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De verdiepingspodcast van de Internationale Christelijke Ambassade Jeruzalem (ICEJ) verschijnt iedere vrijdagavond rond de klok van 19.00 uur. Iedere week volgt er een interview, bijbelgedeelte of ander interessant onderwerp waarin de Hebreeuwse wortels van ons Christelijk geloof verder worden uitgelegd of worden onderzocht. Beluister deze podcast.
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Verdict & Voice is a podcast where legal texts come to life. With a deep, engaging tone, we bring you compelling readings of legal articles, landmark case analyses, and thought-provoking discussions on justice, precedent, and policy. Whether you're a law professional, student, or curious listener, each episode delivers authoritative yet accessible insights into the legal world—one verdict at a time.
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The Dirty Verdict

Kyle Herbert

Get all the dirty details and legal insights from Houston Lawyers, Kyle Herbert and Peter Taffe, as they explore exciting cases. Kyle Herbert: Peter Taaffe: Bill Ogden:
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Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen

Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen

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[English below] Welkom op het podcastkanaal van Radboud Reflects. Hier vind je de podcasts van bijna al onze verdiepende lezingen over filosofie, religie, ethiek, samenleving en cultuur. Een of twee dagen na de lezing staat de podcast voor je klaar. Abonneer je en mis niks. Scherp je mening in gesprek met toonaangevende wetenschappers en laat je inspireren door baanbrekende internationale denkers. Radboud Reflects: stof tot nadenken. ENGLISH Radboud Reflects invites you to think further. Bey ...
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Verdict with Ted Cruz

Premiere Networks

Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Ben Ferguson as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On "Verdict with Ted Cruz,” you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country. "Verdict with Ted Cruz" is being brought to you by Jobs, Freedom, and Security PAC, a political action committee dedicated to supporting conservative causes, organizations, and candidates across the country. In 2022, Jobs, Freedom, and Security ...
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The Verdict: Estate Planning Through Film

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Welcome to The Verdict: Estate Planning Through Film podcast by Farella Braun + Martel’s Private Client Group. In each episode, Farella Family Wealth Partner Hons Yung and his guest will provide an entertaining look at family wealth and estate planning topics through well-known Hollywood movies. Along with thought-provoking discussions of real-world legal issues, the episodes will include lively conversations about the movie itself, including fun facts, favorite scenes, and more. And lastly, ...
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What's Our Verdict Reviews

What's Our Verdict

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Out of the ashes of the internet a podcast was formed. Four friends from different backgrounds united to create a pod for the common man. Devoid of the tedium of critically acclaimed podcasts, these brave souls embarked on a holy mission, to bring the light-hearted attitude of discussing movies with friends to the podcasting scene. However, due to unforeseen budget cuts two of their number were lost to the void of the internet. Doomed for eternity to find nothing but cat videos and food chal ...
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Just Verdicts

Brendan Lupetin

Your client’s been wronged, and they want justice. Just wait for the wrongdoer to accept responsibility? Yeah, right. You need answers to questions like “What really happened?” and “Why did it happen?”. And whatever bad thing happened, you want to ensure it doesn’t happen again. It takes the right strategies, tactics, and grit to get the just outcomes your clients deserve. Hosted by Pennsylvania medical malpractice attorney Brendan Lupetin, a founder of Lupetin and Unatin, Attorneys at Law i ...
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Jeg Er Verdifull

arthur taubo

Kjære venn! Du er verdifull uansett hvordan du føler deg eller hva alle andre mennesker tenker eller sier. Du har alt som skal til for å lykkes i dette livet: DET ER SANNHETEN. Du kan laste ned boken gratis på nettsiden:, få oppmuntringer på facebook eller høre på en podcast! Vennlig hilsen arthur taubo
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Life can change in a flash, and the journey to recovery can be overwhelming. Dive deep into the stories of those who faced catastrophic injuries and emerged stronger, with renowned injury lawyer Clarke Speaks from Speaks Law Firm leading the way. In each episode, hear intimate interviews with survivors who've navigated the complex legal system with Clarke's expertise by their side, charting their path from despair to resilience. Discover how they found hope, purpose, and joy after their life ...
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De Derde Verdieping

