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Mysterious Universe

8th Kind

Always interesting and often hilarious, join hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy as they investigate the latest in futurology, weird science, consciousness research, alternative history, cryptozoology, UFOs, and new-age absurdity.
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The Universalis apps and website give you the Mass readings and every Hour of the Liturgy of the Hours for every day of every year. This podcast continues the theme. It tells you how to use Universalis and regularly points you to the highlights of the liturgy of the coming days.
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Im Podcast der Universität Münster kommen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen zu Wort. Im Gespräch mit Pressesprecher Norbert Robers berichten sie über ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte, aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und ihre persönliche Motivation.
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Radio FSC-Unimore

Radio FSC-Unimore

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Radio FSC-Unimore è la web-radio dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Nata nel 2019 da un'idea di sei studenti della Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, oggi conta più di trenta speakers e creators al suo interno. Podcast, video e dirette streaming per raccontare chi siamo, in tutte le nostre sfumature. Benvenuti sul sito della Radio del camaleonte. ​ Se ti va, cercaci su Instagram e fatti un'idea: @radiofsc_unimore
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Splatt420 Chappell

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This is SPLATTS UNICORNER where we talk about everything unfiltered uncensored open forum we talk about religion politics sports social media the social Warrior movement everything and anything you want to talk about its an open book here at splatts unicorner
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Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

1st Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Sunday worship service. Home of liberal spirituality for over 150 years, the Society welcomes people of all racial and religious backgrounds. Our Congregation includes gay, straight, transgendered, and questioning people. More information is available at www.uusf.org.
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Scientists Daniel and Kelly cannot stop talking about our amazing, wonderful, weird Universe! Each episode is a fun, easy-to-understand, and in-depth explanation of topics in science, from particles to black holes to moon colonies to ecosystems to parasites and everything else in the Universe!
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NASA's Curious Universe

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Come get curious with NASA. As an official NASA podcast, Curious Universe brings you mind-blowing science and space adventures you won't find anywhere else. Explore the cosmos alongside astronauts, scientists, engineers, and other top NASA experts who are achieving remarkable feats in science, space exploration, and aeronautics. Learn something new about the wild and wonderful universe we share. All you need to get started is a little curiosity. NASA's Curious Universe is an official NASA po ...
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Backstage Uni Wuppertal

Bergische Universität

Studieren – Lehren – Informieren – Verwalten – Versorgen: Wer sind die Menschen, die die Bergische Universität mit Leben füllen? Wie sind sie hier hergekommen und was macht diesen Ort für sie so besonders? Alles das erzählen unsere Studis und Mitarbeiter*innen in Backstage Uni Wuppertal. Wenn ihr Fragen oder Anregungen habt, schreibt gerne an contentslc@uni-wuppertal.de . Alle Podcasts der Bergischen Universität findet ihr auf https://www.startdenker.uni-wuppertal.de/de/orientieren/podcasts/
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Chi Alpha UNI - Sermon Audio

Chi Alpha UNI - Derek Quinby

Chi Alpha UNI is a campus ministry at the University of Northern Iowa. We exist to give every student at UNI an opportunity to grow in relationship with Jesus and others. On this podcast, we feature teachings from our Tuesday night gatherings.
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Bem-vindos ao Stormia Talks: o podcast sobre inovação da Seguros Unimed! Neste espaço traremos especialistas de diversas áreas para debatermos sobre temas de inovação, um dos pilares estratégicos da Seguradora. O nome do podcast tem a sua origem no Stormia, o hub de inovação da Seguros Unimed, que tem o propósito de disseminar e democratizar a cultura da inovação. Queremos convidá-lo a participar de nossa jornada de conhecimento em inovação por meio de conversas simples e informais. Siga, cu ...
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L'un aime les COMICS, l'autre le CINÉMA, peuvent ils aimer le MERDIQUE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE ? À chaque émission, Amine et Victor décryptent MARVEL & le MCU, en tentant de dire (parfois) des choses intelligentes et (souvent) des jeux de mots bêtes.
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Modern adversaries are relentless. Today’s threat actors target organizations around the world with sophisticated cyberattacks. Who are they? What are they after? And most importantly, how can you defend against them? Welcome to the Adversary Universe podcast, where CrowdStrike answers all of these questions — and more. Join our hosts, a pioneer in adversary intelligence and a specialist in cybersecurity technology, as they unmask the threat actors targeting your organization.
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Expounded Universe

