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認識聖經 @

Thru the Bible Mandarin

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Johannes Finnlaugsson, Petrina Solange, Armann Hreinsson

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En podd som spelas in inför publik varje måndag. Komikerna Johannes Finnlaugsson, Petrina Solange och Armann Hreinsson pratar om saker som hänt senaste veckan.
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Dashu Mandarin Podcast


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Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: Welcome to join us.
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Respiratory Care Mandarin Podcast

American Association for Respiratory Care

呼吸照護網路播放總結了每個月發表的紙本期刊,每段網摘錄了各文章要點,以及呼吸照護期刊主編Rich Branson博士個人評價總結。Rich Branson博士解釋了每一篇在當月期刊內出版文章的臨床重要性、及告訴讀者該帶回的訊息。我們希望在紙本寄達之前,經由對即將來到的期刊內容文章重點提示這樣的服務,會幫助您成為這個期刊更好的讀者。
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Blå måndag

Måns Jonasson

Blå måndag är den svenska podden för mörk musik. Vi spelar ny och gammal synthmusik och pratar med intressanta gäster om vad som händer i Sveriges alternativa musikscen.
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: Boost your fluency in Mandarin Chinese with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just single words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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I'm Learning Mandarin is a podcast that dives deep into the questions that matter to Chinese learners. Host, Mischa Wilmers, talks to the world's leading scholars and draws on his experience of self-studying the language to fluency. Visit the Im Learning Mandarin blog. Popular posts include: Your Ultimate Guide To Learning Chinese Tones: How Long Does It Take To Learn Mandarin: https://imlearningma ...
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Learn Taiwanese Mandarin

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin is a podcast aimed at intermediate to advanced learners.It’s all in Chinese(from the 4th episode), and if there are advanced words, I will explain them using slower and easier Chinese words and sentences! You will also learn some culture knowledge about Taiwan. With more episodes coming out, I'll also teach you some useful Taiwanese/Hokkien. 跟我一起用中文學習中文吧!Website: made by Freepik from
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2CR 澳洲中文广播电台是澳洲第一间每周七 二十四小时的中文广播电台。节目独立制作,本地制造,服务澳大利亚本地华人超过二十载,为大家带来有趣又接地气的节目! 2CR Radio is Australia’s first 24/7 Chinese radio station, serving our community for over 20 years. Programs locally and independently produced, providing interesting but also informative audio content.
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Mandatory Viewing


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Jordan Canning and Sarah Hillier are here to tell you what you HAVE to be watching! Whether its brilliant, bizarre, or just plain unbelievable - it’s definitely Mandatory Viewing! The shows, movies, nostalgia and viral chaos best consumed socially with your comrades, a gummy (encouraged) and snacks (required)! Your one stop shop to catch up on what everyone is talking about!
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Hvordan kan vi designe vores jobs og liv, så vi tænker ENDELIG MANDAG? Line Reeh søger bud i samtaler med eksperter, nytænkende hverdagsmennesker og modige viskvinder, som deler forskning og egne erfaringer: Talenteksperten, motivationsforskeren, karriecoachen, lederen, som tror på kærlighed som ledelsesprincip, og shamanen under uglevinger i skoven
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Hi, I’m Jiajia, a qualified language teacher and a language lover. If you have been learning Chinese for years and still haven’t reached fluency, I’m here to help! Through this podcast you will learn the REAL Chinese. You will listen to different topics, such as the cultural, the custom, idioms and slang, stories, tips for learning and more. Listen repeatedly-Read the transcripts-Do output activities. You will find yourself using new words and phrases that you’ve listened before automaticall ...
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The MandaLore