Kep en Jan

De Derde Verdieping, radio & podcast over daten, relaties en het leven in de grote stad. "Veel meer dan een kroeggesprek tussen vrienden met wat liedjes tussendoor is De Derde Verdieping niet en dat is toch verbazingwekkend vermakelijk." - HET PAROOL Luister onze afleveringen terug via of via onze podcast in iTunes of in de podcast app op je telefoon!
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Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal

Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap

Dit is Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal, een bijbelstudiepodcast van het Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap. En we gaan écht de diepte in. In deze serie van zeven afleveringen ontdek je steeds meer over de belangrijke boodschap van de evangelisten: Gods zoon is naar de wereld gekomen, en daarmee verandert alles. Geschreven door Peter Ben Smit, voorgelezen door Hanna Verstegen. Abonneer je op deze podcast en Verdiep je in het kerstverhaal!
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De Verdieping Podcast

Geert Nieuwenhuis en Laurens Verwijs

“Een onderwerp wat op dit moment actueel is. Vandaag gaan we een laagje dieper. Want wat houdt dit nou daadwerkelijk in? En wat is impact voor de bouwsector? Hoe moeten we hiermee omgaan? Onze specialisten Geert Nieuwenhuis en Laurens Verwijs zullen hierover de diepte ingaan. Vergeet je niet te abonneren voor meer mooie podcasts!
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What's Our Verdict Archive

What's Our Verdict

Welcome to the What's Our Verdict TV Podcast, where we fashion ourselves television Judge and Jury. Our names are JJ Crowder, Javier Ortiz, Mattson Heiner and Ian Anderson. Do you ever find yourself wondering if you should invest time in a television show? We're here to help you answer that question. On Tuesdays we put a TV show on trial, discuss the facts, pass judgment and let you know Our Verdict. Come follow us on social media on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all @whatsourverdict. You ...
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The Student's Verdict

Emily Hodge

The host, Emily, currently works in criminal defence in the UK and, as a true crime fanatic, started The Student's Verdict blog which focused on cults, horrifying criminal cases and miscarriages of justice. Now she is stepping into the world of podcasting with The Student's Verdict podcast which will focus on historic criminal cases from the archives, missing persons cases and unusual deaths.
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Hidden Verdicts

Jeff Brown

Hidden Verdicts uncovers forgotten legal cases that shaped history, presented in an engagingly unforgettable way. Hosted by Jeff Brown, a lawyer and proud Actors' Equity member, this podcast offers a fresh perspective on the law, making complex topics accessible and fun for all ages and educational levels. Join us as we explore the stories behind the cases that changed America.
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A thorough explorer of society and culture. The world is a strange place and the aim is to go into uncharted territory to find information and enlighten the world from its ignorance. Join 'Grinder' as he discusses, debates and overall talks about multiple subjects related to Society, Culture and much more! In an attempt, to come up with his verdict. Support this podcast:
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The HR Verdict

The HR Boutique | Founder & Chief HR Consultant, Renee Trotman, MJ-LEL, SPHR,CEC

Welcome to the HR Verdict podcast tailored for HR professionals and people managers at every level! Join us as we navigate the dynamic intersection of HR, people management, and employment law. Whether you’re an experienced or aspiring HR professional, manager, or somewhere in between, this podcast is your go-to resource for insights, strategies, and practical advice to mitigate organizational risk. Let’s explore the synergy between people risk management, and driving organizational success— ...
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The Verdict: Law & Society

Dickson Poon School of Law

Brought to you by The Dickson Poon School of Law, The Verdict gets to the legal heart the issues our society is facing today. Through conversations with some of the leading experts and influencers shaping and implementing our laws, we interrogate ideas and issues in the areas of human rights, trafficking, digital technology, and beyond.
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De eerste verdieping Podcast

