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Faith Lived Out ~Bible Verses about Marriage, God’s Wisdom and Encouragement for Christian Women

Nanci Adamson ~ Christian Mentor I Bible Teacher I Speaker l Women’s Ministry Leader

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The Biblical View of Marriage & Becoming a Submissive Wife Are you a Christian wife who wants the loving godly marriage that the Lord designed for you, but are unsure what that looks like or how to get it? Do you want to have confidence in your marriage and being the submissive wife you are called to be, without the fear that you’re doing it wrong? Is it a struggle to know what the truth is, to stop worrying all the time, and to put your faith and trust in the Lord? Then you’ve come to the r ...
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show series
He says I don't respect him, but I still don't know what this means. Ladies, if we don't fully understand what it is to respect our husbands, we will continue to have problems. But, if we get this right, it will make all the difference in the world in our marriages. Our husbands need this from us as much as we need them to show they love us. Join m…
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Being married to a nonbeliever, or to a believer who has walked away from the Lord and is currently not following God, makes for a very challenging relationship. It brings with it a different set of priorities, goals, decision making, and a whole way of living life. Learning to navigate this relationship can be especially difficult, because there d…
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We are told in various places of scripture to have faith and to be strong and courageous. In most cases this is said when men are about to fight in some kind of battle or to take over a people or land. But in 1 Samuel we read about a woman who showed great strength, faith and confidence in her marriage to a man that scripture describes as being har…
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In this episode we will continue our journey of the 5 steps to overcome anxiety and to learn to trust God for the outcome. For those times when we say or think, I trust God, but . . . When we are overtaken by fear or give something to the Lord, but take it right back again by worrying or by trying to fix the problem on our own. I will be sharing a …
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How often do we hear someone say; I trust God, but . . . Maybe you have even said or thought this yourself. We know that God is sovereign, that He loves us and wants what is best for us, and yet there are things we just can’t seem to let go of. Oh, we may give it to the Lord, but we end up taking it right back again by worrying and trying to fix th…
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As believers, Christ is our rock. He is our hope and our future and therefore should be the foundation for all that we do. Christ must be at the center of our marriages if we want to have the loving wonderful marriage that God designed for us to have, the marriage that we all long for. But how do we do that. What are the practical steps that we can…
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When we are struggling, hurting, or seeking direction for our lives, people may give us the advice to fast and pray. But, what is fasting in the bible? What does scripture show us is the purpose of fasting? When and how do we do this and will it make a difference? Join me as we take a look at one of my favorite books of the Bible and what it teache…
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There are many problems in a marriage that can be resolved simply by communicating well. Being willing to share our thoughts and feelings and asking our husbands what theirs are. Not assuming what they are thinking, or that they should automatically know how we feel, but to share these things with one another and learn about each other. In this epi…
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We all know that men and women are different. We think differently, respond to things differently, and have different wants and needs. Add to that, the fact that each individual man and woman also has different personalities, as well as different likes and dislikes. Trying to understand the opposite sex is nearly impossible. Today, I am interviewin…
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All of us can lose hope at one time or another. When our life or our marriage hasn’t turned out the way we planned and we feel that it will never change. When we have tried and tried to make the necessary changes, but nothing seems to work. We can lose hope when the problem that we’re facing seems impossible to get through. When it seems that there…
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We don’t understand it when our husbands begin to change. When instead of being in church or with the family, they want to hang out with friends all night or shut themselves off in a room with their computer or phone. We are hurt by this so we beg and plead for them to change, to go to counseling or whatever it takes, because we just want our husba…
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Even the best of husbands make mistakes. Some are small and easy to overlook and forgive. But some are devastating because the hurt is deep, the commitment and trust of your marriage has been broken and you're unsure if it can ever be repaired. We know that God tells us to forgive, but how and is it even possible to ever get past this and move forw…
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Love. We all want it in our lives. We are called by God to love others, love our husbands and our children, and to love God. But what does that really look like in our lives? What does the Bible say the meaning of love is? Today we’re looking at what God says about love. What we are without love in our hearts, what the true meaning of love is, and …
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As wives and moms, we are pulled in so many different directions. Our husband need this, the kids are asking for that, but we need to work on something else. How do we determine what is most important? Those things that take priority and those that it’s okay to say no to? Join me as we take a look at 4 godly priorities for the Christian wife and wh…
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Best of 2023! The most popular episode of 2023 with well over 500 downloads. Whether this is a refresher or a 1st look, it's certainly worth a listen and share. Hope you enjoy! What does it really mean to be a submissive wife? Is it to be a doormat? That you can't have your own opinion or that your life consist of being some kind of slave to your h…