Martin Donison, David Cottingham

The definitive podcast for Star Wars on Disney+ Join Siber Wren and D.Vizsla as they discuss all the live action and animated Star Wars shows on the new network! This is the way.
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Welcome to Fluent with Nicole, where learning Mandarin becomes fun and interactive ! Whether you're a beginner or an advance learner looking to improve your skills, this podcast is designed to help you master the languages in a practical, easy-to-follow way. Tune in as Nicole, a passionate language teacher, breaks down useful phrases, explores cultural insights, and offers tips for improving your speaking, listening, and comprehension skills. Join us and take your language journey to the nex ...
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大家好,我是林老師! This is MandarinWithMissLin from Taiwan. I'm from Taipei, Taiwan. I hope this Podcast can help you train your Chinese listening skill and learn natural Taiwanese Mandarin vocabulary and phrases. My mission is to help learners to speak Chinese naturally, to help you learn authentic Taiwanese Mandarin, and discover Taiwanese culture. To learn more with me , please take a look at my courses or my Youtube channel. More free Taiwanese Mandarin sources on my website. https://www.taiwane ...
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Mandarin 24/7 Podcast 汉语播客

Host and Creator: 梅琳 Mei Lin  

Hi, I host and create podcast episodes in the language I teach, covering everything from current events to fascinating cultural aspects. Daily Life; News & Current Affairs; Society & Culture. 每日生活; 时事新闻; 社会文化. Intermediate and advanced Chinese listening practice. HSK 4, HSK 5, HSK 6; B1;B2;C1 中,高级汉语听力练习
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Have you ever felt that rush of excitement when you absorb a ton of information, only to freeze up when it’s time to chat with a native Chinese speaker? It’s maddening, isn’t it? You know that learning takes time, but what if I told you that with the right approach, you can actually speed things up? It’s not just about collecting knowledge; it’s about unleashing it in real conversations. Once you embrace this simple yet powerful method, you might be blown away by how quickly everything start ...
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Join Abby to explore Taiwan while improving your Mandarin listening skills and learning to talk like a Taiwanese! Each podcast is 100% in Taiwanese Mandarin, best for intermediate to advanced learners. Full transcripts are available on my Patreon. 透過各種話題的分享,希望讓外國朋友們在學習中文的同時能更認識台灣。 ► Patreon(full transcripts): ► Chinese graded readers & Chinese Lessons: ► Support my work: Tips: A ...
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Varje måndag får du följa med bästa vännerna Hanna och Lojsan där de delar med sig av sina liv i Stockholm. I denna podd pratar de ofiltrerat och ärligt om allt vad gäller resor, vänskap, dejting, förhållanden och - ja, allt från pinsamma historier, starka åsikter till att lösa lyssnarnas problem. Även Lojsans kille Buster gästar ofta och ser sig själv som den tredje personen i podden. Ifall du vill skicka in till vårat favoritsegmentet “Am I the asshole?” som är återkommande i varje veckas ...
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Mandatory Music

