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Három hetente jelentkező film elemző podcast. Inkább elmerülés, mint felszín kapargatás, inkább tartalom, mint bulvár, inkább saját pontozás, mint IMDB, inkább több teória, mint egy értelmezés, inkább hosszan, mint röviden, inkább korrekt, mint politikai. A műsor az Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádióval ( együttműködésben készül.
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Experience the sights and sounds of different countries and cultures in a serial travel podcast each week from the comfort of your own home. Get inspired to give back and raise awareness of various social issues around the world while being entertained.
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Partiu Morar Fora - Vagas pelo Mundo
Partiu Morar Fora - um podcast com a marca do Vagas pelo Mundo
Um Podcast para quem pretende morar fora ou já vive no exterior. Troca de experiências, boas risadas e conversas longas. Apresentado por Amanda Corrêa e Cláudio Abdo que vivem na Europa desde 2014. E aí, partiu morar fora?!
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Aesthetic Arrest is our weekly dip into the Epicurean pleasures we’ve been enjoying lately. Each episode we'll be discussing what we're reading, listening to, looking at, viewing and tasting. For links, playlists, previews and photos of everything thing we talk about, visit our substack page, The Epicurean Vagabonds (
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Vagary.TV is a podcast network dedicated to entertaining people, we offer many great shows for our users to enjoy! Check us out on the web at Vagary.TV!
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Podcast by Vagabond Naturalists
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Vagabond est le site de ceux qui veulent voyager autrement.
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This podcast brought you the fiction stories in the episodes. Hope you guys like it.
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I den här podcasten pratar jag om min pykiskohälsa sen kommer man ha gäster också
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Um podcast sobre qualquer coisa, feito por quem não faz ideia do que está falando. Ambientado no Metrô de São Paulo, onde quatro amigos se encontravam diariamente, com o intuito de levar um pouco de descontração às pessoas que assim como eles, também passam por este aperto (literalmente). Assine nosso feed e acesse nosso site para ter acesso à todo conteúdo de nossa rede:
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A show focused on quality content (with mediocre sound quality and no editing) about motorcycles, camping, hammocks, Bunk-a-Biker, and the vagabond lifestyle by Zee Traveler, who's been living on her bike for 6 years.
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A podcast about everything and absolutely nothing.
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Vagabond Missions Podcast is stories from the street (with a beat). Each episode is a powerful story of encounter with God. Be moved. Be encouraged. Be inspired.
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Každý týždeň sa spoločne vyberieme hľadať krásy Slovenska. Prejdeme známe, aj menej známe miesta. Prezradíme vám niečo z histórie, porozprávame vám legendy a zaujímavé príbehy, ktoré na cestách zažívame. Valeria a Gabriela
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Il podcast di Life in Travel con Storie Di Bici e Dintorni Cicloturismo, bikepacking, viaggi in bicicletta! Il primo podcast dedicato a tutti i cicloviaggiatori, esperti e neofiti. Consigli, racconti, itinerari e percorsi per sognare la prossima avventura!
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Welcome to the Wasteland! Vagabond Wasteland is home to the audio projects of Ian Vagabond, as well as the intergalactic archives of The Drop Off podcast.
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Vagas por el mundo
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See into my world of travel and adventure and let me help you with tips and tricks about traveling on the cheap, places to visit, things to eat, difficulties along the way and exploring different modes of travel.
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Hi! I’m Joseph. Join me as I give a unique and interesting perspective on life with special needs, homelessness, and other fringe issues!
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Vagabond Health Club is a collective of cool humans where we share and discuss info that helps you navigate this awesome life we’re living. We’re talking to rad people about cool things involving health, wellness, lifestyle, business, diet hacks, cat facts and all the in-betweens.