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I see so many on FB who say they are alone and have no christian friends or that their only friend is their husband. Those who are struggling in life, in their marriages, their families, or with their jobs. Our Christian walk was never meant to be done alone. All throughout scripture God talks to us about having fellowship with other believers. And…
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Being a submissive wife doesn’t mean that we must simply take everything that is thrown at us with meekness and fear. Or that we have no say in anything and cannot stand up for what is right. God has called us, as believers, to stand firm in Christ. He has also provided us with the authority and guidance to help bring those who are falling away, ba…
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Being a submissive wife in a difficult or unhappy marriage is just that, difficult. And certainly not what any of us thought it would be like when we dreamed of being married. Thankfully, God is not only well aware of the sinful nature of His people, but His Word is full of wisdom as to what to do as a godly wife with a challenging husband. Join me…
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There are many women who ask, “Am I still called to be submissive if my husband _____?” If my husband isn’t a believer, if he's a believer but not following God, or if I can’t trust him. What do I do then? Most of us probably know that we are not called to be submissive if our husband asks us to sin, but what about these other scenarios? Are we sti…
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We all want love, affection and closeness in our marriages. We remember the way things were when we were dating or first married and want it to stay that way. As we talked about in part 1, when this begins to change or when our marriages are not what we expected, we try to bring about change. However, we find that our efforts are not having the eff…
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As wives we desire love, affection, and closeness with our husbands. Wanting things to be how they were when we were dating or first married. When this begins to change, we miss the closeness and fear we may be losing our husbands. Or when our marriage is not what we expected, we try to bring about change. However, many times it’s done in a way tha…
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Does prayer really change things? Can it truly make a difference in your marriage? I know that some of you are worried about your marriages. Your frustrated with your husband and maybe even more frustrated with God because you pray and nothing seems to change. Making you wonder if the problems in your marriage can be fixed or if praying is even wor…
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As believers, we hear the terms denying self or dying to self in our Christian circles. On the surface, it can seem that we are called to live a sacrificial life of minimal wants and desires. One that only consist of putting everyone and everything before ourselves. Denying ourselves to follow God does require a sacrificial love and service for oth…
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It's the season to be thankful, grateful, and blessed. But what if things aren't going so well for you right now? If times are tough and you're struggling to just get through the day? We are called to give thanks in everything, but sometimes, in the midst of chaos and difficulties, it can be hard to muster up any kind of thankfulness. And if we do,…
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The term “Self-love” is very popular in our society today. As we looked at last week, the real meaning of it is not what the world has sugarcoated it to be. And the false teachings are really nothing more than scripture taken out of context to make the Bible say what they want to believe. As we continue our chat today about self-love, we’re going t…
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The term “Self-love” is very popular in our society today. And why wouldn’t it be. On the surface, it seems good to make sure that people love and take care of themselves. However, there are some seriously false teachings out there on what the Bible says about self-love. Teachings that will cause division and problems in your marriage. Today, I’m s…
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The struggle is real because the flesh is weak. We set our minds to be more submissive and show respect to our husbands. To be patient, loving, and kind to others. However, we are often frustrated by our weaknesses and failure to change. We lose hope because, no matter how hard we try, we continue to struggle to become the godly woman we want to be…
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The “purity culture” is where the teachings of abstinence have been so strong, that some believers struggle to be intimate with their spouse. Some have become believers after marriage and now worry about honoring God in this area. Wondering about His teachings for a biblical intimate marriage relationship. Join me for a close look at what the Bible…
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I hear women all the time who are frustrated and hurt because their husband doesn't love them the way they want to be loved. They know what their love language is and no matter how hard they try, they just can’t seem to get their husbands to understand and to love them in this way. Well ladies, I’ve been there. Right where you are with the same hur…
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Trust is vital in a marriage relationship. It is something that we have to work at, always protect, and rebuild if lost. Many find trusting their spouse to be very difficult either due to how they have been treated in the past or because the bond of trust has been broken in the marriage. In today’s episode we’re taking a look at how as wives, we ca…
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If our God abounds in love and grace, then why is life such a struggle at times? Why do we have problems in our marriages, with our finances, or with illness in our family? Why can’t being a believer in a mighty sovereign God mean that our life is easy and peaceful. What is the purpose and how do we navigate these adversities? We’re going to take a…
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Divorce has become a common occurrence in our society, with an estimated 45% of marriages ending in divorce. Even among believers, marriages not only end due to infidelity, but because of financial struggles, lack of commitment and unmet expectations. But what does the Bible say about divorce? Does God really lead some people to leave their spouse?…
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Because of the way our world is today with being careful to look out for ourselves and the desire to be independent. Some women can be afraid to follow God’s calling of becoming a submissive wife. They feel it means they are less worthy, will lose their identity, or merely live in their husband's shadow. Today we’re ending those fears as we take a …
