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America’s premier Sunday morning public affairs program. For nearly 70 years, Face the Nation has sought to help audiences understand how current events affect their lives. Today, that mission remains the same. Hear moderator Margaret Brennan’s illuminating and informative interviews with elected officials, policy experts and foreign leaders. Face the Nation airs Sundays at 10:30 AM, ET on the CBS Television Network and at 12 PM, ET on the CBS News Streaming Network. Face the Nation is also ...
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Firing Line with Margaret Hoover

Firing Line With Margaret Hoover

Author, feminist, gay rights activist and political commentator Margaret Hoover leads a rigorous exchange of ideas with America’s political and cultural newsmakers. In the spirit of William F. Buckley Jr.’s iconic “Firing Line,” Hoover engages with thought leaders on the pivotal issues moving the nation forward. New podcast episodes drop weekly, and sometimes more, featuring bonus content you won’t hear on TV.
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Host Erin Margaret of The Introverted Hermit Podcast opens up about her life before and after becoming an introverted hermit as well as talking about art, creativity, e-commerce, technology, business and marketing to introverts in hopes her voice resonates with other introverts who are ready to come out of their shell and speak up about topics that matter to them. Keep updated on the latest episodes here:
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If Margaritas Could Talk!

Host Tracee Black

Welcome to "If Margarita's could talk"!, a captivating podcast hosted by Tracee Black. Join me as we dive into the ups and downs of navigating life after 40, exploring all things from health and wellness to relationships, social norms, and everything in-between. With heartfelt stories, expert interviews, and a dash of humor, I aim to inspire and empower our listeners to embrace this vibrant chapter of life, and it doesn’t hurt to have a margarita in hand! We are not just a fabulous podcast f ...
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Clearing the FOG: Speaking truth to expose the forces of greed on WeAct Radio, 1480 am, out of Anacostia, Washington, DC. The ruling FOG (Forces of Greed) spin news stories in their favor and keep the masses distracted with celebrity gossip and reality shows. Each week we feature guests who are working to expose the truth and offer real solutions to the current crises faced by our nation and the world. Knowledge is power, and with this knowledge you will be empowered to act to shift power to ...
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Melinah Viking brings you. conversations with inspiring Creatives with incredible stories! Interviews that will inspire, thought-provoke... maybe occasionally cause you to shed a tear. So, pour yourself a Margarita (or beverage of choice).. and Enjoy!
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Glow by Margaux-Ilona

Margaux-Ilona Letouche

Bienvenue dans Glow, le podcast dédié aux femmes ambitieuses et visionnaires qui aspirent à changer le monde. Ici, nous te fournissons la dose de manifestation 4.0 dont tu as besoin pour décupler ton ambition et atteindre la vie de tes rêves. À travers des contenus inspirants, motivants et pratiques, nous t'accompagnons dans ton parcours pour devenir une leader du monde de demain. Entre conseils pratiques, visualisations puissantes et moments de pleine conscience, découvre comment aligner to ...
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The latest issues. A broader view. Unique perspectives. Join international journalist Marga Ortigas and her special guests as they have the necessary conversations on everything from historical revisionism to human rights. . "Insightful." | "So Interesting!" | "Super accessible."
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Welcome to today’s episode, where we explore Luxury Escapes in the Margaret River Region, with a special focus on Losari Retreat. Tucked away in a secluded paradise, Losari Retreat offers an exclusive escape with lavish villas, private outdoor spas, and breathtaking nature views. Whether you’re sipping local wines on your terrace or unwinding with a rejuvenating spa experience, this retreat redefines relaxation. Margaret River’s finest wineries, gourmet dining, and scenic coastal trails are ...
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Margaritas & Mommyhood