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Atenção passageiras e passageiros, sejam bem-vindxs ao Vagão das Ruaz, uma viagem sonora pelos trilhos do interior. Este podcast foi construído de forma coletiva e é resultado da parceria entre o Ruaz - coletivo de jornalismo independente, o Som Na Linha, projeto que busca valorizar a cena da música autoral em Presidente Prudente, e o Estúdio Nômade. A cada edição, receberemos bandas da cidade e região, músicos e musicistas, pessoas que tiveram um sonho em comum: construir o maior festival i ...
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Väga tõsine podcast. Meelelahutus. Kes ei 'followi' on jobu. Kontakt: [email protected] Youtube: Spotify: Facebook:äga-Tõsine-Podcast-329905071270610
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I ”Friskt Vågat” inspirerar jag, Johanna Frisk, dig till att utveckla ditt ledarskap genom att under fem avsnitt dela med mig av mina viktigaste ledarskapsinsikter och -erfarenheter från tio år som professionell fotbollsspelare. Häng med och lyssna på hur stor inverkan ledarskapet haft när min karriär gått från toppen, ner till botten och upp igen!
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I´m a naive, almost broke 19-year old lesbian wanting to travel the world by myself. I am inspired by all the world-travelers i have already met. But i am also a little afraid that i won´t be able to pull it off myself. Here i share every thought i have, before and during my big European tour i´m planning on in January.
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Está no ar o podcast BARMAN DAS HORAS VAGAS – cultura alcoólica para amadores. Nossos programas são preparados especialmente para o público não profissional e tem como objetivo principal a difusão da coquetelaria e de cultura de forma geral, para contribuir na formação de um novo público, até então, distante do universo dos coquetéis. A cada episódio, Gustavo Zaparolli e Felipe Romano e Aleandro Stagetti apresentam um pouco do universo cultural que circunda o coquetel da vez. Sinta-se em cas ...
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Musings from a sometimes traveler.
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Podcast de storytelling com histórias curtas de suspense e ficção.
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Meet the digital nomads and location independent freelancers building their business empires. Hear their business strategies and hacks, plus reviews of tools, apps and software to make your business more productive. Hosted by Chelle Honiker.
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Apresentado por Lenny Leone, o programa Aqui Tem Vaga tem como proposta discutir as mudanças no mercado de trabalho e o desenvolvimento das empresas e seus funcionários. Vai ao ar todo sábado a partir das 10h.
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Four unlikely heroes take it upon themselves to save the world of Aria after their peaceful existence is turned upside down. A Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast in the fantastical world of Aria. DM Alex Wright who is joined by Amy Garrod, David Hughes, Craig Millward, and Alex Farr.
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Celles d’hommes et de femmes qui ont une heure pour nous raconter leurs histoires, leurs parcours, leurs rêves et leurs folies. Tous avec ce quelque chose qui fait leur originalité Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Claudio aveva tutto, un buon lavoro, una casa e una fidanzata. All’età di 27 anni sente però che la vita che stava vivendo non è più giusta per lui, che gli sta stretta. Così decide di seguire il suo sogno più grande: viaggiare all’avventura, con lo zaino in spalla. La serie intera è disponibile sulle piattaforme di distribuzione Audiobook come,, google play libri, kobo e sul sito
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Programa voltado para o mercado de trabalho,compartilhando dicas os locais de contraração de profissionais em geral.Participem dos conteúdos do Cafezinho no podcast😉
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Podcast för fotografer som vill skapa sitt drömliv.
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Embark on a journey with me as your wanderlust-fueled storyteller, weaving through the enchanting landscapes of Europe and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned traveler planning your next adventure or someone content with armchair exploration, this is your ticket to a rollicking good time! Picture this: vibrant tales that transcend borders, capturing the essence of each destination with an extra dose of cool. Join me on an odyssey where every story is more than just a tale—it's a vibrant, capti ...
