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Roadie with The Rayes

The Rayes

Two musicians, sisters Jordan and Rebecca Stobbe from indie band, The Rayes, take you on the road with them as they drive across the United States exploring exciting music stories from cities along the way. Music lovers, travel fiends, road dogs, and all others welcome on this storytelling adventure! If you like what you hear, consider supporting us on Patreon!
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the rayestu show

Nathaniel Rayestu

Podcast yang membahas komentar tentang kabar-kabar politik, ekonomi, internasional, dan isu-isu terkini dari sudut pandang gue. Episode baru setiap minggu. Feedback, komen, saran, kritik sangat diharapkan. Bisa hubungi gue di rayestu at gmail dot com :)
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show series
It was hard to decide who or what to highlight for the iconic New York City -- but Jordan's lightning bolt tattoo and love for '70s artist culture steered us toward the eclectic and ever-changing Patti Smith. We are nearing the end of our cross country adventure and see the towering buildings of the big city, with all of its pizza and bagel glory! …
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Loretta Lynn! And random (yet somehow related) rants about the music industry taking advantage of artists! We're driving through the winding roads and lush, green trees of the Appalachian mountains. It's the perfect place to explore Loretta Lynn's impressive mark in music, how her creative journey was propelled and supported by mentor and friend Pa…
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We're really in the South now -- Muscle Shoals, AL! This small town doesn't really stand out as anything unique at first glance. That is, until you know the little gem that birthed such a rich music history: Fame Studios. It's where Aretha Franklin found her voice and where tons of huge artists honed their sounds and topped musical charts. We explo…
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It's our spooky episode! We unveil haunting stories from Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado and the ghosts that linger there. These spirits remind us of our own ghostly stories from a past tour involving a "supernatural orgy," a haunting serenade, and a stubborn ghost named George (plus more!). WATCH OUR FLEETWOOD MAC COVER VIDEO HERE: https://yout…
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Today we are joined by Robyn Celia (@pappyandharriets), one of the owners of Pappy & Harriet's Pioneertown Palace: a small, secluded venue in the desert of Joshua Tree, California! She is a native New Yorker/Jersey girl who was drawn to the desert's magic, so much so that she and a friend bought Pappy's on a whim and never looked back. This small v…
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It’s our second episode, we’re passing through San Jose, CA feeling a bit grimier but fully caffeinated and ready to dive into The Doobie Brothers’ story! They’re the, “untold story in rock,” so we thought it would be fun to bring their tale to light. We chat about topics ranging from their wild start playing house shows in the Bay Area to their su…
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Our journey kicks off in Seattle, WA! There are so many iconic musicians that have risen from this cloudy little corner of the USA, and we want to highlight the feather boa-clad, guitar raging Music God: Jimi Hendrix. His short-lived fame and story is unique, and we discuss topics ranging from racism and sexism in the music industry to Jordan's obs…
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Pemilu 2019 sudah berakhir, gue tertarik untuk membahas beberapa hal terkaitnya: 1. Hasil Pilpres dan Pileg 2019 & Hasil Mengecewakan PSI (00:30) 2. Tuduhan Kecurangan yang Terstruktur, Masif, Sistematis, dan Brutal (10:30) 3. Quick Count Magic (21:39) 4. Insight-insight menarik dari Exit Poll (31:03) 5. Q&A (39:31) This podcast uses these sounds f…
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Pemilu 2019 tinggal 3 bulan lagi dan banyak banget hal yang menurut gue menarik untuk disimak dalam berbagai aspek. Di edisi kali ini gue bahas hal-hal berikut: 1. Review kampanye keempat orang capres-cawapres dan strategi masing-masing kubu (00:24) 2. Isu SARA yang bergulir lagi, tapi kali ini digulirkan ke Prabowo oleh kubu Jokowi (12:58) 3. Lanj…
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Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) membuat pernyataan menggemparkan: bahwa mereka akan melawan peraturan-peraturan berbasis Syariah yang diskriminatif. Di episode ini gue bahas beberapa hal:1) Mengapa ini langkah brilian secara politik dalam menghadapi Pileg 2019 dalam upaya PSI lolos ke parlemen (00:30);2) Bagaimana langkah ini bisa menjadi awal y…
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Indonesia dikejutkan dengan berita Ratna Sarumpaet yang mengaku dianiaya beberapa orang karena anti Jokowi, akhirnya ia mengakui itu kebohongan belaka. Amerika heboh dengan tuduhan-tuduhan pelecehan seksual di masa remaja seorang calon Hakim Agung di US Supreme Court. Apa benang merah yang bisa dipetik dari kedua hal ini? Catatan: Saat podcast ini …
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The Rupiah keeps plummeting, even reaching Rp 15,000 / USD at one point. What happened? Who is to blame? On this episode we discuss the external factors that caused this, the Indonesian economic fundamentals, and what the government has done, will do, and should do about this.This episode is also available in Bahasa.This podcast uses these sounds f…
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Rupiah terus mengalami pelemahan hingga sempat melewati Rp 15 ribu per US Dollar. Apa yang terjadi? Siapa yang salah? Kita bahas di episode ini faktor eksternal yang sering dibahas menyebabkan semua ini, faktor internal fundamental ekonomi kita, dan apa yang pemerintah sudah, akan, dan seharusnya lakukan.Episode ini juga tersedia dalam Bahasa Inggr…
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In this English edition of this podcast, I discuss the two presidential tickets: Jokowi-Maruf Amin vs Prabowo - Sandiaga.Things discussed:- Jokowis' pragmatic choice for VP candidate in Maruf Amin- Prabowo coalition's shift to focus on parliamentary elections by fielding Prabowo-Sandi on the presidential ballot- Some predictions on the 2019 Electio…
