Messages and media from Rise City Church in Gresham, OR
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This is the official podcast of Rise City Church in East County San Diego. Rise City Church is a loving and life-giving church that brings hope and healing in Jesus name. Our mission is to call people to Wake Up Jesus, Rise to Life, & Shine to Others. Simply stated - Wake Up, Rise & Shine.
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What if everything you believed about righteousness was wrong? In Romans 3, Paul reveals that the law was never meant to save—but to show our need for a Savior. The law is a mirror reflecting our brokenness, but Jesus shatters it, declaring our worth in Him. Join us as we unpack sin, grace, and the radical truth that salvation isn’t earned—it’s giv…
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Closing out our series "Prosper Where You're Planted", Pastor Pete takes us through a seemingly obscure parable of Jesus to tackle the subject of patiently, diligently, and faithfully waiting on the goodness of God in our lives.Autor: Pete Goodman
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Gospel Power: Christians Need the Gospel Too
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42:46What if our biggest spiritual blind spot is thinking we don’t need grace as much as someone else does? In Romans 2, Paul reminds us that no matter who we are—Jew or Gentile, believer or skeptic—we all need the Gospel. Join us today as Jason unpacks these powerful verses and challenges us to take ownership of our faith. We are not called to perfecti…
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Circumstances & What We're Planted In
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45:33This week at Rise City, Pastor Bobby continued us on in our series "Prosper Where You're Planted"; walking through the concept of external circumstances in our lives and how they are combatted or worsened based on what/who we are "planted in".Autor: Bobby Harrell
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Gospel Power: Our Great Need For The Gospel
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39:10In Romans 1 Paul addresses our deep need for the Gospel by showing how humanity is united in our rejection of God. The wrath of God is revealed against all ungodliness and wickedness by handing us over to the desires of our hearts. This message challenges us to face the hard truths of sin and brokenness, but it also reminds us of the incredible hop…
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Going into our second week in our new series "Prosper Where You're Planted", pastor Bobby goes through a passage in Jeremiah to parallel our lives to the Israelites then; where they/we live in a foreign land and yet they/we are called by God to work while they/we are here, where God has planted them/us. But what is that work? What are we called to …
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In Romans 1:8-17, Paul shows us what it looks like to be completely captivated by the good news of Jesus. From his gratitude for the faith of the Roman church to his longing for mutual encouragement and his sense of obligation to share the gospel, Paul’s life overflows with an obsession for God’s power to save. His unashamed declaration of the gosp…
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Starting off our new sermon series "Prosper Where You're Planted", Pastor Bobby sets our home base for the series at Jeremiah 29:11 and the verses surrounding it; guiding us through the idea of how the verses in that text aren't about us, but about God, and who He is, and how He cares for his people.…
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Do you find the concept of our Trinitarian God difficult to grasp? You're not alone. The doctrine of the Trinity is challenging to understand, largely because no analogy can fully capture its depth and beauty—not even the common ones involving eggs, clovers, or ice. Join us today as Jason kicks off our journey through the book of Romans. In Romans,…
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Our very own youth pastor Anthony Hall takes the stage this week and guides us through the topic of the Holy Spirit; who He is, what He did, what He's still doing, and why we DEEPLY NEED Him.Autor: Anthony Hall
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Christmas celebrates the incredible truth that Jesus, the creator of the world, became one of us. Leaving heaven’s perfection, He entered our brokenness as a humble child to reveal His love and compassion. Christmas is not about us striving to reach God. It declares that God came down to us. From the riches of heaven to the poverty of earth, Jesus …
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Will Light Shine In The Darkness? | Christmas Eve
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26:49Autor: Bobby Harrell
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Anxiety, fear, and overwhelm touch all of us at some point. Even the most significant figures in Scripture—David, Mary, Elijah and even Jesus—experienced moments of deep anguish. But in every one of their stories, God met them in their struggle and led them through it. Listen in as we learn anxiety is not a sin; it’s a signal—a sign of deeper emoti…
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Going into our last Sunday before Christmas, Bobby guides us through the story of the angel approaching Mary, and how we are called to live a life where we respond similarly to God, as Mary does.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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In This Season: A Season of Grief & Loss
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37:45Are you going through a season of sudden loss or chronic grief? As human beings, living the beautiful life means we experience the full range of emotions—from joy and love to grief and sorrow. God wants us to be honest with Him in our moments of grief and loss. There's no need to hide or sugarcoat our pain, especially with a Savior who has known th…
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Pastor Bobby, as Christmas grows closer and closer, brings us closer to the Christmas story with this week's message; going over the story of John the baptists birth, addressing the miraculousness of the story, and the doubt of Johns father.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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As the holidays approach, life often feels like it’s moving at full speed. Schedules fill up, to-do lists grow, and the demands of the season can leave us feeling hurried and overwhelmed. In the midst of all this, how does Jesus meet us and guide us through even the busiest times? Jesus modeled the importance of rest and connection—stepping away to…
