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Judecata de Acum

Ovidiu Vanghele&Vlad Stoicescu

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Doi jurnaliști. O săptămână de întâmplări. Un ceas pentru a le descifra. Încercăm să înțelegem. Nu reușim întotdeauna. Dar exersăm mereu gândirea liberă. ------------------- "Judecata de Acum" este un podcast video săptămânal transmis LIVE pe Youtube, în fiecare joi seara, de la 8, si produs în parteneriat de două organizații din presa alternativă, Dela0 și Centrul de Investigații Media (CIM). Pentru dezvoltarea acestui produs putem fi sprijiniți pe Patreon - www.patreon.com/judecatadeacum
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Welcome to The Roth Guy with Jude Wilson, your go-to podcast for all things tax, finance and retirement, hosted on YouTube and available on your favorite podcasting platforms! Each episode, join Jude Wilson as we explore the essential world of retirement planning, tax strategies, and overcoming financial hurdles. Imagine your financial journey as an epic superhero tale—filled with challenges like taxes, inflation, and market risks. But don’t worry, with Jude’s guidance, you can master your f ...
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Judeeaa & Friends


Let’s talk, let’s be real, let’s help each other, let’s vibe, let’s live our best lives. Hi, I’m Judeeaa and these are my friends! Welcome to the fam ✨ Follow me on Socials - Instagram: @Callmejudeeaa Twitter: @Callmejudeeaa Soundcloud: Callmejudeeaa
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Hey Jude

Jude Gardner Vlogs

Hey im Jude im 18 and i think i lead a pretty normal life but i've had my adventures and i have crazy thoughts which i want to share with you here;)
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Jude, the Podcast

David Jude

Conversations with Exceptional People! Exceptional people, just like you... just like the great folks in all of our communities. Let's talk to them so their stories can be told.
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St. Jude Flashpoint

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Everything changed when the cancer diagnosis came for Jessica Turri at 9 years old. But her story isn’t what you think. Not even close. Relive her improbable life – from treatment at St. Jude to the set of a popular TV show, from Nashville TV news to country music – with members of her awestruck family.
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האם השסע בעם עלול לפרק אותנו שוב לשני עמים? פרויקט מיוחד על הפיצול לישראל ויהודה: על השורשים ההיסטוריים, על הביטויים התרבותיים, על הזווית החרדית והשאלה הגדולה: איך מדינות מתגרשות בפועל? עורכים: מיה סלע ויובל אביבי
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Welcome to Hard Case. This is a podcast where I talk about WNBA and Seattle Storm. WNBA is my personal and professional passion. I will share with you many stories happened around the league throughout the years and then discuss broader gender issues around sports. Join me for the fun ride!
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Join actor Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Anna Karenina) as he discusses his latest film, Side Effects, directed by Steven Soderbergh. Side Effects is a provocative thriller about Emily and Martin (Rooney Mara and Channing Tatum), a successful New York couple whose world unravels when a new drug prescribed by Emily's psychiatrist (played by Law) has unexpected side effects.
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Alex and Jude Talk...

Alex and Jude Talk...

Join Alex and Jude each episode for a natter about a different topic each time, from the fun and frothy to the thoughtful and important. With super-cool guests to keep us on our toes. If you love a chat as much as us, join us and join the conversation.
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Hass gegen Juden – bei uns?!

Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat

Der Bundesbeauftragte Klein betont, dass der Terroranschlag der Hamas vom 07. Oktober 2023 die israelische, aber auch unsere Gesellschaft verändert habe: Hierzulande sind antisemitische Vorfälle auf beängstigende Weise angestiegen. Die Bedrohungslage für Jüdinnen und Juden spitzt sich immer weiter zu. Antisemitismus hat viele Gesichter, und er begegnet uns in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Genau darüber möchte Felix Klein mit den Gästen seiner Podcastreihe sprechen und zugleich konkrete H ...
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The Jude Law Firm