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Le podcast qui vous fait vagabonder dans l’histoire de l’Afrique et ses diasporas. Entre archives, scènes immersives, musique et poésie, laissez-vous conter la riche et longue histoire commune qui lie l’Afrique aux sociétés afrodescendantes des Amériques et de la Caraïbe. En fin d’émission, embarquez pour un vagabondage poétique : une incursion dans le monde sensible d’un.e artiste qui explore dans ses créations les questions d’identité, de féminité, de spiritualité, de transmission et de mé ...
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Våga Mera Podden Sveriges största podd om mod och att våga mera. Vi ställer oss frågan, hur skulle livet se ut om vi var helt fria från tvivel och rädsla. Om vi inte höll oss själva tillbaka. Här utforskas erfarenheter, teorier, tekniker och inspirerande människor i hela spektrat inklusive gråzonen. Vi är övertygande om att Sverige blir bättre om vi kliver ur jante och vågar vara oss själva fullt ut! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Bakom varje cancersjuk står någon som måste vara stark! #vågaprata är en podcast-serie som innehåller tio intervjuer av Cancerkompisar i olika anhörig-situationer, där de berättar sin resa och hur det var för just dem som anhörig. ger STÖD, TRÖST och HOPP för anhöriga till cancerdrabbade och driver matchnings-tjänst som är gratis och öppen för anhöriga från 13 år och uppåt. Som anhörig går man bredvid och mår dåligt i det tysta, inne på Cancerkompisar erbjuds det en frizon ...
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Join me, Allan Hill (the Nostalgic Vagabond) for weekly one-hour~ish talks with unique and interesting travellers / adventurers who Zoom-in from all around the world. In conversation, we share compelling personal stories of trial, triumph and sometimes tribulation from journeys, exploring this world and its cultures, languages and landscapes. None of us claim to be experts, we aren't pros necessarily, we are regular people just like you. We decided to say, “YES!” Decided to step outside our ...
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Podcast by Prata om det- Med vi vågar!
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Idéutveckling och innovation Idéutveckling och innovation är en del av Helsingborgs stad. Vi arbetar med Idéslussen, Visionsfonden, Hbg Mashup, Årets nytänk och tjänstedesign. Läs mer;
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Det här är en podcast producerad av Fountain House Stockholm. Vi håller till på Götgatan 38 i Stockholm och är en arbetsrehabilitering för människor med psykisk ohälsa. Vi har funnits på samma adress sedan 1980. Huset drivs av medlemmar som kommer hit varje dag och vi alla sitter på unika historier och erfarenheter. I podden samlar vi ihop dessa historier och erfarenheter. Detta gör vi med förhoppningen att få er andra att känna er mindre ensamma och kanske även våga prata om er egen psykisk ...
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The Impending Future Of AI-Government – But Who Controls The AI?
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3:24:42Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/8/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, …
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361 EXTRAORDINARY TRAVEL: Denmark’s Top Travelers on Exploring the World
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1:11:24In this episode, I’m joined by an incredible group of travellers with ties to Denmark. They’ve ventured to some of the world's most remote corners, pushed boundaries, and have fascinating stories to share. Meet Mette Ehlers Mikkelsen, one country away from visiting every UN nation, who is willing to quit her job to reach her final destination. Thor…
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Charlie Robinson Interview – Two Party Criminality, AI-governance & Political Machinations
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1:07:00Joining me once again today is Charlie Robinson, here to discuss the chaos and political madness that has ensued just since last we spoke in February, but as most have come to recognize, in the current political fervor, that is a lifetime of both important developments and meaningless hype that overtakes the conversation for days on end. Charlie an…
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Ninguém calça os seus sapatos - Episódio - 384
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46:59O percurso é seu e isso traz consequências positivas e negativas. Hoje falamos disso e de muito mais, esperamos que você goste! Aliás, se você curte o nosso trabalho, passe a apoiar se tornando membro do nosso canal do YouTube. Clique aqui e entre na nossa comunidade exclusiva que conta com um episódio extra por semana do nosso podcast, um grupo ex…
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Aesthetic Arrest: Nickel Boys, Shakespeare's Sisters & the New York Dolls!