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Kedua pasang capres-cawapres sudah ditentukan, dan lagi-lagi yang bersaing ialah Jokowi dan Prabowo. Yang menarik: cawapres masing-masing, dengan Jokowi memilih KH Maruf Amin dan Prabowo memilih Sandiaga Uno. Di episode ini, kita bahas hal-hal berikut:- Pragmatisme Jokowi dengan memilih KH Maruf Amin untuk meningkatkan elektabilitas di kalangan pem…
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Batas Pendaftaran Capres dan Cawapres pada Pilpres 2019 tinggal kurang dari 1 minggu lagi, namun Mahkamah Konstitusi masih belum memutuskan gugatan terkait Presidential Threshold yang ditetapkan 20% dan menggunakan hasil Pemilihan Legislatif 2014. Kita bahas hal ini isu lain terkait peraturan pemilu seperti larangan mencalonkan diri lebih dari 2x u…
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The Indonesian government through its mining state owned enterprise PT INALUM acquired a majority stake at PT Freeport Indonesia. Is this a success? Did we overpay? I discuss this on this English edition of this podcast.—This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(…
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Donald Trump mengindikasikan akan memulai perang dagang dengan Indonesia, karena melihat AS punya defisit neraca perdagangan yang besar dengan kita. Pada episode ini, kita bahas tentang perdagangan internasional, pasar bebas, bea masuk, kuota impor, swasembada, dll secara sederhana sehingga (moga2) mudah dimengerti. Dan tentu juga tentang bagaimana…
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Pilkada 2018 sebentar lagi (atau baru aja berlalu, tergantung kapan lo akses podcast ini). Kita bahas peluang masing-masing calon di kontes yang rame, keributan soal penetapan Komjen Iriawan sebagai Pj Gubernur Jawa Barat, dan Kampanye SARA yang marak lagi. ---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(freesound.…
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Lot of talk about freedom of speech lately. Does freedom of speech equal freedom to offend other people as you please? We discuss that and more on this English edition of this podcast.---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(
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Partai2 lawan Jokowi membentuk Koalisi Keumatan dan menimbulkan kontroversi. Apakah ini strategi yang efektif bagi lawan Jokowi untuk bisa mencapai #2019GantiPresiden? Atau justru ada tujuan lain? Kita bahas segala tentang itu dan apa seharusnya reaksi kubu Jokowi di edisi kali ini. ---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guita…
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Semua orang sepertinya anti banget sama Donald Trump. Dan gak salah juga, banyak banget komentar-komentar dan tweet-tweetnya yang sangat tidak presidensial. Tapi apa iya pemerintahan dia seburuk itu? Ekonomi Amerika lagi menguat hebat di bawah pemerintahan dia loh sekarang. Lalu bagaimana kalau dibanding pendahulu-pendahulunya? Kita bahas di episod…
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Pertama kalinya dalam sejarah negeri jiran kita Malaysia sejak merdeka di tahun 1957, koalisi Barisan Nasional terhempas kalah. Mahathir Mohamad kembali dari pensiun, berteman lagi dengan Anwar Ibrahim, dan sekarang jadi Perdana Menteri lagi di umur 92 tahun! Banyak juga yang mencoba mencocok-cocokan event di Malaysia ini dengan Pemilu kita tahun d…
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A few high profile terrorist attacks have struck Indonesia in the last few days, sparking a debate on the terrorism bill and how best we should deal with suspected terrorists. Everyone seems to want to expedite the passage of the bill, but I figure let's discuss its contents first. ---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar…
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Belakangan ini marak sekali gerakan #2019GantiPresiden, yang bermula dari hashtag dan berlanjut juga ke jalanan. Pada episode ini kita akan bahas mana aja Kritik-kritik terhadap Pak Jokowi yang valid dan mana aja yang sampah. ---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(…
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Di episode kali ini, gue membahas kenapa kita nggak boleh nyinyir sama gerakan buruh, ramainya goreng-menggoreng isu tenaga kerja asing, dan kenapa kebijakan upah minimum justru akan mengakibatkan pengangguran dan merugikan kelompok yang paling marginal. ---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(…
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Rocky Gerung is in hot water for saying that holy books ( a term which of course includes the Quran, the Bible, etc) are fiction. A police report was even filed against him for 'religious defamation', or blasphemy. In this edition of the rayestu show, I discuss how we can get anti free speech laws such as the blasphemy law repealed... by using them…
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Lebih dari 100 orang telah meninggal akibat minum minuman keras oplosan. Di episode ini gue bahas alasan utama adanya miras oplosan: miras bermerek susah diakses dan mahal harganya!---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(…
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Ribuan driver ojek online turun ke jalan untuk menuntut tarif yang lebih layak. Gue bahas ini semua dari kaca mata hukum ekonomi paling dasar permintaan dan penawaran, serta coba men-debunk klaim-klaim anti ojek online yang marak di sosmed.Riset Puskakom terkait: podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by om…
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Pemilu 2019 tinggal setahun lagi, saatnya kita bahas strategi apa yang harus dilakukan pak Jokowi kalau mau terpilih lagi. Kita coba belajar dari pengalaman Pilkada DKI 2017 dan Pemilu Amrik 2016. Kuncinya, jargon!! #OkOce #DP0 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #CrookedHillary---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by omaldonado(ht…
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Di episode pilot ini kita akan bahas 3 topik: 1. Kenapa rencana pemerintah mengadakan lagi subsidi BBM ialah ide buruk2. SBY dan Jokowi lagi mesra di Rakernas Partai Demokrat, JKW-AHY2019??3. Wacana operator telepon diminta mematikan koneksi internet di Bali selama Nyepi, WTF?---This podcast uses these sounds from freesound:bluesy rock guitar by om…
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