Trainers van De eerste verdieping opleidingen

Als je meer snapt van jezelf, wordt het leven leuker! Want als je echt begrijpt hoe je in elkaar zit en je door hebt waarom je bent zoals je bent, kun je er het beste uithalen. Deze podcast vol diepgang is voor iedereen die zichzelf beter wil leren kennen, een stapje verder wil, inspiratie zoekt voor het (dagelijkse) leven en interesse heeft in persoonlijke ontwikkeling & groei. Maar ook als je met mensen werkt, bijvoorbeeld als coach, trainer of op een andere manier, zul je uit elke aflever ...
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Welcome adventurers! In this epic fantasy storytelling serial, we explore the Storyverse of Verdigris, a series of interconnected fantasy tales and adventures by author Beth Ball. The first two seasons of our adventures unfold in the world of Azuria, a land of epic fantasy, magic, and nature that teeters on the brink between light and darkness. Ancient forces awaken, and new heroes rise to the occasion. But this time, who will prevail? Find out in this exciting, action- and magic-packed audi ...
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Hosted and executive produced by Rowlands, a Court TV anchor and veteran true-crime journalist, “Victim to Verdict with Ted Rowlands” spotlights every moment from the crime scene to the courtroom, tapping into the best of Court TV’s real-time coverage of recent high-profile cases. Each episode features the case’s critical moments, including must-watch testimony, context from Court TV reporters and exclusive post-trial interviews to create an hourlong narrative.
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Entdecke was Reiche ihren Kindern beibringen. Erfolg, Reichtum und Glücklich sein sind keine Produkte des Zufalls. Jeder kann lernen, wie er reich und glücklich wird. Jeder! Im Erfolgspodcast "Show Me The Money Honey" von Gunnar Kessler - dem "Digital Money Maker" - lernst Du, in inspirierenden Interviews und einzelnen Storys, die Strategien von Millionären, Unternehmern und erfolgreichen Menschen. Du lernst in Live Talks und Experten - Interviews, wie Du reich, glücklich UND erfolgreich wir ...
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Der Familien-Wohlstand Podcast mit Wolfgang Schmidt dem Experten für mehr Wohlstand in deiner Familie und Freude am Erfolg. Dein Podcast lebensverändernd und pure Inspiration! Ein Muss für jede Familie, die ihr Leben noch besser und erfüllter gestalten möchte und für Menschen die mehr vom Leben wollen.
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show series
Security Breach Allegations: The report discusses claims that Trump administration officials accidentally included journalist Jeffrey Goldberg in a Signal group chat discussing secret US military plans to strike Houthi targets in Yemen. High-level officials like Defense Secretary Pete Headseth, Vice President Jedi Vance, and Secretary of State Marc…
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Alec, Mattson and JJ center on the film "Bull Durham," a notable work within the realm of sports cinema featuring Kevin Costner. Throughout our discourse, we collectively express our dissatisfaction with the film, emphasizing its perceived lack of coherence and depth. As we delve into various aspects of the narrative, we critique the film's relianc…
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Lawfare Tactics: The discussion highlights the use of nationwide injunctions by left-wing activist judges to block President Trump's agenda. This tactic is described as unprecedented and a significant shift from previous administrations. Statistics: The document provides statistics showing the dramatic increase in nationwide injunctions during Trum…
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"It's a stroke of the leg, ladies and gentlemen." When critical limb ischemia struck their client Kirt, every minute counted—yet the county's only vascular surgeon remained at a wound care center despite multiple emergency calls. In this breakdown of their recent $2.2 million verdict, host Brendan Lupetin, partner Greg Unatin, and associate Garrett…
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Niet elk kind in de klas heeft dezelfde kansen. Welke factoren spelen een rol bij kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs? Wat kunnen scholen en leraren doen om hun leerlingen gelijke kansen te bieden? En wat zijn de gevolgen van kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs voor onze samenleving? Leer van onderwijswetenschapper Eddie Denessen over kansenongelij…
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Het aantal Nederlandse singles stijgt in rap tempo. Naar verwachting is in 2050 de helft van alle Nederlandse huishoudens alleenstaand. Wat zegt deze ontwikkeling over onze kijk op relaties en intimiteit? Wordt het singleleven nog te vaak gezien als een tussenvorm naar een toekomstig gezinsleven? Is onze samenleving wel voldoende ingericht op allee…
