Podcast by Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 7 - What Went Wrong with the World?
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45:56Genesis 3 reveals humanity’s choice to turn away from God, introducing sin and brokenness into the world. Tomi Oyebadejo examines what went wrong in creation, how our decisions impact not only ourselves but also the world around us. Understanding sin’s roots helps us grasp both the problem of evil and God’s response to bring hope and restoration in…
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Part 6 - Is P*rn Really That Harmful?
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38:11Genesis presents a vision of sexual intimacy as pure, unashamed, and meaningful. In contrast, our culture distorts this gift and it leads to a world of shame. This week Bram Cross addresses the impact of p*rnography on individuals, relationships, and society. He considers how it is a justice issue and how we should respond, inviting people to walk …
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Part 5 - Why Is It So Hard to Slow Down?
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42:07When God rested on the seventh day, he set a rhythm for us that prioritises rest and renewal. Yet, many of us struggle to slow down in today’s 24/7 society. Tim Virgo unpacks the roots of our restlessness and show how trusting God’s sovereignty and more importantly Christ’s salvation can free us to embrace rest, allowing for spiritual and physical …
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Part 4 - What is God’s design for sex and marriage?
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51:42In today's society, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding the boundaries of sex and relationships. While some view it as a purely pleasurable act with no deeper meaning, others are shocked by the growing trend of promiscuity in our culture amongst high profile influencers. The adult entertainment industry further distorts the conversation, reducin…
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Part 3 - Can My Work Have Real Meaning?
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33:06In the third part of our series in the bible book of Genesis, this week we welcome Joel Glover to speak to us on : Can My Work Have Real Meaning?Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 2 - Who defines life, worth and identity?
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47:01What happens when society drifts from the foundations that it was built upon? In this episode, Tom Scrivens examines how human dignity, gender, and the sanctity of life are being redefined in a foundation-less society. The Bible gives a clear response—will we return to it and build upon strong foundations? Join the conversation in the latest instal…
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Part 1 - Am I Created or Just a Coincidence?
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36:50How you finish the sentence "In the beginning…" shapes how you see the world, live your life, and where you place your hope. In this message, Tom Scrivens explores Genesis 1 and the big questions: Are we created or just a coincidence? And “If there is a creator God how can we know what he is like?” Join us as we dive into the foundations of life, p…
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Tim Virgo brings the final message in our three-part series - Hope in the Struggle, “Together in the Struggle”.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Alex Hawke gives the main session at our first ever Strengthened Parents event. What does it look like for the gospel of Jesus to shape our parenting?Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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In the second of our three-part series - Hope in the Struggle, Tim Virgo considers the importance of resilience, meaning, and relationships through God’s active involvement in our lives. God cares deeply for us, offering hope, wisdom, and intimacy as we endure life’s challenges. With God’s love and guidance, our hearts can be transformed, allowing …
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There has been a huge shift in our society when it comes to talking about our mental health: talk of these matters is seemingly everywhere now. In this message Tom Scrivens exams the good and not-so-good outcomes of the fact that this is discussed much more now and examines what the Bible have to say about these matters.#MentalHealth #Depression #A…
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For our first meeting of the new year we're joined by guest speaker, Terry Virgo.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 34 - Jesus' Unfinished Business
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43:22Tim Virgo continues our series in John's gospel.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 33 - Jesus gives us Peace, Power & Purpose
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36:22Maurice Nightingale continues our series in John's gospel.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 32 - Great Expectations of Jesus
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32:01Gary Dean continues our series in John's gospel.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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As we near the end of our series in John, Tom Scrivens explores the powerful transformation of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus—two secret believers who risked everything to honour Jesus after His death. What moved these powerful politicians from fear to boldness, silence to proclamation? Discover how the love of Jesus compels us to lay down reput…
