Welcome to our Podcast about firewood, trees, timber, chainsaws, axes, woodworking and everything wood related! We are Dan and Joe...the Wood Hounds! Check in each week for more discussions about EVERYTHING firewood. New episodes air Wednesdays at 5 am est.
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Dan and Joe spend the episode comparing and contrasting mail order firewood vs traditional delivery. Hilarity ensues!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe wander from their scheduled topic to discuss some particular comments of their viewers. These are always entertaining podcasts. Never boring!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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What does the future hold for the firewood industry? Will it adjust to the changing wants and needs of the next generation of consumers? Or will it keep firmly planted in the past operating with a two-cord minimum? Dan and Joe both see a growing tempest and try to predict the future of the firewood industry.…
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Dan and Joe discuss the new TimberOX Summit log splitter that is now for sale and ready for purchase. They both played a role in this new machine's creation and were both able to run the final product. Their final verdict/? It's AWESOME!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe discuss a roadmap for a business to partner with a social media influence to help sell their product. It pays to do your research and look for a compatible influencer. But, we all know, if the product is pizza, look no further than the Wood Hounds!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Two Squares and a Triangle Walk Into A Bar
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30:42Dan and Joe spend their day complaining about the weather and talking about food. Nothing new here.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe recap their interview with Leroy Hite, the founder and former owner of Cutting Edge Firewood. They both noticed a number of relatable business practices in their own enterprises but question if either is willing to "pay the price" to succeed at that level. Spoiler alert... The answer is NO!!!…
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Dan and Joe sit down with Leroy Hite, founder and former owner of Cutting Edge Firewood, a high-end, luxury firewood service based in Atlanta Ga. CAUTION!!! You are about to have everything you have heard about successful firewood delivery services radically challenged.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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The Year Is Over...Hey! Let's Do Another One!
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22:48Dan and Joe talk about 2024, the firewood industry, the podcast, and all the happenings around the Wood Hound Community. Both enjoyed 2024 and wonder what's in store for next year. Happy New Year to everyone and let's hope for the best year ever!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe dig into the great debate...to stack or not to stack. World peace teeters in the balance.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe go WAY off the reservation to discuss a YouTube video they both watched and were highly annoyed by.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe respond to a fellow YouTube channel who asked for help in the direction his small business should take. Opinions??? We have A LOT of those! To view the video in question please click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm7oqQpgq4c&t=303sAutor: The Wood Hounds
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Spending My Saturday At Work Really Lit My Fire
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26:57Dan shares with us his recent experience attending a weekend event where he hocked his mini fire pits and mini firewood. Yes, he had a successful day but was this enough for him to give up his day job?Autor: The Wood Hounds
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An Interview With Adam Haritan of Learn Your Land
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37:54Dan and Joe sit down with Adam Haritan, the creator of Learnyourland.com and YouTube personality - https://www.youtube.com/@LearnYourLand. Adam discusses how his hobby of foraging for mushrooms led to his massive online presence and how he helps people expand their understanding of nature. He has become a go-to source for anyone wanting to better u…
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Everyone uses credit cards, or so it seems. There are a number of small businesses that operate as cash only to avoid the extra costs of plastic but is this a good idea? Pull up your sub sandwich and hang out a while with the Wood Hounds as they discuss.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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We Went Down On The Farm To Cultivate Sales
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25:54Dan and Joe spend the episode discussing farmers' markets and farmers' roadside stands. It seems a farmer can capitalize on their local status and charge a premium for their product. Shouldn't a firewooder be able to do the same? Hmm....Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Is firewood a low end commodity? Can value be added to it? Why do so many people avoid "wasting" their time doing anything with firewood other than dumping it on the ground. And why is it that firewood production must NEVER include the use of your tractor? Hmm... seems odd but is it true?Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Whether The Weather Be Hot or Cold...