Cassandra Jude

Cassandra Jude received her Bachelor of Arts degree in General Studies at The King’s University in Southlake, Texas. Subsequently, she obtained her Juris Doctor degree from UNT Dallas College of Law in Dallas, Texas. Before founding Jude Injury, Attorney Jude tried several criminal cases as an Assistant Public Defender with the Lee County Public Defender’s Office and worked for the biggest insurance defense firm in Florida. Additionally, prior to and during law school Attorney Jude worked in ...
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Jude Law and Richard E. Grant discuss their new film. Dom Hemingway (Law) is a larger-than-life character with a loose fuse. Back on the streets of London after twelve years in prison, he reunites with his devoted best friend Dickie (Grant) to collect what he’s owed for keeping his mouth shut. Moderated by Damon Wise at the Apple Regent Street in London.
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Der Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland feiert in diesem Jahr sein 70-jähriges Bestehen: Am 19. Juli 1950 wurde er in Frankfurt/M. gegründet. Dieses Jubiläum wollen wir würdigen, wie es im 21. Jahrhundert und unter Corona-Bedingungen angemessen ist: digital und modern. Sieben Jahrzehnte werden wir bis zum Jahresende in sieben Formaten aufleben lassen. Den Start macht die neue Podcast-Reihe des Zentralrats der Juden: „Schon immer Tachles“. Unter diesem Titel wird sich etwa alle drei Wochen Ph ...
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Season 5, Short sermons for a busy world from the preaching team at St Jude on the Hill, London, NW11 7AH Season 3 , The Crown Uncovered, Fit For A King This season of the Podcast will concentrate on what has been learned from the 2023 Coronation. We are interested in what is of value in the rite, and what do contributors consider needs to be held on to? There will be discussion of what not included in 2023, which was integral to the 1953 rite, and what the significance of that might be litu ...
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The WOW Podcast with Jude Kelly