Jef Aldrich and Jon Taylor

Jef and Jon review Star Wars expanded universe novels. Every week they discuss a few chapters at a time making their way through some of the strangest and most insufferable entries in the Star Wars canon.
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The Uni Diaries

The Uni Diaries

We are The Uni Diaries Podcast, brought to you by Unimelb SAMM. Tune is as we chat about uni, study, careers, navigating your way through your late teens/early twenties, as well as chatting to some wicked guests. Make sure you follow us on insta @the_unidiaries to stay up to date on all of our content!! 🔥🤪🍉🐠🪐 Our Hosts: Steph, Kaylee, Isabella, Chamudi, Karthik and Adrianna https://www.theunidiaries.online/ @the_unidiaries @unimelbsamm Get in touch with us: communications@unimelbsamm.com or, ...
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Complete Service-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

1st Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Sunday worship service. Home of liberal spirituality for over 150 years, the Society welcomes people of all racial and religious backgrounds. Our Congregation includes gay, straight, transgendered, and questioning people. More information is available at www.uusf.org.
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这是一档建立在七个小时时差之上的跨国实验播客,一端位于中国,一端位于西班牙。若将人生当作一张有效期不等的地球临时签证,那么每个人都将成为宇宙的临时乘客:入境日期已知,离境时刻待定。在变幻的未知图景中,两位临时乘客借助科技跨越距离,分享在地球两端观察到的文化细节,探讨充满可能性的未来生活方式。 This is a multinational experimental podcast based on a time difference of seven hours, with one side in China and the other in Spain. In the changing global situation, two universal residents are using the technology to share cultural details of the Earth Village. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us and explore the possible future ...
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Why This Universe?

Dan Hooper, Shalma Wegsman

The biggest ideas in physics, broken down. Join theoretical physicist Dan Hooper and co-host Shalma Wegsman as they answer your questions about dark matter, black holes, quantum mechanics, and more. Part of The University of Chicago Podcast Network.
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Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast

Stranded Panda | QCODE

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Fans talking all things MCU! Going on 10 years of discussions and deep dives into every episode and movie connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Your one stop hub for all discussion, news, and insight into what is happening with Marvel Studios. We love this stuff and want you to, too!
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Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sermon Podcast

Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A (mostly!) weekly podcast of sermons presented at Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (MVUUF), located in Dayton, Ohio, USA. Our minister is the Rev. Kellie C. Kelly. Our vision is to strive to embrace every mind, body, and spirit — without exception. Our mission is to covenant together to practice compassion, forge connections, and pursue justice. Please visit our website at www.mvuuf.org for more information. Thanks for listening! Unitarian Universalism affirms and promotes sev ...
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The Skeptics Guide To The Universe

The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe

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The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is your weekly reality check, in a world drowning in misinformation. Hosted by Dr. Steven Novella and his elite squad of critical-thinking rogues, SGU cuts through the noise of pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and sensationalized headlines with sharp analysis, smart humor, and fearless skepticism. But it’s not just about debunking myths—we celebrate the wonder of science, exploring the latest discoveries, breakthroughs, and the profound ways science sha ...
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Hello there, it's Universal Random, bringing you whatever comes to our minds! In our small podcast, we have some quite random conversations and may go off-topic on random occasions 😮. Our release schedule is the main episode once a month on the first Sunday, and a possible bonus episode 2 weeks after that 👀.
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Univers MotoGP

Catalunya Rdio

L'"Univers MotoGP" t'explica amb tota mena de detalls els secrets del mundial de Motociclisme, amb una atenci especial a la categoria reina. Inclou les retransmissions en directe de tots els grans premis de MotoGP en la veu de Dami Aguilar.
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Discover Universal

