Sunday Sermons
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Washington Watch Daily Live Radio Show
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FRCS Exam revision - Welcome back to SurgiSmart - Cut to the Core podcast, where we break down essential surgical topics to help you understand surgical conditions. I’m your host, Major Munish Chauhan, and I am a General Surgery Registrar in the British Army and at Oxford deanery. I am also a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Army Leadership, where I research, write, and deliver presentations on key leadership domains, including self-leadership, resilience, metacognition, Cultural div ...
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a podcast on FRC news
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Revision notes for the FRCR exams.
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This is for school assignments only Cover art photo provided by Rangus Moiboi on Unsplash:
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Die FRC-Finance & Risk Consult GmbH ist DER österreichische Dienstleister in Sachen Finanzierung von Städten und Gemeinden. In diesem Podcast informiert Gründer und Geschäftsführer Heinz Hofstaetter, worauf es bei der Optimierung des Finanzierungsportfolios von Kommunen ankommt und wie sein Unternehmen die Verantwortlichen in den Partnergemeinden als ausgelagerte Finanzabteilung und Sparring-Partner entscheidend dabei unterstützen kann. Zum Beispiel bei der Ausschreibung von neuen Krediten, ...
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Basic Anatomy Facial nerve for Final FRCA revision. Pauses for you to recollect answer before they are given.
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UK Radiology SpRs helping you revise for Radiology FRCR exams - effortlessly! Our new RAPIDS channel is now available, featuring short episodes for those of you in a hurry
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A regular educational podcast hosted by Sophia Cashman and Hari Ratan. Join us as we discuss a wide range of urological topics which urology trainees will encounter both in real life, as well as in the FRCS(Urol) intercollegiate exam. Every week, we discuss a clinical case with the help of expert special guests.
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A new channel from Songs 4 FRCR. Short Radiology Revision Episodes for the FRCR exams
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Joel Pollak, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large, shares the latest on the New Orleans terrorist attack. Stephanie Bice, U.S. Representative for Oklahoma's 5th District, comments on the House speaker
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Happy New Year! On today's program: Cheryl Chumley, Online Opinion Editor at the Washington Times, sheds light on the power of the importance and power of personal Bible study. Kenyn Cureton, FRC's Vice President for Christian Resources, invites you
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On today's program, we feature a couple of our favorite messages from the 2024 Pray Vote Stand Summit: Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attorney General, shares what drives his work and personal walk with Christ. David Benham and Jason Benham, Authors of
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On today's program, we feature a couple of our favorite messages from the 2024 Pray Vote Stand Summit: Vanessa Sivadge, a Texas nurse, explains why she blew the whistle on her hospital's gender mutilation surgeries. Voddie Baucham, Founder, Voddie
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On today's program, we feature a couple of our favorite messages from the 2024 Pray Vote Stand Summit: Erin Hawley, Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of the Center for Life and Regulatory Practice, looks back on the fight
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On today's program, we feature a couple of our favorite messages from the 2024 Pray Vote Stand Summit: Katy Faust, Founder of Them Before Us, exposes the threats facing our children today and draws parallels with the early church. Walt Heyer, FRC's
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On today's special Christmas program, we feature inspiring conversations about faith, miracles, and redemption from our limited series, Profiles in Leadership. Randy Weber, U.S. Representative for the 14th District of Texas, Josh Brecheen, U.S.