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24:59Dan and Joe have noticed how the warm, fall weather has put them behind in their firewood gathering for the upcoming winter. It seems their motivation comes with a shot of cold air but that has yet to happen this season.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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The Only Thing We Have In Common Is That We Are Different
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27:45Dan and Joe dive into the reality that the world is full of people, groups, businesses and the like that are all different in their own way. If we can all accept that being different is a reality, why do some struggle with accepting that? And does this even relate to firewood?!?! Pretty sure it does!…
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Dan and Joe relive their exciting week at the 2024 Paul Bunyan Show in Cambridge, Ohio. Perfect weather, cool machines, and good friends pretty much sums everything up! What else could we ask for?Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe discuss how they were both able to create new firewood markets in their areas. Dan did it with his small wood and Joe with his value added firewood delivery. Both will tell you that they occupied unoccupied space and believe others can duplicate in their own areas.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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How would you react if your business had the highest prices in town? Is that a good thing or bad? Should you be embarrassed or should you raise your prices more? Dan and Joe talk about this in today's episode and determine that....maybe...it's not such a bad thing after all! Power of 50 Career Summit https://www.youtube.com/live/HHRGVX8mjyA…
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Looking For An Off-ramp On The Freeway Of Life
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28:48Dan and Joe enter the world of theory and prediction. A serious scientific on the origins of life? No! They instead wonder out loud how the end of their social media "jobs" will one day come to an end. Trust us...this is not as depressing as it sounds!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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The Golden Age Of The Firewood Industry Is NOW!!!
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30:11The dynamic duo discuss current trends in the firewood industry and wax nostalgic of... today??? Huh??? Could TODAY be the golden age of our industry? It just may be the case with the exciting machines being produced and the traction firewood is gaining on social media.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe discuss current events in the world of YouTube influencers involving lawsuits and hurt feelings. A YouTuber was sued for a critical review and another had his professional license challenged for critical videos. Where will the madness end? https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/08/federal-trade-commission-announces-fin…
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You Are Cordially Invited To Give Me Your Money
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34:10Dan and Joe share some of their past customer service experiences and relate them to their own business endeavors. Also this week begins the one month countdown to the Paul Bunyan Timber show in Cambridge, Ohio.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Toilet Paper, Leaf Blowers, Good Times
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34:00Dan and Joe take a shallow dive into the world of science to help them better understand a better method of seasoning firewood...not that any exists but that's beside the point!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe have figured out that what you wear to work isn't only important to the person wearing the outfit. In industries like firewood your personal attire can play a role in protecting you from injury but ALSO can help protect the fragile feelings of those around you! Oh yeah, jewelry is a problem too.…
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If you want to protect your assets, maybe installing a camera system is the way to go? Or maybe not. Dan and Joe discuss using cameras in the wood yard and both determine their usefulness is most likely something other than preventing thievery.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe try to build on the excitement of the 2024 Olympiad in France by creating their own contest for firewooders. Could they be on to something?Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Will This YouTube Trend Ever End? Or Start?
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40:39There have been some interesting trends developing with larger YouTube niches where large media companies actually own the channel...the personality works for them. Interesting. You only have to look as far as the Automotive niche on YouTube to see how this is playing out. Will this trend ever come to the firewood niche? Will corporate America buy …
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The Summer Doldrums Won't Keep Us From Taking a Vacation
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21:48Dan and Joe are back from their summer vacation and talk about what they have been up to. Yes, complaining about the weather is on the list!Autor: The Wood Hounds
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I Just Flew In From Germany and Boy Are My Arms Tired
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36:35Dan and Joe discuss Joe's recent firewood vacation to Germany and the comparison to European style firewood to the US. Oh, yeah...and the food, the cars, the beer and the like.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Recapping The 2024 Midwest Firewood Frenzy
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22:13The 2024 Midwest Firewood Frenzy was held on June 22, 2024 in Eau Claire Wisconsin and brought together a number of firewood fans and YouTube channels for the day. The event was held at the Wolfe Ridge MFG factory which had their entire lineup of log splitters, grapples, and firepits on display. Dan was in attendance and gave us a summary of the da…
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Dan and Joe discuss some of the scary things they encounter while messing around with a pile of firewood. All of the creepy crawleys, ferocious animals, and slithering snakes are lurking within.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Today Dan and Joe discuss tipping and if it belongs in firewood delivery. It seems lately in the USA a growing number of businesses are asking for tips, much to the chagrin of the customer. It used to be servers in restaurants, hair stylists, bell hops and the like were tipped, now we are seeing it in fast food restaurants, drive thrus, and retail …
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How Can You Get Into The Hall of Fame? Buy A Website
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28:47Today the Wood Hounds talk about Joe's recent, and EXCITING, firewood delivery to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland Ohio! One thing for sure the only way Joe's business was ever found by the Rock Hall was because of his company website. Really, if you are in ANY business you should have a website but if you are selling firewood it is a nece…
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I'm In My Own Zone...Don't Bother Me
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29:51Roadside Firewood stands have become a popular way to earn extra dollars for aspiring firewood professionals and hobbyists. But do these roadside stands run afoul of local zoning laws, ordinances, or annoyed neighbors? Dan and Joe dive into the topic and do their best to stay in their own comfort zone for the entire episode!…
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The International Firewood Expo 2024...A Sequel???
