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Filhos, amor, escolas e tribunais. De tudo isto fala o psicólogo Eduardo Sá de segunda a sexta ao fim da tarde, a seguir às 17h00, na Rádio Observador. Envie as suas perguntas e comentários para 917698051 ou para
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First Respodcast is a lighthearted rewatch podcast for ABC's 9-1-1. Hosts Ryan Kearns and Jane Mulcahy bring their respective backgrounds in theater and film, middling YouTuber skills, and love/hate relationship with Ryan Murphy to this episode-by-episode discussion of TV's silliest procedural drama. Updated every Friday.
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Responsa Radio

Hadar Institute

A podcast where you ask and we answer questions of Jewish law in modern times. Hosted by Rabbi Ethan Tucker and Rabbi Avi Killip. To submit a question, email
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Ouça os comentários diários da colunista do Estadão para o Jornal Eldorado, da Rádio Eldorado (SP). Eliane ainda responde a perguntas dos ouvintes. Quer mandar a sua? Escreva para o número de WhatsApp: (11) 99481-1777.
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Pedro Duarte reclama sobre várias coisas, reflete sobre outras e quase sempre conclui algo, talvez útil. Um programa que quase sempre sai, sempre curto, o mais breve possível porque Pedro não gosta de ter trabalho com mais nada. Também recebe ouvintes em um papo descontraído sobre situações que podem acontecer com qualquer um (mas isso é mais raro de acontecer). E dizem que Pedro nunca responde, esse programa prova o contrário.
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In Medias Res

Институт за комуникациски студии

In medias res е месечен поткаст кој го објаснува апсурдното политичко и општествено секојдневие во Република Македонија. Преку анализа на настаните и одлуките кои нѐ довеле до тука, но и преку обид да се антиципираат идните настани – ин медиас рес го прави секојдневието полесно за разбирање. Ненад Марковиќ месечно води разговор со политиколози, историчари и општествени аналитирачи на теми кои сите нѐ засегаат.
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Respect The Crit

Respect The Crit

An inclusive actual play, ttrpg podcast about exploring new worlds, characters, and game systems through campaign, improvised story telling. Current campaign: "Endless Equinox" in Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed. by Chaosium Inc. Whatever the system, whether it's a miss or a hit, you always gotta respect the crit!
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Respectfully Disagree is The Swaddle Team’s very own podcast series, where each week we get together to discuss and dissect the issues we passionately differ on. This podcast is brought to you by TS Studios, a production company that brings The Swaddle’s storytelling and creative point of view to original podcasts and films.
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A res, tega ne veš?

Sašo Stare in Aleš Novak

Živimo v času, ko na internetu vsak ve vse … razen Sašo Stare in Aleš Novak … onadva ne vesta nič! V tem podkastu, se bosta z gostom pogovarjala o tem, česar ne vedo. No, eden ve, dva pa ne vesta. A veste? Če nas poslušate, boste v družbi ravno vi tisti, ki vedno reče: “A res, tega ne veš?”
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We come to parenting with all the patterns we learned in our own childhood. Together in this podcast, we uncover the roots of our reactivity and grow in education, capacity, awareness, and skills so we will be able to respond vs. react to our strong-willed children. The beauty of this process is as you become a ResponseAble Parent, the “misbehavior” of your children will lessen, the yelling will fall away and a new level of companionship and cooperation will take its place. Welcome to the jo ...
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The Responsible Investor Podcast delves into the latest developments and debates in sustainable investment. Hear our award-winning journalists and influential industry guests share their insights on topics such as net-zero, transition finance, biodiversity and nature, regulation, and ESG data and disclosure.
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Low-Res High-Def

NextWave Radio Network

Long-time podcasting partners and the geniuses* behind The Editing Bay and The 16-Bit Gladiators, Joel Bernsen and Joe Cucinotti return! Raised on Spielberg, Star Wars and the NES, they bring their retro lens to current nerd-culture every week, chatting about video games, film, TV and everything in between. Their morning-radio approach and off-color commentary make for a podcast any geek will love.
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Responder Chronicles

