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show episodes
Podcast about American policy, from a racial and social justice perspective, hosted by former New York City public defender, national criminal justice advocate, and NYC government policy lawyer who's been involved in several important racial justice cases and issues.
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A recovering serial entrepreneur who unconsciously became a serial spiritual entrepreneur and still working on unwinding the complexities of life. I share stores and insights on life experiences with business, coaching, personal development, plant medicine and more that have helped me to transform my own life through deepening my own self awareness and self inquiry (struggles, failures, triumphs, synchronicities, overcoming adversity and more). This podcast channel is also an archive of the ...
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The By Jove! Show hosted by Giovanni Mac Íomhair. Bringing sanity back to the news... Giovanni Mac Íomhair is a novelist and psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in the media. He has written and directed numerous documentaries and contributed to hundreds of nationally broadcast shows on ABC News Nightline with Ted Koppel.
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Archbishop Giovanni Robinson Sr., Podcast

Giovanni Robinson Sr. Ministries

With over two decades of ministry and service to the Lord behind him, Archbishop Giovanni Robinson Sr. has become a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, through radio and Christian television ministry. Archbishop Robinson is know for preaching the gospel in a fresh and revolutionary way. Living in an every changing world can make it difficult to find the time to catch Archbishop Robinson’s service, that’s the reason he started his podcast so that you can ...
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A podcast for the bipolar community about the "bipolar effect". Whether or not the listener is bipolar this podcast is sure to enlighten all who listen and transform their understanding of bipolar. Hosted by Giovanni Gonzalez and full of insight so add it to your playlist and tune in weekly.
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HASHTAG di Giovanni Maieli

Giovanni Maieli

Specialista in Digital Marketing e Social Media, Vlogger, Imprenditore. Appassionato di Retrogaming. Vivo a Dublino, dove ho gestito per 4 anni il Marketing Digitale di una Software (SaaS) Company. Il mio cane, Argo, è la versione portatile di Falkor de La Storia Infinita.
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A trent'anni dalla strage di Capaci, Corriere della Sera realizza con Fondazione con il sud un podcast in 5 puntate scritto da Luca Lancise e Alessandra Coppola. Partendo dal dattiloscritto originale dei 22 pranzi tra Giovanni Falcone e Marcelle Padovani (autrice di "Cose di Cosa Nostra"), il podcast ricostruisce, con le parole stesse di Falcone, la sua capacità di decifrare la mafia, di comprenderla a fondo come uomo e siciliano per poterla lucidamente combattere. Racconta la sua eredità, p ...
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IL VANGELO DI GIOVANNINono seminarioDal seminario sul Vangelo di Giovanni tenuto da Pietro Archiati a Rocca di Papa (RM), dal 25 al 28 Agosto 2005"...Ci rendiamo conto, allora, che il vangelo di Giovanni, più che preoccuparsi di offrire contenuti, ci dà la metodologia di un pensiero capace di immergersi nei misteri dell’evoluzione, di un pensiero che non ha paura del composito perché sa riconoscere le strutture viventi, e le percorre secondo quella fisionomia inconfondibile che inserisce ogn ...
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show series
CLL #2384 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/17/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam and Drew give book recommendations and Adam shares his feelings regarding his dog Molly’s surgery and the historical/hysterical aspect as the last time he sent his…
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Hello! Why do we put this podcast out? Who are we? Why "The End of America?" What's next? With Season One out in the world, please join myself, Nana, and Jorge as we take a moment to discuss how our experiences with American history and contemporary culture have brought us to create this space, and what we hope to keep adding to the public conversa…
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Er ist eine absolute Frohnatur: Der Stardesigner Guido Maria Kretschmer. Seine Leidenschaft für Mode entdeckt er ungewöhnlich früh, bereits als Neunjähriger bekommt er seine erste eigene Nähmaschine, nur drei Jahre später verkauft er seinen ersten Mode-Entwurf. Heute zählt der 59-Jährige zu den bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Modemachern hierzulan…
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Auf einer steilen Klippe in Norwegen, vom Nordmeer umspült, in einem alten Leuchtturm zu leben, war für Thomas Bickhardt stets ein Kindheitstraum. Dieser ließ ihn nicht los – bis er ihn mit Anfang 30 verwirklichte. Der gelernte Seemann mit anschließendem Psychologiestudium wanderte aus Deutschland aus, zog in den rauen Norden an die Westküste Skand…
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Während der deutsch-britische Rechtsanwalt Alexander Stevens namhafte Kriminalfälle vor Gericht verhandelt, informiert der Journalist und Schriftsteller Constantin Schreiber über das aktuelle Weltgeschehen. Nun haben die beiden ein gemeinsames Projekt gestartet – und widmen sich deutschlandweit auf der Bühne besonders spektakulären Verbrechen der v…
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Im Mai wurde er mit knapp 90 Prozent als Parteivorsitzender bestätigt: Der CDU-Politiker Friedrich Merz. In seiner Rede vor den 1001 Delegierten sagte er, dass die Union sofort und spätestens im Herbst kommenden Jahres wieder bereit sei, Verantwortung für Deutschland zu übernehmen. Ob er diese auch persönlich als Kanzlerkandidat der Union übernehme…