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40:44Wow!! What a weekend! The international firewood industry and community descended on Cortland, Ohio for the International Firewood Expo 2024 and EVERYONE was in good spirits. What is even more impressive is the weather cooperated which is no small feat in northeast Ohio in the spring. Dan and Joe reminisce on their experience and share their favori…
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2024 International Firewood Expo...The Prequel
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25:15ALL roads lead to Ohio for the May 18th International Firewood Expo. Dan and Joe discuss the work going into the big event and list all the things causing them stress in the set up. Firewood, food trucks, and T-shirts galore. Where else would you rather be?Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Artificial Intelligence Comes Naturally For Us
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30:23Dan and Joe discuss current trends in the economy relating to machines, computers, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is growing in popularity but will it ever find its place in firewood? Is there a future for AI with firewood production and sales? Can AI make things better for everyone or will ilt lead to the end of the world!?!?…
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Dan and Joe ramble on today about a number of things on their minds. They also reflect on their recent interview with Paul Grenier of iDry Kilns and list a number of items they wish they would have thought of to ask. Lastly, they speak of the kind and giving nature of the firewood community on social media.…
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Turning The Heat Up On Kilns. An Interview With Paul Grenier Of iDry Kilns
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40:58What is the big deal about kilns? Are we missing something?? Well, today we begin our official deep-dive into the subject matter and speak with Paul Grenier of iDry Systems LLC. iDry is a kiln manufacturer from Barre Vermont. We will do our best to ask the burning questions and turn up the heat to learn as much as we can about kilns and a new produ…
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Social Media...The Good, The Bad, And The REALLY Bad!!!
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33:31Dan and Joe spend time discussing a recent Facebook post that garnered widespread angst from the firewood community. Can't we all just get along? The duo follows up that discussion by answering questions posed in a very nice email written by a loyal listener.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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I Can't Do It All By Myself...But Then Again, Maybe It's Better That Way!
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37:48Today Dan and Joe talk about how life could be much easier and their business much more profitable if they would actually hire help. Really? Wouldn't this just cause more headaches? Really? No, seriously. Really?Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe really go off the reservation in today's discussion about the many ways people create their own problems by not controlling their emotions. In most instances the things in life we all want are attainable if only we could remain focused on our goals and identify exactly what we want.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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Dan and Joe revisit their previous episode involving an interview with Laurel Downs of The Nature Conservancy and their national Don't Move Firewood campaign. The discuss some things that are still "bugging" them about invasive species and how firewood can be an unwitting contributor. Hilarity ensues! Please visit www.dontmovefirewood.org for more …
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Protecting Our Forests From Invasive Species -- An Interview With Laurel Downs of the National Don't Move Firewood Campaign
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43:02In this episode, Dan and Joe interview Laurel Downs of The Nature Conservancy and their national educational outreach program, Don't Move Firewood. Laurel teaches us about harmful bugs and invasive species and how they can hitchhike on firewood and damage healthy forests. This is a topic near and dear to everyone who camps and who appreciates our f…
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Today the dynamic duo discuss a new product that Dan created and is now selling on the internet...Mini Firewood. If you haven't noticed there is a growing trend in mini fire pits that are small enough to sit on a table top. These new fire pits are a big hit by apartment dwellers and city folk looking for a wood burning experience but cannot have a …
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Dan and Joe both have something in common...they both work from home. While working from home is an excellent way to live a low-stress life there are still some down-sides to the practice. One thing for sure, the 1 hour daily commute is much better spent sleeping in bed.Autor: The Wood Hounds
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