Each week join Rushell, Brittani and Lionel have conversations about living and loving being members of this hustle hard world. Great conversation, great drinks. Enjoy !
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Todo lo que hacemos es con el objetivo de descubrir la vision de Dios para nuestras vidas. Conversaciones increiblemente vulnerables procesando eventos de vida real con el lente del Espirtu Santo y las escrituras. Nuestras dudas, preguntas, momentos dificiles, responsabilidades y decisiones del dia a dia de una perspectiva cristiana.
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La soledad es un vacío, pero también una oportunidad para encontrar a Dios en el silencio. En este episodio exploramos cómo el aislamiento puede convertirse en algo mortal, pero existen tres pasos para enfrentarla. En esta serie de temas descubriremos cómo la soledad puede convertirse en un camino hacia la conexión con Dios. Si alguna vez te has se…
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Dios nos invita a permanecer en su voluntad porque en ella encontramos el propósito y la paz que anhelamos. Sin embargo, este camino no siempre es fácil; a menudo enfrentamos dificultades, dudas y tentaciones que nos desvían de su plan perfecto. Nuestra Iglesia: https://www.casavivachurch.com Siguenos en Instagram: Casa Viva Church: https://www.ins…
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Dios te va a preparar para lo que viene. Aunque a veces el proceso sea difícil, cada desafío que enfrentas te está moldeando para algo más grande. Mantén la fe y la paciencia; al final, entenderás que todo lo que has vivido ha sido parte de un plan divino para tu crecimiento y bienestar. Nuestra Iglesia: https://www.casavivachurch.com Siguenos en I…
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Sin importar quién seas o dónde te encuentres, Dios ha preparado un plan único para tu vida. En medio de la tempestad, en los momentos inesperados y en los detalles más sutiles, el está presente. Él te guía con un propósito divino y te invita a confiar en su plan, incluso cuando el camino no sea claro. Permite que su luz te guíe y avanza con fe, sa…
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So it's the final episode of the season. Listen to us reflect on this new journey, explaining who we are and why we're doing this! Leave some feedback and ask us questions. Tell us what you guys want to hear us discuss. Email us at powersquadja@gmail.com or DM us on Instragram @powersquadja. Thank you!!…
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This week the Edna Manley Scandal topped the burning issues and we chose whether we were #TeamTrafficCop or #TeamRetiree. We also prayed for the crime which is causing havoc in our country and touched on places like Sudan and Sierra Leone. Listen what we had to say nuh! The foodies in us came out, which do you prefer and Island Grill or a KFC Breas…
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Ep 08: The Perfect BAE feat. @jaemarville
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52:32What happened this week? Did you guys hear about the Jamaican who ran out of the airport in Trinidad? The new homeless shelter to be built on King Street? How about Jamaica AirExpress? Listen what we think about "How They See Us" by Ava Duvernay on Netflix. We delved into the concept of "The Perfect BAE" and our thoughts on that, Jamaro joined in o…
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Ep 07: Amidst All You Are Blessed feat. Ann-Marie aka June Bug
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31:16Mother's Day has passed but it is never too late to reflect on the sacrifices women have made to enhance all our lives whether they are biologically a mom or not, and for that we salute you! This episode highlights the joys and struggles of a single woman who amidst all can appreciate the blessing of having four kids and raising them all alone, do …
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Ep 06: High School Musical, We Guess feat. @chiki9178
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54:50Do you remember your high school graduation song? Well...listen to us go down memory lane - the good stuff, the bad stuff... everything about high school. As usual we spoke about the stuff happening this week. Take a listen, we have a guest !
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This week we covered the sad case of the missing children in Jamaica since the start of the year, The Shenseea "publicity stunt" and the ABM cash bag in What's Good This Week. We spoke at length about our carnival experiences and differing views about that. Take a listen! Notes: @official_beachbumja Emergency Contacts to save: 119 or 927-7681-2 or …
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This week we explored the issue of dating, are men supposed to pay on the first date? Let's see how this discussion goes.
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This week is about Mackerel vs Jenny Jenny, The Calabar "Scandal" & The Bridget's Saga. We spoke about Friendship & Frientimacy...the faucets of a healthy friendship. Regrets we have had in old friendships and how we plan to contribute to new wholesome friendships. Reference: YouTube: https://youtu.be/hmJyWreER7A…
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In this week's episode we explored a few things across the world and at home that were buzzing this week then we moved into break ups! Brittani said BOY BYE, listen why!
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Ep 01: Ziggy Ran Away While The Queen Ate The Mackerel & The Salmon
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43:35Our first episode, talking about what happened this week and issues affecting our lives.
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