Universal Destinations and Experiences

Welcome to the official podcast of Universal Destinations and Experiences. This podcast offers tips, recommendations, and favorite ways to experience Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Hollywood to help you plan your next vacation to the parks. You'll hear insider insights from special guests, sneak peeks of exclusive experiences, and stories behind your favorite attractions, including all new things coming to the parks. You'll also hear episodes for Halloween Horror Nights and m ...
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An Unimaginable Life

Christy Levy, Spiritual Medium with Gary Temple Bodley

Christy is a one of the world’s most powerful mediums. In this podcast, Christy and channeler Gary Temple Bodley bring in those who have crossed over to share their nonphysical perspectives to tell us what’s really going on in our reality. The conversations are both fascinating and enlightening.
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show series
Für Sonderpädagogin Alina zählt besonders eins: jede/n ihrer Schüler/innen mit allen Stärken und Schwächen individuell zu betrachten und jedem Kind die Förderung zu geben, die es jetzt gerade braucht. Ihr Weg ins Lehramtsstudium Sonderpädagogik war für sie schon früh klar. Sie erzählt uns, wie sich das Studium Lehramt Sonderpädagogik vom „normalen“…
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A sócia e CDO da Talento Sênior, Cris Sabbag, veio ao Stormia Talks para falar sobre o combate aos estigmas do envelhecimento no mercado de trabalho. Nesse sentido, ela conta que há empresas fazendo offboarding e valorizando a experiência dos mais velhos, em vez de julgá-los pela idade. Nesse ponto, a especialista recomenda o investimento em trabal…
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A una semana de iniciar las campañas, y a casi dos meses de celebrarse las elecciones judiciales, ocho de los 19 estados donde habrá procesos locales están catalogados con niveles de “muy alto” y “alto riesgo” por la posible intromisión del crimen organizado Además: Eclipse Solar 2025; esta es la hora exacta del fenómeno astronómico; Segunda detenc…
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Rudd is giving non-denials about Doomsday, the Russo brothers plan to challenge us, and we talk about your Daredevil feedback. Support Matt's Songwriting Project! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/album-inspired-by-daredevil-from-matthew-carroll/x/24216561#/ PS5 Review Contest https://www.strandedpanda.com/PS5 SPONSORS Turtle Beach https://www.tur…
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Zoe McLane joins me this week as we reflect on the careers and lives of the Twin Peaks cast that we lost in 2024. We talk about the unwavering dedication of Don Murray (Bushnell Mullins) to anti-war pacifism, the kindness of Victoria Catlin (Blackie O'Reilly) and her drive to help other through non-profit organizations and how John Sclimenti (produ…
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This podcast is comprised of various segments from a service that was streamed on March 23, 2025, led by Rev. Emily Gage. The theme for March is Trust. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit http://www.unitytemple.org/faith-development/soul-connections on our website. To see a video of this complete service, click HERE. For informatio…
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A semanas del hallazgo en rancho Izaguirre, “Lastra” es el primer detenido; su nombre aparece en apuntes de sicarios. “El enemigo estaba en casa”; presunto homicida del niño Toñito acudió a búsquedas, denuncian vecinos de Zictepec, Edomex. Papa Francisco será dado de alta el domingo tras 37 días de hospitalización. “Vecinos en guerra”; una serie so…
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The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe Skepticast #1028 March 19th 2025 Segment #1. News Items News Item #1 – NASA Delays Artemis Again https://www.space.com/space-exploration/artemis/nasa-delays-artemis-missions-again-what-could-this-mean-for-the-moon-mars-and-space-leadership News Item #2 – Punishing AI https://www.livescience.com/technology/artific…
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Peso frena racha ganadora ante el dólar; registra su primera depreciación de marzo. Aeropuerto Heathrow de Londres se incendia; provoca apagón y caos en vuelos. Andrea Chávez y las caravanas de salud en Chihuahua; por esto la acusa Loret. Cuándo son los recorridos de leyendas del Desierto de los Leones. Un Podcast de EL UNIVERSAL Hosted on Acast. S…
