Daniel Goleman, Hanuman Goleman, and Elizabeth Solomon this show will go beyond the theory of emotional intelligence, presenting an array of stories that illuminate how emotional intelligence is being put into action. Inspiring you to lead with more mind ...
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Can we as humans and other living beings learn to live together, in difference? Can we create a future that actually has a future? Join Sophie Krier and Erik Wong in their search for alternative perspectives, for radical imaginations, for a world in which many worlds can thrive. A search for something that is already present: the pluriverse is all around us. Wong and Krier have adopted a perspective put forward by Arturo Escobar in his book Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence ...
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In unserem neuen Podcast dazugehört spricht Aylin Karadeniz mit verschiedenen Akteur*innen aus den Bereichen Kunst, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft über die Frage, wie wir unsere Gesellschaft pluralistisch und solidarisch gestalten können. In jeder Episode lädt sie dafür eine Frau aus dem Beirat von WIR MACHEN DAS ein, sich mit ihr und einem weiteren Gast zu verschiedenen Themen wie Aktivismus, Empowerment, Solidarität und Zugehörigkeit auszutauschen. Das Besondere am dazugehört-P ...
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show series
Recordem la història de la revista ‘La Pluma’. Va ser una publicació de finals dels anys 70 a Barcelona orientada al públic LGTBI però sense un punt de vista eròtic o morbós. Ho farem a través del llibre ‘Hiperrevolucionaris i supergais’ d’en Joan França. A l’obra es repassa la història de la Coordinadora de Col·lectius d’Alliberament Gai (CCAG). T…
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Avui parlem del moviment #GayMenToo. L’activista Emilio López ha començat a recopilar denuncies anònimes -per Instagram- d’homes gais que han patit violacions i abusos sexuals. Es tracta d'un fet invisibilitzat. Ho parlem amb ell i amb el dramaturg Xavi Buxeda. També conversem amb Cristian Carrer, psicòleg social i coordinador tècnic de l’Observato…
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John Hodgman and Janet Varney are ready for an episode as sweet as a peach: Georgia! Up until now we’ve dealt exclusively with official mottos. But Georgia just had to buck tradition with an UNofficial motto. Thankfully we’ve still got a lot of symbols that did make the cut. From frogs, dogs, whales and fruit. Episode art provided by: Kevin Lam Rya…
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Javier Comas ens presenta el llibre Crónicas Inenarrables, una novel·la semiautobiogràfica, on es relata el camí difícil d'un adolescent homosexual als anys 70 fins a l'estabilitat i la seguretat de l'amor als anys 2000. El llibre va guanyar el concurs 'Tot Millora de literatura juvenil lgbiq+' organitzat per It Gets Better Espanya i per Kabo&Bero …
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There’s a bit of maple in the air because this week John Hodgman and Janet Varney visit Vermont! Green mountain boys and sea monsters await. Plus: A motto so good that it makes us rethink our opinions about the other mottos we’ve graded so far. (Sorry New York– looks like “Excelsior!” might be inferior). And you know what this episode pairs great w…
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vui parlem amb el cantant Valentino. Actua el proper dissabte 28 de desembre a la 4a Gala Solidària de l’Observatori contra la LGTBIfòbia. Conversem amb el coordinador tècnic de l’entitat. També entrevistem Luis Maura que acaba d’escriure la novel·la Payaso amb l’editorial Dos Bigotes. Escuchar audio…
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In this episode of the Pluralist Points podcast, Ben Klutsey, the executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, speaks with Shira Hoffer, the founder and executive director of the Institute for Multipartisan Education, about her work as a mediator and the importance of curious disagreement. They discuss self-censorship among…
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Prop d’un 1,7% de la població és intersexual. Es tracta d’una realitat molt invisibilitzada i plena de tòpics. Molt sovint es parla de les persones intersex sense saber exactament què significa el concepte, i el pitjor de tot, sense donar veu a les pròpies persones intersex. Avui parlarem d’una obra de teatre que s’acaba d’estrenar al Teatre Tantar…
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John Hodgman and Janet Varney are heading ever upward! This week is all about New York! We’re going through a bunch of the Empire state’s historical highlights, from the compelling to the goofy. The two will reminisce about how New York has personally touched their lives and explain why this motto is so Amazing, Spectacular, Incredible and Fantasti…