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The enemy is real, he walks around seeking whom he may devour, and he is after our marriages. In the previous episodes, we’ve learned about Satan tactics and God's armor to protect us against the attacks. We’ve also talked about why the enemy is after our marriages and wants them to fail. Today, we’re looking at the one weapon God has given us to f…
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There's an unseen enemy, fighting to make your marriage fail. In parts 1 & 2, we talked about the tactics Satan uses. How he is subtle, cunning and relentless. Trying to make us miserable or end our marriages. When we know this and how to use God’s armor against it, it changes everything! Today, we continue our journey into a rather in depth look a…
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We've talked about the fact that the enemy is real, that he has certain tactics that he uses because he wants our marriages to fail. Hoping that we will be miserable in them or that they will end in ruin. Once we learn about these tactics and how to use the armor God has given us, we will see the enemy’s attacks for what they are and we’ll know how…
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Ladies, the enemy is real, the battle is real, and the fight is for your marriage! We don’t see him, but he is there. Poking and prodding to cause doubts about God and friction in our marriages. When I finally learned about satan and his tactics, it changed everything. God warns us of the enemy and provides for us His full armor to fight the spirit…
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We all have things that we've done or said in our past, that we are not particularly proud of. Even though we've asked the Lord for forgiveness, they still seem to crop up in our minds, causing us to doubt our faith, if we're truly forgiven and who we are in Christ. We walk around with feelings of guilt from our past that affect our thoughts and em…
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We all come into a marriage with preconceived notions as to what it will be like. What our daily lives will be like, how our husbands love us, etc. However somewhere along the line, we realize that our expectations are not being met. Our husband doesn't show the love we desire and we wonder why and how to change it. Today we’re chatting about where…
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Many couples who have been married a while ask, why does marriage have to be so hard? Why does it feel like such work and is it worth it? Marriage can be difficult, as you take two people, from different backgrounds and throw them together into one house, 24/7 to essentially duke out their differences. It’s no wonder that some find their marriage t…
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Many of us have dreamed of the perfect marriage and being the perfect wife. But if you’re like me, it wasn’t long before you realized that you had no clue how to make that happen or where to even start. In this episode, I’m sharing what I’ve learned the first steps are to the Christian marriage we've dreamed of and becoming the submissive wife we w…
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As a new believer, prayer can be a bit intimidating. As a mature believer, we can easily fall into the habit of coming to God with a laundry list of needs and wants, forgetting the other aspects of what our prayers should include. Or our mind wonders and we find ourselves apologizing to God for not staying focused. So how then? How do we come to th…
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We all have our own ideas and expectations of what love is? What we want it to look like in our lives. But what does the Bible say about love? If we want to have the Christ centered, loving marriage that we desire, then we must learn what God says love is and what it isn’t. Today we’re taking a look at the love chapter in Scripture and learning how…
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Marital Affairs ~ We hear about them all the time. They are often the hot topic about celebrities or those we see in the media. There are some instances that we could see it coming from a mile away. But others from solid marriages or godly people that also seem to fall prey to them. How does this happen? And more importantly, how do we keep this fr…
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When people are having troubles in their marriage or trying to decide what to do in their life. If they should move forward in a certain direction or not. Some will give the advice that God just wants you to be happy, so do what makes you happy. But is that really the case? Are our decisions to be made based on what makes us happy? Is this God’s pr…
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Forgiving someone can be so hard. There are times that the hurt is so deep that we're not sure we are able to forgive, times when we are simply unwilling to do so, or we’re just not sure how to get past the hurt and the anger so we can forgive someone. As believers, Jesus is our example as to what forgiveness looks like in our lives. So we’re going…
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We’ve all seen her and maybe we've had to deal with her at some point. Who is she? She's that cranky woman who seems to be unhappy with life and angry at the world. No one wants to be like this. So where did her bitterness come from and how did it grow? More importantly, how do we make sure that we don't let bitterness grow in our hearts and end up…
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Hi Ladies, Recently I read Psalm 97 and it reminded me of just how powerful our God is. Of His sovereignty over literally everything in my life, that He reigns on the throne, and His promises of joy for those who call Him Lord. This was encouraging to me because with the everyday busyness of our lives, working, homeschooling our kids, carting them …
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Jesus performed miracles while He was here on earth. He healed people from all sorts of diseases, cast out demons, made the blind to see, the lamb to walk, and even raised some of people from the dead. Besides God’s mighty power to merely speak or touch someone and they are healed, or that He has compassion for His children, what do we learn from t…
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Hi Ladies, Recently I spoke at a women's brunch about how blooming where we're planted is to mature in the achievement of our God given potential. The ladies there really seemed to resonate with the message and be inspired by it, so I wanted to share it with all of you as well. However I have tweaked it just a bit as it relates to us as godly wives…
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