Margaritas & Mommyhood

Balancing life, family, and business isn’t always easy but margaritas sure do make it more fun! Your host, Deanna is a biz owner, wife, and mom who doesn’t have it all figured out but always finds the humor in the journey.
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Wake up to Marto & Margaux weekday mornings from 5.30 and get your daily dose of everything Brisbane. Website: Download the App - For Apple: For Android: Watch Tweet Follow Like
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Margarete ist Hausgeburtshebamme mit Herz und Seele - und ganz vielen Taschen. Wenn sie zur Geburt kommt, sieht das aus, als würde sie bei der Familie einziehen. Sie ist Hebamme seit 2007 in Wien und Umgebung, gerichtlich zertifizierte Sachverständige für Geburtshilfe und hat 2016 berufsbegleitend ein Masterstudium in Salzburg absolviert.
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Bhakti Marga Podcasts

Bhakti Marga

Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda’s Mission of Love is a rapidly expanding worldwide movement known as Bhakti Marga: the path of love and devotion. Here to bring about lasting positive change in the world, the message of his mission is that, ultimately, the only thing that can truly bring such change is bhakti: the Love for God, experienced as devotion within each heart.
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Candy Shop/Company Get the peanut butter buck eye's and peanut butter Pinwheel's you deserve! Pick your Bag of choice! Text Word : Margaret's Candy Guide # 1-(606)-896-0515 +Shipping $3.00 Available: Cinaman Roll's $10.00 , Cinaman Sticks fifteen Price : $10.00 Available: Box Donuts of 10 Price : $10.00!
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Margaret's Garden

Bloody FM

Everton was the perfect American suburb, cookie-cutter homes full of every modern appliance imaginable, green grass, and shopping malls, but that was 70 years ago. Now the town sits, empty and rotting. Something beneath the suburbs stirs, and threatens to change everything. New Episodes every other Thursday
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Margaret's Media Poetry

Margaret's Media Poetry

Publishing Office/Media Buy Margaret's Top Canvas Poetry and the New Package Season one Poetry collection! Text Word :> Margaret's Media Poetry #1-(606)-896-0515 E-Mail Us : CANVAS Poetry $10.00 +SHIPPING $3.00
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Margaret Thatcher

