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Tune in to the StationX Cyber Security Diaries for your dose of cyber security knowledge and career guidance. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, our series provides valuable insights and inspiration to help you grow and excel in cyber security.
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Wrong Station Ad-free

The Wrong Station

The Wrong Station is a Canadian horror anthology series, with new episodes released every other Sunday. "You may wish to adjust the dial. You are currently tuned into... The Wrong Station."
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Wrong Station

The Wrong Station

Wrong Station is an award-winning podcast anthology of original horror and weird fiction. Drawing on the tradition of The Twilight Zone and the classic radio serials that inspired it, Wrong Station transports the listener into the darkest corners of appalling new worlds with each episode. Wrong Station is not suitable for anyone. It may however be enjoyed by viewers of David Cronenberg, by readers of Shirley Jackson, and by listeners of Quiet Please. Listen to Wrong Station. Let it Change yo ...
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Spook Station

Spook Station

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A podcast delivering bite-sized horror stories from around the world both fictional and non-fictional. If you’re a fan of all things horror - Tune in to Spook Station.
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Power Station

Anne Pasmanick

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Power Station is a podcast about change makers. Each episode features a nonprofit leader whose organization is leading progressive change in underinvested and overlooked communities.
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Earth Station Boo

Earth Station Boo

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The Spooky and Kooky Podcast where we talk all thing horror. From our favorite pieces of media to in-depth looks at your favorite monsters, we dive into the dark and mysterious corners of the world of horror. Let's get spooky! We know you are dying to listen.
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RTL2 Pop-Rock Station c'est une programmation musicale résolument rock qui ravira les fidèles de l’émission ainsi que tous les amateurs du Son Pop-Rock : pépites, classic rock, live, raretés, découvertes et coups de cœur. Retrouvez Marjorie Hache en semaine du lundi au jeudi de 22h à minuit et finissez le week-end en beauté avec Francis Zégut le dimanche de 22 à minuit.
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The Feeling Station

The Feeling Station

The Feeling Station is a podcast that gives you a front row view of relationships and why they didn't work. The podcast creates a therapeutic and safe environment for people to share their break up stories anonymously without feeling judged. Although some experiences are more dramatic than others, they all present a valuable life long lesson that YOU will benefit from. Just try not get into your feelings too much. Enjoy!
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The Hesitation Station

The Hesitation Station

The Hesitation Station brings a moment of hesitation to your hectic day. Your hosts Tank and Jay cover topics like movies, music, videogames and more on the show every week. They hope to provide you with and enjoyable distraction from your daily grind and hope to put a smile on your face when they can. Stay tuned because there is always something interesting coming out of the station.
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Bamboo Station

Radio Campus Angers

Depuis sept ans, Jo’ est le pape du reggae sur notre antenne. Grâce à sa collection, il nous amène autour du monde à la découverte de perles cachées et de sympathiques nouveautés. Accompagné de son fidèle klaxon et des meilleurs représentants de la scène locale, il va de nouveau nous prouver que le reggae ne se fabrique pas qu’en Jamaïque. Pas vrai, les mouettes ?
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Manifest | Station

Tamara Bisson

Une dose de Girl Talk qui te propulse dans ta vie, qui t'aide à manifester tes désires et te libérer de toutes pensées qui te bloquent. On parle de spiritualité, manifestation, intuition, mindset, visualisation et surtout, de Human Design!
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Next Station to Heaven


Next Station to Heaven will feature weekly episodes on ”Faith Basics” throughout the summer. This 15-session series focuses on our core beliefs and how to attempt to live them out faithfully in our daily lives.
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Gas Station Cappuccino

Caffeine and Kilos

Caffeine and Kilos presents Gas Station Cappuccino, a podcast about life, fitness, business, and more! Hosted by Dean Saddoris and Danny Lehr, Gas Station Cappuccino covers everyday conversations about Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, powerlifting, and growing a business in the fitness industry. Please contact us at with any questions or requests. #caffeineandkilos #gasstationcappuccino #gscap
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Reggae Radio Station