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In what might be the most unfiltered and entertaining episode yet, The Dirty Verdict crew welcomes their most requested guest: Houston trial lawyer Jason Webster. From calling out inflated verdict marketing to breaking down how hedge funds are quietly reshaping the plaintiff’s bar, Jason pulls no punches. You’ll hear why Jason is every plaintiff la…
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Elon Musk's Impact: Musk's significant influence in various sectors, including government and technology. Comparison between the mess found at Twitter and the federal government. Federal Government Inefficiencies: Discussion on the inefficiencies and waste within the federal government. Examples of wasteful expenditures, such as excessive software …
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Jacob Keegstra is Bijbelleraar en spreekt over de Hebreeuwse wortels van het Christelijk geloof. Hij is verbonden met het werk van ICEJ Nederland. Wilt u Israël zegenen, dat kan via Volg ons op Facebook: ons op YouTube: Vrijdags 19.00 komen de nieuwe le…
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Domestic Terrorism Against Tesla: We discuss the recent surge in violence and arson targeting Tesla, which Elon Musk has described as unprecedented coordinated violence against a peaceful company. We highlight the political context, suggesting that the Democratic Party is characterized by anger and hatred, particularly towards figures like Elon Mus…
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The Daily Review with Clay and Buck If you love Verdict with Ted Cruz, The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show might also be in your audio wheelhouse. Politics, news analysis, and some pop culture and comedy thrown in too. Here’s a sample episode recapping four talking points on Thursday. Give the guys a listen and then follow and subscribe wherever y…
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Department of Education: Trump announced plans to shut down the Department of Education, criticizing its performance and advocating for education to be managed by individual states. He emphasized that this move would not disrupt public schooling but would allow states to tailor education to their needs. The speech highlighted poor performance ranki…
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Send us a text What’s the first thing you should do when starting a business? It’s not picking an office space, launching a website, or even marketing—it’s defining your Mission, Vision, and Values. In this installment of the Elevation Leadership Summit, Clarke explains why business owners who skip this step struggle with direction, team alignment,…
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Mars Exploration and Colonization: Elon Musk predicts humans will set foot on Mars by 2029. He emphasizes the importance of building a self-sustaining city on Mars to ensure survival even if Earth faces catastrophic events. Technological advancements needed for a self-sustaining settlement include recreating Earth's industrial base on Mars. Alien L…
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Brendan Lupetin offers a practical strategy for explaining "increased risk of harm" causation to jurors in medical negligence cases. Using relatable examples like a Steelers game and a house fire, he demonstrates how to transform this challenging legal concept from a technical hurdle into a powerful asset. Brendan emphasizes the importance of intro…
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We invite you to check out The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show! If you love Verdict with Ted Cruz, you might also enjoy The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Politics, news analysis, and some pop culture and comedy thrown in too. Here’s a sample episode recapping some Tuesday takeaways. Give the guys a listen and then follow and subscribe wherever…
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In this episode of Verdict & Voice, Guy Baker explores whether you can sue an uninsured driver after a car accident in Texas. He breaks down your options, including using uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, filing a claim, and pursuing a lawsuit. Learn what to do if the other driver has no insurance or limited assets and how to protect yourse…
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Biden's Pardons and the Auto Pen Controversy: Trump claims that Biden's pardons for January 6th committee members are invalid because they were signed using an auto pen, suggesting Biden was unaware of the pardons1. Trump argues that the use of the auto pen might indicate illegal activity and calls for an investigation1. Counter-Terrorism Efforts: …
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Alec, JJ and Mattson dive into a critical examination of the film "Tin Cup," featuring Kevin Costner in a role that has elicited divergent opinions among us. We delve into the film's depiction of a washed-up golf pro's quest for redemption and love, alongside the humorous antics that ensue, such as the use of gardening tools in place of golf clubs.…