France Culture

De Londres à Belfast, dans un voyage autant territorial que social, où se mêlent les voix d'écrivains et d'anciens politiques, mineurs, prisonniers républicains irlandais et punks, se dessinent autant Margaret que les années Thatcher. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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show series
Et si ta vie actuelle n’était qu’un brouillon de ce que tu pourrais vraiment vivre ? Dans cette vidéo, je te pose 3 questions puissantes qui peuvent littéralement te reconnecter à ta vraie nature, ta puissance, et à ce que tu veux profondément manifester. 🔥 Attention : ces questions vont te challenger. Mais elles peuvent aussi ouvrir la voie à ta t…
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🔥 Tu veux attirer plus d’argent, mais sans sacrifier tes valeurs, ta paix intérieure ou ton alignement ? Et si tu pouvais devenir magnétique à l’abondance simplement en reprogrammant ton rapport à l’argent ? 🎧 Cet audio est un concentré de 50 affirmations puissantes et percutantes pour : ✅ Libérer les blocages inconscients liés à l’argent ✅ Créer u…
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Ce que tu penses devient réel… Mais es-tu sûre de penser correctement ? Ta réalité est le reflet de ce que tu nourris dans ton esprit. Chaque pensée, chaque croyance, chaque émotion façonne silencieusement ton futur. Mais ce pouvoir fonctionne dans les deux sens. 👉 Soit tu l’utilises consciemment pour créer la vie que tu désires. 👉 Soit il joue con…
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🧠 Et si les mots que tu utilises chaque jour étaient la clé de ton succès… ou la raison de tes échecs ? Sans le savoir, tu envoies à ton cerveau des messages qui limitent ton potentiel. Tu crois simplement "parler normalement", mais en réalité, tu te sabotes sans t’en rendre compte. La bonne nouvelle ? Il suffit d’ajuster quelques mots stratégiques…
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Families are experiencing challenging times and it may seem like the structures are falling apart but I only stopped by to tell you, God is restoring families do not lose hope. I encourage you to increase your prayers as you spend time in God's Word and trust Him to navigate the path He has set before you. Fervent prayer wil change the landcape of …
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"We would love to hear from you" Grab your favorite drink because we’re diving deep into the hottest celebrity gossip of the week! From Meghan Markle’s latest Hollywood move to Blake Lively’s surprising legal drama, we’re breaking it all down. Plus, we’re spilling the tea on even more A-list drama you won’t want to miss. Tune in for all the juicy d…
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Beginning with the so-called Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, which required the postal service to hold billions of dollars in reserve to fund retirement benefits for workers who have not yet been born, and then the sell-off of post offices, cuts to the workforce and price hikes, the ground for privatization of the US Postal Servi…
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💡 Chaque jour, TU choisis qui tu deviens. La réussite ou l’échec ? Le doute ou la confiance ? L’action ou l’excuse ? La décision t’appartient. 🚀 Si tu veux transformer ta vie, tout commence par un choix : écouter la bonne version de toi. Celle qui avance, qui croit, qui ose. Celle qui refuse d’abandonner. 🔥 5 clés pour choisir la version de toi qui…
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Ton Vision Board est-il vraiment efficace ? Tout ce que tu désires commence par une seule chose : incarner dès maintenant la version de toi qui a déjà atteint ses objectifs. Et ton vision board peut être un outil puissant… si tu l’utilises correctement ! 🚀 📌 Pourquoi la plupart des gens abandonnent leur vision board après 3 mois ? Parce qu’ils comm…
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This week on Face the Nation, the U.S. launches a major military strike in the Middle East, as U.S. bombs rained down on dozens of Iran-backed Houthi militant targets in Yemen in a massive air and naval attack ordered by President Trump. How long will this military campaign last, and what kind of a response should we expect from Tehran? We get the …
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.Are you unknowingly treating your partner like a child instead of a man? In this episode, I break down the 5 biggest signs you’re mothering your man—and why this behavior is sabotaging your relationship. Learn how to shift out of the 'mom role' and back into your feminine energy so you can reignite attraction and create a healthier dynamic. See Pr…
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💡 Tout ce que tu désires commence par une seule chose : incarner dès maintenant la version de toi qui a déjà atteint ses objectifs. Cette activation méditative va t’aider à reprogrammer ton identité intérieure, aligner tes pensées et tes émotions avec ta vision, et te connecter pleinement à ton potentiel. 🎧 Installe-toi dans un endroit calme, mets …
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In September 1994, an 18-year-old musician named Lawrence Perelman sent a letter to William F. Buckley Jr., offering to perform a piano recital for him as a thank you for Buckley’s political work. The friendship that ensued lasted until Buckley’s final moments, all of which Perelman recounts in his new book, American Impresario: William F. Buckley …
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💡 Être une CEO, ce n’est pas juste une question de mindset, c’est aussi une question de chiffres ! Si tu veux scaler ton business avec confiance et clarté, voici 5 piliers essentiels à intégrer dans ta gestion. 🔥 Ne laisse plus les chiffres être un frein, utilise-les comme un levier puissant pour propulser ton business ! 🎯 Prends ton appel découver…