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People across the globe have ideas about what the big problems in life are and how to solve them. In this message Tom Scrivens unpacks Jesus’ last words on the cross, where we see Jesus exclaiming that a mission has been accomplished - a mission to win our freedom. We will see how Jesus frees us from empty living, from the fear of death and brings …
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Tomi continues our series on the gospel of JohnAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Tomi continues our series on John's gospelAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Tim Virgo speaks on John 18 and helps us to understand how we can be confident that Jesus is the Truth. He asks the question, 'What is Truth?' and unpacks how we respond to it, concluding that the only good way is to face the Truth with the one who is Truth, who took our place so we can stand in his righteousness and have life. #truth #righteousnes…
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Part 27 - "Jesus and the Quest for Popularity"
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34:33We all want to be liked and accepted but that desire can take over and the bible calls it 'the Fear of Man'. In this message, Tom Scrivens looks at the story of Peter denying Jesus and asks the question, How can we get free from the Fear of Man? #fear #popularityAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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In his message on being Confident in Jesus, Alex Hawke highlights 3 wonderful truths about Jesus from John 18:1-14: Jesus is in control, Jesus understands and Jesus took our place. He unpacks how Jesus and the spread of the gospel are unstoppable and how the fact that Jesus willingly went to die in your place silences the accusations of the enemy.…
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Part 25 - "Jesus, His People and the World"
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39:47How are Christians to walk in this world? Are they to retreat into a Christian bubble or should they try to blend in? In this week’s message, Tom Scrivens unpacks Jesus’ prayer for his people in John 17, where we see that he desires that his people be distinct and united as they are sent into the world as he was sent.…
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Tomi Oyebadejo continues our series in the bible book of John.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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We all love to be loved and we don’t want to be hated at all and if we’re honest, we all want an easy life. Tom Scrivens unpacks Jesus promise that as Christians we are guaranteed trials and hardships, but we can take heart knowing that Jesus has overcome the world. Despite the challenges, we find peace and strength through the Holy Spirit and the …
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In this week’s message, Tim Virgo unpacks John 15 where we see that Jesus invites us to stay with him day in and day out, to live each day under the waterfall of God’s great love. #Grace #Abiding #TrueHomeAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 21 - "Jesus - The Way to Soul Satisfaction"
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35:32Every heart longs for deep, soul satisfaction, a sense of finally being in a place of true rest, but it seems no-one knows how to get to it. In this message Tom Scrivens takes us through some of Jesus’ most famous and controversial words as Jesus claims to be the only way to soul satisfying relationship with God. #RealLife #Truth #Jesus…
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Part 20 - "Jesus Doesn't Leave Us As Orphans"
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38:15We’re back in our series in the book of John and this week we see Jesus explaining to his disciple that he won’t be with them for much longer. But he is going to make a way for them to know his presence even when he’s gone. Mike Betts unpacks for us the beautiful way in which Jesus does not leave us as orphans - he does this by sending the Holy Spi…
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What do we do when we see those we love going through difficulties but feel powerless to practically help them? Do our prayers for others really make a difference? What sort of things could we be praying for them? In this message, Tom Scrivens looks at the prayer life of the Apostle Paul and gives us practical pointers on how to build prayer for ot…
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We serve a God who wants to know us, but also who wants us to be in community with one another. Hannah Alston speaks on the topic of hospitality, something we’re urged to practice and pursue “without grumbling”. Hannah is joined by Annabelle Shepherd and Tim Mann to look at how we can do this in church and through our relationships.…
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Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Naturally, human beings come to be served and not to serve. If we want to be great then it's going to look like a life of service. In part 4 of our "Love is a Verb" series, Tom Scrivens and Bram & Ella-Sophia Cross unpack what it looks like to serve in the light of all that Jesus has done and is doing in th…
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How can we as a community enter into people's joy and their grief? Is community really worth the pain that it can sometimes be? It's the third message in our new mini series 'Love is a Verb' and this time we'll be hearing from Tom Scrivens along with Greg and Jenny Frost as we look at 'Rejoicing and Weeping'. #Community #Love #Grief #Joy…
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Part of our loving of others is not to affirm every decision someone makes! Sometimes we need to challenge, provoke and urge others to live lives that are pleasing to God. Tim Virgo speaks from Acts 20:17–38 as Paul speaks to the elders of the church, on how we bring and receive challenge.#love #discipling #church…