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Blue Ghost wraps up two busy weeks on the Moon with a sunset, good news, the death star isn’t pointing at us, and a new option for the Mars Sample Return mission. And our longer edition on Patreon, how supernovae could have caused two of Earth’s mass extinction events. 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 00:00 Intro 00:19 Blu…
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Dal Nettuno alla Ghirlandina: Chi Comanda? 🤺🍝 Bologna vs. Modena, amiche-nemiche da sempre! Dialetti, cucina, motori, sport e musica… chi vince la sfida? 🚗⚽🎶 🎙️ Nella prima puntata di “Spazi di Parole”, ne abbiamo parlato con un ospite speciale, tra battute, aneddoti storici e (ovviamente) una sfida gastronomica 🔥 ❓ Secondo voi, chi ha la meglio tr…
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A wave of viral speculation has swept across social media following claims by an Italian research team that new satellite-based radar technology has revealed vast hidden structures beneath Egypt’s Giza Plateau. Enormous underground cylinders, spiral shafts, and five mysterious chambers allegedly lie beneath the Pyramid of Khafre—some even linking t…
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Cae presunto feminicida de Gilda Guadalupe, joven encontrada en jardinera de Tlatelolco. Corte Suprema de Brasil rechaza argumentos de Bolsonaro por intento de golpe de Estado; avalan que proceso en su contra continúe. Trump pide a la Corte Suprema que jueces dejen de bloquear su agenda; acusa que mandatos judiciales de izquierda destruirán a EU. P…
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It's Episode 100 and it's also March which means Leiann takes the reigns for programming in honor of her birthday. We decided to start off her b-day choices by watching quite possibly the sexiest thing to have ever been filmed, Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special. Get your chilled champagne, thrown down that bear skin rug and have th…
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Gertz exhibe catálogo de complicidades y pifias en Teuchitlán. Tlatelolco en crisis: ¿La nueva estrategia de seguridad será suficiente?. CJNG plaga de explosivos caminos a localidades de Apatzingán. Por puente de marzo, creció demanda de dinero en efectivo; billete de 500, el que más circula: Banxico. Gerardo Ortiz, culpable en EU de tener vínculos…
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感谢【 七 西 枕 头 】对本期节目的支持。护颈助眠的【 七 西 枕 头 】不仅可以有效缓解颈椎疲劳,快速帮助进入深睡眠状态。还根据人体工学设计,更适合颈椎生理曲线,不会让你睡醒肩颈酸痛,落枕,实现翻身自由,独特的分码设计可以根据人体的身高体重,头围肩宽选择适合自己的睡眠枕。淘店搜【 七 西 旗 舰 店 】,向客服报暗号「宇宙乘客」领取比大促折扣还低的大额优惠。
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What would a black hole do if it was inside Uranus? What do I think about AI-generated content impersonating Universe Today? What telescope should you buy in 2025? And in our free extended version, the deepest rabbit hole I went into. All this and more in this Q&A show. 🎁 Same video. No YT ads +a BONUS question: https://www.patreon.com/posts/124793…
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Hey again, welcome back to Universal Random. In this episode, Josh and Ben list their top 5 favorites and least favorite foods (pizza, sushi, Brussel sprouts, fried chicken, greasy food), their ideal cheat meals/days, some memories of Easter egg hunts, Leprechaun traps in elementary school, rating their group of friends with the highest/lowest of c…
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Benvenuti su Astrologica, il podcast che esplora il mondo dell’astrologia segno dopo segno! 🌙 Nella nostra prima puntata, abbiamo parlato delle caratteristiche dei segni zodiacali, soffermandoci in particolare su Capricorno ♑ e Gemelli ♊. Ma non temete, nei prossimi episodi analizzeremo tutti gli altri segni, svelandone pregi, difetti e curiosità! …
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Madres buscadoras denuncian hostigamiento y amenazas. Congreso de la CDMX aprueba la prohibición de corridas de toros con violencia. Desaparece en Oaxaca la hija del exsenador Adolfo Romero Lainas y su esposo; fueron vistos por última vez en carretera federal 145. Trump y Putin pactan tregua energética de 30 días en Ucrania. En comercio, “Canadá ha…
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What an intense episode! This show is not disappointing us on any level. The characters are all so compelling and both Matt and Fisk are going through it! Join us to chat about it! Support Matt's Songwriting Project! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/album-inspired-by-daredevil-from-matthew-carroll/x/24216561#/ PS5 Review Contest https://www.stran…
