Hamza Haqqi is Educational Consultant with my Bachelors and Masters degree at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Moving to Dallas, Texas I studied at Southern Methodist University in Marketing and Communications, My passion for encouraging and motivating individuals lead me to attend Harvard University’s Extension Program in Teaching and Learning. I’m getting my to Doctorate in Education at Baylor University in Leadership and Organizational Change. Come chat, do interviews, and connect wit ...
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Entrepreneur Leadership, Interview with Student Ash S.
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In this Podcast, we interview a student to get their perspective on how coaching, mentoring, and leadership builds young entrepreneurs. Learnza has a foundational value in “Find the Career that fuels your Passion” Ash is one of my students, not only exemplifying what it means to be a young entrepreneur but also how to engage future entrepreneurs. H…
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Get To Know Yourself Through Finding Your Goals And Find A Career That Fuels Your Passion. Hello everyone and welcome to my first EVER Podcast for Learnza. This has been on my mind for the longest time and I'm so excited to welcome you finally make it a reality.
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