Brian A Deida

Real Stories from First Responders of all types: Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, 911 Dispatcher. These men and women will tell true stories from their experience while on the job. Stories of bravery, heroism, fear, shock, and some that are just strange.
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Acercarnos más a Dios y estudiar su Palabra. #jesusrespondelasoraciones #santabiblia #matthewhenrycomentario #jesus #dios #Padre #Hijo #EspírituSanto #espiritual #Esperanza #amor #oración Support this podcast:
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What's at stake for faith freedom for all in our world today? Join the conversation on religion and the law, including the most significant cases concerning religion and religious liberty at the U.S. Supreme Court and the continuing impact of Christian nationalism. As lawyers and people of faith, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman think these topics deserve respectful conversation -- something that we don’t always hear in the public square or our social med ...
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Neighborly Discourse is very Political, with some Sports and Family life. Respect The Game is Sports heavy, and some funny segments. RTG is a lot of” locker room” humor. Fire Up The Mics is any type of news of that day that we rush to the mics and give our unedited opinion. The Conspiracy Corner is a show for conspiracy theories. Find us on YouTube @ Studio_IV
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One-on-one chats with commercial directors, advertising agency creatives, actors, editors, producers, crew and more. Filmmaker Jordan Brady has directed of over 1300 spots , 4 feature films, 3 full-length documentaries and one Netflix special. The show is edited by Jake Brady. Jordan is Founder of Commercial Directing Film School and owner of True Gentleman Industries, aka True Gent, a commercial production company in Los Angeles.
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In the 25+ years Janet Lansbury has worked with children and parents, she's learned a lot. She's here to share it with you. Each episode of Unruffled addresses a reader's parenting issue through the lens of Janet's respectful parenting approach, consistently offering a perspective shift that ultimately frees parents of the need for scripts, strategies, tricks, and tactics. Janet is a parenting author and consultant whose website ( is visited by millions of readers annually. ...
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Arts Respond with Lucy Gellman


Lucy is a lapsed art historian who loves wordplay almost as much as community building. Prior to her time at The Arts Paper she was a reporter at the New Haven Independent and station manager at WNHH Community Radio, where she still produces and hosts Arts Respond.
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Ranger Response

Ranger Response

Co tydzień+
Welcome to Ranger Response (formally known as ZordCast), a Power Rangers focused podcast where fans of all ages and backgrounds come together to discuss their favorite parts of the series! In each episode, all hosts will have watched 2 epsiodes of a certain PR series, then after watching, they will all come together to discuss some questions and comment what they think. The plan is to go through every show/movie!
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Responder Resilience

Lt. David Dachinger (Ret.), Dr. Stacy Raymond, Bonnie Rumilly, LCSW/EMT

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Step into the world of real-life rescuers with RESPONDER RESILIENCE, an insightful podcast that sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of firefighters, EMTs, police, 911 professionals and clinicians. Hear firsthand accounts from our community's finest as they discuss critical issues on the job and share their experiences with hosts Lt. David Dachinger (Ret.), Bonnie Rumilly LCSW/EMT and Dr. Stacy Raymond. You’ll hear powerful discussions on leadership and wellness brought to life by top ...
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Leading organizations with intentionality and purpose is complex work, and dedicated leaders work tirelessly each and every day to build impactful cultures of collaboration! But effective collaboration is difficult and messy. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone! Join the Jigsaw Learning team for Leading Collaborative Response, sharing insights for leaders committed to establishing, refining and deepening Collaborative Response in their organization.
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A podcast that delves into high-stress situations through the eyes of those who face them head on. From athletes to first responders, Mindset 365 coach Ben Williamson explores how ordinary people rise to extraordinary challenges. Uncover their ’response-ability” when adversity strikes without warning.
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Welcome to The Responsible Marketing Podcast, where we discuss marketing, sustainability, and how we can all help organisations become more responsible. Your host is Jo Long, a marketing strategist and consultant with a career spanning corporate, small & medium businesses, and self-employment incorporating marketing and commercial in various guises and now flying the flag for a more sustainable and kinder future.
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Responsible AI Report