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On this episode we discuss some Epic Universe ticket and park details, hear the latest Little Things from Seth, we have a Freezeray Pop review from Tricia and we begin our Ultimate Ride Ranking of Universal Studios Florida by looking at Rip, Ride, Rockit. Join us in The Producers Club Follow us: LINKTREE…
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What is my biggest disappointment in the history of space exploration? Will the YR4 asteroid have a chance to hit the Moon? Does the solar gravitational lens need a coronagraph? And in our free extended version, how time dilation changes intergalactic travel? All this and more in this Q&A show. 🎁 Same video. No YT ads. +a BONUS question: https://ww…
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Venganza de “El Chuy”, detrás del ataque conta fuerzas federales. Hallan más de mil 300 objetos en rancho Izaguirre; Fiscalía de Jalisco publica listado. Presidenta de Perú analiza imponer pena de muerte a sicarios y extorsionadores; declara estado de emergencia tras asesinato de cantante. Destructor USS Gravely navega en Golfo de México; su misión…
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As we put more and more satellites in orbit, chances of them colliding also increase. How can we manage that? How can we make sure that Kessler syndrome won't happen and keep all those satellites from destroying each other? Finding out in this interview. 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 🟣 Guest: Dr. Sydney Dolan https://sy…
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Joe Russo says that the next two Avengers movies are a beginning story, but what does that mean?! Plus we'll talk about your feedback for Daredevil Episode 3 and play Matt's new Daredevil Song! Support Matt's Songwriting Project! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/album-inspired-by-daredevil-from-matthew-carroll/x/24216561#/ PS5 Review Contest http…
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Inai se va investigado por dispendio de insumos. Marchan en Teuchitlán tras hallazgo de restos humanos en Rancho Izaguirre. Colombia no podrá "contener" el narcotráfico si EU descertifica su lucha antidrogas; Trump lo decidirá en septiembre. Cuba recupera gradualmente la electricidad tras colosal apagón; energía podría regresar totalmente el lunes.…
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This week I am talking with Lorna Thomson who has taken her spiritual journey towards a new and exciting career. She has faced some real eye opening challenges and has come out the other side a much richer and more insightful version of herself For more on Lorna check out her socials here Instagram: @lo'slight Facebook: @lo'slight Email: loslight@h…
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Anna Freud, the daughter of Sigmund Freud was also interested in psychoanalysis particularly in the areas of ego and child development. In this episode, Anna explains how she sees these subjects from her nonphysical perspective. She offers a new way of interacting with your ego, how formal education is unnecessary and is often a block in the way of…
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"Trust the Body" Sunday, March 16, 2025, 10:50 am What does it mean to live an embodied life, to treat the body as a shrine and as a source of wisdom? What happens when we don't? Maybe trust isn't just between two people or out in the world, but in one of the most fundamental relationships to ourselves? Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; …
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"Trust the Body" Sunday, March 16, 2025, 10:50 am What does it mean to live an embodied life, to treat the body as a shrine and as a source of wisdom? What happens when we don't? Maybe trust isn't just between two people or out in the world, but in one of the most fundamental relationships to ourselves? Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; …
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This podcast is comprised of various segments from a service that was streamed on March 16, 2025, led by Choir Director Martha Swisher. The theme for March is Trust. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit http://www.unitytemple.org/faith-development/soul-connections on our website. To see a video of this complete service, click HERE. …
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