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Das nennt man abenteuerlustig und vor allem mutig: Johanna Geils reiste alleine 10.000 Kilometer in fünf Monaten, größtenteils zu Fuß. Von Zypern bis ans Nordkap. Durch elf Länder. Ohne Zelt, nur mit Hängematte im Gepäck. Ob die in Bremen studierte Freizeitpädagogin allerdings wirklich vorher wusste, worauf sie sich da einlässt und welche Hindernis…
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Wenn er das Scheinwerferlicht verlässt, geht es in den TV-Studios dieser Welt erst richtig los: Christian Oberfuchshuber ist einer der erfolgreichsten Warm-Upper Deutschlands. Schon seit der neunziger Jahre erklärt der gebürtige Bayer, der sich selbst als Rampensau bezeichnet, was das Publikum während der Sendung erwartet – und das gerne mit extrav…
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CLL #2384 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/17/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam and Drew give book recommendations and Adam shares his feelings regarding his dog Molly’s surgery and the historical/hysterical aspect as the last time he sent his…
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CLL #2383 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/16/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, This is the episode where Adam and Drew riff the idea that ends up being repurposed into ‘Finding Fauntleroy’ the Michael Narren …
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CLL #2383 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/16/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, This is the episode where Adam and Drew riff the idea that ends up being repurposed into ‘Finding Fauntleroy’ the Michael Narren …
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CLL #2382 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/15/2004 – Monday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, This is the episode where Adam and Drew announce that Lynette was able to track down animator Michael Narren. Adam starts the epis…
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CLL #2382 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/15/2004 – Monday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, This is the episode where Adam and Drew announce that Lynette was able to track down animator Michael Narren. Adam starts the epis…
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CLL #2381 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/14/2004 – Sunday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Caller John upgrades the accordion countdown and the high pitched buzzing is no longer present. The Love Between The Two Hosts – C…
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CLL #2381 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/14/2004 – Sunday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Caller John upgrades the accordion countdown and the high pitched buzzing is no longer present. The Love Between The Two Hosts – C…
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CLL #2380 (feat. Jason Bateman) 11/11/2004 – Thursday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Jason is making his second and final appearance of the Adam era. The audio no longer contains that horrible buzzing and they play a few rounds of…
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CLL #2380 (feat. Jason Bateman) 11/11/2004 – Thursday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patches This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Jason is making his second and final appearance of the Adam era. The audio no longer contains that horrible buzzing and they play a few rounds of…
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CLL #2379 (feat. Elizabeth Jarosz) 11/10/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Elizabeth is promoting ‘The Apprentice’ and proves to be a fan favorite guest. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes. https://adamanddrdrews…
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CLL #2379 (feat. Elizabeth Jarosz) 11/10/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Elizabeth is promoting ‘The Apprentice’ and proves to be a fan favorite guest. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes. https://adamanddrdrews…
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CLL #2378 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) (Director’s Cut) 11/09/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – KROQ Board Captured CD (2024) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam rants a lot, some fans love the episode. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes. https://adamanddrdrewshow.c…
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CLL #2378 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) (Director’s Cut) 11/09/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – KROQ Board Captured CD (2024) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam rants a lot, some fans love the episode. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes. https://adamanddrdrewshow.c…
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CLL #2378 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/09/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam rants a lot, some fans love the episode. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes.…
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CLL #2378 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/09/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam rants a lot, some fans love the episode. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes.…
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Sie möchte sich in ihrem Job "verwirren lassen, entdecken, hinterfragen, lernen." Seit August 2021 ist Sophie von der Tann als Auslandskorrespondentin im ARD-Studio Tel Aviv tätig. Sie berichtet von dort für alle ARD-Sender – von "Morgenmagazin" bis zu den "Tagesthemen". Seit dem Terrorangriff der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat sich die Arbeit der Jo…