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Introduction and Setting: The podcast is recorded at the White House with Elon Musk as a special guest. Ted Cruz and Ben Ferguson introduce the episode and highlight Musk's significant impact in the first fifty days of the new administration. Federal Government and Waste: Musk discusses the inefficiencies and waste he found in the federal governmen…
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Immigration Policy and Self-Deportation App: The Trump administration has repurposed the controversial CBP One app, initially used by the Biden administration to facilitate migrant entry, into a self-deportation app called CBP Home. This app allows illegal immigrants to register for self-deportation, with the promise of potential legal re-entry in …
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Jacob Keegstra is Bijbelleraar en spreekt over de Hebreeuwse wortels van het Christelijk geloof. Hij is verbonden met het werk van ICEJ Nederland. Wilt u Israël zegenen, dat kan via Volg ons op Facebook: ons op YouTube: Vrijdags 19.00 komen de nieuwe le…
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Terror-Linked Migrants: The episode starts with a discussion about the release of nearly 100 terror-linked migrants into the United States in 2024 by the Biden administration. Tulsi Gabbard, now the Director of National Intelligence, revealed that these individuals were known to be linked to terrorist organizations but were released after being arr…
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Government Shutdown: The host discusses the likelihood of a government shutdown due to Senate Democrats blocking a GOP funding bill. Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, criticizes Democrats for their stance, suggesting they are doing it for political reasons to hurt Donald Trump. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer argues that the GOP's funding bi…
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Jonathan and Matt are back to review this year's Oscars. We review the big winners and rate Conan's first time as host. We discuss if Anora deserved to be the lady of the night. Matt reveals whether he was able to get through all of The Brutalist. Jonathan gives his thoughts on Dune and Wicked. And we both get stuck into The Substance. Let us know …
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Send us a text Many people romanticize the idea of being a business owner, often envisioning a life filled with success and ease. But there are a number of misconceptions that people need to be aware of before taking the leap into entrepreneurship. Today, Clarke opens up about the realities of being a business owner and shares the most important th…
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Pro-Hamas Protesters and Democratic Support: The podcast criticizes Democrats for defending pro-Hamas protesters who have been arrested for disrupting college campuses with anti-Semitic protests. It argues that the Democratic Party supports these protesters, which the hosts believe is a stance against Jewish students and Israel. Biden Administratio…
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Meet our friends, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton! If you love Verdict with Ted Cruz, then The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show might also be in your audio wheelhouse. Politics, news analysis, and some pop culture and comedy thrown in too. Here’s a sample episode recapping four Tuesday takeaways. Give the guys a listen and then follow and subscribe whe…
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Can a parent voluntarily give up their rights in Texas? Does termination of parental rights eliminate child support obligations? In this episode of Verdict & Voice, we break down the legal process of relinquishing parental rights, the consequences of doing so, and the financial responsibilities that may still remain. Whether you're facing this situ…
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Border Security Secured the border: Border crossings down by over 95%. Lake and Riley Act: Legislation to protect Americans from crimes by illegal immigrants. Deportation of criminals: Mass deportation of illegal immigrant killers, rapists, and drug dealers. Fentanyl crisis: Addressing the fentanyl crisis. Closed parole loophole: Ending the abuse o…
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Welcome back to The Dirty Verdict! In this episode, hosts Peter Taaffe, Kyle Herbert, and Bill Ogden dive into some of the hottest legal stories making headlines. From the Tony Buzbee vs. Jay-Z legal battle to Airbnb liability in a violent attack in Mexico, we break down the key developments in these high-profile cases. Plus, we discuss recent Hous…
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JJ, Mattson and Alec jump into a comprehensive analysis of the film "Draft Day," a cinematic exploration of the intricate dynamics surrounding the NFL draft process. We delve into the multifaceted pressures faced by general managers as they navigate critical decisions that can alter the trajectory of their franchises. We engage in a discourse that …
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