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42:48Plus delicious vegan dining in Athens, a major retrospective featuring the art of Shahzia Sikander, and Constantinople's new album: Nordic Lights in Persian Sky! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Oinotypo Vino Di Casa, Fumé ‘Orange Wine’ Roditis (Aigialeia, Greece) — Fresh out of the barrel from Cava Oinotypo in Athens, Greece! Reading: Shakespeare's …
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#90 - Filmek a szerelemről (Vendégünk: Csoki)
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4:12:06Sziasztok, Ez itt a Vágatlan Verzió, három hetente jelentkező filmes podcast 90. epizódja. Ezúttal újból a podcastünk Csokiját, Annát hívtuk meg magunkhoz, hogy évekkel ezelőtti adásunkat folytatva, ezúttal a színtiszta szerelemről beszéljünk. Mi a szerelem? Milyen modelljei vannak? Létezik-e viszonzatlan szerelem? Ilyen és ehhez hasonló témákról b…
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RFK Jr’s Shocking MMR Vaccine Hypocrisy & His Startling Attack On Free Speech
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3:20:38Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/4/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, …
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The Deep DOGE State, Epstein List Got Twitter Filed & Israel Breaks Ceasefire As Planned
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3:31:50Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/2/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, …
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Morar fora é viver na corda bamba - Episódio - 383
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1:02:34A propaganda é forte para que a gente fuja, sempre que puder, da tal rotina. Contudo, quando vamos morar fora a coisa que mais necessitamos e temos pressa é para que a nossa vida entre logo numa rotina. Hoje falamos disso e de muito mais, esperamos que você goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos seguir em nossas rede…
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Aesthetic Arrest: A Tribute to Roberta Flack, The Last Showgirl & The Disappearance of Miss Scott!
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46:08Plus Abel Selaocoe's Hymns of Bantu, the art of Cameron Ugbodu, poetry from Toi Derricotte, & delicious Greek meze in Ioannina! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Sacred Mountain ΑιΩ Marbled Malagouzia (Halkidiki, Greece) Reading: “I”: New and Selected Poems by Toi Derricotte Listening #1: A Tribute to Roberta Flack (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 20…
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The Age Of #MemePolitics & The Undeniable Israel First Nature Of Trump’s Administration
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3:47:45Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/25/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Você não faz só por você! - Episódio - 382
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51:48Muitas vezes não percebemos que, durante o nosso percurso, nem sempre estamos fazendo somente por nós. Quando partimos para morar fora, acreditamos que "estamos apenas nos salvando", porém a gente também está fazendo pelos que a gente ama. Esperamos que você goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos seguir em nossas red…
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Israel Continues To Weaponize The Bibas Family Killed By IDF & The DOGE Sleight Of Hand
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5:30:30Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/22/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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360 EXTRAORDINARY TRAVEL: Pushing Boundaries and Breaking Barriers
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51:51At the Extraordinary Travel Festival in Bangkok, I sat down with three fascinating travelers who each have unique perspectives on seeing the world. Lakshmi Parthasarathy is a solo female traveler, challenging stereotypes and embracing adventure beyond traditional expectations. Raiiq Ridwan, a doctor in the UK traveling on a Bangladeshi passport, sh…
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Israeli False Flag, Israel Uses Bibas Family To Sabotage Ceasefire & DOGE/Elon Caught Lying Again
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2:43:27Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/21/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Morar fora é para os teimosos - Episódio - 381
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53:55Se não teimarmos com tudo e com todos, talvez a gente nunca consiga partir para morar fora. Isso porque buscar sempre pela segurança é parte da natureza humana e, quando decidimos viver em outro país, a última coisa que encontraremos é "certeza" e "segurança". Hoje falamos disso e esperamos que você goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa…
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Morar na Itália: como é viver em Roma? - Episódio - 380