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Zwei Wochen vor dem Beginn der Fußball-Europameisterschaft freut sich 3nach9 auf das Gespräch mit einem Mann, der es vom Straßenfußballer zum Welttorhüter des Jahres geschafft hat: Jean-Marie Pfaff. In den 1980er Jahren feiert er seine größten Erfolge mit der belgischen Nationalmannschaft und dem FC Bayern München, dort als Nachfolger von Sepp Maie…
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Wenn er zu Gast bei 3nach9 ist, gibt es immer etwas zu staunen: Dirk Steffens macht naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge verständlich! Der Wissenschaftsjournalist war langjähriger Moderator der Doku-Reihe "Terra X: Faszination Erde", seit 2022 arbeitet der gebürtige Niedersachse für die Film- und Print-Redaktionen von "GEO". Mit großer Leidenschaft…
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Sie hat sich eine kurze Auszeit gegönnt und wurde von vielen vermisst! 16 Jahre lang beendeten viele mit der Journalistin Anne Will und ihren Gästen den Sonntagabend. Anfang Dezember des vergangenen Jahres hat die gebürtige Kölnerin den moderativen Staffelstab weitergereicht. Nach 553 Sendungen "Anne Will" gehört der Sonntagabend jetzt wieder ihr. …
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Handwäsche. Pflegeleicht. Nicht schleudern. 30, 40, 60 Grad. Er kennt sich damit bestens aus: Dirk Martens. Der Schauspieler brilliert nicht nur vor der Kamera in zahlreichen Rollen, eine Leidenschaft hegt er auch für frisch gewaschene Wäsche. Das führt so weit, dass er seit 2008 unter dem Namen "Freddy Leck sein Waschsalon" einen Waschsalon in Ber…
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Am liebsten reist sie ganz allein durch die Welt: Ann-Kathrin Bendixen. Ihr einziger Begleiter: ein Motorrad. Auf YouTube und Instagram teilt die 24-Jährige die Erlebnisse ihrer aufregenden Reisen. Aufgewachsen in Timmersiek, einem Dorf in Schleswig-Holstein mit nur 34 Einwohnern, erkrankt sie vor ein paar Jahren schwer. Eine Not-OP rettet ihr Lebe…
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CLL #2377 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) (VHS) 11/08/2004 – Monday Night Show Source – Official KROQ VHS (2024) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Many listeners consider this a ‘Sleeper Classic’ episode, Print Shop Eric calls in and we get refresher on Smoked Detector low battery chirps. The Love Between The Two Hos…
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CLL #2377 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/08/2004 – Monday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Many listeners consider this a ‘Sleeper Classic’ episode, Print Shop Eric calls in and we get refresher on Smoked Detector low battery chirps. The Love Between The Two Hos…
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CLL #2377 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts) 11/08/2004 – Monday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Many listeners consider this a ‘Sleeper Classic’ episode, Print Shop Eric calls in and we get refresher on Smoked Detector low battery chirps. The Love Between The Two Hos…
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CLL #2376 (feat. David Alan Grier) 11/07/2004 – Sunday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Dagaroni returns! The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes. Paid Lin…
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CLL #2376 (feat. David Alan Grier) 11/07/2004 – Sunday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Dagaroni returns! The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes. Paid Lin…
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CLL #2375 (feat. Anthony Kiedis with Stryker) 11/04/2004 – Thursday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Stryker fills in for Adam and Anthony promotes his book. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes.…
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CLL #2375 (feat. Anthony Kiedis with Stryker) 11/04/2004 – Thursday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Stryker fills in for Adam and Anthony promotes his book. The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes.…
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CLL #2374 (feat. Andy Dick) 11/03/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Andy is making an appearance during run of sobriety but still brings the chaos and some comedy. Adam rants about his childhood and Drew does the thing where he forgets if the price for egg …
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CLL #2374 (feat. Andy Dick) 11/03/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Andy is making an appearance during run of sobriety but still brings the chaos and some comedy. Adam rants about his childhood and Drew does the thing where he forgets if the price for egg …
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CLL #2374 (feat. Andy Dick) 11/03/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Andy is making an appearance during run of sobriety but still brings the chaos and some comedy. Adam rants about his childhood and Drew does the thing where he forgets if the price for egg …
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CLL #2374 (feat. Andy Dick) 11/03/2004 – Wednesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Andy is making an appearance during run of sobriety but still brings the chaos and some comedy. Adam rants about his childhood and Drew does the thing where he forgets if the price for egg …
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CLL #2373 (feat. Danny Pino) 11/02/2004 – Tuesday Night Show Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Danny is making his only appearance on CLL promoting the show ‘Cold Case.’ The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes.…
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