Responsible AI Institute

Welcome to the RAI Report from the Responsible AI Institute. Each week we bring you the latest news and trends happening in the responsible AI ecosystem with leading industry experts. Whether it's unpacking promising progress, pressing dilemmas, or regulatory updates, our trailblazing guests will spotlight emerging innovations through a practical lens, helping to implement and advance AI responsibly. Support the show Visit out website at
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Self Discovery and Emotional Awareness are just a few of the topics discussed in this "If Theo Von met Mac Miller" podcast series. Tune in as Andrew "AWALL" Cornwall (Rapper turned Hitmaker) and his guests, explore what it means to be human, from every perspective imaginable!
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Respected & Connected is the podcast that helps you create more collaboration & intimacy in your romantic relationships. We're here to explore the complexities of modern love, challenge the common biases and assumptions about what it takes to make a marriage work, and seek a more balanced and empowering approach to relationship challenges.
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The Integrity Response w/ CEO Khacki

Karl ”CEO Khacki” Griffin

Co tydzień+
The Integrity Response is a weekly podcast hosted by Karl “CEO Khacki” Griffin. Each episode features in-depth conversations with celebrities, influencers, leaders, athletes, comedians, and cultural icons, exploring themes of passion, craft, ambition, consciousness, and integrity.
  continue reading Founder and Host, Dave Knight is a full time Police Officer who outside the workplace has been able to grow a multi-million dollar rental income portfolio. First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Podcast was created to help ALL First Responders become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth, and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone. Top millionaire investors, industry leadin ...
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If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by conflicting sleep information; frustrated by sleep advice that felt wrong; or searched for a truly gentle, responsive alternative to sleep training, then you are in the right place. In each episode I’ll be answering your most pressing baby and toddler sleep questions, dispelling common sleep myths, deepening your understanding of biologically normal sleep, and encouraging you to trust your intuition. And because sleep is rarely just about sleep, you may jus ...
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What does it take to make travel better for people and the planet? Join travel writer Erin Hynes, podcast producer, Kattie Laur, and their guests, as they explore their curiosities about what truly makes travel and tourism responsible. Follow us on Instagram: @curioustourismpod Reach us by email:
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show series
Še vedno je v gosteh športni novinar, voditelj in lastnik najboljše kreme za obraz Saša Jerković! Tokrat je Sašo ustrelil: “Kdo ali kaj je Tiffany problem?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 209 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Tiffany Problem Ti…
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Претходното издание на Ин Медиас Рес зборувавме за активизмот кај младите, Студентскиот пленум и промените кои тој ги донесе, лекциите кои ги научивме, можностите за младите да се активираат денес и да придонесат во креирањето на подобра иднина за себе и за другите, но и за младите кои, за жал, сакаат „карта во еден правец“. Во ова издание решивме …
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O prefeito Ricardo Nunes (MDB) e o vice Ricardo Augusto de Mello Araújo (PL) foram empossados na tarde desta quarta-feira, 1º, para o mandato à frente da Prefeitura de São Paulo. Durante o discurso, Nunes apresentou os números de sua primeira gestão e reafirmou seu compromisso em “cuidar das pessoas,” destacando prioridades como educação, saúde e h…
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It’s January, and you may be thinking about bringing some order to the chaos that the holidays brought to your sleep routines. In this episode, I’m sharing some tips for getting back on track and into a good rhythm with sleep. This is a good time to keep things simple, work towards more consistent rhythms and routines, and also check in to see if y…
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Volunteer Firefighter, Jeff Jackson, shares his stories of 24 years of service in which he's responded to countless MVA on I-10, housefires, training with Sheriff deputies and other nearby fire departments. Stories from an MVA where there was a victim that was decapitated, a house fire where the unfortunate couple perished along with their dog and …