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On today's special Christmas Eve program, hosted by Jody Hice: Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, shares about his recent trip to Israel and how Christians can pray during this time of intense chaos. Chris Mitchell, Middle East
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On today's program, hosted by Joseph Backholm: Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, reflects on the past year - from party realignments to the re-election of Donald Trump - and shares what he sees as the hope for our country in the
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FRCS Exam - Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease - GORD
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Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease, or GORD, a condition that’s not only a frequent topic in the FRCS exam but also a significant clinical issue affecting millions worldwide. We’ll explore the key aspects of GORD, from understanding its underlying mechanisms and recognising its varied presentations to diagnosing it accurately and managing it effecti…
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FRCS Exam - Anatomy and physiology of the oesophagus, providing a solid foundation for understanding its function and the diseases that affect it.Autor: Major Munish Chauhan
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耶和華是醫治我的神(四)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Lindsey McPherson, Washington Times Capitol Hill reporter, reports the latest on the continuing resolution drama gripping Washington, D.C. Quena Gonzalez, Senior Director of Government Affairs, offers his
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Mark Tapscott, The Epoch Times Senior Congressional Correspondent, reports the latest fallout from the last minute scrapping of the Continuing Resolution negotiated by House Speaker Mike Johnson. Sam Faddis,
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Andrew Clyde, U.S. Representative for the 9th District of Georgia, shares the latest on the government funding fight. Quena Gonzalez, FRC's Senior Director of Government Affairs, offers good news on the
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Dr. A. J. Nolte, Director of the Institute for Israel Studies at Regent University, comments on the news that Israel is reportedly close to finalizing hostage deal with Hamas. He also shares what he
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Chuck Fleischmann, U.S. Representative for Tennessee's 3rd District, offers an update on the fight over government funding and highlights why he supports the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. Gordon Chang,
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耶和華是醫治我的神(三)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Brigadier General (Ret.) John Teichert, former Assistant Deputy Undersecretary for the Air Force for International Affairs, dives deeper into the mystery about the drones plaguing New York, New Jersey, and
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On today's program: Glenn Grothman, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Wisconsin, shares what Capitol Hill currently knows about the mysterious drones spotted in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He also delivers an update regarding
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On today's program: Claudia Tenney, U.S. Representative for the 24th District of New York, highlights her bill to recognize the rightful and biblical name of Judea and Samaria, instead of the term West Bank. Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General, speaks
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On today's program: Josh Hawley, U.S. Senator from Missouri, recaps the Senate Judiciary hearing on President-elect Trump's mass deportation plan and comments on the latest regarding Syria and the war in Ukraine. Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin,
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On today's program: Tim Burchett, U.S. Representative for the 2ndDistrict of Tennessee, previews how Congress plans to address the fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's and offers an update on the National Defense Authorization Act. Chuck
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耶和華是醫治我的神(二)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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On today's program, hosted by Jody Hice: Chip Roy, U.S. Representative for the 21st District of Texas, gives an update on the latest regarding the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the "Draft our Daughters" provision within the Senate
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身心靈全人得醫治的秘訣Autor: 利未 牧師
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耶和華是醫治我的神Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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FRC On Air #23: Herausforderung Bürgermeister:in
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2023, mit 26, übernahm Peter Reitzner das Amt des Bürgermeisters in der niederösterreichischen FRC-Partnerstadt Wilhelmsburg. In unserer 23. Podcast-Episode erzählt er von den inhaltlichen, zwischenmenschlichen und auch wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen im Rathaus der 6.500-Einwohner:innengemeinde. Und er spricht auch über Vorbehalte und Überzeugu…
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傾盡所有-喚醒我們的君王位份Autor: 黃韻如 牧師
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從神的眼光看美國大選的結果Autor: 吳蒙恩 牧師/黃韻如 牧師
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先求神的國Autor: Henry 牧師
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將祂的國度,祂的家表明出來Autor: David Demian 牧師
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活出神愛的心意(五)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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環境是事實但我要注視的是真理Autor: 吳蒙恩 牧師/黃韻如 牧師
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神的愛就是我的底氣Autor: 吳蒙恩 牧師
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活出神愛的心意(四)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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我是神所喜悅的Autor: 李群 牧師
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Episode 3: Azoospermia (with Pippa Sangster)
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In this episode, Miss Pippa Sangster, Consultant Urologist at UCLH joins us to discuss the investigation and management of an azoospermic man.
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轉換眼光看懂神愛的作為Autor: 利未 牧師/吳蒙恩 牧師
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活出神愛的心意(三)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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活出神愛的心意(二)Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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活出神愛的心意Autor: 江秀琴 牧師
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Transforming Vision 轉化眼光Autor: Michelle Salviejo 牧師
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扭轉局勢:進入神憐憫的門Autor: 黃韻如 牧師
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在撒旦的攻擊中找到敬拜神的路Autor: 吳蒙恩 牧師
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在天父愛的家庭成熟長大Autor: 張譽騰 牧師
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渴慕神:改變家庭與職場的大能Autor: 利未 牧師
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Episode 2: Penile Cancer (with Arie Parnham)
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Episode 2 of our new season, and we tackle penile cancer; one of the rarer urological cancers, but an important topic to be aware of. Mr Arie Parnham, Consultant Urological Surgeon at the Christie Hospital in Manchester shares his expertise on the topic with Sophia and Hari.
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