Radio Popolare

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A ritmo di Reggae Reggae Radio Station accompagna discretamente l’ascoltatore in un viaggio attraverso le svariate sonorità della Reggae Music e sicuramente contribuisce non poco alla diffusione della musica e della cultura reggae nel nostro paese. Ogni domenica dalle 23.45 fino alle 5.30 del lunedì mattina, conduce Vito War.
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With this podcast, you can turn any portable mediaplayer into a 'Praystation Portable '. When you subscribe to the feed, you'll be able to download a daily morning and evening prayer that you can take with you on the road. The prayers are taken from the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours.
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Aid Station

Kevin Munt

Aid Station is aimed at providing support, coaching advice, information, inspiration and motivation to mid and back of the pack ultra runners. Many of the episodes contain ‘on the trail’ interviews with runners and ‘in race’ commentary. Hosted by England Athletics qualified coach and long distance ultra runner Kevin Munt.
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The podcast that takes you on the long and dangerous journey from the siloed foothills of inventing things to the yawning abyss of reinventing society. Each week we take a subject related to innovation and set off on a verbal stroll to see what wonders unfold.
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The Revelation Station

Gary & Simon

Genesis released their first single 50 years ago! 50 years! So to celebrate Simon made his friend Gary listen to all the Genesis albums in order and then review them in the local pub, commonly known as The Revelation Station. What will Gary think? Will they stay friends? Is the beer here any good? The answer to these questions will probably be revealed.
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Station 151

Pale Matter | Realm

Station 151 is Antarctica’s first and only astronomical radio observatory. Built by the Telders Corporation at an estimated cost of $200M USD, the station promises to reveal the darkest secrets of the universe. Join Astrophysicist Wayne Robertson at the bottom of the world as he sets off on the adventure of a lifetime (and possibly his last). Station 151 is a science-fiction podcast written by Andy Scearce and Steven James Scearce. It is produced by Bear Weiter and Pale Matter.
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The Story Station

Emma Schellenberg

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This podcast is for anyone who loves a good story. Board now for interviews and writing samples from talented authors! If you would like to be featured, email your work to Submission guidelines: There is no word count, but please select a piece that can be read in ten minutes or less. Pieces with extreme violence, language, or other explicit content will not be considered. Thank you for your interest!
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Willkommen beim doctari Podcast – eurem Treffpunkt für spannende Einblicke in die Welt der medizinischen Zeitarbeit. Einmal im Quartal sprechen wir mit ÄrztInnen und Pflegekräften über die Chancen, Herausforderungen und persönlichen Geschichten aus dem Klinikalltag. Was treibt ihren Puls in die Höhe? Welche Situationen halten sie nachts wach? Was motiviert sie, jede Schicht aufs Neue alles für die Patienten und Patientinnen zu geben? Ob Work-Life-Balance, Karrierewege oder wertvolle Tipps au ...
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Zwischen Sofa und Station

Philipp und Basti

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Moin und Hallo, das hier ist „Zwischen Sofa und Station“ mit Basti (bald hoffentlich Psychotherapeut & das Sofa) und Philipp (bald hoffentlich Arzt & die Station). Wir sprechen jede Woche über Themen, die uns gerade beschäftigen und das ist irgendwo zwischen Alltag, Philosophie und flauschigen Inhalten. 🛋️
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Proclamation Station

Revs. Louis and April Jenkins

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Revs. April and Louis Jenkins present Proclamation Station! We spread the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the glorious gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit led preaching and teaching.1 Corinthians 9:16 proclaims, "for when I preach the Gospel I cannot boast since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel." Open or turn your bibles on and get ready to study to show thyselves approved with Proclamation Station!
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Japanimation Station

Jonathan Lack & Sean Chapman

Japanimation Station is an anime podcast where hosts Jonathan Lack and Sean Chapman, creators of Weekly Suit Gundam, create deep dive conversations not just on individual shows, but on complete bodies of work, approaching these shows not just as fans, but with a fresh pair of critical eyes. We get deep into the stories, characters, and aesthetics, but also place the series and their creators into the proper contexts of history, backstory, and behind the scenes details that make these works s ...
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Radiation Station