The WOW Foundation

The WOW Podcast celebrates everything that women and girls are doing, and takes a frank look at the obstacles in their way. Brought to you by The WOW Foundation, this new podcast is full of stories of inspiring women from across the globe; featuring in-depth interviews, highlights from WOWs around the world, fun and mind expanding conversations, and insights into the lives of people you've heard of - and those we know you'll love meeting. The WOW Foundation is the charitable organisation beh ...
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show series
In this powerful episode, Lisa Fields sits down with Dr. Cheryl Sanders—professor of Christian Ethics at Howard University and senior pastor of Third Street Church of God—to discuss womanist theology, Black women's perspectives on scripture, and the ethical challenges facing the Church today. They break down how Black women uniquely engage biblical…
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Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and early investor in Facebook, reportedly grew his Roth IRA to a jaw-dropping $5 billion- completely tax-free. But how did he do it? And more importantly, can everyday investors use similar strategies to maximize their own retirement savings? In this episode, Jude Wilson and Marc Killian break down the "Rocket Rot…
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“Yes, of course [we can salvage our relationship] because relations are more than two presidents. Historical relations, strong relations, are between our people. People.” -President Volodymyr Zelensky This is a companion episode to last year's "pishite pravdu" John Lechner is a journalist who speaks more than seven languages, covering issues relate…
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Am avut săptămâna asta o ediție mai ca pe vremuri, cu mai multe subiecte, semn că era georgismului, cu excesele ei periculoase, s-a cam dus. Am început cu cea mai recentă dovadă a nesimțirii fostului președinte Klaus Iohannis: multele milioane sparte pe mofturile lui aviatice. Acum, având cifrele, putem vedea, sperăm, și mai mult din spatele lor. D…
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What does it truly mean to be whole? In this powerful episode, Lisa Fields sits down with Dr. Maliek Blade to unpack what it means to be a 'whole man'—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They explore the importance of mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness—especially for Black men. They dive into the intersection of faith, mental health, and…
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Am întors pe toate fețele noua găselniță legislativo-constituționalo-electorală, mai pe scurt atributul auto-atribuit al Curții Constituționale (delegat ulterior și BEC) de a analiza etic persoanele aspirante la funcția supremă în stat. Am găsit, la capătul acestui efort, mult mai multe întrebări decât răspunsuri. Lucru care ne pare foarte periculo…
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What do we do when suffering feels unbearable? In this powerful conversation, Dr. Robert Smith Jr. unpacks the deep struggles of pain, loss, and forgiveness—sharing his own personal journey through grief and tragedy. From the loss of his son to the tension between justice and grace, Dr. Smith reflects on how suffering can transform rather than brea…
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De luni de zile deja orbecăim cu toții, georgiști sau oameni mai zdraveni la minte de-atât, spre nicăieri. Felinarul chior care ne călăuzește e purtat de statul român, care ne mai dă, de la o săptămână la alta, câte-un grăunte de informație despre noul Mesia și faptele lui de arme, unele mai serioase, dar altele, mai multe, de râs, dacă n-ar fi de …
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Can faith and science coexist? In this episode of the Jude 3 Project podcast, Dr. Frederick Ware discusses the intersection of theology and science, tackling topics like evolution, miracles, and historical Black church perspectives. Do you think science can enrich ministry and faith? Comment below! Support the mission and vision of Jude 3 Project h…
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Am vorbit și în ediția de săptămâna asta despre justiție, pentru că pare, pe scurt, că nici măcar în ceasul al 12-lea nu ne trezim. Acum mai bine de un an, procurorul-șef DNA a renunțat la serviciile fostului șef al procurorilor anticorupție de la Constanța, pe motiv că nu „producea” dosare de corupție cu legătură cu portul. A adus în schimb un pro…
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If you’ve spent years successfully managing your own investments, do you really need a financial advisor? That’s the question one of our listeners sent in after years of handling his portfolio solo. So, is working with an advisor just an extra expense, or could it actually add real value? In this episode, we break down when and why even experienced…
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Am avut o ediție specială a Judecății în această săptămână: Vlad l-a avut invitat pe profesorul Armand Goșu, cel mai fin cunoscător al realității ruse contemporane. Ce înțelegem din schimbările teribile prin care omenirea trece de o lună de zile de când Trump a preluat președinția Statelor Unite? Cum ne descurcăm în SF-ul (prost) în care Rusia lui …
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In this episode of The Roth Guy, Jude breaks down five crucial Roth conversion mistakes that could derail your retirement strategy. For example, many investors rush into conversions without considering the tax implications, often converting too much in a single year and inadvertently pushing themselves into a higher tax bracket. Jude explains how t…
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Am dedicat ediția din această săptămână, cumva normal, României pe care-o lasă în urmă, după ce-i trântește ușa a sfidare, poate cel mai slab președinte de după 1989. Am întors pe toate părțile atât plecarea lui neanunțată de nimic, dar mai ales consecințele epocii, decadei Iohannis. Pe care, așa cum puteți auzi, le găsim dramatice. Epoca Iohannis …
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După o pauză de o lună jumate, cu decor și ceva scule noi, am pornit într-un nou an de Judecată, doar pentru a ne constata condamnați la aceleași și aceleași porcării comise de establishment-ul nostru stricat. Ne-am propus, forțați de cele întâmplate în pauza noastră de măsuță, ca prima ediție din anul ăsta să o înscriem sub una din milioanele de d…
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Inflation has been a hot topic for years, and it's still a major concern as we move through 2025. While some reports suggest that inflation rates are decreasing, many consumers continue to feel the financial pinch. Because of this, inflation’s impact on retirement planning could be bigger than ever. In this episode, we’ll explore how to adjust your…
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Welcome to 2025! In this episode of The Roth Guy, Jude and Marc kick off the new year with an essential financial checklist to help you start the year on the right foot. They discuss strategies to stay proactive, avoid costly mistakes, and make the most of your financial planning opportunities. With insights on everything from reviewing your invest…
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Am încheiat în genunchi anul 2024. Și noi, oamenii ne-extremiști din România, câți om mai fi - și nici ăia toți! -, și noi la Judecată, căci la ultimul episod din acest an greu am rămas, în premieră, fără internet fix în timpul transmisiunii live. Am avut cu toții un an greu, parcă mai greu decât alții. Și îl încheiem în pline turbulențe, ba chiar …
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Am numărat, la ediția de săptămâna asta, consecințele celui mai mare seism politic al României din ultimii 35 de ani, și-anume anularea alegerilor prezidențiale. Dincolo de faptul că poate cel mai disprețuit președinte al României - și competiția nu e ușoară! - rămâne în funcție până nu-știm-când și dincolo de mormanul de bani publici cheltuiți de …
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