Michael Heide and Sebastian Kwapich

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Welcome to Mandatory Music! A podcast about the craft of music. Join Mike and Sebastian as they unravel the depths of song writing, musicianship and great artists. Each season centres on one particular band, with a deep dive into specific songs that delve into their creation, sound and complexity. It is within song and harmony, melody and rhythm that our emotional heartbeat echos. It has been said that "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the ima ...
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Talks From The Heart With Manda is brought to you by Agape Wellness Coaching, a Spirituality and Faith based organization that is an extended helping hand ready to support you on your journey to becoming the being you are created and desire to be. The Host, Manda is a Spiritual Teacher, Transformational Relationship Coach and founder Of Agape Wellness Coaching Centre. She is unafraid to delve deep into the unexplored, join her as she discusses all things about #Spirituality, Relational Welln ...
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Welcome to Ming’s Mandarin Café! I’m Ming, a passionate Chinese teacher. Think of this podcast as a cozy café where we can chat about everything in our life. I’ll share my stories, reflections, and questions, and I’d also love to hear your experiences, perspectives, and cultural insights. I hope the connections we make here will help you naturally learn authentic Chinese and discover the richness behind the language. Life is complicated, and I don’t have all the answers. But I’ll always have ...
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show series
Send us a text In today’s episode, Steve tells Manda give a review of the Gabby Petito documentary that was recently released on Netflix. They discuss some of the details released in the documentary as well, so make sure to watch that before you listen! Here are the places you can donate, volunteer, or bring awareness to victims of Domestic Violenc…
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【节目简介】 四季茶馆,你的故事,我的茶。 你以为我喝的是铁观音,其实我喝的是奶茶。 一个以故事为起点,讨论热门话题的Podcast。 让我们在四季茶馆摸鱼,随心所欲的瞎聊,暂时忘记生活里的KPI。 拒绝内耗,肆意发疯,放声大笑! 所以,我们今天的主题是啥来着? — 「哎呀,都说是瞎聊了! (。 ì _ í。 )」 2cr 澳洲中文广播电台,《四季茶馆》营业啦。 节目主持人小潘潘和小路,成为抚平你内卷心灵的那杯 — 随便什么茶!Autor: radio2crmandarin
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“澳人饮食结构将更恶化”……请关注《健康是福》节目了解更多健康信息,谢谢! 【节目简介】 生命无价,健康第一!健康是人生存在的最佳状态,是人生幸福快乐的基础。《健康是福》节目,由陈丽老师为听众送出科学的健康知识,和最新的健康信息!Autor: radio2crmandarin
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今期题目:介绍白兔美术馆 - 从「XSWL」探索网络文化与当代艺术 本期节目将带领听众走进悉尼的白兔美术馆(White Rabbit Gallery),探索最新展览「XSWL」背后的深意与趣味。透过色彩鲜艳、视觉冲击力十足的展览布置,艺术家们利用梗图、表情包与各种网络用语,揭示现代中国年轻人在数位世界中幽默与反叛的生活态度。同时,主持人文馨带还将介绍几件令人难忘的展品,包括虚拟实境(VR)体验的个人成长故事、混合流行文化与宗教符号的视觉影像作品,以及充满讽刺与深思的巧克力武器工厂。 【节目介绍】 由新生代节目主持人文馨带你探索不一样的艺术世界! 每一期我们都将会带您探索当下的艺术展览,与艺术家和策展人对话,走进创作者们的艺术世界,感受他们的独特视角与艺术背后的故事。…
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Animais selvagens, poder, responsabilidade zero e a ambição de ser cada vez pior.Não Mandas em Mim é um podcast onde Inês Lopes Gonçalves conversa com os seus convidados sobre aquilo que os aperta e o que os liberta, o que querem fazer mas não podem, o que fazem mas não querem e o que fazem porque podem. Ideia original e apresentação: Inês Lopes Go…
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In this episode, you'll learn practical phrases and sentence patterns for job interviews — plus how to sound polite and natural in Mandarin — through a casual mock interview between two friends. Episode page: Maayot: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Timestamps -(00:00:00) Opening+Introduction -(00:01:23) Dialogue -(00:03:17) Expl…
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The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Girl Names: Tradition Meets Modernity Mandarin Zone presents a comprehensive exploration of Chinese girl names, blending traditional wisdom with contemporary trends. For more information about Chinese language, culture, and naming traditions, visit our official website at or read our expanded a…
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Two classmates are discussing their choice of physical education class. Zhang Li, who has learned table tennis since childhood, plans to choose table tennis course to get good grades. Gao Yue also wants to choose table tennis because it's a good opportunity to learn for free. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayo…