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For this episode of the Responsible AI Report, Soribel Feliz discusses the complexities of AI regulation, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that considers both innovation and the rights of creators. She highlights the challenges faced by startups in complying with regulations and the differing impacts of state versus federal policies. Th…
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Em análise ao discurso de ano Novo de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Rui Pedro Antunes explica que o Presidente quer mais comunicação entre Belém e São Bento. O editor de política do Observador fala num aviso para conseguir "um país mais forte". See for privacy information.Autor: Observador
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And an Eldritch New Year! ⚠️ EPISODE WARNINGS ⚠️: Monsters, blood, stabbing, violence, body horror, cults, dismemberment. Show social & schedule - @RespectTheCrit Xavier - Xavier Trudeau-Deschênes @xavierTD Susan - Susan Spenader @sueslalues Alex - Alex Herrera @aeherrera Host and GM - Ian Duncan @iduncs Whatever the system, miss or a hit, you alwa…
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By popular demand, we’re thrilled to bring back this powerful episode as an encore! In the second part of this mini-documentary, Responder Resilience continues the deep dive into the topic of first responder retirement. We are joined by a panel of twenty-one retired or active first responders and resilience experts, representing law enforcement, th…
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In the mishnah we see the idea of a person who would translate the Torah into Aramaic after each verse is chanted from the Torah scroll. Would it be appropriate to have something like this now in order to enhance the understanding of the community? Have a question you'd like answered on Responsa Radio? Email us at…
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Reflecting on 2024: Milestones, Gratitude, and Big Plans for 2025 In this New Year’s special episode of the First Responder Wellness Podcast, host Conrad Weaver reflects on the achievements of 2024 and shares exciting plans for 2025. Key Highlights from 2024: PTSD911 Documentary: 21 in-person screenings across the U.S., totaling 56 events over two …
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Neste programa, os professores Renato e Cristiane Cardoso responderam uma questão do aluno Uiliano. Ele relatou que sua esposa é uma ótima pessoa, carinhosa e já o perdoou de várias besteiras que fez. Ela é leitora do livro "Casamento Blindado". Mas Uiliano reclama que a esposa tem a mania de não acreditar nele. Outra coisa que o incomoda é que ela…
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O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Flávio Dino rejeitou o pedido do Senado Federal para que fossem liberadas as emendas de comissão destinadas à Casa, que somam R$ 2,5 bilhões reais. Porém, o magistrado abriu uma exceção e manteve a validade dos valores empenhados até o dia 23 de dezembro deste ano, desde que não constassem no ofício original e…
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Janet responds to a question from a caregiver who says the family she works for is interested in teaching their son ABC's and other lessons. The child is sometimes disinterested and refuses to participate, and she wonders: “Is there a respectful approach to teaching children?” Janet responds with an alternative perspective on early childhood learni…
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The holidays can be a challenging time for many women, who often find themselves feeling unappreciated and overwhelmed. In this episode of Respected and Connected, Sharon Costanzo explores why this is such a common experience and how to navigate it with grace and confidence. Sharon dives into how phrases like "should" can reinforce harmful societal…
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Neste programa, o professor Renato Cardoso apresentou um trecho de uma recente palestra da Terapia do Amor. Em seguida, ele respondeu uma aluna que pediu para não se identificar e relatou estar vivendo um casamento sem sexo. Ela tem 54 anos e o marido vai completar 70. A aluna contou que enfrentou um câncer de mama e depois disso o marido não a pro…
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O Tribunal de Justiça de Mato Grosso mandou servidores e magistrados devolveram o auxílio-alimentação de R$ 10 mil - o penduricalho “vale-peru” - pago em dezembro. A desembargadora Clarice Claudino da Silva, presidente do tribunal, que havia autorizado o aumento de 500% no benefício, recuou depois que o Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), órgão que…
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In his recent article, "Now is the Time to Focus on Religious Liberty in Your State," Riley Kane emphasizes the critical importance of defending religious freedoms at the local level. As local governments across the country take action that can either protect or undermine these rights, Kane calls on individuals to actively engage in shaping policie…
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