Burlington Medical: Laurie Cusic, Michelle Govan, Jeff Rimmer

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Radiation Station, powered by Burlington Medical, is your go-to podcast for all things radiation protection. From the latest in shielding technology to expert insights on safety and innovation, we break down the science, industry trends, and real-world applications. Whether you’re a medical professional, researcher, or just curious about radiation safety, tune in and shield up!
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Famous thinkers, writers, poets, and social justice leaders you should know about from the Arab World! in Arabic! Transcripts available on our website Yalla Arabee is an educational project and Arabic Academy created by an Arabic teacher and student to create fun and engaging content for learning Levantine Arabic. This Arabic podcast is created to help you learn Arabic language and culture in a fun and interesting way. If you like our work, please consider support ...
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Discover Japan through conversations with fascinating people. Every episode host Tony Vega is joined by a guest to talk about all aspects of Japan, including the Japanese language, history, Japanese pop culture, food, anime, manga, movies, music, comedy, the impact of Japanese culture around the world, underground social movements, social issues in Japan, and much more. Episodes are released on the first of every month. Bonus episodes are regularly released on the fifteenth of the month. For ...
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The Global Education Station Presents

The Global Education Station

Welcome to The Global Education Station Presents hosted by Annette Levesque. This unique podcast is dedicated to exploring the vast world of education through the voices of esteemed education leaders from around the globe. It’s more than just a podcast; it’s a virtual community where educators unite to learn from one another and grow collectively. Please join us for each episode as we delve into insightful conversations with top educators from universities, colleges, K-12 schools, and corpor ...
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show series
Since the 1950s, Japanese children have been terrified of an urban legend where a ghost terrorises the school lavatories. This is Japan's version of Bloody Mary. トイレの花子さん Song: Human Die!!! by 14th Generation Toilet Hanako-san (十四代目トイレの花子さん) - Narrated, produced and music by Bran Reid - https://www.instag…
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We Trek fans talk a lot about Gene Roddenberry's vision for Star Trek. But what is that vision, and how does it still fit with our world today? Has Trek drifted from Gene's vision of a more perfect future with things like Section 31 and actions by Sisko, Archer, others? Is that a good and necessary or bad thing overall to adjust his vision with the…
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From outdoor adventures and spring flower power to museums, restaurants, events, and family-friendly activities, this episode of Big Blend Radio's "California Sequoia Country" Podcast focuses on spring fun for everyone in Tulare County, California. Located in Central California, Tulare County is home to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Gian…
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Skunk Anansie - An Artist Is An ArtistGeorge Thorogood;The Destroyers - Bad To The BoneKiki Dee - I Ve Got The Music In MeThe Chemical Brothers - Galvanize (Edit)Tunde Adebimpe - DropSteve Miller Band - The JokerRadiohead - JustArchitects - Judgement Day (Ft. Amira Elfeky)Kim Wilde - Kids In AmericaDear Seattle - PromiseZ2 Top - Gimme All Your Lovi…
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Send us a text This is the second part of the 2025 Rasselbock Back Yard Ultra featuring the climax of the race and a post race interview with Lizzie Gatherer. Aid Station website where you can find the episodes or leave comment…
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3週間ぶりのワールドスポーツニュースは・・・ BJの近郊報告 プライムビデオボクシング11マッチレビュー 堤チャンピオンの戦いは凄い!! ダウンはパンチ力ではない 中谷潤人の凄さ ラグビーリーグワンの順位 などなどをお届けしています。Autor: くりらじ
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら 番組の聴き方ガイドはコチラをクリック! < 番組スポンサー > お聴き頂いたご感想や様々なアマチュア無線に関する VYFBなメッセージをお待ちしております 放送で採用の方にはオリジナルステッカーをお送りします 「ステッカー希望」とお書き添えの上郵送先をご記入下さい ジャンジャンお送り下さい お待ちしております 番組宛てメールはここをクリック → 番組専用メール ※番組内での楽曲について: FMラジオ放送とインターネットサイマル放送では番組中に楽曲をお送りしておりますが、ポッドキャストでは音楽著作権の関係で削除していますAutor: JK1MIG
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On this episode of Japan Station, I examine the mysterious origins of the Japanese word for cat: neko. Trust me, there's a whole lot more to say about the topic than you might think! 👉Topics Discussed The etymology of neko/cat Various theories that try to explain the origins of the Japanese word for cat Whether the Japanese word for cat traces its …