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Anyone who has heard of or even better visited Chanticleer Garden in Pennsylvania knows that it is home to some of the country’s most exceptional examples of horticultural creativity and innovation. A multi-year biodiversity survey of the Chanticleer property has... Read More ›Autor: Margaret Roach
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Welcome to Crushed by Margaret Cabourn-Smith; the podcast about unrequited love. This SPECIAL THIRD ANNIVERSARY episode features my inimitable sisters, Carol Cabourn-Smith and Beth Sines (nee Cabourn-Smith). Not to be too sentimental but the truth is they are incredibly important to me and I think this episode illustrates our closeness. It's funny …
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🔥 Et si l’échec était une opportunité déguisée ? Ce que tu ressens comme un blocage pourrait être le tremplin vers ta plus grande transformation. Dans cette séance d’hypnose et de visualisation profonde, tu vas : ✅ Reprogrammer ton inconscient pour voir l’échec comme un levier de succès ✅ Libérer les blocages invisibles qui freinent ton évolution ✅…
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🔥 Tu n’as pas besoin d’attendre pour être cette personne. C’est en pensant, agissant et décidant comme ton “moi” idéal dès aujourd’hui que tu crées la réalité que tu désires. 👉 Ce que tu vas apprendre dans cet audio : ✅ Pourquoi ton identité actuelle façonne tes résultats (et comment la redéfinir pour atteindre tes ambitions) ✅ Les blocages invisib…
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What did you steal from home as a kid and what was the punishment | King Charles releases his personal playlist and to say it's surprising is an understatement | Australia's remarkable record in father & son alliances See for privacy information.Autor: Triple M
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Et si de petits changements pouvaient transformer ta vie ? Les grandes transformations ne viennent pas toujours de décisions radicales. Parfois, ce sont les plus petits ajustements qui créent les plus grands impacts. 💡 Et la bonne nouvelle ? Tu n’as pas besoin de révolutionner ton quotidien pour voir des résultats. Il suffit d’adopter les bons micr…
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Paola Albarrán es comunicóloga, escritora y una apasionada de la cultura. Me encantó hablar con ella de la autenticidad, el papel del arte en la vida, del baile, de la escritura y de muchos temas que presenta en su libro "Ser Diente de León", una obra llena de amor por la vida y sabiduría. ¡Los invito a escucharla! #DesarrolloHumano #Resiliencia #E…
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Hi there, it's Erin Margaret your host of The Introverted Hermit Podcast. In today's mini episode, I will be sharing my personal experience with purchasing a laptop for surface pattern design; and what to consider before purchasing a laptop for surface pattern design; in hopes by sharing my story with you, that you will not make the same expensive …
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"We would love to hear from you" In this episode, I sit down with up-and-coming comedian Charity Jones, whose journey into stand-up is as inspiring as it is hilarious. Hailing from Oklahoma, Charity first dipped her toes into comedy in 2020—only to have her momentum halted by the pandemic. But in 2024, she came back swinging, taking the stage with …
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The Trump Administration seems to be taking steps to end the Ukrainian proxy war against Russia, in a significant shift of US foreign policy. This has led to renewed fervor by Democrats to keep the war going and talk of Europeans taking on greater weapons and other military support for Kiev. Clearing the FOG speaks with international human rights l…
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First there was the Mud Army, now the call out for the Ute Army | The worst food that still available at the supermarket...gluten-free, anyone? | Marto thinks The Knights have got rocks in their heads, signing Dylan Brown to a TEN YEAR deal! See for privacy information.Autor: Triple M
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Et si ton charisme était la clé de ton succès ? 🔥 Le charisme n’est pas réservé aux leaders nés ou aux personnalités extraverties. Il ne s’agit pas d’un don mystérieux, mais d’une compétence que TU peux développer, dès maintenant. Et la bonne nouvelle ? Le charisme n’est pas seulement une question de mots, mais de posture, d’énergie et de présence.…
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Et si le secret du changement n’était pas dans l’effort, mais dans l’identité ? 🤯 Nous avons toutes grandi en nous adaptant aux rôles qu’on nous donnait… Mais à quel moment avons-nous cessé de nous réinventer ? À quel moment avons-nous cru que nous étions figées, limitées par notre passé ou nos croyances ? La vérité, c’est que tu peux shifter ton i…
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This week on Face the Nation, President Trump’s tariff threats rattle allies and adversaries alike, plus, the latest on the administration's immigration crackdown. The administration hopes the tariffs will pressure Canada and Mexico to stop the flow of fentanyl and illegal migrants into the U.S. We ask Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem if it'…
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.Tired of feeling like an option instead of a priority in your relationship? In this episode, we’re diving into the mindset shifts and actions that transform you from a placeholder to the prize. Learn why men keep some women as “options” while obsessing over others—and how to step into your power, set boundaries, and embody the energy that makes yo…
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