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In This Season: A Season of Dissatisfaction
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41:42Are you going through a season of dissatisfaction? Feeling unfulfilled at work, at home, in your relationships, or financially? It's okay to experience dissatisfaction. Even heroes of our faith, like David, openly expressed their struggles. You don't need to hide your dissatisfaction, ignore it, or just "push through." Instead, recognize it, name i…
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Jumping into the Christmas season, and with our annual Christmas Offering coming up, pastor Bobby walks us through the topic of generosity and how it all ties into God's desire for His children to take care of the world.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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As Joshua nears the end of his life, his final message to God’s people is clear: “Remember.” He recounts God’s faithfulness, reminding them that every victory, every blessing, and every step forward was not achieved alone—it was God’s work through the generations that came before. Joshua’s words call us to recognize that our lives are part of somet…
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Closing out our worship series "Inhabit", Pastor Mariah guides us through the perspectives we take in worship, whether God intended or completely backwards, all by looking back on a story from 2,000 years ago, and looking forward to what's expected in the book of Revelation.Autor: Mariah Sherman
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After seasons of busyness and hard work, God invites us into true rest—not the kind of shallow comfort that leads to self-reliance, but deep, soul-refreshing rest that comes from fully trusting Him. In Joshua, we see the end of a long season, where God gives His people rest—not as an escape, but as a time to pause, remember His faithfulness, and be…
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Starting to wrap up our worship series "Inhabit", Pastor Bobby invites on a special guest on stage to talk about some impactful ways to be generous in the church; then Bobby walks us through living a life of worship, and how our will and actions are involved in the process.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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Just as God gave the Israelites an unforgettable moment of His power, He invites us to step into what He’s prepared for us—actively participating in His blessings through generosity, obedience, and worship. God desires us to have our own stories of His faithfulness, but we must take that step, cross our own “river,” and mark those moments along the…
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Another week of our worship series "Inhabit" in the books, and this time Pastor Bobby takes us through how worship TRANSFORMS our lives from the way we live, think, and even the way we treat others.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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We’re building A House for Jesus—a place where His name is lifted up. As His followers, we’re called to let His light shine brightly in a world that needs hope. When Joshua asked, “Are you for us or against us?” Jesus didn’t pick sides; He made it clear that He alone is to be followed. Listen in as we explore what it means to build a church where H…
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Build This House: A House For The Future
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35:37Each generation has defining moments with God—times when He shows His power and calls us to trust Him fully, even when it’s hard to understand. Like the Israelites, we’re reminded that our strength doesn’t come from our own power or skill but from God alone. Join us for 'A House for the Future' as Nate Pursley takes us through the Book of Joshua an…
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This week in our worship series, Pastor Bobby guides us through the story of Paul and Silas worshipping in prison and what POWER worshipping God through ALL circumstances has in our lives.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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Build This House: A House of Remembrance
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57:05Has God ever asked you to do something that didn't make sense? The word "consecrate" means to set ourselves apart for God, preparing for something significant He is about to do. In Joshua 3, the Israelites were told to consecrate themselves before God would display His power in parting the Jordan River. God didn’t act until their feet hit the water…
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Jumping into our second week in our series on worship "Inhabit", Pastor Bobby guides use through our responses in worship as the worshippers, and why we do things like have loud music, raise our hands, and singing and dancing.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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Build This House: A House of Redemption
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36:04Rahab’s story is a powerful reminder that God can use anyone, no matter their past or brokenness, to advance His Kingdom. Though she was a sinner, her faith led her to be part of God’s redemptive plan, and her past mistakes didn't define her future. Rahab had heard the rumors of God’s power, and her faith was sparked. Join us as continue in the boo…
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Starting our new worship sermon series "Inhabit" Pastor Bobby takes us through some of the basics of worship like who we worship, why we do it, and what it truly means and was designed for at it's core.Autor: Bobby Harrell
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Build This House: A House of Presence
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44:25Would you settle for God’s promises without His presence? Or, like Moses, would you boldly declare, “If You’re not with us, we’re not going?" God has always longed to be with His people. From walking in the garden with Adam and Eve, to dwelling in the tabernacle with the Israelites, to sending Jesus as Immanuel and then the Holy Spirit, all the way…
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