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Tomi Oyebadejo and Kirsten Higgins tag-team preach in the first of our new six-part series. A big part of our love for one another is having ambition for one another - to raise others up in the ways of Jesus. Our hearts geared towards raising up and nurturing others in Christian discipleship. This was the heart of the apostle Paul that we read of s…
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Guest speaker Oscar Suarez brings the message of the incredible example of servanthood shown by Jesus as He washes the feet of the disciples. Knowing His final destination is to be with the Father, He serves not based on their response but because He is love.#Worship #Devotion #Jesus #ServingAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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In this passage of scripture we read Jesus’ last call to the people before he goes to his arrest and crucifixion. In this message Tom Scrivens shows us that Jesus is calling a people to come and find life in him by actually dying to their ambition and reputation. Desiring to upkeep our reputation is one thing that can hinder us from following Jesus…
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Len South shares his testimony and talks on Fatherhood.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Tom Scrivens unpacks the remarkable story of Mary’s costly worship of Jesus. In an age of distraction, Jesus deserves to be our number one priority, he’s worthy of our time, attention, devotion and sacrifice.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 16 - "Jesus in Our Pain and Confusion"
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37:22Where is God in our pain and confusion? Is he listening? Does he care? We all ask ourselves these questions at some point and this story of Lazarus’ death gives us so much comfort. As Tom Scrivens unpacks in this message, we see in this story a God who cares, who can be trusted and who wants us to trust him in our pain. We also are pointed to our d…
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Part 15 - "Jesus the Good and True Shepherd"
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39:44Nick Oldfield continues our series in the bible book of John chapter 10 - Jesus the Good and True ShepherdAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Part 14 - "Jesus the Illuminating Presence of God"
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38:49Do we see everything as clearly as we think we do? Jesus is the illuminating presence of God. He can give sight to the blind! But his light also exposes our blindness.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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In today’s message we once again see Jesus in a lengthy discussion with the crowds, a discussion that gets very heated and ends with the crowd wanting to kill Jesus. In this message from Tom Scrivens we’ll see Jesus making the clearest declaration yet as to his true identity and the claim that he makes to have come to bring freedom from slavery. #F…
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We all have mess in our lives. Depending on what you believe, you might call that sin. What does Jesus say & do in response to our mess? Tom Scrivens continues our series in the gospel of John as we see Jesus come face to face with a messy situation.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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Jesus declared "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink" and in doing so there was much division about who Jesus was, some followed him and some hated him. In this message, Tim Virgo unpacks how Jesus is the one who can quench our thirst. #Thirst #Satisfaction #TrueLifeAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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With him having just performed a miracle, feeding 1000s of people, the crowds flock around Jesus. Jesus sees the motive of their hearts - they don't want him, they want what he can offer. Tom Scrivens unpacks this tough passage, where Jesus gives some teaching that the crowds find hard to hear and eventually all but a few of Jesus followers leave h…
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Part 9 - "Jesus and the Walk of Faith"
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33:03Nick Oldfield brings our next message from the bible book of John - walking by faith, John chapter 5.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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What do we make of the miracles that Jesus performed when he walked the earth? Are we to expect healing today? Continuing out series in John's gospel and brining in some really encouraging stories from our church community, Tomi Oyebadejo speaks on Jesus, the God who heals. #healing #miracles #powerofgod…
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Jesus encounters a woman who is living in deep shame. In this message Tom Scrivens shows how we too can live free from crippling shame - only through what Jesus has done. #shame #forgiveness #Jesus #graceAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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What is our hope in life? Is it in the good things we do or the reputation that we build for ourselves? In this message from John chapter 3, Tim Virgo unpacks Jesus most famous words about God's love for the world and shows us that we must be born again. #newlife #godslove #jesussavesAutor: Hope Church Ipswich
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A special Mothers' day message as we celebrate the call of Mothers and speak to Mollie Oldfield about her life and calling in God's family as a spiritual mother to many.Autor: Hope Church Ipswich
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