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1:14:56Recebemos a Verinha Simões (@verinhasimoess) no nosso podcast e ela nos contou como é morar na capital da Itália, Roma. Foi um bate-papo muito bom, cheio de detalhes e informações sobre a vida na Europa. Esperamos que você goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos seguir em nossas redes sociais: …
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Trump Admin Reveals New “Biosecurity and Medication” Plan For Bird Flu & Israel’s US War With Iran
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3:56:04Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/17/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Trump Admin Approves Poultry Jab For Avian Flu, Israel’s Planned Ceasefire Implosion And Iran War
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3:57:18Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/16/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Morar fora: tenha foco - Episódio - 379
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49:34O caminho para morar fora não é fácil, mas e possível. Contudo, é fundamental mantermos o foco para que as coisas aconteçam conforme o planejado. Hoje falamos disso e muito mais e esperamos que vocês goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos seguir em nossas redes sociais: …
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Elon’s Twitter/X-Money Lay The Path To Digital ID & Trump’s “New” Ethnic Cleansing Plan For Gaza
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4:08:51Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/12/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Aesthetic Arrest: Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat, An African History of Africa & Black-Owned Galleries Now!
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40:38Plus new music: Transcontinental Afrobeat from Tony Allen & La BOA, and the kora meets the accordion in a musical dialogue between Ablaye Cissoko & Cyrille Brotto! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Kenyan Dawa (non-alcoholic drink perfect for cold season!) Reading: An African History of Africa: From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence by Zeinab Badaw…
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Sziasztok, Ez itt a Vágatlan Verzió, három hetente jelentkező filmes podcast 89. epizódja. Lezárjuk a Star Wars univerzum körbejárását, keserűen bár, de a teljesség igényével. A Disney-féle kormánykapkodós trilógiáról beszélgetünk. Megvizsgáljuk a nosztalgia és az újdonság szerepét, megvitatjuk, hogy mit is jelent a Star Wars mítosz, és hogy miképp…
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Morar fora: por nós ou pelos filhos? - Episódio - 378
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58:52Morar fora nos traz muitas dúvidas e incertezas, especialmente quando a decisão não depende (e impacta) somente de nós. Por isso, hoje falamos sobre mudar de país por nós ou pelos filhos e aprofundamos mais sobre um assunto que, muitas vezes, não é conversado. Esperamos que você goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos…
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359 NOMADIC MATT: Is it Possible to Visit Iceland on a Budget?
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23:39We’ve just wrapped up four episodes from my time in Iceland – a country that’s as jaw-droppingly beautiful as it is expensive. But is there a way to travel this pricey paradise on a budget? That’s the question I’ll be tackling today with someone who knows a thing or two about affordable travel. I’d already heard the rumour, so in Reykjavik I set ou…
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Trump Sending $7.4B In Weapons To Israel, The USAID Shell Game & Trump To Resettle Afrikaners In US
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2:37:32Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/9/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, …
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The Technocratic Coup Is Underway
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4:00:17Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/7/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, …
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358 EXTRAORDINARY TRAVEL: Singaporeans Who Go Beyond the Tourist Trail
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32:00Singapore may be small, but some of its travelers think big. In this episode of The Radio Vagabond, I sit down with two passionate explorers from Singapore, Wee Cheng Tan and Redzuan “Red” Rahmat. They have spent years visiting places most people wouldn’t even think of, from remote territories to off-the-beaten-path destinations. We talk about what…
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Charlie Robinson Interview – Trump Says US Will “Take Over Gaza” & The Future Of Independent Media
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1:33:30Joining me today is Charlie Robinson, here to discuss the wild ride that has been just the first couple weeks of the new Trump administration, and the new recent announcements from Trump that US needs to "clean out" and "take over Gaza", despite over a year of aggressive denials that this would come to pass. These announcements followed a visit fro…
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