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When the threats and accusations of the enemy seem all too regular, rest assured that after you’ve done the will of God He is faithful and promises to do a new thing. And not only will He deliver you from the enemy’s lies and deceptions but when He comes His reward is with Him. Hold fast to you faith wherein is a great reward, though it tarry’s its…
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When we are committed to the purposes of God can never tell what the Lord is going to do on any given day, but we are opened to His will and the move of His spirit. This message and service is such an experience. Introducing one of our ministers Matilda Makuka, she is a gifted intercessor and prophetess who is always willing to be used of the Almig…
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When It's Over It's Over, Or Is It?
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1:00:04Is Death the end of all things, when we are faced with the prospect of death is it the final act for those of us who are clothed in the righteousness of Christ? Hezekiah has an answer that may shed some light on this whole matter. Let's go into the scripture and see what solutions and answers lay within..…
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Pride is the ultimate destroyer of godly men, women and endeavors. As soon as God makes good on His promises to us there is the tendency to get exalted within ones self and for get where the blessing truly originated. We should be warned that while pride may make you look and feel good for a season, your fall is sure and what's worse, "Pride Won't …
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Faith is the common denominator between all things spiritual, yet some people have such great difficulty believing. In this third and final episode on the subject of faith Pastor Curtis explores three reasons that contribute to disbelief and displeasure to God.
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Ezekiel 37 speaks of the valley of dry bones and God commanding the man of God (The Prophet or Preacher) that’s you and I in these times, to prophesy life to them. Only to still hear them complain of their dry bones, hopelessness and lost and cut off state. Join us as Pastor Curtis explains how this is a picture of many in our churches and God’s so…
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Is Faith the same as commonsense? Can we be called people of faith if we don't understand in what we believe? Part 2 of our series on faith answers these and other questions and exhorts us to contend for our faith.
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There is one thing that every Christian has need of and cannot do without. It is the one thing that should saturate the life of the believer, and without which God has no pleasure. Join us as Pastor Curtis Johnson, Senior Pastor of Living Word Christian Center Church of Reisterstown, Maryland makes sense of this important matter.…
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