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Avui ens visita la Patricia Castro que acaba d’escriure el llibre ‘Les amants’. Es tracta d’una novel·la protagonitzada per dues dones que viuen una història d’amor, tot i venir de dos realitats, etapes i entorns diferents. En el programa d’avui també ens visiten en Xavi Villena i en Jose Múrcia de l’entitat Entenem Santa Coloma LGTBIQ+ per parlar-…
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Parlem amb el capellà Enric Canet. Des de fa 20 anys beneeix parelles LGTBI. Volem saber en què consisteix la cerimònia i com ho viuen les persones que participen. El president de l’Observatori contra la LGTBIfòbia, Eugeni Rodríguez, ens valora el veredicte del cas Samuel i ens parla de l’agressió a Manresa on un noi ha perdut la vista d’un ull. Pe…
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John Hodgman presents to Janet Varney the state that’s obsessed with having an excessive amount of mottos: South Carolina! It features two mottoes, two official state drinks, two official state marine mammals and more. And that’s before we discuss how busy the state seal is. Yet for all that, the state has a very tastefully reserved flag and a real…
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Què et toquin el cul sense el teu consentiment en una discoteca d’ambient és una agressió sexual? Ho parlem amb el dramaturg Xavi Buxeda, qui ha denunciat a twitter les agressions que es produeixen en el col·lectiu i que no es denuncien. En el programa d’avui també parlem amb el nou director general de Polítiques Públiques LGTBIQ+, Alberto Lacasta,…
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In this episode of the Pluralist Points podcast, Ben Klutsey, the executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, speaks with author, activist and musician Daryl Davis, who is known for his work confronting racism through dialogue. They discuss Davis’ first encounter with a member of the Ku Klux Klan, his determination to disc…
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Ens visiten Churros con Chocolate i ho fan acompanyats d’una de les concursants de Draq Race España 2024: La niña del Antro. Comencem parlant de l’acte Orgull de Ciències amb Òscar Aznar Alemany, Carla Riera Llobet i Manu Catalán Águila. I conversem amb el coreògraf Enric Gasa per l’espectacle 'Frida. Pasión por la vida'. Escuchar audio…
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Janet Varney presents to John Hodgman the commonwealth of Virginia! What a creature filled state! Everything from tiny bats with big ears, directional cardinals and water-based horses. But before we can get to any of that we have to discuss that motto. Sure it’s a little aggressive and has some unfortunate historical baggage; but you’ll hear why it…
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La poeta Gloria Fuertes és recordada sobretot pels seus poemes infantils. Però la seva obra va molt més enllà. Avui us presentem el llibre ‘Gloria, la poeta de los amores prohibidos’ on Lola Lapaz analitza la trajectòria d’aquesta autora. També conversem amb el doctor Jorge del Romero Guerrero qui ha participat en el 45 Congrés Nacional de la Socie…
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John Hodgman presents his home commonwealth to Janet Varney. It’s time to spotlight Massachusetts! Keep your Boston accents to yourself (for now) because we’ll learn more about how its motto was born from was born from an incredibly aggressive guest book entry and the numerous songs that have fought status within Massachusetts. Plus, John will chat…
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Avui parlem amb l’activista trans, Sílvia Sicore. Ha escrit el llibre ‘Mi mejor versión... es femenina’. En Toni Ponce ens recorda la història de les Carolines de Barcelona. També conversem amb l’actor Dafnis Balduz que torna amb Pols de Diamant, ara a la Villarroel. Jorge Bastante ens presenta el seu llibre ‘¿Qué nos va a pasar?’. Escuchar audio…
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In this episode of the Pluralist Points podcast, Ben Klutsey, the executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, speaks with Corey Brettschneider, a professor of political science at Brown University, about his new book, “The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought To Defen…
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Avui ens visita la Isabel Franc que juntament amb la Rosa Navarro han publicat el llibre ‘Darrere les persianes. Breu història de les lesbianes a Barcelona’. També conversem amb l’activista Rocío Saiz que acaba d’escriure ‘Que no se te note’ on l’artista es mostra sense complexes. Ens anem al poble de Santa Bàrbara al Montsià per conèixer el festiv…
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