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The conversation discusses Gao Jin's excellent personality traits and their origins. They believe his good character, patience, and enthusiasm in communication are closely related to his family environment. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level…
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The dialogue centers on international marriage experiences, with Lin Meng encouraging Zhang Ying to share her life with her Belgian husband on social media platforms. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to te…
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💗 In this lesson, we break down 5 pairs of commonly mixed-up verbs in Mandarin. 📥 Download the 4-page note to enhance your learning here : ❤️ Private Tutoring : 🎊 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Mandarin lessons.…
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Tillbaka från ett hemligt uppdrag så har Hanna kommit till nya insikter. Är det slut på dejtandet eller är det slut på det... mindre snygga dejtandet? En sak är säker och det är att en ny ick har lagts till på listan, så vad kan det vara denna gång? Följ oss på instagram och Tiktok @mandagsvibe, gå med i facebookgruppen "Måndagsvibbare" och skicka …
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欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解《游山西村》这首诗的大意,作者及创作背景。 2. 深层理解两句富有人生哲理的千古诗句。 「This episode is sponsored by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠pinyin app⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. 」 预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ …
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今期主题: 帕金森综合症的影响2 【节目简介】 澳洲本地制作的心理学节目。《心灵会客室》是提供心理学知识帮助的一个节目,由Iris和马信诚心理学医生主持,每期节目都会把大家在澳洲生活中经常遇到的一些难题,如夫妻关系,亲子教育,人际交往等等进行解答和讨论,马信诚心理学医生则从心理学的不同角度,接地气的帮助人们认知、梳理、管理自己的情绪、心理和行为,并给出有大众借鉴意义的建议,以帮助公众提高生活质量,促进家庭和谐。 嘉宾:马信诚心理学家 (Noris Ma) 心理学硕士 注册临床心理学家 教育及发展心理学家 澳洲心理学会正会员 马信诚医疗及社区护理中心总监 Westmead 儿童医院自闭症治疗中文版项目顾问…
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In this episode of Mandatory Music, we dive deep into Arch Enemy’s “Paper Tiger” — a track that delivers pure, unrelenting energy. From the moment Alissa White-Gluz’s ferocious growls cut through the mix to Michael Amott’s razor-sharp riffs, this song is a masterclass in melodic death metal. We unpack the song’s powerful themes of defiance and expo…
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En este episodio hablamos a fondo de la ketamina, tan de moda y tan interesante por su uso en terapia psicológica, psicodélica y anestésico, por sus efectos en el cerebro y por sus posibles riesgos. Obvio hablamos de todo eso aquí y recordamos a Matthew Perry de Friends QEPD porque sobredosis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Want to transform your Chinese from mediocre to excellent within months? Join the I'm Learning Mandarin Gym and hire me as your one-to-one Personal Trainer: As an ILM podcast listener, you can get 50% off your ILM Gym subscription when you use this discount code at checkout (offer ends April 9th): IMLEARNINGMANDARINPOD…
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2025 Chinese Summer Camp Guide: A Pathway to Language Mastery Mandarin Zone's comprehensive guide highlights how our Chinese language immersion camps offer students a transformative learning experience with significantly faster language acquisition and cultural fluency. Our research-backed program emphasizes key benefits including: 300% faster lear…
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HSK Scoring System: Your Key to Chinese Proficiency Success The HSK (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì) is the globally recognized Chinese proficiency test that can transform your academic and career prospects. At Mandarin Zone, we've created this essential guide to help you navigate the scoring system with confidence. The test employs a strategic three-part s…
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【节目简介】 欢迎来到隐秘的花园!由三位年轻主播主持2CR全新推出的深夜情感节目! "为什么你还是单身?为什么你天天被甩?什么样的伴侣才是最适合你的?什么样的关系才是健康舒适的?和我们一起探索深藏心里的秘密吧!" 如果你有类似的经历与烦恼就来听听我们的意见吧~ 每周三凌晨十二点半与你不见不散!Autor: radio2crmandarin
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【节目简介】 在澳大利亚生活,方方面面都会涉及到税务的问题。但是如果您对税务方面了解不够,很可能一不小心会触犯到法律。《税务解密》为你解密您不了解的和需要注意的税务方面问题。 嘉宾:KPG金颂淋会计律师事务所集团Autor: radio2crmandarin
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大小Sa 为你带来深夜搞笑欢乐时间!《鸡同鸭讲》,叽叽喳喳,每周一晚上十一点半直播! 记得收听哦! 【节目简介】 在这个节目当中,我们会用好屎的广东话和塑料普通话来和大家一起探究广深港的语言文化差异,造成的爆笑瞬间吧!Autor: radio2crmandarin
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