Brian Swain and Nolan Lorch invite their friends over to hang out, discuss random topics/questions and to have a good time.
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Podcast on Elm Street - Ep. 60
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Recorded October 20, 2017 w/Kyle ShieldsQuestions include: What hobby is more of a lifestyle?What are the best low-effort Halloween costumes? If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?Intro credit:"Rock Angel" (Featured in the Jacker Snowboard Video) by Joakim Karud is licensed under a Creative…
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Recorded October 10, 2017 w/Garth MeyerQuestions include: What are your best tips for not caring what other people think about you? If you could miniaturize any wild animal to about 6x6 inches and have as a pet, what would it be? And what makes you instantly roll your eyes?Intro credit:"Rock Angel" (Featured in the Jacker Snowboard Video) by Joakim…
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