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まぁ、雪国あるあるですよね。 しかし今朝、 素晴らしい「キセキ」がおきました。ヤッフ~~~ ティーグル「柴田のつぶやきヴァージョン」 今週もおつきあいいただきまして ありがとうございました。 良い週末をお過ごし下さいね。Autor: T GROOVE STATION.
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️️🎙️ Join us on this insightful episode of The Global Education Station Presents as host Annette Levesque welcomes Keith Krueger, CEO of the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN). Together, they explore new critical challenges facing K-12 technology leaders, including cybersecurity threats, the role of AI in education, and the importance of trust…
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Sometimes, being right can lead us to do terrible wrongs. In this episode of One More Thing, we take a deeper dive into the often-overlooked lostness of the older brother in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. While the Pharisees were right about sin and consequences, their righteousness often lacked grace—and Jesus came to show that grace is just …
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Book 4 is very short. A few paragraphs of encouragement to the people for whom he wrote this book. To me, as his paraphraser, it has become personal. I feel like I know him—and that I owe St. Gregory an eternal debt of gratitude. Hear what he has to say as his concluding thoughts; how he ends a book that he didn’t want to write—but felt he had no c…
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Salut les mouettes ! Cette semaine je vous propose une sélection 2024 consacrée au #stepper et au #dub. Vous pourrez écouter entre autres Petah Sunday, Indica Dubs meets Vibronics, Dawa Hifi meets ROOTS RAID, Bukkha, Lion T & Blufyah, Tor.Ma in Dub, et bien d’autres encore … J’ai eu aussi le plaisir de partager l’émission avec Lus qui est venu nous…
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Do we believe in forcing people experiencing homelessness into detention camps? The president of the United States does, and it is happening now, including in New Orleans where 100 people were removed from an encampment and placed in a detention camp in the lead up to the Super Bowl. As Jesse Rabinowitz, Director of Campaign and Communications at t…
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Our mission is to engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody. To give to the ministry at The Church at Station Hill, click here: STAY CONNECTED Website: Facebook: Instagram: …
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Led by the acquistion of Juan Soto, the Mets’ outfield unit looks to be a more formidable group in the 2025 season.Support Field of Dreams Whiskey: Visit to get your bottle today, but act fast - these whiskeys keep selling out!Find us on:Merch - - https://tinyu…
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Gundam is back, which means Weekly Suit Gundam returns once more, thanks to this weekend’s release of Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning- in American theaters. The film, which collects the first few episodes of the upcoming GQuuuuuuX TV series, is the result of an exciting, long-awaited collaboration behind the Otaku madmen at Studio Khara, in…
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In this episode of Radiation Station, we sit down with Burlington Medical’s CEO, Lee Ann Fachko, to discuss her unwavering commitment to radiation safety and how her leadership is shaping the future of protective solutions. From her vision for innovation to the critical role of shielding healthcare professionals, Lee Ann shares insights on why radi…
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//THE WORLD IS CRUEL //OUTRUN YOUR HUMANITY //USE ALL YOUR LEGS The world looks different through... "EIGHT EYES," a new nightmare from Wrong Station. --Written by Jacob Duarte Spiel, and performed by Anthony Botelho. Support The Wrong Station by subscribing at The Wrong Station contains explicit content and mature …
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A ritmo di ReggaeReggae Radio Station accompagna discretamente l’ascoltatore in un viaggio attraverso le svariate sonorità della Reggae Music e sicuramente contribuisce non poco alla diffusione della musica e della cultura reggae nel nostro paese.Ogni domenica dalle 23.45 fino alle 5.30 del lunedì mattina, conduce Vito War.…
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Behind the laughter lies a story untold. My guest giggles through the pain of a fractured bond with her father, masking years of hurt. Listen to how she unfolds her story and how she has dealt with a family break up. If you'd like to support the podcast, please head over to and give as your spirit leads. There's …
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Send us a text *Disclaimer: This episode may contain topics others find sensitive, such as Mental Health, Emotional Health, and more. Watch at your Discretion.* Welcome back to the Station dudes and dudettes! This hard hitting episode we touch on a few subjects that mean a lot to everyone at The Hesitation Station. We are joined by D&D Therapist Th…
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Each of us must learn how to seek and listen to the voice of the indwelling Spirit to assist us in our daily lives. God said at Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jesus told us at John 14:15-17 that he was going to send the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth.This ep…
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Nachholbedarf! Schließlich waren zwei Wochen Podcast-Pause. Also heute Überlänge: Wie ist's der Klinik? Wie hat's früher gerochen und was ist ein Olf?. Stay flauschig! Stuff, den wir erwähnt haben: Spiel, das Philipp empfohlen hat: Hitster Video zu „4B1C“ auf YouTube Trailer zum Film „Prisoners“ auf YouTube Video „No the world is not falling apart“…
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Send us a text We Must know that if they hate us they hated Jesus first! if they don't belief its not our Job to make them! Jesus must draw you near John 6:44 music: sault - safe within your hands brityah - narrow path John 14:6 Follow you - Noble official Support the show instagram : BRITTTHE…
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Greetings Stationeers! Welcome back to The Revelation Station. This week I’m presenting another Minisode for your consideration. Have you heard of Rock Against Repatriation and their cover of “Sailing”? If not this is the place to get all the info. If you’ve listened to the episode already you’ll know I promised some links, so here they are: Innerv…
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This week on Earth Station Boo, the Haunted Hosts dive into a blood-soaked discussion: How much gore is too much in horror? From over-the-top splatter films to subtle psychological scares, they explore the role of gore in horror movies and debate its impact on storytelling, audience engagement, and the fine line between terror and revulsion. Whethe…
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Find all previous and future episodes listed here or in your podcast app under “Barbican Station”. In this episode we discuss Mick Herron’s second novel in the Oxford series, The Last Voice You Hear, with prolific author, Antony Johnston. We start with some spoiler free discussion of the book before getting into the novel’s take on city life, Herro…
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Join the Earth Station Who crew for a special live episode from Pensacon 2025 as Mike and Mary, along with guest Dave Chapman, dive into the era of the 15th Doctor and explore what’s next for Doctor Who. They discuss where the TARDIS is headed, from new adventures to potential surprises. Don’t miss this exciting fan-driven conversation! Note: Sorry…
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A quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi sums up the long road to Indian Independence in one sentence "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win". If in order to win/innovate you have to endure years of being ostracised, mocked and attacked, its going to be a very tough time. In this episode the transatlantic trio…
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In this brief episode we cover: - Why are your groceries more expensive? - The upcoming WA State Election (If you can't stand politics, please listen to this episode!) - Voter Apathy - why some people are not voting, and why that's a problem. - How to make your vote count And very importantly, an exciting announcement about new video content that i…
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Allen Wyma talks with Vitaly Bragilevsky, developer advocatge at JetBrains. RustRover is an IDE for Rust that is created by JetBrains that is free for non-commercial use. Contributing to Rustacean Station Rustacean Station is a community project; get in touch with us if you’d like to suggest an idea for an episode or offer your services as a host o…
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Send us a text Send us a text Hi and welcome back to today’s episode of Learn Arabic with Transit Station by Yalla Arabee. Don’t forget that we translate all of these episodes, you can find them on our website ALSO! Don't forget that we offer Arabic classes online. If you would like more information about classes, please…
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